
2020-03-02 06:41:25 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



Good morning , ladies and gentlemen .My name is Zhang , I come from the No.1 Primary School of XXX .It\'s really my hornor to be here and make a speech .Today I want to talk something about gratitude !

What is gratitude ? Easy to say that gratitude is thanksgiving , sincere thanksgiving .As we all know , the fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day .However , in my mind , we should be grateful every day , everywhere .

How can we expre our gratitude ? It\'s never a simple question to answer .

We should be grateful to the world .Everyone must breathe the air , eat food and drink water .It\'s the world that provides all to us .So we must protect our environment and make it better .

We should be grateful to our parents .Not only they give birth to us and raise us up without complaining , but also they push their all love to us .Only our parents can forgive all the mistakes we make .Only our parents can share our happine and sorrow all the time .So let\'s hug our parents and say \"Thank you , I love you !\"

We should be grateful to our teachers .They teach us the knowledge we don\'t know .When we ask all kinds of questions to them , they try their best to give us a good answer .So let\'s say \"Thank you \" to them .

We should be grateful to our friends , who always study and play together with us .When we are in need , it\'s our friends give us a hand as soon as poible .So let\'s support each other , we must be friends forever ! All in all , gratitude is the troditional virtue of China .From now on , let\'s be grateful to the whole world , OK ?

That\'s all .I\'m grateful to all of you for listening !

英语演讲稿 gratitude to nature

英语演讲稿《Show Gratitude to Others》

英语演讲稿《Show Gratitude to Others》


gratitude to parents 高中英语演讲比赛感恩





