
2020-03-02 17:58:21 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

To: Yaru Liu

From: 吕欣茹 14055101210010 尊敬的马英九先生,各位朋友,大家下午好:

Respected Mr Ma Ying-jeou, dear friends, good afternoon everyone: 今天是一个非常特别的日子,两岸领导人见面,翻开了两岸关系历史性的一页。历史将会记住今天。

Today is a very special day when leaders on both sides of Taiwan Strait meet with each other, which opened a historical page of cro-strait relations and today will be marked in history.曾几何时,台海阴云密布,两岸军事对峙,同胞隔海相望,亲人音讯断绝,给无数家庭留下了刻苦铭心的伤痛,甚至是无法弥补的遗憾。

We still remember the days when Taiwan straight was cloudy by military confrontation, which caused the people from the two sides separated even some of them cut off from their loved ones.History has left bad memories and deep regrets for unfold families on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.But the Strait cannot prevent relatives and friends from miing each other.然而,海峡隔不断兄弟亲情,挡不住同胞对家乡故土的思念和对家人团聚的渴望。同胞亲情的力量终于在上个世纪八十年代冲开了两岸封锁的大门。2008年以来,两岸关系走上了和平发展的道路。过去七年,台海局势安定祥和,两岸关系成果丰硕,两岸双方和广大同胞为此付出了大量心血。

However, the separation can not cut off our bond of brotherhood and stop our compatriots of the hometown thoughts and aspirations for family reunion.The power of kinship in the 1980s finally pushed forward the dialogue acro the Strait.Since 2008, the two sides acro the Strait have stepped on a peaceful period.In the last seven years, the two sides acro the Straits have made much progre in the development of cro-Strait relations, and these are due to the hard work of the people from both sides.正因为有了这七年的积累,两岸双方才能迈出今天这历史性的一步。在此,我要向所有为推动两岸关系发展做出贡献的同胞和朋友表示衷心的感谢。

The past seven years witne the stable situation cro-Straight and fruitful achievements for the two sides, for which, the governments and the people from two sides contributed a lot.At this juncture, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to To: Yaru Liu

From: 吕欣茹 14055101210010 all those who have made efforts to push forward cro-Strait relations.两岸关系66年的发展历程表明,不管两岸同胞经历多少风雨,有过多长时间的隔绝,没有任何力量能把我们分开。因为我们是打断骨头连着筋的同胞兄弟,是血浓于水的一家人。

The 66 years relation indicates that no matter how much difficulty we have gone through, no power can separate us because we are closely-knit kinsmen, and blood is thicker than water.Now we are at a juncture in our relationship.


At present, the development of the relationship between the two sides is facing the choice of direction and road.We cannot repeat historical tragedy.We cannot lose the fruits of our development.People acro the Strait should continue to push forward a peaceful development and enjoy the fruits of peace together.两岸双方应该从两岸关系发展历程中得到启迪,以对民族负责,对历史负责的担当作出经得起历史检验的选择。我们应该以行动向世人表明,两岸中国人完全有能力、有智慧解决好自己的问题,并共同为世界和地区和平稳定发展繁荣作出更大贡献。

We should learn and reflect from the history of the cro-Strait relationship.We must be responsible for history, and make wise decisions that will stand the test of time.We must act together and show the world that the Chinese people acro the Straits have every ability to handle our own iues,and to contribute to the peace and stability in the region, and the world.我希望,两岸双方共同努力,两岸同胞携手奋斗,坚持“九二共识”,巩固共同政治基础,坚定走和平发展道路,保持两岸关系发展正确方向,深化两岸交流合作,增进两岸同胞福祉,共谋中华民族伟大复兴,让两岸同胞共享民族复兴的伟大荣耀。

I hope the two sides acro the Strait can work together and stick to the 1992 consensus.We should consolidate our political foundation, continue down the path of development, and ensure that our ties continue to develop in the right direction.We To: Yaru Liu

From: 吕欣茹 14055101210010 should deepen our exchanges and cooperation, increase the well-being of people acro the strait, and push forward the great rejuvenation of the Chinese people.我先说到这儿,谢谢! I’ll stop here.Thank you.










