
2020-03-02 04:03:05 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



1.画图式 (1)双图类比

Upon carefully observation,we will find that the two pictures above are closely related in meaning.In the upper one,______①.In the lower one,however,_______②.The pictures convey a clear and strong meage to us that _______③ 描述段:

①此处应该填写第一个描述句:第一幅图画的内容 ②此处应该填写第一个描述句:第二幅图画的内容 ③总结两幅图的表层含义

The pictures are thought-provoking,and what they illustrate is a common



today’s society:______④.______⑤.Hence,______⑥,ais shown in the pictures given above.Aside from that,another telling example is ______⑦.解释段:


⑤展开寓意,挖掘其深层次含义 ⑥再次总结,强调寓意

⑦此处应该填写一个与图画主题相似的例子,并加以说明。 ⑧Considering the current iue and worsening situation,we should call for some





the authorities.⑨Neverthele,it is the responsibility of _______to_______in building a wholesome outlook toward the world and life.Therefore,it’s the duty of ordinary people to actively participate in the action.In my opinion,what’s most important is ______⑩.评论段(消极)





Nowadays,_______①has become a matter of great concern of the general public in our society,especially for those who are confronted with this problem.There are,ais vividly illustrated in the pictures.In the left picture ______②,while in the right ______③.This is something we should give more though to.描述段

①总结图画主题,一般可以用 and 或 or 连接两个名词。注意英语喜欢用名词作标题类的内容。

②此处应该填写第一个描述句:第一幅图画的内容 ③此处应该填写第二个描述句:第二幅图画的内容

The purpose of the drawing is to show us that _______④,yet the symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be taken more seriously._______⑤.Such cases can be found in almost all walks of life.解释段

④此处应该填写第一个描述句:点出图画寓意 ⑤展开寓意,挖掘深层次的含义

⑥Accordingly,it is vital for us to derive positive implications from these thought-provoking drawings.On the one hand,_______ ⑦.On the other hand,______⑧.⑨Only by _______can_______.⑩Therefore,it’s the duty of ordinary people to actively participate in the action.评论段(积极)

⑥对图画进行积极评论,经典结尾段开头句 ⑦评论一 ⑧评论二

⑨使用了 only by doing sth.can sb.do sth 的倒装句型 ⑩经典高度抽象的结尾末句。


What is






meaningful drawing.______① .What makes this drawing extraordinary is________ ②,which clearly indicates ________③ .描述段

①此处应该填写若干个描述句,注意动态图应该用现在进行时 ②此处应填写图画亮点(人物,动作或场景) ③总结图画的含义 Undoubtedly the drawing conveys the meaning that _______④.That is to say,_______⑤.Such a practice is very helpful in terms of the following aspects.⑥For one thing,______.For another,_______.解释段

④展开寓意,挖掘深层次的含义 ⑤强调寓意


Numerous examples can demonstrate_______⑦.A case in point is _______⑧ .Another illustration is closely related to us,_______⑨ .On the whole,these examples effectively clarify the saying that_______⑩.举例段(积极)

⑦举例段万能末尾首句,该处填入图画寓意 ⑧例证一 ⑨例证二



Ais conveyed in the picture,_______①.Simple as it is,the drawing renders us pondering awfully.Accordingly,what this thought-provoking picture depicts reflects a common phenomenon in today’s society:_______②,which has aroused great concern and should be given enough consideration.It goes without saying that its symbolic meaning that _______③,with the harmonious society echoed vigorously nowadays in China ought to be weighed conscientiously.描述段

①描述图画内容,注意静态图应该用一般现在时 ②此处填入一个反映当今社会现实的情况的句子 ③点出图画寓意

Why do we lay emphasis on this,several points analyzed below might equip us with the deeper understanding of what we are heading for.④For one thing ______,for another.No better illustration of this idea touched on above can be maintained than the case as listed below,_______⑤.It follows that,no iue in china is as basic to _______⑥.解释段

④此处填入对图画寓意进行分析的陈述句 ⑤此处填入一个反映图画寓意的事例 ⑥进一步说明

Judging from what has been argued above,people have come to realize ______⑦.As for me,it is neceary that some effective steps be made to ______⑧.To begin with,we should______;moreover _______⑨.Only by undergoing these measures,can we _______⑩.态度段

⑦展开寓意,挖掘其深层次含义 ⑧联系自我,总结、强调寓意 ⑨此处填入表达作者态度的陈述句 ⑩展望前景,经典结尾末句,使用倒装


When we use the word / phrase _______①,we do not simply mean _______②,Which is a very narrow definition.The picture below illustrates the real meaning of it,by streing the fact that_______③.描述段

①根据图画凝练一个单词或词组 ②此处填入该单词和词组的字面意思 ③描述图画内容

The implied meaning of the drawing should be taken into account seriously.To begin with,______④.What’s more,______⑤.As an example of ______,we should remember ______⑥.And the social phenomenon has arisen the great concern of our whole society.解释段

④此处填入揭示图画积极涵义一的陈述句 ⑤此处填入揭示图画积极涵义二的陈述句 ⑥围绕主题,举例说明

As far as I am concerned,the best way to ______⑦.We should always be ready to ______ ⑧ .In this way,we can help to make______better,for,as the picture shows,______⑨.态度段

⑦此处应填入我的态度 ⑧从个体扩展到群体,深化主题 ⑨把图画内容再次简单描述,画龙点睛


Ais vividly depicted in the cartoon,_______① .The scene is presented in an artistic and ironic manner.What is strikingly noticeable is _______②,but it can be easily explained by _______③show in the picture.描述段


②此处填入消极图中的关键人物或事物 ③通过图画中的其他场景或人物得到解释

The purpose of the drawing is to show us that due attention has to be paid to



and foremost,_______.⑤Furthermore,_______.Last but not least,_______.解释段



⑥It is imperative for us to take drastic measures.To begin with,relevant laws and regulations should be made to severely punish those who ______⑦.In addition,we should ______⑧.⑨Only in this way can we curb the current evil phenomenon revealed in the picture.解决段 ⑥对图画所折射的社会消极现象提出解决方案,经典结尾段开头句

⑦方案一,此处应该填入社会消极现象或行为的制造者 ⑧方案二


(7) 单图双意

①Anyone who takes a closer look at the data in the drawing can be surprised to find that ______②.③It goes without saying that _______.Neverthele , _______④.Why does this phenomenon appear? 描述段


②此处应该填写一个描述图画内容的句子 ③谚语;不言而喻,此处应该填写反驳的观点 ④此处应该填写要支持的观点

⑤It is______that______.To get a sense of that,we must turn first causes for it._______,⑥two cases in point are _______.⑦If you push the exposure further,you will see that_____also has its negative aspects.In fact,______.What would our society be like if there were no ________⑧? 解释段

⑤强调句,强调图画主题的积极方面 ⑥解释图画主题的积极方面

⑦采用两分法,提出图画主题的消极方面 ⑧特殊虚拟句,表达强烈感情

It is obvious that we should face up to every new trouble,so the top priority task for us to set about is to ______⑨.Perhaps,it is ripe time for us to tackle _______⑩.解决段




As it is show in the picture above,_______①.Accordingly,this far-reaching picture reflects a common phenomenon in today’s society:______②.描述段

①结合文字,描述图画内容 ②解释深层含义

As a matter of fact,it is not rare to find in our every day life deeds of similar nature.For in stance,_______③There are several reasons accounting for this.Since we have to live in an on-the-move lifestyle,we may_______④.Furthermore , ________⑤.解释段 ③此处应该填写一个或几个例子,为主题服务 ④此处应该填入原因一 ⑤此处应该填入原因二

Judging from what have been argued above,people have come to realize the value of _______⑥.⑦It is,therefore,neceary that some effective steps be made to _______.To begin with,_______ ⑧ In addition,_______ ⑨ .Only in those ways,can we make people,even _______,_______⑩.解决段

⑥经典末段首句,承上启下,此处应该填入文章主题 ⑦句式的多样性,采用了形式主语 ⑧此处应该填入方案一 ⑨此处应该填入方案二



It is obvious in the graphic / table that the rate / number / amount of Y has undergone dramatic changes.It has gone up / grown / fallen / dropped considerably in resent years(as X varies).At the point of X1,Y reaches its peak value of _______① 描述段

说明:X,X①和 Y 都是表示图表上的某一点或数量 ①此处应该填入数量的多少 What is the reason for this change?Mainly there are _______② reasons behind the situation reflected in the graphic / table.First of all,_______③.More all,_______⑤.解释段

②此处填入几个原因 ③此处填入第一个原因 ④此处填入第二个原因 ⑤此处填入第三个原因

From the above discuions,we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future.The trend decided in the graphic / table will continue for quite a long time⑥[(if neceary measures are not taken)].评论段


(2)模板 2 The chart gives us an overall picture of the _______①.The first thing we notice








of as_________,________③.描述段

①此处应该填入图表主题 ②此处应该填入图表的最大特点 ③进一步说明图表主题 We can see from the statistics given that _______ ④ .⑤ After V.ing _______,the_______.The figures also tells us that ________ ⑥ .In the second column,we can see that ________accounts for ________⑦.解释段

④图表细节一(强调幅度和时间) ⑤细节一中的第一个变化 ⑥图表细节二 ⑦进一步描述

Judging from these figures,we can draw the conclusion that _______⑧.The reason for this ,as far as I am concerned is that ________⑨.It is high time that we ________⑩ .观点段

⑧此处应该填入结论 ⑨此处应该给出原因 ⑩发出倡议

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