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Since Man is but of a very limited Power in his own Person, and consequently can effect no great Matter merely by his own personal Strength, but as he acts in Society and Conjunction with others; and since no Man can engage the active Aistance of others, without first engaging their Trust; And moreover, since Men will trust no further than they judge one, for his _Sincerity_, fit to be trusted; it follows, that a discovered Diembler can atchieve nothing great or considerable.For not being able to gain Mens Trust, he cannot gain their Concurrence; and so is left alone to act singly and upon his own Bottom; and while that is the Sphere of his Activity, all that he can do must needs be contemptible.一个人的力量是非常有限,因而仅凭个人能力做不了什么大事,但人生在社会中, 他可以能通过与他人的合作而有所作为。一个人只有先获得别人的信任,才能获 得别人的的主动帮助。而一个人总是要看准了别人对自己的真诚,才会信任别人, 而一个伪君子一旦露了馅,终将一事无成。他无法获得信任。也就无法获得帮助, 只好孤军奋战。即使他事有所成,就他的不良动机而言,也该受到谴责。

The proof of gold is fire.the proof of woman,gold; the proof of man,a woman.检验金子的是烈火, 检验女人的是金子, 检验男人的是女人。

The idle Man is the Devil\'s Hireling:whose Livery is Rags,whose Diet and Wages are Famine and Diseases.懒汉是魔鬼的差使:穿得是破衣烂衫,吃得是忍饥挨饿,报酬是疾病缠身。

Proud Modern Learning despises the ancient:School-men are now laught at by School-boys.骄傲的现代学者瞧不起古人,结果大学者反被小学生嘲笑。

The Way to see by Faith,is to shut the Eye of Reason:The Morning Daylight appears plainer when you put out your Candle.理解信仰的方法是闭上理性的双眼:只有熄灭蜡烛,晨光才更明亮。

Silence is not always a Sign of Wisdom.but Babbling is ever a Mark of Folly.沉默不一定是智慧的象征,但唠叨却总是愚蠢的表现。

Pride breakfasted with Plenty, dined with Poverty, supped with Infamy.骄傲早餐用财富,中午吃贫穷,晚饭啃丢脸。

In studying Law or Physick, or any other Art or Science, by which you propose to get your Livelihood, though you find it at first hard, difficult and unpleasing, use Diligence, Patience and Perseverance; the Irksomne of your Task will thus diminish daily, and your Labour shall finally be crowned with Succe.You shall go beyond all your Competitors who are carele, idle or superficial in their Acquisitions, and be at the Head of your Profeion.-- Ability will command Busine, Busine Wealth; and Wealth an easy and honourable Retirement when Age shall require it.为谋生而攻读法律或物理,学习其它技术或科学时,一开始你或许觉得艰难,心烦 ,但只要勤奋,耐心和坚持,学习的烦躁会一天天减少,你的努力终将使你戴上成 功的桂冠,你将大超过那些在学习中马虎,偷懒或浮躁的竞争者,成为你那一行的 权威---才干获得工作,工作招来财富,日暮之年便能过上由财富换来的休闲而体 面的生活。

Singularity in the right, hath ruined many: Happy those who are convinced of the general Opinion.自以为是,会坏很多事,兼听则明。

A Change of Fortune hurts a wise Man no more than a Change of the Moon.对智者而言,人生沉浮不过月亮之阴晴圆缺,无甚大碍。

Be civil to all; serviceable to many; familiar with few; Friend to one; Enemy to none.对所有人有礼,为很多人服务,与几个人相识,和同志道人交友,不与任何人为敌。

Laws too gentle are seldom obeyed; too severe, seldom executed.法律太温和,没有人在乎,太严苛,无法实施。

A wise Man will desire no more, than what he may get justly, use soberly, distribute chearfully, and leave contentedly.The diligent Spinner has a large Shift.明智的人除了正当收获,适当花销。快乐分享,满意离去之外,别无所求。

Lazine travels so slowly, that Poverty soon overtakes him.懒惰走路太慢,贫穷很快就赶上它。

Saying and Doing, have quarrel\'d and parted.说和做不一致,只好各走各的路。 Tell me my Faults and mend your own.指出我的错误,改正你自己的缺点。

A Man without a Wife, is but half a Man.没有妻子的男人,只是半个男人

A house without woman & Fire-light, is like a body without soul or sprite.

Three things are men most liable to be cheated in, a Horse, a Wig, and a Wife.

A little House well fill\'d, a little Field well till\'d, and a little Wife well will\'d, are great Riches.小屋子物口充盈,小田地精心耕耘,小妻子非常可人,拥有这些便是大富人。

A good Wife lost is God\'s gift lost.

The good or ill hap of a good or ill life, is the good or ill choice of a good or ill wife.选得好妻子,日子好舒适, 娶得糟老婆,日子好难过。


You cannot pluck roses without fear of thorns, Nor enjoy a fair wife without danger of horns.你不能不怕采集漂亮带刺的玫瑰 也不能娶漂亮妻子不惹事


He that has not got a Wife, is not yet a compleat Man.不结婚的男人只是半个男人。

One good Husband is worth two good Wives; for the scarcer things are the more they\'re valued.一个好丈夫抵上两个好妻子,物以稀为贵。

There are three faithful friends, an old wife, an old dog, and ready money.人有三挚友:老妻,老狗和现钞。

A good Wife & Health, is a Man\'s best Wealth.好妻子好身体 财富全在这里。

Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards.婚前睁大眼,婚后半闭眼。

He that takes a wife, takes care.

If you want a neat wife, chuse her on a Saturday.要想找好妻子,星期六去找她。 (择妻要看平日勿看节日)

Where there\'s Marriage without Love, there will be Love without Marriage.有无爱的婚姻,必有无婚姻的爱。

Good wives and good plantations are made by good husbands.好丈夫造就好妻子和好庄稼。

Speak little, do much.少说话,多做事。

If you would be loved, love and be loveable.要想被人爱,得先爱人和成为可爱之人。

Ask and have, is sometimes dear buying.索求和占有,有时是一笔花钱的买卖。

Where there is Hunger, Law is not regarded; and where Law is not regarded, there will be Hunger.有饥饿的地方,法律没人理;法律没人理的地方,会有饥饿。

Two dry Sticks will burn a green One.两个干柴也能燃烧得旺盛

The honest Man takes Pains, and then enjoys Pleasures; the Knave takes Pleasure, and then suffers Pains.诚实先苦后甜,欺诈则先甜后苦。

Neceity has no Law; Why? Because \'tis not to be had without Money.人穷不讲法律?为什么?因为先有温饱才有法律。

The Wolf sheds his Coat once a Year, his Disposition never.狼一年换一次皮,本性却永远不改。

_Who is wise? He that learns from every One._Who is powerful? He that governs his Paions._Who is rich? He that is content._Who is that? Nobody.什么人明智?乐于兼听的人。 什么人有力量?不易冲动的人。 什么人富有?知足常乐的人。 那么这个富人是谁?没有人。

A full Belly brings forth every Evil.人饱思邪欲。

Being ignorant is not so much a Shame, as being unwilling to learn.无知不算丑,懒学才羞。

Be at War with your Vices, at Peace with your Neighbours, and let every New-Year find you a better Man.和你的缺点作战,和你的邻居善处,每过一年都变得更好。

The Day is short, the Work great, the Workmen lazy, the Wages high, the Master urgeth; Up, then, and be doing.

In the Affairs of this World Men are saved, not by Faith, but by the Want of it.在这个世界上,人之所以得救,不是靠信仰,而是靠没有信仰。

Friendship_ cannot live with _Ceremony_, nor without Civility.友谊无需客套,但要礼貌。

The learned Fool writes his Nonsense in better Language than the unlearned; but still \'tis Nonsense.有学问的傻瓜比无知的人更会用漂亮话掩饰自己的无知,但还是胡说八道。

Where Sense is wanting, every thing is wanting.缺乏判断力,就什么都缺少。

Learning to the Studious; Riches to the Careful; Power to the Bold; Heaven to the Virtuous.勤学的增学识,细心的能致富,胆大的有权力,善良的上天堂。

Philosophy as well as Foppery often changes Fashion.哲学和纨绔常能改变时尚。

The Good-will of the Governed will be starv\'d, if not fed by the good Deeds of the Governors.统治者不为人民做事,人们的善意就会枯死。

If you would reap Praise you must sow the Seeds, Gentle Words and useful Deeds.如果你要收获赞誉,你必须播下有益的行为,温和的言辞的种子。

When out of Favour, none know thee; when in, thou dost not know thyself.落魄时,没有人认识;得意时,你不认识你自己。

If you have no Honey in your Pot, have some in your Mouth.如果你想要罐里有蜜,嘴巴先要有蜜。

Prosperity discovers Vice, Adversity Virtue.得意时露瑕疵,不幸时见真诚。

Many a Man would have been worse, if his Estate had been better.人财产越多,心肠却越变越坏。

Youth is pert and positive, Age modest and doubting: So Ears of Corn when young and light, stand bolt upright, but hang their Heads when weighty, full, and ripe.年轻总是活跃冒失,年老才谦逊和不轻信。正因如此,未长熟的玉米穗傲然 挺立,但当它结穗,长实和成熟时便垂下脑袋。

\'Tis easier to suppre the first Desire, than to satisfy all that follow it.压抑第一个欲望容易,满足接踵而至欲望很难。

To-day is Yesterday\'s Pupil.今日是昨天的学生。

Drunkenne, that worst of Evils, makes some Men Fools, some Beasts, some Devils.酒醉,所有缺点中最糟的一种,让一些人变成傻瓜,一些人变成禽兽, 一些人变成魔鬼。

He is a Governor that governs his Paions, and he a Servant that serves them.冷之人善驭人心,狂热之徒受制于人。 (中国古语:有备者制于人。无备制于人)

Pay what you owe, and what you\'re worth you\'ll know.付出你拥有的,你才知道自己拥有什么。

Sorrow is good for nothing but Sin.悲伤除了导致罪恶,一无是处。

He that can bear a Reproof, and mend by it, if he is not wise, is in a fair way of being so.虚心接受批评并能改正,哪怕不是聪明的人,他离聪明也不远了。

You may be too cunning for One, but not for All.你或许聪明过一个人,但不会聪明过所有人。 (中国古语:山外有山,人外有人)

Genius without Education is like Silver in the Mine.没有受过教育的天才,如埋在矿山里的银子。

Wealth and Content are not always Bed-fellows.财富和满足并非总是同床共枕。

Wise Men learn by others harms; Fools by their own.聪明人他人的教训中学习,蠢人则从自己的苦头中受益。

The end of Paion is the beginning of Repentance.人狂必吃后悔药。

Words may shew a man\'s Wit, but Actions his Meaning.说话显智慧,行动表真意。

Useful Attainments in your Minority will procure Riches in Maturity, of which Writing and Accounts are not the meanest.小时候接受有用的教育,成年时就可发财致富。这种教育不能轻视写作 和会计。

Learning, whether Speculative or Practical, is, in Popular or Mixt Governments, the Natural Source of Wealth and Honour.学问,不管投资的还是实用的,不管是用于一般或综合的管理, 都是发财和成名的必要基本资源。

PRECEPT I.In Things of moment, on thy self depend, Nor trust too far thy Servant or thy Friend: With private Views, thy Friend may promise fair, And Servants very seldom prove sincere.眼前的事,自已要拿主意, 不可过于相信仆从或友谊; 朋友之见可能有一定道理, 而仆从对你很少真心实意。

PRECEPT II.What can be done, with Care perform to Day, Dangers unthought-of will attend Delay; Your distant Prospects all precarious are, And Fortune is as fickle as she\'s fair.今日事今日毕,工作要仔细, 拖延耽搁会出现意外危机; 遥远的未来捉摸不定, 财富可爱,却不易抓紧。

doubleads(); PRECEPT III.Nor trivial Lo, nor trivial Gain despise; Molehills, if often heap\'d, to Mountains rise: Weigh every small Expence, and nothing waste, Farthings long sav\'d, amount to Pounds at last.毫微之损,毫微之获,不可放过,

(勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。——刘备(中国古代政治家)) 天天努力,小小土丘,可成高峰;

(泰山不拒细壤,故能成其高;江河不择细流,故能就其深。 ——李斯(中国古代政治家)

不积跬步无以至千里,不积小流无以成江海。——荀子(中国古代思想家) )

珍惜每分收获,不作半点挥霍, 涓涓细流,终成大江大河。 ? Life with Fools consists in Drinking; With the wise Man Living\'s Thinking.和傻瓜生活,整天吃吃喝喝, 和智者生活,时时勤于思索。

Suspicion may be no Fault, but shewing it may be a great one.怀疑本身也许不算错,但表现出来可能会犯大错。 How happy is he, who can satisfy his hunger with any food, quench his thirst with any drink, please his ear with any musick, delight his eye with any painting, any sculpture, any architecture, and divert his mind with any book or any company! How many mortifications must he suffer, that cannot bear any thing but beauty, order, elegance & perfection! _Your man of_ taste, _is nothing but a man of_ distaste.吃什么都能饱,喝什么都解渴,听什么音乐都高兴,看什么图画,塑像都欢喜 ,任何书籍或人都能吸引他,这样的人该多幸福啊,除了美丽,规范,优雅和 完美之外不能忍受任何其他的,这样的人活着多遭罪!有品味的人绝对不是个 处处看不须眼的人。

He is not well-bred, that cannot bear Ill-Breeding in others.不能能容忍他人缺陷就是修养不到家。

Strive to be the _greatest_ Man in your Country, and you may be disappointed; Strive to be the _best_, and you may succeed: He may well win the race that runs by himself.想做一国之伟人,你可能失望而归;想做一个高尚之人,你或许能成或; 与自已赛跑的人容易成功。

Tis a strange Forest that has no rotten Wood in\'t.And a strange Kindred that all are good in\'t.没有朽木的树林少见, 全是好人的家族难得。

None know the unfortunate, and the fortunate do not know themselves.倒霉的人没人了解,走运的人不了解自己。 There\'s a time to wink as well as to see.看世事有时要大睁双眼,有时要假装不见。 A good Example is the best sermon.事实胜于雄辩。

He that cannot bear with other People\'s Paions, cannot govern his own.忍受不了他人激情的人,也难以驾驭自己的激情。 Women & Wine, Game & Deceit, Make the Wealth small and the Wants great.女人和美酒,娱乐和欺诈, 使财富缩小,欲望增大。

For one poor Man there are an hundred indigent.人穷样样缺。

- Thus, as the Year of the Ancients began most naturally with the Spring, _Aries_ and _Taurus_, that is, the Ram and the Bull, represented the succeive Addition to their Flocks of Sheep and Kine, by their Produce in that Season, Lambs and Calves.-- _Gemini_ were originally the Kids, but called the Twins, as Goats more commonly bring forth two than one: These follow\'d the Calves.-- _Cancer_, the Crab, came next, when that Kind of Fish were in Season.-- Then follow\'d _Leo_, the Lion, and _Virgo_, the Wench, to mark the Summer Months, and Dog-days, when those Creatures were most mischievous.In Autumn comes first _Libra_, the Ballance, to point out the Time for weighing and selling the Summer\'s Produce; or rather, a Time of Leisure for holding Courts of Justice in which they might plague themselves and Neighbours; I know some suppose this Sign to signify the equal Poise, at that Time, of Day and Night; but the other Signification is the truer, as plainly appears by the following Sign _Scorpio_, or the Scorpion, with the Sting in his Tail, which certainly denotes the Paying of Costs.-- Then follows _Sagittary_, the Archer, to show the Season of Hunting; for now the Leaves being off the Trees and Bushes, the Game might be more easily seen and struck with their Arrows.-- The _Goat_ accompanies the short Days and long Nights of Winter, to shew the Season of Mirth, Feasting and Jollity; for what can _Capricorn_ mean, but Dancing or Cutting of _Capers_? -- At length comes _Aquarius_, or the Water-bearer, to show the Season of Snows, Rains and Floods; and lastly _Pisces_, or the two Shads, to denote the approaching Return of those Fish up the Rivers: Make your Wears, hawl your Seins; Catch \'em and pickle \'em, my Friends; they are excellent Relishers of old Cyder.-- But if you can\'t get Shad, Mackerel may do better.

因此,古代的一年大多从春天始事,即白羊座和公牛座,表示这个季节羊羔 和牛犊大量繁殖,牛羊不断增多。双子座原来是孩子的意思,但叫双子,指的 是山羊产仔一般都是双胎。接下来是巨蟹座,蟹是这个季节特有的。往下是狮 子座和处女座,这表明夏季和三伏天到了,这是狮子作害,少女活泼调皮的季节。 秋季最先来到是的是天秤座,现在是收割和出售夏季作物时候,或确切的说,也 是一个休闲季节,人们忙打官司,累坏自己也累坏邻居。我知道有些人认为天 秤座表示一种平衡的姿态,表示白天和黑夜时辰一样长,不过接下来的星座表示 这个意思更确切,这就是天蝎座。它的尾巴的那根刺当然是表示为错误而付出代 价。再下来是人马座狩猎季节来临,树叶掉落,更容易发现和射中的猎物。摩羯 宫带来的冬季的短暂白天和漫长的黑夜,带来狂欢,盛宴和豪饮的季节;摩羯宫 除了指跳舞和雀跃,还能指什么呢?宝瓶座指的是风雪,多雨和洪水的季节。 最后是双鱼座,暗示往上迁徙的鱼儿又快回来了。缝补您的衣服,补好你的渔网。 捕到鱼,腌好它们,我的朋友,用它们下陈年苹果酒,那可是有滋有味啊。不过 要是逮不到河鲱,鲭鱼更棒。


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