
2020-03-03 10:06:26 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Now it is my part, famous Chinese snacks.The title of \"a famous Chinese snack\" is awarded by the China Cuisine Aociation to those that meet the following qualifications: highly characteristic, popular at least locally, widely recognized as top-ranking, infused with rich cultural meanings,pure-tasting, high quality, beautiful looking, nutritious and healthy.There is a rich collection of traditional and innovated snacks in China.In the first National Appraisement and Certification for \"Famous Chinese Snacks\", 369 were named \"famous Chinese snacks\", including 54 Muslin varieties.Different regions have different snacks in China First, so let\'s look at the north China region.Snacks in Beijing is aulic.The reason is obvious.Beijing is a center of politics.Many snacks come from the palace.For example, this snack, cheese is praised by empre dowager Cixi.She regards the cheese as one of the most delicious snacks.You can eat the most traditional cheese in Wenyu Cheese which is located in Nanluoguxiang.Another famous snack in Beijing is Luzhuhuoshao.It is made of intestines and tofu.Snacks in tianjin are usually traditional.Goubuli has a history of one hundred years.It has a very interesting story.Once upon a time, there was a young man in tianjin who got a nickname \"goubuli\" because he was really stubborn, even a dog would ignore him.But he was talented in making steam-buns.As time went by, his steam-buns became more and more popular.And his steam-bun is called \" Goubuli.Tian jin

fried dough twist is also famous in China.The most representative snack in Hebei province is baked wheaten cake stuffed with donkey meat.Shanxi province has very delicious noodles and Inner Mongolia\'s roast leg of lamb is very popular.In middle south China region, snacks have heavier taste.Sauce duck neck in Wuhan is very spicy;strong-smelling preserved bean curd in Changsha has particular smelling.In south of the Yangtze River, snacks are often sweet and delicate, such as fuchun layered cake in Jiangsu province ,spareribs with New Year\'s rice cake and quick-fried buns in Shanghai If you travel in Shanghai, you cannot mi tasty quick-fried buns.Wushan pan-fried cake and Wufangzhai glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves are representative snacks in Zhejiang Province.In Jiangsu, changshu, there is a special snack called beggar\'s chicken(叫花鸡)in Chinese.There is s story about this chicken.Long long time ago, a beggar got a chicken when he was about to starve to death.He killed the chicken ,spread mud over the chicken and then roasted it on the fire.He found the roasted chicken extremely delicious and this way of roasting chicken was widely accepted.In southern China area, double-layer steamed milk and Guangdong steamed buns stuffed with barbecued roast pork are recognized as most delicious snacks.The double-layered steamed milk is made by accident.Decades of years ago, a milk seller spared no effort to retain the freshne of the milk because there was no

refrigerator at that time.One day, he came up with a new idea.He boiled the fresh milk ,and when the milk cooled down, he found a layer on the milk.It tastes very good.So people all like it.In the Southwest Region, Yunnan rice noodles, sesame sauce in rice ball, dragon wontons are distinctive snacks.

In Northwest region, there are many muslim snacks,like Lanzhou hand-pulled noodle, ma\'s sheep head, pita bread soaked in lamb soup.Hongkong\'s , fish balls, Macau\'s egg tart , Taiwan\'s braised pork rice are welcomed by people.










