
2020-03-02 05:49:37 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



This is main gateway leading to the inner court.During the Qing Dynasty, a throne was placed at the gate for the emperor to give the imperial audience to the government officials.Emperor Kangfxi, the second emperor of the Qing Dynast, was the most diligent emperor who gave the imperial audience frequently, but after the seventh emperor Xianfeng, there was no imperial audience at all.

To the west of the Gate of Heavenly Purity, the rooms used to be the offices of the Privy Council.The office was set up in 1729 during the reign of Emperor Yongzheng, the third emperor in the Qing Dynasty.It helped the emperor deal with routine military and political affairs and eventually it became powerful enough to override the inner cabinet.Entering the Gate of Heavenly Purity, the room on the east was called Shang Shu Fang, the Imperial Reading Room for the imperial princes to read and study, while on the west was Nan Shu Fang, the office for the important officials working for the emperor.The famous event of “Catching Aobai Strategically by Emperor Kangxi” happened here.

In front of the palace of Heavenly Purity, there is a rectangular platform.In between the platform and the Gate of Heavenly Purity is a 10-meter-wide path.There is a small miniature gild Jiangshan Sheji pavilion standing on each side of the marble platform.During the Ming and early Qing dynasties, the emperor used to live the palace and handle the daily affairs and sometimes held private audiences here.The palace of Heavenly Purity contains the emperor’s throne in the middle with the cloisonné incense burners in the front, and candle sticks on both sides.In the Ming Dynasty, there were 9 chambers with 27 beds inside the Hall of Heavenly Purity.The three famous events that took place here was:“the red pill”, the “palace coup in 1542” and the event of “moving from this palace”.In the Qing Dynasty, after the third emperor Yongzheng moved his living quarters to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.Foreign ambaadors were received here too.Here was also the place for holding the mourning service for the deceased emperor.The imperial family banquet was held here during festivals.The famous “banquet of thousand aged people” was held twice here in the Qing Dynasty.High up in the center of the Palace of Heavenly Purity, (there is a plaque above the throne with an inscription written by Emperor Shunzhi, the first emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and it reads, “Be Open and Aboveboard”, which means “Justice and Honesty.” Actually, Emperor Knagxi imitated his father’s handwriting and hung it here.) Later, the system of appointing the succeor secretly was made by the third Qing emperor Yongzheng.The emperor would write down the name of his succeor on two pieces of paper, and then put the paper into two small boxes.He would hide one box behind the plaque, while the other one was taken with him.When the emperor paed away, the two boxes would be opened at the same time and after examining the two papers, the succeor to the throne would be announced right on the spot.Thus, dispute among his sons could be avoided.During the Qing Dynasty, four emperors ascended the throne in this way; they were: Emperor Qianlong, Emperor Jiaqing, Emperor Daoguang and Emperor Xianfeng.

The Palace of Union and Peace was the place where the emperor held the important ceremonies and her birthday celebration.The empre usually received the greeting from the imperial concubines, princes, princees during her birthday celebration.In the Qing Dynasty, in spring time, the ceremony for examining the tools for picking mulberry was held here one day before the empre went out to offer the sacrifices on the alter for the silkworm.There is a horizontal board hung highly in the center of this hall, with two Chinese characters “Wu Wei” inscribed on it.(The characters of Wu Wei were written by the Qing emperor Qianlong, who had imitated them from the “Wu Wei” Board written by Emperor Kang Xi, the grandfather of Emperor Qianlong.) Wu Wei is the Confucius belief that to govern the country should change the people by means of virtue.Emperor Qianlong kept 25 imperial seals in this hall, symbolizing the imperial power of the emperor.The clepsydra is placed on the east side of the Palace of Union and Peace.It is a time-measure.On the west of this building, there is a large Western chiming clock.Emperor Shun zhi, the first emperor of the Qing Dynasty, specifically put a steel tablet

1 in this hall in 1655, which was cast with the words “Court eunuchs are not allowed to interfere with the government affairs” so as to warn the eunuchs not to put their hands in state affairs.The Palace of Earthly Tranquility was used as the emperors’ residence during the Ming and early Qing dynasties.In 1655 during the reign of Emperor Shun Zhi of the Qing Dynasty, according to the Manchu’s customs, the interior of the hall was completely reconstructed by imitating Qingning Palace in Shenyang, northeast of China.After the third Qing emperor Yongzheng moved his bedchamber to the Hall of Mental cultivation, the empre also moved to the Hall of Manifesting Obedience or one of the palaces in the six Eastern Palaces and Six Western Palaces.And then the western chamber became a Sacrificial Chamber, because the Qing emperors attached great importance to worshipping the Shaman God, and the eastern became the Wedding Chamber.

Now we enter the Imperial Garden.Firstly, we can see the Hall of Imperial Peace.It is the main building in the Imperial Garden and also the only religious building built along the central axis.It is a Taoist temple and inside the hall the statue of the King of Xuan Wu, Xuan Wu was believed to be God of Water who could prevent the palace buildings from catching fire.

The four pavilions are located on the left and right of the Hall of Imperial Peace, two on each side, representing the four seasons of the year.The two pavilions to the east of the Hall of Imperial Peace are: Pavilion of Floating Green and Pavilion of 10,000 Spring.The two pavilions to the west of the Hall of Imperial Peace are: Pavilion of Pure Felicity and Pavilion of 1,000 Autumns.The pavilion of Everlasting Sunshine was the place where the selected palace maids.The piled Elegance Hill is near the north gate in the Imperial Garden.It is an artificial hill of Taihu rocks which came from Taihu Lake in Jiangsu province.The pavilion which stands on the rockery is called “Imperial View Pavilion.” Chi Zao Tang which was built during Emperor Qianlong’s reign is in the northeastern corner of the Imperial Garden.It was the place for storing the Selections from the Encyclopedia of the Four Categories.

This is the north gate of the Forbidden City, formerly called Xuanwumen.Since the Qing Emperor Kangxi’s name was Xuanye, The word “Xuan” had the same pronunciation as the gate.It was a taboo for mentioning the emperor’s name in the old days, so the gate was renamed Shenwumen.On the tower of the gate, bells and drums were installed.In the old days, the bells were beaten in the morning and the drums struck in the evening to mark time.Thank you.







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