Gone With the Wind英文读书笔记

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The reading notes about > *About author

Mitchell Margaret was born in the southern United States in Atlanta.> took her about 10 years to finish this great novel,and the only novel in her life.

*About novle

America Civil War was looming(迫在眉睫) in April,1861.Scarlett(人名,思嘉) who desired to excel over others was worried about her love.Because she heard that Ashley(人名,艾希丽)the person she was in love would be going to the wedding with hercousin,Melanie(人名,媚兰).Scarletts was too sad that she decided to make a bet about torrowow.She expreed her love to Ashley at the party,but he is a gentlemanv who never do angthing unethical.An infatuation(痴心) of Scarlettswas rejected.Angrily is that,

*Some scentence I really like

1.Home,I will think of some way to get him back.After all,tomorrow is another day!

2.You are throwing away happine with both hands.And

reading out for something that will never make you happy.

3.Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people befor meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the person,we will know how to be greateful.

4.Whatever comes,I will love you,just as I do now.Until I die.

*Some thing about novle

But Rhett(人名:瑞德)signed a pledge (许诺誓言) never to reveal Scarletts secret.Scarlett whose vanity(自尊心) was hurt decided to get married with Melanie s brother losing her marbles(失去理智).she wanted to revenge Ashley。After marrige, both Charlie and Ashley went to the front and fight.Charlie died of an illne two month ago and 16-year-old Scarlett became a widow.

At the beginning of the war,slace owners were too arrogant(自大的) to never face the strenghth of enemy.However, Rhett realized the failure of the southern troop.Rhett was always persistent(执着) and atached to the persuit of love, because Scarletts attractive appearence and stubborn personality.Scarlett could not bear loneline, so

she not object to aociate with Rhett.With the moral conservative surrounding(在保守的道德环境下),their action arouse diatisfaction around them.Scarlett found they have a lot in common, she was attracted to him incoluntary(不由自主的).When Ashley came home om Chirsmas Day ,Scarlett was still loved him.

The civil was going on ,Lincoln s Emancipation Proclamation got people s widely support.The sorth would be defeated within a short time run away.Everyone else was jittery(人心惶惶),Atlanta is not safe .At this time Melanie s giving birth was coming.To keep the promise of Ashley,Scarlett decide to stay with Melanie to help her , Melanie who had a difficult labour is endangerous.In desperation(迫于无奈),Scarlett delivered her baby without experience.Atlanta became an dangerous city, arsenal zre risk of explosion would happen at anytime.Scalett believed the moment that she teached Tara ,she would put down the burden(负担)。

Many big manors was destroied ,Tara was lucky to survived.Her father did not accept the truth and was mad.

Innocent sisters and servants neither help her ,nor bring more burden.Manor was poor, all the family was lost in hurgry scare.Scarlett promised that she prefer to steal or kill,rather than let the family hungry.She try her best to manage the family.Athough the life was hard ,the job was heavy.The different experience turn a caprice(任性) girl into a independent women.One day,a desertion(逃兵) broke into manor,Scarlett shot him to died.

It is spring in 1865, ended up with the victory of the north.Ashley came home,but post-war reconstruction period is hard and cruel.Father angered by high property taxes,When he was riding horse catght villains, he fell off and died.Scarlett met the wall(遇到了绝境),she wanted to run away with Ashley.But she was refused.Later on ,she heared about Rhett was rich and decided to give up dignith(放弃尊严) to Rhett for help.When wore the dre which is transformed from curtain,she was teased.On the way from the prison,she met Frank who just had a sum of money.Scarlett displayed the method(施展手段) and let him marry with her.As long as keep Tara,she did not care others opinions.

After wedding,Scarlett opened a wood factory.Under her elaboration(苦心经营 ),the busine was thriving(兴旺).During the period,there were terrorist activities in the south,Frank was killed by terrorist.Rhett proposed to her and she agreed to.Rhett said he could not look at her marry the man she do not love.In order to his moneny,they married.It caused a sensation.(引起轩然大波)

Scarlett gave him a daughter,but she deeply infatuated with(深深迷恋着) Ashley.It Is Ashley s birthday,they remembered the past and hugged .Unfortunately,someone came acro.Melanie rose up (挺身而出)and protect them.Tragedy struck again(悲剧再次降临),their daughter was died by hiding horse.Scarlett finally understood that Ashley who did nothing(attempt and accomplish nothing无所作为) is far from her Mr.Right(远非她的意中人),Rhett only suitable for herself.She realized she really in love with Rhett,and she vindicated(表白) to him。But Rhett was losing his heart.(心灰意冷)

Rhett was gone,but Scarlett was not depreed.She decided to go back Tara to start a new life.Because tomorrow

is another day!











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Gone With the Wind英文读书笔记