
2020-03-03 20:43:16 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

人物:皇后,魔镜,白雪公主,三个小矮人,王子,旁白一名 , 第一场

场景:在一个富丽堂皇的宫殿中,一场恶剧将要上演。(In a magnificent palace,n evil play will put on .)

旁白:很久很久以前,有一位艳丽的皇后,她有一颗嫉妒的心,只要听说有人比她漂亮,她都无法忍受。她有一面魔镜,经常走到镜子面前自我欣赏。(Long long ago,there is a beautiful Queen who has a very envy heart .And as long as she heard that someone was more beautiful than her , she could not bear .She has a magic mirror, she often go to look her appearance into the mirror .) (皇后、魔镜上)

皇后:魔镜魔镜告诉我世上谁是大帅哥? Mirror mirror tell me who is the smartest guy in the world?

Sorry, the system 魔镜:对不起,系统出现故障,请重新输入语音提示。error, please re-enter the voice prompts.

皇后:算了,告诉哀家,谁是这个世界上最美丽的女人Well, to tell Ai Jia, who is the world\'s most beautiful woman.魔镜:好,重启。大家都来看啊,这个人真的好美啊!每个女人见

Well, restart.Ah, ah.Let’s see this 了她都会自叹不如。她就是白雪公主。person really beautiful! Every woman saw her will inferior.She is Snow White.

皇后:你这个破镜子哪里来这么多废话。要不是看你是全球限量You, the broken mirror ,how so many usele talk .But 我早就把你给砸了!for the world\'s limited edition, I have smashed you! 魔镜:嗯?你说过很多次了。Really? You said so many times.皇后:我就不信我堂堂一个皇后竟然还不如一个公主?! 我要白

I don\'t believe that a queen\'s not 雪公主见不到明天的太阳,去,杀了她。better than a prince ? I want that she wouldn’t see the sun of tomorrow, I will kill her.

魔镜:虽然你的想法很有创意,但我是魔镜不是魔头。Although your idea is very creative, but I am the magic mirror is not the devil.皇后:你就魔头了。我告诉食堂,明天中午给你加个盒饭。You are the devil ,I will tell the canteen that adds you a lunch tomorrow noon.魔镜:哎...红烧肉的。 ah ah,I like the pork.

皇后:再加两块鸡屁股。去。 And ,Plus two pieces of chicken a.Go...场景:皇后拿着镜子,边走边照,边等待着魔镜的消息。谁知魔镜惨败而归。(The Queeen take the mirror walking and looking ,at the same time ,she is waiting for the mirror\'s good news.Who knowns that the magic mirror was defeated and return.) 魔镜:(在皇后后面)皇...皇...皇后...(做受伤状)Q····Queen. 皇后:(严厉地指着魔镜说)你怎么才回来?! how did you come back so late? 魔镜:我。。。她实在太厉害啦!I ····she is too terrible. 皇后:什么?(扇魔镜一下)去死吧!(魔镜下)看来还得我亲自出马了。量他跑得出教室跑不出学校,(声音很尖的大笑)哈哈哈哈...what??Go to dead! It seems that I should tmeet the prince by myself.Even though she run out of the claroom she can\'t run out of school.ha ha ha ha...(皇后下)



场景:在森林深处的一间小房子里,一场非常感人的故事即将上演。( Deep in the forest there has a small house, a very touching story will be put on in it .) 旁白:森林里住着三个可爱的小矮人,一天他们遇到了迷路的白雪公主。( In the forest ,there lived three cute little dwarvens, one day they met the Snow White who got lost in .)(音乐《天鹅湖》起,三个矮人排一队跳天鹅湖上,《天鹅湖》停)

三个矮人:(齐唱《爱情三十六计》) 是谁说的帅气男生没大脑,只懂得爱美和睡觉。(Who said that handsome guy no brains.Understand only beauty and sleeping。)(一起背对观众摆个POSS)耶!

矮人A:反了反了。(Rebelled, rebelled)


白雪公主:(指着房子)莫非这里有人住?(Has anyone here live?)(大声问)有人吗?(Anybody?)

矮人A:你是谁啊?你是哪个部队的?(Who are you? What\'s your troops?)

白雪公主:我是白雪公主,红四方面军的。(三个矮人跑到白雪公主面前) (I am the Snow White, from the Hongsi army.) 矮人A:(指着白雪公主)真的吗? Really? 白雪公主:真的,不信验验!(Really,if you do not believe ,have a check!)

矮人A:验验(ok,Let me have a check .)(白雪公主站这不动,三个矮人绕着她边走边唱)








三个矮人:(互相看着说)对了,对了。(Right ,right )

白雪公主:(拉着矮人的手蹦着说)终于找到你们了!(I have finally found you) 矮人A:同志们都安全吗?(are comrades safe)

白雪公主:嗯,安全安全。我在这里迷路了。(Yes, they are all safety.Here I am lost.)

矮人C:没关系,到我们家吧。(It doesn\'t matter,go to our home)(矮人和白雪公主一起下)


场景:一间小房子。白雪公主在房子前慢慢地走着。( A small house.The Snow White is walking slowly in front of the house .) 旁白:这天,三个矮人出去了,家里只剩下白雪公主一个人。恶毒的皇后终于找到了白雪公主。她精心制作了一个有毒的苹果,想毒死白雪公主。( One day, three little dwarfs go out ,so that only the Snow White stays in the house .The cruel Queen finally found the Snow White .She crafted a poisonous apple trying to poison the Snow White .) 皇后:(拿一个放大镜到处找的样子,忽然见到白雪公主,一惊)啊!小姐,你要减肥时代吗?(Ah! Mi, do you want to lose weight ?) 白雪公主:谢谢,我不要。我已经很瘦了。Thank you, I don\'t it.I\'ve been very thin.皇后:有一句话说得好,好身材,走着瞧。走两步,不胖走两步。(A word spoken well, good figure, just by walking and seeing.If you are not fat, taking some stages.) 白雪公主:走两步就走两步。Take two step.(背景音乐《我爱台妹》起,白雪公主走秀,音乐停)

皇后:(拿出一个苹果对白雪公主)姑娘,我好崇拜你啊。这个苹果实在是太可爱了,我就当礼物送给你吧。(Girl, how much I admire you.This apple is really cute, I will send to you as a gift.)

白雪公主:哦,谢谢你。Oh thank you (接过苹果咬了一口,突然毒性发作,慢慢倒下)

皇后:(露出奸诈的笑)哈哈...这是我独家研制的天下第一奇毒,一日丧命散! (Haha...this is my sole developed poison, one lives scattered!)哈哈哈...(皇后下)

旁白:三个小矮人回到家里,看见白雪公主不省人事,非常的着急。这时,传说中的王子出现了,一见钟情的故事即将上演。(Three dwarfs come home, seeing the Snow White was unconscious, they are very anxious .At this moment, a legendary prince appeared, the love story will be put on .) 矮人A:白雪公主,你这是怎么了?怎么吐白沫了?(Snow White, what\'s the matter with you? How to vomit a frothy) 矮人B、C:白雪公主,白雪公主...(Snow White, Snow White) 矮人C:快,快送医院啊。(矮人们一起抬白雪公主,但是他们抬不动)Quickly ,send her to the hospital

矮人A:这比猪还沉呢!that is heavier then a pig. 矮人B:怎么办啊?what should we do (灯灭,一束光照在王子身上,慢慢走上台,唱《灰姑娘》,唱完灯亮)

矮人C:(看见王子,招手,喊)喂,年轻人...喂...过来帮帮忙。 Hey, young man...hello...come and help u 矮人B:快,快,白雪公主快不行了。Quick, quick, the Snow White prince is dying.

王子:好的,没问题。(Ok, no problem.)(跑过去使劲要抱起白雪公主,但抱了两次都抱不动。用手扶起白雪公主的头。 突然,白雪公主咳嗽了两声醒了过来。)


王子:(恐惧跑开)诈尸啦!...(zhashi la)

白雪公主:(揉着眼睛)哪位英雄救了我?Which hero saved me?哪位英雄救了我?Which hero saved me?(矮人们指向王子,白雪公主走了过去,搂住王子的胳膊)

王子:谢谢你们帮我找到了公主,我完成你们每人一个愿望。(Thank you for helping me find the prince, I will help each of you to come ture a dream.)

矮人A:真的吗?那我先来。我其实不想要别的,我只是想要很多很多的钱! Really? Then I come first.I actually don\'t want anything else, I just want to have a lot of money! 王子:行!(从兜里拿出一把钥匙给矮人A)金库钥匙。(Ok, here you are ,the treasury key.) 矮人A:啊,啊,我有钱了!我有钱了!Ah, ah, I am rich! I have the money! 矮人B:(迫不及待的)该我了该我了,我一直想要一部手机。It is my turn ,it is my turn., I always wanted a cell phone.

王子:行!(从兜里拿出手机)给。(No problem, give you .) 矮人B:啊,我终于有手机了。Ah, I finally have a cell phone

王子:(指着矮人C)该你了。(It\' s your turn .)

矮人C:啊,该我了吗?(作祷告的姿势)那我就希望世界和平好了。 ah ,is it my turn?Then I hope for a peaceful world .王子:嗯...嗯...你还有其他问题吗?(Um...Um...Do you have any other questions?)

矮人C:哦,这个是难了一点。那...那就让我变得帅一点吧!Oh, this is really a little difficult.That...that lets me become handsome better ) 王子:还是刚才那个问题吧。 (uh...just the problem now.) 矮人A、B:世界和平?这么有型?!World peace? So a type?

齐:(一脚踹向矮人C)靠! shit

王子:不管他了,(对白雪公主)就把这个愿望给你吧白雪公主。( Ignore him,give this desire to you ,my sweety prince.)

白雪公主:我吗?那我就希望皇后能变得更漂亮些。me ? Then I hope the queen can become more beautiful.齐:为什么? 白雪公主:(面向观众)虽然她想害我,但我还是希望母后能开心起来。不要把外在的美丽看得很重要,其实真正的美丽是藏在每个人心里的。Although she wants to harm me, but I still hope mother can happy.Don\'t put the outer beauty look very important, when the true beauty is hidden in the heart of everyone.王子:说得对,外在美是次要的,心灵美才是重要的。哦,原来我找到了世上最美丽的人。(王子拉着公主的手,三个矮人鼓掌)(Right,appearance beauty is second, nice heart that comes frist.Oh, so I found the most beautiful girl in the world .)

旁白:从此王子和白雪公主过着幸福的生活。(Since then the prince and the Snow White lived a happy life.)










