
2020-03-03 20:19:35 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Unit 1 Living well Period 1 Warming Up & Listening and speaking Teaching Goals: 1.To discu different kind of disabilities people have and their attitude toward life.2. To know their ways of life and their achievements.3.To develop Ss’ speaking and listening ability.Teaching Important Points: 如何巧用这一章的内容对学生进行一次禁毒教育。让学生了解到毒品的危害,禁毒的重要性,并让他们学会识别毒品的外观,不去误食。在日常生活中,我们要学会识别毒品的方法,保护自己的身体,维护自己权利。 Teaching Procedures: Step 1.Leading-in 1.Give Ss a few minutes to say something about disability by showing Zhouzhou and Tailihua’s pictures and asking the following questions.(1) Do you know them ? (2) What are their disabilities ? (3) Do they have any achievement in their life? 2.Ss will give different answers.Then mention some other famous disabled people to Ss, such as Helen Keller, Braille, Steven Hawking and so on.Give a brief introduction of Helen Keller.Step 2.Warming Up 1 Ask Ss to look at the four pictures on P1 and discu with a partner what disabilities they may have by just looking at the pictures.2 Write the followings information about the four students in the pictures on the blackboard.And let Ss talk as much as poible.3.Ask Ss to list as many words related to disabilities as poible on the blackboard.Step 3.Listening and speaking (Using Language) 1.Before playing the tape, ask Ss if it is difficult for them to climb a high mountain.Tell Ss that they are going to hear a radio interview with someone who has recently climbed mount kilimanjaro in Africa, but do not tell Ss that he is blind.After listening, let Ss discover this by themselves.2.Then ask Ss to read Ex1 and tick the statements that are true.Then play the tape again and let Ss finish Ex2.3.Ask Ss to discu the three questions of Ex3 and present the result of the discuion.4.Ask Ss to listen to the latter part of Barry’s story and then complete the sentences of Ex4.5.Play the tape again without stop and let Ss check their answers in pairs.6.Read Ex5 with Ss and read the expreions in the form.Ask Ss about any other ways of expreing congratulations that they know.Write these on the blackboard.Give Ss time to complete Ex5 and Ex6.Step 4.Homework

1.Ask Ss to find more stories about the disabled.2.Ask Ss to preview the reading text.










