
2020-03-01 18:19:56 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


hello,everyone.good afternoon.thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk about my top concern.im no.26, ill talk about friend. everyone of us,rich or poor,should at least have one or two good friends.my friend will listen to me when i want to speak, will help me when i need,will take care of me when i am sick,and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life.when i was ten, i was suddenly confronted with the anguish of transferring to other school.i had to left my friends i had ever known.as a kid,i feel lonely when i study in a new environment without a person i had known.nobody i could talk,nobody could know when i feel lonely.the time when i couldnt sleep, ill always mi them, then the tears filled my eyes. later, i became familar with the environment ,and made some friends ,which became my best friends then.they talked with me when i felt lonely, they helped me when i needed, they took care of me when i was sick.even through we were part, we still keep in touch with each other. they work hard in order to gain a higher position in the society and to earn more money for their work.they have few time to share with their friends.with the time goes by, they will be far away from each other. friend is kind of treasure in our lives.its actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be.it also likes a cup of hot tea, when we are in bed time, it will warm our broken hearts. friends,especially best friends.it is what we should have in our lives,and it can make our lives be colorful go beyond our imagination.thanks for your listening.this is what i concerned. 大家好。下午好。谢谢你给了我这个机会来谈论我的最关心的问题。我先到,我将会谈论的朋友。 我们每个人,无论贫富,都应该至少试一两个好朋友。我的朋友会听我,当我想说,帮助我,当我需要,会照顾我在我生病时,我的朋友和我一起肩并肩在这的人生旅程。



在我们的整个生命中,我们将会见太多的人,但只有少数人才能成为我们的朋友。待在一起的时候,我们可以放松自己完全。我们可以做任何想要的,我们能一起大声笑,谈论,甚至是哭泣篇2:关于成功的英语演讲稿 1. succe, as is known, is the pursuit of many ambitious people.it requires much of a person. in my above all, one should be a person of strong perseverance.rome was not built in a day.on our long way to succe, there are undoubtedly many difficulties standing in the way.if we lose heart and give up halfway, nothing can be achieved.throughout history, we havehad many famous succeful people in the world, of whom no one is weak-minded.take the great american scientist edison as an example, he tried experiment after experiment and had one failure after another before he finally invented the bulb, which lighted up the whole world.so we can conclude perseverance can surely be one of the secrets of succe.furthermore, one needs to work hard to realize his dream just as the famous saying goes “hard work leads to succe”. look at these around us and we’ll find diligent people are always the favor of our society.they usually achieve more than expected.why do so many of our clamates of average intelligence go far ahead of others? hard work is definitely supposed to be the answer.and still, i hold that one must keep in pace with the informative world.there’s no denying that our world is changing every day.so one can never be locked alone inside his own room, doing his research work and dedicated to book knowledge how can an isolated person be well-informed enough to go ahead of others? if so, that could be ridiculous.succe is what one desires.so long as one is perseverant, hard working and up-to-date, i am sure succe is near at hand. 2...succe is what?what is succe? this is an old topic.however,however, everyone’s understanding of succe is quite different.some people think that having money, house, car, a woman is succeful.some people think that succe is doing something that you want to do.some even deny the existence of succe, he thinks this world is not succeful, only the endle pursuit.so i want to make a new definition of succe: succe is something that people are very eager to do good things gained a sense of satisfaction and excitement.therefore, we do things, no matter big and small, as long as you want to do, and through your efforts made, and you happy, then you succeeded.do not look too far succeful, they should not be too easy to see succe, succe requires your effort.those who believe that succeful people do not exist, in fact, continue to define new goals, they will from what they have done to get happy, they succeeded.( each other.if you follow these principles, you will certainly achieve remarkable succe in thefuture. in my opinion, succe means achieving brilliant results in ones work, that is, making outstanding contributions to the development of the country and bringing happine to the people.so my conclusion is that even if one has made great progre in what he does, i don’t think there’s any reasons for him tobeconceited. 3.ucce 大学英语作文


首先,毅力让人离成功越来越近。大多数人都想用不同的方式证明自己的价值。设定自己的目标,向着目标走,就可以使梦想成真了。然而,有些人设立了目标,却在困难面前妥协了将以失败告终。我认为成功与失败之间的差别是毅力。如果我们有毅力,即使我们不聪明,我们也会有很大的不同,但是如果我们没有毅力,我们注定是要失败的。我们都知道,爱迪生是一位伟大的发明家。但是,在他发明电灯泡前,他试了为数千次去找一个合适的线。让我们想象一下,如果他在第九百九十九次放弃了,那么他就不可能变得如此成功。因此,我强烈认为,坚持就会成功。 其次,还有一种人是天生聪明的,他们是幸运的。然而,如果他们没有在实现目标之前努力工作,他们当然也会成为失败者。无论我们是否有天资,我们都应该努力工作以获得成功。我认为勤奋是成功的一个有效的方法,因为我相信的“付出和收获”。对于那些不努力工作的人最后是失败的了。在古代,有一个聪明的男孩,在他能说话的时候就可以作优秀的诗歌。当他的父亲发现他孩子的聪明时,他只是让孩子到处作诗歌来炫耀,却从不让他儿子学习别的知识。孩子长大后,人们把他遗忘了,因为他失去了创作能力,成为了普通人。从这件事中,我们可以看到,只有通过努力工作才能获得知识,拥有一个好的 anyway, i think perseverance and hard-working are both important in our way to succe for they enhance us and produce succe 不管怎么样,我觉得毅力和勤奋在成功路上都是很重要的,因为他们提升我们并获得成功。

4.、cease to struggle and you cease to live.—— thomas carlyle 生命不止,奋斗不息。——卡莱尔 you have to believe in yourself.that’s the secret of succe.—— charles chaplin 人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。——卓别林

33、man struggles upwards; water flows downwards. 人往高处走,水往低处流。

、the people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.—— bernara shaw 在这个世界上取得成就的人,都努力去寻找他们想要的机会,如果找不到机会,他们便自己创造机会。——萧伯纳 5.篇3:关于环境的英语演讲稿 everybody can help the environment we should always remember in our mind that protecting the environment is our duty that we can never neglect.finally would you please let me end this speech with a little poem, “be kind to the river.be good to the trees.smile at the sunshine, and bow to the breeze.be friendly to nature, and nature will be friendly to you!”
















