
2020-03-03 09:23:24 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Recently, I have seen a great movie named “Legally Blonde” and I benefit a lot from it .The movie is about a girl Elle WoodsHer boyfriend Warner was a handsome boy and was surrounded by a lot of beautiful girls.At that time he was going to the Harvard law school.On that special evening, when the girl thought he would propose to her, but instead he dumped her, saying that he needed someone more serious if he\'s going to go to Harvard law school, for all but that seemed such reasonable excuse, he chose to leave Elle.Heartbroken, Elle decided the only way she can win him back was to go to Harvard as well.

She’s sure Warren will propose to her tonight.However, she was wrongherreaction is great.She tries to hide her emotions in fear of embarraing them, but she’ll occasionally let out a loud sob that gains everyone’s attention.Warner is on his way to Harvard for law school, and during their split, Elle realizes what she needs to do to get him back.She also needs to go to Harvard.After some major studying and preparation, she actually gets accepted.Warren is, of course, shocked to discover her appearance, and after a bad first cla, Elle is even more shocked to discover that Warren is engaged to an old girlfriend, Vivian

The film “Legally Blonde” tells the growing of a blonde from her immature to mature.Elle Woods’s boyfriend who studied in Harvard break up with her because she is not serious.So Elle studies hard and entered Harvard Law School to get her boyfriend back .Elle suffered a lot in Harvard because there are so many elites.But at last she proved her ability when she acted as a lawyer in a case of murder.All girls want beauty, but beauty cannot stay forever and it can even bring trouble if you use it in a wrong way .So girls should strive for themselves to get the real

ability and real respect.

The things were not easy to go.But Elle would rather have a try, even though her parents were not agree with her idea.But with the help of her friends, she made great proce.The points that needed were so high that she spared no efforts to do nothing but study.She dared not to think about the results except for learning.Finally, to her great joy, she achieved her goals, in other words, she was admitted into Harvard law school.It was so amazing that she jumped up with joy.And all of her friends threw a party for her to celebrate her achievement immediately.Then she went to the law school.The first days were difficult.All the people surrounded her viewed her from an unpleased way.What’s worse, Warner had proposed to another girl named Vivian.She was a serious and intelligent girl.But she was unfriendly to Elle.She often made jokes about Elle.And Elle really suffered a lot.But she never wanted to give up.She chose to face the big challenge bravely

She was so optimistic that she lived her life in a positive way.She lived with a great paion all the way.And, at last, she succeeded again.She became the top of her cla.And during the three years at Harvard, she met another man, who was always back her up and encouraged her when she lost heart or failed.And they just fell in love with each other.Well, at the same time, Warner dumped Vivian and turned back to Elle again, he said Elle was the right girl for him.Of course, Elle refused him and said the words to him like he said to her before.When I saw this, I smiled.Briefly, Warner deserved it.And when he graduated from the law school, he ended with no honor, no job, and even no girlfriend.What’s more, on the day they graduated, Elle’s boyfriend proposed to her.And during the

three years at Harvard, she and Vivian had become great friends.

This is such an amazing story that it imprees me a lot.And I also learn a lot from it.Surely we will meet with difficulties in our daily life, but the question is what you would do in that situation.Will you give up easily or just have a try? Will you stay the hard course? Such story set me thinking, wondering what I would do under similar situation.What achievements can I find in reviewing the past?

My real feeling after watching the movie maybe can be described just like the words Elle told us at last.During the three years at Harvard, “I have come to find that paion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of law and of life.It is with paion, courage of conviction and strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world.Remembering that the first impreions are not always correct, you must always have faith in people and most importantly you must always have faith in yourself.” Yes, she is right.And I trust these words a lot.

In fact, I think a person couldn’t live without paion just like we couldn’t live without air.That is to say, paion is very important in our life.

From the firm I learnt a lot of things.Many times I can not help crying .Though life given her lots of troubles, She got through them she is a strongwomen in life , I cheered her up in silence .If i can meet a woman likethisinreallife ,I will much happy than before .IF you make yourself have strong sense ,nobody can stop you .The more we tired ,the more we brave .\" sang as Tianzhen.I will learn from the hero ,I\'m faced with the challenges in great grace,

I still believe that \"where there is a will ,there is a way and nothing

can be done without persistence \" but faithful ,unremitting ,daily effort toward a well-directed purpose ,As soon as you want to become a succefulman, youmust insisitson hard work and never give up .As Emerson said ,\"Noone can cheat you out of ultimate succe but yourselves .\"we do not choose to be born ,we do not choose our parents ,we do not choose our historical epoch ,the country of our birth ,or the immediate circumstances of our upbringing .But with in all this realm of choice leon, we decide what is important and what is trivialinlife.

What I most want to say is that :Have faith in yourself and never give up .If you were a bird ,please fling in your own way and don\'t care what other people think .It is with paion, courage of conviction and strongsenseofourselvesthatwe make our next steps into the world .Never want to change my first dream,Never want to bury my hope,I do not mind how long i need to wait only if my dream will come true To addition, we are alive, let us live.We all have the ability to learn, let us learn; we all have the ability to experience, let us experience.

The meaning of life can be grasped.Besides, there is no limit to the goodne of life.“Even when the cold winds blow and the world seems to be covered in foggy shadows, the goodne of life lives on.Open your eyes open your heart, and you will see that goodne of life is everywhere”










