
2020-03-02 20:53:05 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



1. 国际学术会议是涉及某一领域的高层次的专题交流。 2. 国际学术会议是中外学术界学术新成果的集中展示。 3. 国际学术会议的内容及所探讨的问题大多理论性强,学术性强,抽象性强,尖端问题多,翻译的难度大。


1. 考虑到学术交流内容的 “专”和“新”的特点,译员应该熟悉专业和发展动态,准确运用专业术语,译语要符合专业特点,避免使用外行话。

2. 考虑到学术交流的学术性强的特点,译员的译语必须十分严谨,准确,正式。

3. 考虑到学术会议有时间限制的特点,译员在翻译时,译语应该简单明了,不拖泥带水。

4. 国际学术会议翻译,尤其要把好 “准确”关。为了确保这点,议员应该首先要吃透,把握好论文精神,记住主要论点。把相关的专业术语翻译准确。


1. 常用词语:

学术研讨会symposium ;

情况交流会information exchange

座谈会seminar ;

小组讨论会panel, group discuion ;

展示会exhibition, how-I-do-it seion ;

行政会议executive seion ; 全体会议plenary seion ;

分组会议concurrent seion ;

筹备会议preparatory meeting ;

年会annual meeting ;

半年会议biannual meeting ;

定期会议stated / regular meeting ;

例会regular meeting ;

隔年会议biennial meeting ; 多国会议joint state / multi-national conference;

东道主host ;

会议召集人convener ;

名誉主席honorary chairman ;

主席chairman / chairwoman ;

执行主席executive chairman ;

主席团presidium ;

临时主席temporary presider ;

贵宾发言人guest speaker ;

特邀报告人invited speaker ;

起草委员会drafting committee ;

会议秘书处secretariat ;

咨询委员会consultative committee ; 总务委员会central committee ;

主题theme ;

议程agenda ;

决议resolution ;

会议通知conference announcement ;

住宿accommodation ;

会费conference fees ;

出席证admiion badge ;

会议文摘conference digest ;

工作报告work report ; 特邀论文invited paper ;

会议资料symposium literature ;

文献评述review of literature ;

举手赞成hand-show 发言to take the floor / to rise to speak ; 全体通过unanimous approval ; 绝对多数absolutely majority ;

开幕辞opening addre

2.会议主持人用语: (1)宣布会议开始

现在我宣布会议开始。Now I declare the meeting open.

首先,我宣布会议议程。First, I shall announce the items on the agenda.

女士们,先生们,请大家安静。Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please?


我很高兴地为各位介绍---专家史密斯教授。I have great pleasure in introducing Profeor Smith, an expert in.

我们现在邀请他给我们介绍他出色的研究工作。We now call on him to share his succeful research work with us today.

下一位发言人是 Our next speaker is

我们现在请布郎教授来谈这个问题。Let’s invite Profeor Brown to addre this iue.


女士们,先生们,我们现在讨论欧文教授的论文,请大家发表意见。 Ladies and gentlemen, Profeor Owen’s paper is now open for discuion.Any questions and comments? 请大家安静,李教授,你可以先发言。Order, please.Profeor Lee, you may have the floor first.由于时间快到了,能否只做简短发言? Since we are running out of time, could you please just make a brief presentation? 还有什么问题吗?要是没有的话,这个问题我天就谈这么多。我们来听下一位报告人发言。No more questions? No, well, so much for that.Let’s go the next speaker.

3.典型译例与实践: (1)代人宣读论文的开场白 女士们,先生们:

北京大学的王教授在座的许多人对他都很熟悉。多年来他一直从事应用语言学的研究,并有不少学术论文发表。本次大会邀请他出席,但他因为健康原因,未能到会。承蒙会议主席推荐,加上我曾经做过王教授的助手,他的论文由我代他宣读,这使我感到荣幸。王教授近年来--- Ladies and gentlemen,

Profeor Wang of Beijing University may be known to may of you present.He has been engaged in the study on applied linguistics for many years, and a number of his papers have been published.But he could not come because of his poor health though he’s been invited to attend the conference.At the kind recommendation of our chairman, as once an aistant of Profeor Wang, I feel very much honoured to be permitted to present the following paper on his behalf.In recent years, Profeor Wang---- - , and what you said about --- also sound reasonable.Furthermore, as far as --- is concerned, some of your ideas can be regarded original.Now I just bring up the subject we have discued and would like to have your views on the following aspects.



Profeor Smith, in the discuion following my talk this morning, you expreed your different opinions on my experimental considerations.I do believe that this is quite natural, and I certainly welcome any suggestions and criticisms, though some of what you said still leave room for further consultations.As a matter of fact, we both have got very similar results not only on the intermediate proce but also in the final stage of our experiments.We shall say all that would serve as a sound basis for our










