
2020-03-03 06:11:52 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


Entry #1Sept.10th, 1894 An Intriguing Man The Autumn formal was absolutely what my homesick heart required.Any time is an occasion for dance, as my father is one to proclaim.I felt at home forthe first time since my arrival in England.

This evening\'s revelry also brought an encounter with a dashing young man by the name of Charles Dalimar.An exceptionally handsome fellow, this one.I do believe he requested my hand for the better half of the gala! When not dancing about like two of my young students, we were engroed in conversations, both erthralling(enthralling) and mundane.

I must have made quite an impreion for his eyes did not long take leave of mine. 入口 #2 - 1894年9月10日 一个很有魅力的男人



我留下了这样一个印象:他的目光几乎就没有离开过我的眼睛。 注意:倒数第二段erthralling应为enthralling,意为平凡的,无聊的

Entry #3March.16th, 1895 Indecision I have avoided Charles these past days while I give his proposal its due measure of contemplation.I\'ve awaited this experience for as long as I can remember and I find myself wondering how different my life might become.

March 17th,1895 After shedding many a tear, I made up my mind to decline Charles\' proposal.It\'s so difficult to be certain that I\'ve made the correct decision, yet I feel my adult life is just now beginning to unfold!

March 18th, 1895 The delay of my reply, coupled with my melancholy demeanor, must surely have wounded Charles this day.I have denied that shich he has so graciouly offered.入口 #4 - 1895年3月16日 犹豫





今天,姗姗来迟的答复,还有我忧心忡忡的举止,一定深深地伤害了查尔斯。 我否定了他这么长时间以来温文尔雅地付出了的一切

Entry #5May 14 th, 1895 Tragedy A dark cloud of mourning has befallen the town.A carpenter by the name of Frank Williams fell to his death this very morning.Dropped from the top-most scaffoling on Charles Dalimar\'s future home, to be quite specific.

May 16th, 1895 Today I accompanied Charles to the funeral of the poor man whose life was lost at the foot of his new home.Charles remained quiet and sullen during the proceedings.I was deeply saddened to learn that the deceased left behind a young wife and two children.

As the pallbearers lowered the coffin in to the ground, Charles leaned near and whispered, \"perhaps I am a cursed man, meant to reside alone within my bedevilled manor.\" 入口 #6 - 1895年5月14日 悲剧

悲伤的阴霾笼罩了这个小镇。今天早上,一个名叫弗兰克·威廉姆斯的木匠死了,他从查尔斯·达利玛新家的脚手架最高处摔了下来。 1895年5月16日



Entry #7May 24th, 1895 I must Return Home

The headmistre was quite compaionate regarding my situation.She offered to pack my belongings, but I could not let her .She has already done so much, gone far beyond what her duties dictate.

Charles did not reac in such a manner.I informed him that I must leave, that my father is ill and my family requires my presense.He is greatly upset.He nearly went into a tirade.He made an attempt to flatter me, I believe, with the explanation that his new home would be named in my honor.I must wonder if he is attempting to secure my return to England, to him, and his home.I must prepare my departure and cannot think of such things right now.入口 #8 - 1895年5月24日




Entry #9June 10th, 1895 Unusual Behavior While my malady goes undiagnosed, I am left to search medical encyclopedias for comparable symptoms.Although many have paed from Yellow Fever, I am thankfully not experiencing evidence to its presence.

Charles takes good care of me, but lately has become rather withdrawn.I often hear peculiar sounds from his workshop and he appears to be keeping odd hours.

My accommodations are pleasant and I spend th greater part of my day resting in hopes of regaining my strength.When poible, I enjoy exploring this wonderful, stately manor.Charles has built a most beautiful, albeit cluttered, home.He appears to take great pride in procuring an absolute horde of varied noneentials! 入口 #10 - 1895年6月10日 不寻常的举动




Entry #11June 21st, 1895 Strange Behavior Charles\' absence has become increasingly commonplace.Although he benevolently tends to me, he is often away from the house for extended periods and returns with the most unusual oddities.

One such example is the ever expanding library on the floor above my quarters.He has taken up an affinity for compiling an extensive aortment of books and manuals whose subject matter would chill your very heart.Great tomes on topics including dark magic, voodoo, and witchcraft have exceeded shelf space and must be piled waist high.

I was aware of Charles\' penchant for the written word, yet his theme of choice is most unsettling.入口 #12 - 1895年6月21日 怪异的行为




Entry #13July 14th, 1895 Welcome Company Today brought the arrival of a nurse named Rose Som(m)erset.Charles insists on using the old term \"matron\", but I prefer to think that she is more of a maid who will be checking my health in addition to keeping up the house.

Regardle of the titular formalities, I am very pleased and excited for Rose\'s company! Charles is still very distracted, although I have not idea as to what he does eith his time these days.But, now I can spend time with this kind woman.She might just bring a bit of light into my life, which has been lacking as my health has dwindled.

My affliction has made it difficult to move about, so I am now confined to do so with the help of a wheelchair.入口 #14 - 1895年7月14日 欢迎到来,我的伙伴



病痛的折磨让我行动困难,所以我只能靠着轮椅来做一些有限的活动。 注意:爱玛把罗丝的姓氏写错了,应该是Sommerset,而不是Somerset

Entry #15Aug.3rd, 1895 Hidden Correspondence Fever weakens me such that I have difficulty focusing my vision.My hands have begun to convulse and I have great difficulty holding, let alone updating, this very journal.Rose often records my thoughts as I dictate.

After discovering the dre, and Rose\'s increasing an anxiety towards Charles, we have agreed to hide my diary.I fear this anxiety may be quite well-founded, however, with our newest finding.Charles has secretly adorned an upstairs bedroom with all the trappings of a nursery, including a crib! Upon inspection, the crib contained unopened correspondence from my family in the United States!

I am scared for my very life.入口 #16 - 1895年8月3日 被藏匿的家信




Entry #17Aug.5th, 1895 We Must Flee Is Charles trying to murder me? Am I absurd to ask myself such a question? I have felt so incredibly terrible and I am rarely sure if I am awake or dreaming any longer.

Can I trust myself?

Rose believes she is correct.She says he has been keeping me here by making me sick.Charles has slowly fallen into his own delusional sickne! How could I have trusted him? We must leave! It\'s very clear his madne will take our lives if we stay.Escape from this cursed home where I have known nothing but illne and fear.

Charles will kill us if we do not flee this place at once! 入口 #18 - 1895年8月5日 我们必须逃走







Entry #19Today My Only Hope I have watched you move about this dark place for some time now, inspecting various items around the house.You carry what remains of my diary! We were both lost long ago and you must listen, for I have little time! I have been trapped here for so long and you are my only hope to break free of this horrible place.Please listen and do as I say before HE returns! He keeps me in the cellar, but you must look beyond the brick and mortar.The last locked door requires seven skeleton keys which are hidden throughout the house.Without yur help, I can never go home. - Emma Ravenhearst 入口 #20 - 今天










爱玛 读后感



爱玛 读后感




