
2020-03-03 13:13:54 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


主编 刘卉


I’d like you to meet the new secretary我想让你跟新来的秘书见见面 A:hello, Mary, I’d like you to meet the new secretary, Mi Anderson.Have you two met before?

B: No, I don\'t think we have.How do you do, Mi Anderson? A: How do you do? By the way, what’s you last name, please? B: Baldwin, but please call me Mary.

C: Hmm.And call me Shirley.

A: Mary, Shirley and you will obviously be working in close contact together.

B: Welcome to our department, Shirley.I hope you’ll like the work here.C: Oh, I’ve been working forward to working here.I’ll surely like it and need your help.


How do you do? 您好。

Do you know when I’ll be starting? 你知道我什么时候开始工作吗? A: Is this your first visit to our office?

B: Yes, I was hired by the personnel section and told to report here to work as a secretary.

A: Oh, I see.I’ll tell Mr.Smith that you’ve arrived and he’ll inform you on where you’ll be aigned to work.

B: Thank you.Do you know when I’ll be starting?

A: I believe you’ll be starting today.

B: I see.


Where is my desk? 哪个是我的办公桌?

I think I can do that well.我想我能干好。

It is my pleasure to be here.能来这里我很高兴。

A:Dr.Smith, I’d like you to meet Mr.Wu, director of our research institute.

B: How do you do, Mr.Wu?

C: How do you do, Dr.Smith? I’m very glad that you’ve come.B: It’s my pleasure to be here.

C: I hope you’ll enjoyed yourself here.希望你过得愉快。

B: I’ll.Thank you.一定会的。

Could you introduce yourself? 请大家自我介绍一下吧。

A: May I introduce Mr.Seller? He’s just joined us.

B: Nice to be with you.能和大家一起共事,非常高兴。

D:I’m George Allen ,in charge of typing.我是。。负责打字

E: My name is Harry White, involved in public relations.我叫。负责公关 B:I’ll be appreciate your aistance in the future.请多多关照。

C.D.E: No problem.没的说。

Allow me to introduce my good friend.请允许我介绍我的好友。 A:Mr.Smith, Bill is a very good soccer player and he was played it for years.比尔足球踢得很好,而且他已经踢了好几年了。

B: Has he? I like watching soccer games.是吗,我就喜欢看足球比赛。 C: Will you come and watch us play someday, Mr.Smith?那你哪天来看 B: Yes, I’ll.Thank you.好的,谢谢

It is my first day here.这是我第一天来上班。

What a coincidence! 太巧啦

Let me introduce you to the head here.让我把你引见给我们这儿的头儿。

My pleasure.乐意为你效劳

2 迎来送往 Meeting and seeing of

Excuse me, sir, but are you……对不起,请问你是……吗? A: Excuse me, sir, but are you …….from ….?

B: Oh, yes, I’m ….from….

A: Allow me to introduce myself.I’m…..,the manager of….

B: How do you do, Mr.Li? It’s very kind of you to come here to meet us.A: How do you do? (握手)and how many people are there in your party? 你们一行人有几个?

B:Yes, three people altogether.Mr.Li, This is ….and this is….A: Welcome to ……

Hello, …, how nice to see you again! 你好,再次见到你真是太好了 A: Hello, Mr.Brown, how nice to see you again!

B: Hello, Mr.Li! How are you?

A: Very well, thank you.And you? 挺好的

B: Quite well indeed.Thank you for coming to meet me.也不错,来接我 A: Not at all.It’s the least I could do.Fine weather, isn’t it? 甭客气,这事应该的。

B:Yes, it’s lovely.Real November weather, sharp and bright.真正的秋高气爽。

A:Now let’s go and attend to the neceary formalities together first.走,咱们先一起去把手续办了。(处理,办理)

I’m … from … 我是……的……

A:Excuse me, are you Mr.Thomson from New Jersey?

B: Yes.And you are …

A: I’m … from …

B: How do you do, Mr.Li? Thanks for meeting me at the airport! A: You’re welcome.Very pleased to meet you.

B: Do you know where the baggage claim area is?你知道行李认领处在哪吗?

A:Yes, it’s over there.Let’s go.知道,就在那儿,我们过去吧










