
2020-03-02 16:19:31 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

During this semester I have watched a lot of English movies,such as Homele to Harvard,the King’s Speech,Inception and so on.Every movie is great and I like the film Homele to Harvard most.This film show up a story about a strong-minded girl named Liz on how she goes through all the difficulties to realize herself .Liz grows up in the environment filled with cigarettes , drags ,alcohol .Not having a happy family ,Liz , burdened with all unpleasant things ,but she is very kind-hearted.She loves her mother ,although her mother infected with Aids because of addicted todrags.her Dad does’t take care of her and her sister.So they have to live in lecherous grandpa’s with their dying mum.But liz’ grandpa

dislikes her And finally she loses her home which has gone out of order .However ,Liz has no choice but to live a reprobate life .

Life is always full of surprising changes .Mom’s paing away seems to be a great turning point in her life , thus making her decide to push herself into a marvelous life .She begins to attend school , studying day and night .With her intelligence and diligence , she poses as the first one to be admitted to Harvard in time and finally gets the scholarship provided by New York Times .What imprees me most is liz’s spirit by which she overcomes all the obstacles on her way to happine .Although surrounded with such terrible environment at her young age , she still thinks the most memorable thing is her mother taking her to a park , screaming and laughing instead of her great achievement .“I can find plenty of excuses to give in to this life and also I can push

myself towards a better life ” , says her .I am gueing that the director indicates a fact that people struggling in the lowest cla should have such a desire to fight against the unfair to realize themselves .And I realize in a flash that there exists many persons like Liz around China , taking Hong Zhanhui for example .

Sometimes , as is the case with Liz , we have no choice but to stick

to moving towards and appreciate all the hardships rather than complain , to find the beauties in the despair of life .Liz lays a good example to us

and I am convinced that as long as we keep on moving , one day we will achieve our goals !










