
2020-03-02 12:37:11 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



1.be known as/be famous as作为„„而闻名

be known for因„„而出名 be known to为„„所知 be known by凭„„而知 The hill is known for the temple. LuXun is known to us as a writer. One can be known by his words and deeds.

2.be married to与„„结婚

She is married to a musician.

.. 3.be tired of/with对„„厌烦

He is tired of/with this kind of life.

=He is bored with this kind of life. 4.be terrified at被„„吓一跳

He is terrified at the snake.

12.be engaged to与„„订婚

5.be burdened with负重

My daughter is engaged to a nice

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20.be up to应由„„,轮到„„ It\'s up to her to answer the question. 21.be meant/intended for打算给,打算用作

Is this valuable painting meant for me? 22.be connected with与„„有联系 He was also connected with the government.

23.be crazy about对„„狂热 Many young people are crazy about Hip-Hop.

二、动词break构成的短语动词 1.break out爆发 2.break in打断;闯入 3. break into闯入;破门而入 4.break away from脱离

5.break down(机器,车辆)坏了;失败了;摧毁;分解,人身体跨了 6.break through突破 7.break off折断;中断;断绝 8.break up驱散,拆散,分手

三、动词carry构成的短语动词 1.carry on进行开展;维持;继续 2.carry out执行;进行,执行,实行;贯彻

3.carry away拿走 4.carry off夺走,抢走 5.carry forward

发扬, 结转

5.call up打电话;征召;回想起

I called Tom up and told him the news.

In most countries men are called up at the age of 18.

As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village called up scenes of my childhood.


6.carry through


1.catch/take/get hold of sth.抓住某关; 使(某人)保持勇气

7.carry about 随身携带

Catch/Get/Take hold of the


rope.and I\'ll pull you up.

1.call on拜访某人,号召

2.catch up with赶上

2.call at拜访某地

Work hard and I gin sure you are able 3.call for需要;要求;邀约(人);取(物)

to catch up with others in cla.

Succe called for hard work.

3.catch fire着火;烧着

call for a doctor去请医生

Last night a big building caught fire.

4.call in 请来;收回

4.catch sight of发现;看到

Mother is badly i11.so call in a doctor at once.

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Come along! It’s nearly eight o\'clock. 3.come out出来;出版

How did the printing come out? 4.come true实现

I am sure your dream will come true one day.

5.come back to life苏醒过来

When the wounded soldier came back to life,he found himself in hospital.

6.come to the point说到要点,触及问题实质

7.come about发生,造成

The event came about as he had predicted it. 8.come acro碰见

You’re the most beautiful woman I\'ve ever come acro.

同义词组:run acro

I came acro an old friend in the street. 9.come to all end结束

Your duties here have come to an end. 10.come to light为人所知,显露 The robbery didn’t come to light until upstairs?

6.do up系纽扣;梳理

Look,your bottom isn’t done up. do up one’s hair梳理头发 the next day 11.come up with提出,想出

He came up with a new suggestion

七、动词do构成的短语动词 1.do well in在某方面做得好 My cousin is a sailor and he is doing very well in the navy 2.do good to对„„有好处

Doing morning exercises will do good to your health.

3.do harm to对„„有害处 Too much noise does harm to our health.

4.do with处理

What did you do with our goods? 5.do sb.a favour帮某人的忙

Will you do me a favour to carry it

八、动词get构成的短语动词 1.get in touch with同„„取得联系 2.get up起床

He gets up very early every day. 3.get back回来;取回 1 will get back next weekend. 4.get on上车

You shouldn’t get on the bus until it

has stopped completely 5.get over克服;度过

You’ll soon get over these difficulties.6.get off下车

The bus stopped and the paengers

got off.

7.Get together相聚

We should go to a restaurant to get


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The news of the disaster soon get about.

16.get acro使理解

The teacher tried to explain the problem,but the explanation did not get acro to the cla.

17.get away离开

1 was in a meeting and couldn’t get away.

18.get down to(doing)sth.安心做,开始认真干

You must get down to your studies this year.

九、动词give构成的短语动词 1.give up放弃

I persuaded him to give up the foolish plan.

2.give in屈服;投降

He wouldn’t give in to the enemy. 3.give out用完;耗尽 Our food and water will give out soon.

4.get out of从„„出来,摆脱, He got out of debt.

5.give away分发;捐赠;泄露 He gave away most of his fortune to the poor work Please don’t give my secret away. 6.give off放出

This engine gives off lots of smoke and steam 7.give back归还;恢复

Don’t let the good chance go by. 3.go out(灯、火)熄灭

When they arrived,the fire had gone out.

4.go on(doing)继续做某事 Please go on with your work. 5.go on to do sth.接着做另外的事 He went on to watch TV after he had finished his home一 6.go over检查;复习

When I came into the teacher\'s room,our teacher is going over our Living here has given me back my health.


7.go through完成;通过;经历;仔细



1.go ahead继续;干吧

During the night the computers go He went ahead with the work and got it done.

She went through one hardship after 一May I use your phone?

---Certainly.Go ahead. 2.go by(时间)过去;经过(地点)

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The poor boy often has to go without supper.

16.go beyond超过

That’s going beyond a joke. 17.go up上升,上涨

The goods have gone up in quality. 18.go down下降,降沉,下沉

The moon has gone down. 十

一、动词have构成的短语动词 1.have a word with sb.和某人说句话 Could you spare a few minutes? I want to have a word with.2.have words with争吵

They’ve had words with her about money.

3.have(deep)effects on对„„有(深远)影响

The book has great effects on his life. 4.have difficulty in/find difficulty in/have trouble (in) doing… 做„„有困难 We have/find difficulty in writing the composition.

We have trouble in writing the composition.十

二、动词keep构成的短语动词 1.keep on doing sth.继续或反复做某事

Marx kept on studying English and using it when he lived in London. 2.keep up坚持;保持;

Keep up your courage and you will succeed.

3.keep up with跟上

She can’t keep up with others. 4.keep back保留;阻止;隐瞒;拒留

She was in deep sorrow。but she kept back her tears. 5.keep away from远离

Keep children away from the fire. 6.keep … out of使„„不进入

In ancient times, the Great Wall was built in order to keep the enemy out of

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He apologized/made an apology to her.

3.be made up of组成

Two thirds of the earth’s surface is made up of vast oceans.

4.make up组成;化妆;补充;弥补;编造;捏造

5.Great Britain and Northern Ireland make up the United Kingdom. It took her more than one hour to make up for the party Our loes have to be made up with more loans.

The whole story is made up.5.make room for给„„腾地方 Would you like to make room for the old lady? 6.make up one’s mind下决心 I have made up my mind to work harder than before.

7.make up for弥补

We must make up for the time wasted before.

8.make use of利用

We should make full use of the books in the library

9.make one’s way排除困难前进 After the film ended we made our way out of the cinema. 10.make progre进步

With the teacher\'s help,I have made much progre. 11.make repairs修理

They are making repairs in that building

12.make a promise许诺言

Father made a promise to buy me a new computer 13.make a living谋生

He began to make a living by himself when he was ten.

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Can you put me through to this number?

9.put forward提出建议,拨快(钟等) The doctor put forward a good suggestion.

十七、动词take构成的短语动词 1.take up占用(时间;空间);从事 The piano takes up too much space in the room 2.take„out拿出去

We don’t allow taking books out of the reading room 3.take sides站在„„一边

Switzerland didn’t take sides in the First World War. 4.take place发生

The strike took place just before liberation.

5.take the place of代替

Now cotton can be taken the place of by many other materials.

6.take one’s place就座;代替某人职位 They took their places before the meeting began. 7.take it easy别着急

Take it easy.and you are not badly i11.

8.take off脱掉;起飞;成功 The plane takes off at eight.

They not just made progre but took off.

9.take part in参加

Martin Luther King took a leading part in the great march 10.take pride in以„„而自豪

He took pride in being a student in Beijing University.

11.take away(from)拿走;使停留,使离开

The child was taken away from school,not allowed to at. 12.take in欺骗,摄取

take on雇用,接受(工作),呈现(品质、面貌)

take over接管

The pretty girl took in my feeling. You’d better take in some fruits. Yon have taken on too much The frogs can take on the colours of its background

- 132.help oneself to sth.尽管请便;请随便吃

As you like fish,help yourself to it. 3.hand in交上来

You have to hand in your compositions before weekend. 4.hand out分发

Would you like to help me to hand out the books to your clamates? 5.1ead to sth./doing sth.导致

Hard work can lead to Succe. 6.1ead a...1ife过„„的生活

Einstein led a simple life in America. 7.die of死于„„(内因)

die from死于„„(外因)

The old man died of old age.

Many old people died from air pollution in winter. 8.die out灭绝

This kind of bird is dying out. 二

十、动词tell, talk, speak,hear,ask,


1.talk to/with sb.和某人谈话

The woman I talked to just now is in charge of the office.

2.speak of/speak about大胆讲话;大声说出来

He dared to speak about his opinion at the meeting. 3.hear of听说

I don’t know him.but I have heard of him.

hear from接到某人的书信

I haven’t heard from him for nearly a year.

4.ask for要;请求

He often asks his parents for money. 5.ask sb.to do sth.要某人做某事

ask sb.for sth.向某人要某物 6.answer for对„„负责 You will have to answer for your behaviour one day

- 153.show sb.around领某人参观 We were showed around the new factory by the chief engineer. 4.point out指出

If I have done anything wrong,please point it out 5.point at指指点点

In part of Asia you must not sit with feet pointing at another person.6.agree to do sth.同意做某事

He agreed to help me with my English.

7.agree with同意某人的意见;适合于

He agreed with me at last.

The climate here doesn’t agree with me.

8.agree on意见一致

The building of a new factory was agreed on last month. 9.pay for付钱

I paid 100 yuan for that shirt.

10.pay off还清债务

It took the couple ten years of hard work to pay off the debts. 11.pay back把钱还回给某人

I can lend the money to you on condition that you must pay it back in two days.

二十三、动词try,wait构成的短语动词 1.try on试穿

He is trying on a new suit. 2.try out试用

Any TV set must be tried out before it leaves the factory.

3.try one’s best to do尽力去做„„ We all try our best to help others. 4.wait for等待

Hurry up! They must be waiting for us.

5.wait on服侍;伺候

Mrs.Smith waited on her husband from morning till night

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The maths problem is too difficult for me to work out.

14.struggle against与„„作斗争

We are struggling against pollution.

15.quarrel with sb.about sth.为„„争吵

She often quarrels with her husband about housework.

16.devote„to sth./sb.献身于;致力于

After he graduated from university,he devoted himself to the teaching work in the countryside.

What does“U.S.”stand for7

stand by支持

No matter what happens.I’11 stand by you.

stand by = support/take part with/take the side of/be in favour(support)of 20.begin at/start with/begin with以„„开始

Today we shall begin at page 40.

Autumn begins/starts with August.

to begin with首先

21.end up最后落得„„的结局/下场

end(up)with以„„结束 22.act on照„„行事

17.used to do sth.过去常常

He acts on principles.

There used to be a brook in front of

23.answer for/be responsible formy house when 1 was a little child.


18.settle down定居

You will answer for what you said.

After years of traveling, Mr.Li

You will be responsible for what you decided to settle down.


19.stand for代表

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He shared her toys with others. 32.base„on根据

He based the conclusion on experiments.


We congratulated her on winning the contest.

34.consist of/be made up of由„„组成

The United Kingdom consists of/is made up of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

35.clear up放晴;收拾;整理;澄清;解决

The weather cleared up after the thunderstorm.

Let me clear up the things on the tables.

I\'d like to clear up two or three points.


We’ve eaten everything up.‘

He tore up the letter after reading it.


look up查找tie up绑好fasten up固定好8peak up大声说blow up吹起来save up储存add up加起来tidy up收拾干净break up打碎speed up加速lock up锁好bring up抚养set up成立 37.cure„of治愈;痊愈

The medicine cured him of his headache.


The doctor treated me for my broken leg.


I’11 treat you to dinner.


The teacher treated us as her friends.

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get out of the habit of改掉„„的习惯

He is in the habit of getting up early.

He got out of the habit of smoking. 53.present„with赠送

He presented her with a gold watch.

54.1ive on靠„„生活,以„„为主食

Sheep live on gra.

1ive through活动,经历过

He has lived through two wars and two revolutions.

1ive up to不辜负

We shouldn’t live up to my parents’ will.

1ive with忍受,容忍

I don’t like the noise.but I have to live with it.


Oil and water can’t mix with each


56.wipe out消灭

The enemy troops have been wiped out.

57.result in导致

result from由„„引起

Overeating results in/causes/leads to/brings about his illne.

His illne results from overeating. 58.Rob…of...抢走

The pain robbed him of sleep.


This reminds me of what we did together during our holidays.


He was warned of the danger.


Have you informed them of your departure?

59.watch out for提防

同义词组:look out for

- 2371.be aware of知道,意识到

He was not aware of her presence till she spoke to him. 72.become of发生

They wondered what had become of him.

73.beg for乞求

He came over and begged for a light 74.benefit from得益于

I benefited from my father’s advice 75.be buried in埋头于

He was buried in a book99.object to反对

Do you object to such simple pleasures? 76.centre...on集中„„于 She centred her attention on the problem.


’ charge„with控告

We don’t charge anything for that.

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97.be lost in埋头于,迷失在„„中 We were lost in the forest 98.take notice of注意

Don’t take any notice of what he says. 99.object to反对

Do you object to such simple pleasures? 100.be occupied with/in忙于,从事于 He was occupied in writing letters. 101.occur to被想到

That view of the case did not occur to me before 102.operate on为„„动手术 You can’t get a private doctor to operate on him. 103.pa away去世 He paed away at eighty. pa by经过,流逝,忽视

He had a feeling that his friends were paing him by pa on传递,传给,去世

The news was paed on by word of mouth

104.reach for伸手去拿

Sam reached for his gun.

reach out伸出

David reached out and took down a small leather-bound book. 105.react to反应,反对

How did he react to the news? 106.remember„to代向„„问好

Remember me to your family! 107.rise up起立,起议

The people finally rose up and dethroned(废黜)the unpopular monarch.

108.round up把„„聚拢

Round up the rest of the flowers. 109.seek after/for追求,征求,寻求

What did you seek for? 110.serve as担任,充当

Tom served for twelve years as a

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