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英文名称:Intensive Reading A

一、课程目标 1.课程性质:《精读A》为英语专业学科基础课程,为英语专业本科一年级必修课程。精读是从最初的“综合英语”发展而来的,是培养英语专业学生的综合语言能力的主干课程,在多年的英语专业课程设置中一直贯穿始终。除了注重词汇、句法的讲解与练习, 培养学生的阅读能力和加强语法知识以外,该课程更加注重语言与文化的结合,努力提高学生的语言综合运用的能力和批判性的思维能力。随着我国进一步的改革开放和对外语人才的要求的不断提高,该课程不失时机地向学生传授大量的知识信息,力求与时俱进,突出鲜明的时代特征,培养大批合格的实用外语人才。





4.课程学时:64学时 5.课程学分:4学分





Leon 1 Half a Day(学时数: 12)

知识点:1) Words : clutch; convince; vast; intricate; overlook; variety; revolve; present; trace; daze;

2) Phrases: throw sb.into/out of a place; make (a useful man) out of a boy; there is no good to be had in doing sth.; cling to; burst into; a matter of; fool around; bring about; give rise to; resort to; take advantage of; in vain; find one‟s way to; show off ; let up;


1) Grammar: the usage of “would”

2) Word Formation: pefix: uni-, over-; root: var(i)-;

难点: Writing Device: the employment of short sentence;

Leon 2 The Boy and the Bank Officer(学时数: 8)

知识点:1) Words: account; authority; damn; fortyish; interfere; mustache; neighborhood; shrug; withdraw;

2) Phrases: wear an expreion of; turn to; think twice; as to; move; zero in on sb./sth.; shake sb.down; be on the case; happen to do (be); more than; once bitter, twice shy;


1) Grammar: the past continuous tense;

2) Word Formation: suffix: -ish; prefix: inter-; 难点: Writing Device: hyperbole;

Leon 3 Meage of the Land(学时数: 10)

知识点:1) Words: forefather; infancy; afford; bully; insult; pierce; fertile; scarcity; lust; strip; heal; ripen; ripple; shimmer; bleed; replace; litter; fashionable; strike; shame; condemn;

2) Phrases: now and then; mind one‟s own...; in spite of; barter...for; spring up, tend to; give sb.a good beating; as for; occur to; a bag of bones; in rags; at peace with; tie...down; bird/etc....on the wing; pa...onto;


1) Grammar: usage of “as”; relative pronoun as the object of a preposition in relative clause;

2) Word Formation: prefix: fore-; root: -cur-; suffix: -able/ible;


Writing Device: simile, metaphor and personification;

Leon 4 Midnight Visitor(学时数: 8)

知识点:1) Words: blackly; blink; bore; chuckle; commanding; confounded; disillusioned; explanatorily; moodily;

2) Phrases: black with anger; down the corridor; except for; for one thing; instead of; block off; check out on; switch on; bite one‟s lip; save some trouble; take cheer; unlock the dorr;


1) Grammar: „as‟ used in time and reason clause; the paive voice (1)

2) Word Formation: prefix: dis-, un-, tele-; 难点: Writing Device: character analysis; Leon 5 The Green Banana (学时数: 8)

知识点:1) Words : encounter; strain; radiator; leak; scatter; spout; aure; ignorance; formation; pinnacle; tease; grasp; armful; once;

2) Phrases: consist of; pat sb.on the shoulder; work out; in turn; as if; make sure; call for; on one‟s part; in case; regard…as; reflect on; in relation to; at once; tend to; dawn upon/on;


1) Grammar: adverbial clauses of reason and time; grammatical functions of the infinitives;

2) Word Formation: prefix: re-; suffix: -ance (-ence); 难点: Writing Device: humor and symbolism; 难点: Writing Device: simile;

Leon 6 Mandela’s Garden(学时数: 8)

知识点: 1) Words: arrange; constant; construct; cultivate; decline; dump; eliminate; empty; enduring; eventually; failure; intellectual; iue; legal; manual; nourish; offer; organize; patch; pursue; remove; survive; tend; trial; warder; wither;

2) Phrases: at length; at heart; at the time; bring back to life/health; cut out; 重点:

1) Grammar: adverbial clause of manner;

2) Word Formation: suffix: -al; 难点: Writing Device: parallelism;

Leon 7 Maheegun My Brother (学时数: 10) 知识点:1) Words : alert; chase; crouch; detain; drift; howl; leap; mantle; mischievous; muzzle; poke; rifle; rumble; slash; smother; snarl; soaked; sob; squirrel; stillne; stir; thicken; toll; wiggle; wrap;

2) Phrases: as busine as a squirrel; at such times; blow oneself out; fan it to life; for life; in its place; late in coming; quiet down; sit up; slash off; tear off; wild with anger;


1) Grammar: the use of time conjunction: after, before, and when; inversion; infinitive of result;

2) Word Formation: prefix:un-; suffix: -en;

难点: Writing Device: smile; personification;

三、课程资料 教材: 杨立民,《现代大学英语精读1》 (第二版),外语教学与研究出版社,2010。 参考书: 国伟,《现代大学英语精读1(同步测试)》,外语教学与研究出版社,2011。 杨立民,《现代大学英语精读1(教师用书)》,外语教学与研究出版社,2011。

编制:英语专业教研室 审核人:杜昌忠 编写时间:2012年7月









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