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I.Rewrite the following (2x5=10%) 高级英语

(二)教与学指南 unit 2, unit 6的rewriting

II Paraphrase in English the parts underlined in the following(2x10=20%) 1到2段来自我讲课的重点段落unit 3, unit 7, unit 11, unit 13

III Translate the following parts into English (40%) 1到2段来自我讲课的重点段落unit 3, unit 7, unit 11, unit 13

IV Writing (30%)



Unit 3

In a primitive society, for example, men pictured the world as large, fearsome, hostile, and beyond human control.Therefore they built heavy, walls of huge boulders, behind which they could feel themselves to be in a delimited space that was controllable and safe; these heavy walls expreed man’s fear of the outer world and his need to find protection, however illusory.It might be argued that the undeveloped technology of the period precluded the construction of more delicate walls.This is of course true.Still, it was not technology, but a fearful attitude toward the world, which made people want to build walls in the first place.The greater the fear, the heavier the wall, until in the tombs of ancient kings we find structures that are practically all wall, the fear of diolution being the ultimate fear.

Unit 7

For the Greeks, beauty was a virtue: a kind of excellence.Persons then were aumed to be what we now have to call --- lamely, enviously --- whole persons.If it did occur to the Greeks to distinguish between a person’s “inside” and “outside,” they still expected that inner beauty would be matched by - beauty of the other kind.The well-born young Athenians who gathered around Socrates found it quite paradoxical that their hero was so intelligent, so brave, so honorable, so seductive --- and so ugly.One of Socrates’ main pedagogical acts was to be ugly — and teach those innocent, no doubt splendid-looking disciples of his how full of paradoxes life really was.0ne could hardly ask for more important evidence of the dangers of considering persons as split between what is “inside” and what is “outside” than that interminable half-comic half-tragic tale, the oppreion of women.

Unit 11

We should deplore the disappearance of manus.c.r.i.p.ts.How can anyone, student or scholar, learn anything about the creative proce from a floppy disc? Can this wobbly plastic reveal the hours, the endle hours, where beauty was born out of I its own despair (as William Butler Yeats put it) and blear-eyed wisdom out of midnight oil? Manus.c.r.i.p.ts are these records of creative agony, often sweat-stained, coffee-splattered or cigarette-charred.Manus.c.r.i.p.ts tell us what went on in a writer’s soul, how he or she felt during the agony of creation.Manus.c.r.i.p.ts are our gift to our heritage, and we have no right to deprive future generations of learning how we think and feel, simply because we find word proceing more convenient.

Unit 13

A euphemism is commonly defined as an 1auspicious or exalted term (like “sanitation engineer”) that is used in place of a more 2down-to-earth term (like “garbage man”).People who 3are partial to euphemisms 4stand accused of being “5phony” or trying to bide what it is they are really talking about.And there is no doubt that in some situations the accusation is entirely proper.For example, one of the more 6detestable euphemisms I have come acro in recent years is the term “Operation Sunshine,” which is the name the U.S.Government gave to some experiments it conducted with the hydrogen bomb in the South.Pacific.It is obvious that the government, in choosing this name, was trying to 7expunge the hideous imagery that the bomb evokes and in so doing committed, as I see it, an immoral act.But there is another side to euphemizing that is worth mentioning, and a few words here in its defense will not be 8ami.What I am saying is that the proce of euphemizing has no moral content.The moral 9dimensions are supplied by what the words 10in question expre, what they want us to value and to see.

1.The outstanding characteristic of man’s creativene is the ability to transmute trivial impulses into momentous consequences.

Man’s creativene is especially shown in the fact that_________ 2.The greatne of man is in what he can do with petty grievances and joys, and with common physiological preures and hungers. Man’s ability to ____________________________________ 3.An eventful life exhausts rather than stimulates.

In an eventful life, man’s creativity is _________________

4.If it did occur to the Greeks to distinguish between a person’s “inside” and “outside”, they still expected that inner beauty would be matched by beauty of the other kind.

In spite of the Greeks’ ____________________________

5.It was principally the influence of Christianity that deprived beauty of the central place it had in claical ideals of human excellence. Under the influence of Christianity, beauty _________________

Directions: For this part, you are allowed to write a composition on the topic “Should Jaywalkers(乱穿马路的人) Be Fined?”.You should write at least 150 words based on the outline below.

1.It is common to see pedestrians croing in the middle of a street or ignoring a traffic light.

2.The measure of fining jaywalkers has provoked widespread controversy.

3.How to resolve the problem?

For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the title: Should Firecrackers Be Banned? You should base your composition on the following outline (given in Chinese). 1.有人认为放鞭炮是好事,为什么?



There has been much controversy over setting off firecrackers in the past years, with each party owning convincing evidences.Those who are in favor of setting firecrackers claim that it is an ancient Chinese custom that should be preserved.They also argue that firecrackers make festivals and holiday occasions more colorful and entertaining for both adults and children.Without firecrackers, festivals would become cold and cheerle.

On the other hand, there are many people who are of the opinion that firecrackers should be banned.They point out that firecrackers are responsible for fires which destroy property, and for injuries suffered both by the people who set them off and by innocent bystanders.Besides, they maintain that firecrackers lead to a waste of money and resources. Personally, I think that both sides have something right.Actually, firecrackers should be viewed as a two-edged sword, which presents us with both benefits and troubles.But we should not give up eating for fear of choking.The best policy, as I see it, is to maximize their advantages and minimize their unhealthy influence, so that they can benefit us in a better way.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short eay entitled Reduce Waste on Campus.You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1. 有些大学校园浪费的现象日益严重

2. 浪费的危害

3. 杜绝浪费,从我做起

Reduce Waste on Campus (a)


Nobody could have failed to apparently notice the fact that wasting has become an increasingly grave problem in many campuses.Much food are left in the plates and dumped into the trash can in the dining hall.Blank or half blank pieces of paper are left on the desks in the claroom.Taps are left open and water left running or dripping all the time In the dorm building.And there can be more such examples.


Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list: in the dining hall, much food are left in the plates and dumped into the trash can; in the claroom, blank pieces of paper are left on the desks; in the dorm building, taps are left open and water left running all the time.









当代美术赏析 愚公移山

