
2020-03-03 22:15:12 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


—— 征服自我,征服听众! 【疯狂短评】 在上一期中,李阳老师向大家介绍了他多年演讲所总结出的演讲所必备的四个重要环节。你掌握了吗?你是否还陶醉在李阳老师那篇“疯狂可乐”的成功商业演讲当中呢?“冰冻三尺非一日之寒”,任何成功都需要付出辛勤的汗水。让我们从现在开始从易入难,疯狂操练,逐步成为成功的演讲家。 在这一期中,我们向大家推荐两篇简单易学的即席祝贺演讲。千万不要小看这两篇短小的祝贺演讲词,掌握他们,你将轻松自如地参加鬼佬们的各种parties.【Kim’s Note】Being asked to speak at a party or wedding is really an honor.If someone values your friendship enough to want you to speak you really need to be prepared! We give you two claic examples that are easy to follow and change to suit your own needs whenever the chance arrives.Good luck and have fun!


Happy Birthday 生日快乐 【疯狂星级】

★ ★★ 三星级•高中生级•国际公民级 【疯狂短评】

在为上司举行的生日宴会上,大家可以自由地交流,气氛比较轻松。在这种非正式场合,不需要太隆重的介绍词,只需要表示祝贺就行了。如果过生日的是位女性,她将很高兴听到这句话:We all wonder how you always look so young and beautiful and elegant!(我们都很想知道,为什么你总是那么优雅年轻。)

[1] We’re here today to celebrate a very special occasion.I’m sure everybody will agree with me that Tom has always been a great bo and a great leader.He has also been a good role model and friend.I have never met a person who is as understanding『理解的;体恤的』patient『耐心的』, and sincere as Tom.

[2] We have thrown this birthday party not only to celebrate your birthday, but also to expre『表达』 our gratitude『感激』 for your thoughtful『体贴的;周到的』 leadership.You have really done a lot for everyone here.So thank you from all of us.

[3] Happy birthday, Tom, and many happy returns!




[1] 今天我们在此庆祝一个非常特别的日子。我相信大家都会同意,汤姆一直是个很棒的领导和上司,同时也是我们的楷模和朋友。我从来没有遇见过像汤姆这么体恤他人、有耐心又真诚的人。

[2] 我们举办这个生日晚会,不只是要庆祝你的生日,我们还要对你体贴的领导表示感激。你为在场的每一位都做了很多,我们大家全体感谢你。 [3] 生日快乐,汤姆,并祝你福如东海,寿比南山。

【额外成就感】 expre * I find it so hard to expre myself in English. (我发现用英语表达自己太难了。)

* Really, I hardly know how to expre my gratitude. (我真不知道如何表达我的感激之情。)

thoughtful * She is always thoughtful of her mother. (她总是很体贴她的母亲。) 【疯狂实战】

A: I don’t know how a guy like you could have such a thoughtful girlfriend!

(我不明白像你这种人怎么可以找到这么体贴的女朋友?) B: I know.I really don’t deserve her. (我知道。我确实配不上她。)


Wedding Congratulations 新婚快乐 【疯狂星级】

★ ★★ 三星级•高中生级•国际公民级 【疯狂短评】



【Kim’s Note】 Offering wedding wishes is a happy and joyful way to learn English.Knowing the perfect thing to say at a friend’s wedding is a valuable skill.Weddings are different in every culture, but one thing they always a chance to share good wishes and cheer!

[1] John and Mary, You have my wamp3est congratulations on this wonderful day.I am really very happy for you two.

[2] I have known John for about five years, and I have always been envious of『嫉妒;羡慕』 his talent『天才;天资』and abilities『能力;能耐』in many respects『方面』.

[3] He is not merely a competent『有能力的;能干的』 profeional 『职业的』in international trade; he is exceptional『异常的;特殊的』 in doing almost anything.

[4] Today, I have become even more envious of John, because he just got married to one of the most beautiful brides in the world.

[5] But don’t let our envy bother『烦扰;打扰』 you, John, because we want you to become the happiest couple『一对;一双』 in the world, and keep us envious of you two forever!

[6] Congratulations, and be happy! We all wish you the very best!




[1] 嗨!约翰,玛丽,在今天这个美妙的日子里我衷心地祝贺你们。我真为你俩感到高兴。

[2] 我认识约翰已经五年了,我一直嫉妒他在各个方面的才能。 [3] 他不仅是一位能干的外贸人才,而且在各个方面都很杰出。 [4] 今天我更嫉妒约翰了,因为他刚娶了世界上最美丽的新娘之一。

[5] 不过,别介意我们的嫉妒,因为我们希望你们是世界上最幸福的一对;并且请让我们永远嫉妒你们吧!

[6] 恭喜你们,祝你们愉快!我们大家祝你们幸福!

【额外成就感】 talent * He had a talent for music. (他有音乐天赋。)

* She is a new diving talent. (她是一个崭露头角的跳水奇才。)

ability * She did the work to the best of her ability. (她已尽了力去做那件工作了。) * He is a man of great ability. (他是位能力很强的人。)

competent * Mark proved to be a very competent manager. (马克证明了自己是一个很能干的经理。)

bother * I can\'t bother him with my little affairs. (我不能因自己那点小事去打扰他。)










