
2020-03-01 23:42:43 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

8.30.2008 President\'s Radio Addre

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning.This weekend, millions of Americans will celebrate Labor Day.This holiday marks the traditional end of the summer season.It is also an opportunity to reflect on the contributions of hardworking Americans all acro our countrysurprising analysts who were predicting an economic receion.

These welcome signs indicate that the economic stimulus package that I signed earlier this year is having its intended effect.The growth package will return more than $150 billion back to American families and businees this year.Many Americans who received tax rebates are spending them.Businees are taking advantage of tax incentives to purchase new equipment this year.And there are signs that the stimulus package will continue to have a beneficial impact on the economy in the second half of the year.

Labor Day is also the traditional start of the election season.In the coming months, it will be tempting for some in Congre to try to score political points instead of getting work done for the American people.Our citizens deserve better.We still have time to accomplish important goals for our country.My Administration remains hopeful that we can work with Democratic leaders in Congre on bipartisan measures to help Americans cope with this period of economic uncertainty.

We need to work together on a comprehensive approach to our energy problems.I\'ve called on Congre to permit us to tap vast, unused sources of oil and gas, expand domestic refining capacity, and encourage the development of alternative energy sources.Congre continues to stand in the way of this comprehensive approach.At a minimum, Democratic leaders in Congre should move forward on common-sense energy proposals that have bipartisan supportso that we can create more opportunities for American farmers, ranchers, and entrepreneurs.

We need to work together to keep your taxes low.At a time of economic challenge, the last thing American families need is a maive tax increase.It\'s not too late for Congre to make the tax relief we paed in 2001 and 2003 permanent.

Despite our economic difficulties, there is every reason to be optimistic about America\'s future.Our workforce is dynamic and productive.Our economy is showing that it is resilient.And our Nation is the most industrious, creative, and prosperous on earth.

Laura and I wish you a safe and joyous Labor Day weekend.Thank you for listening.










