
2020-03-02 22:42:44 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

My dear clamates:

Good afternoon! I ‘m orange.

I will be honored that my teacher and clamate to give me the chance talk about my colleague life.It’s very hot today.my speech have three prats,one is about my parent and teacher;one is about my friend and my clamate; another is about my study and working experience.

First, I want to talk my parent/teacher,父母,老师(parent,teacher)

When I was a little boy ,my parent spent so much time teach me how to eat with chipsticks,how to dre myself/tie shooes,how to wash face.The most importance is they tech me the way to be a manic very appreciate what my parent done for me.Anyway my parent was my fist teach in my life

Ican’t imagine without my parent what kind of person I become, maybe a crime, haha.

I also appreciate my teacher, they teacher me knowledge and open my eye to see the world and without impatient.

This is the first thing I want said, respectparent/ teacher, because no one in the world was love you selfne.

Secondly,,I want to talk my friend/clamate朋友,同学(friend,clamate)

As the old saying,” A life without a friend is a life without a sun”, yes that’s it.WANQIANGLI is one of my best friend.To be honest, we buy the bicycle together, Of course, his bike is better than mine, but he lost first in the birthday, that’s a very funny story; we laughed together, we also share the common dream.My roommate also is the most importance part of my colleague life.althongt some time we didn’t agree with each other, but we understand each other.Thanks to all of my friend.Because of you bring so much happy to my colleague life, it really make me feeling the happine.Especially WANQIANGLI and YINGCHILIU.

Finally,,I want to talk my study/work学习,工作(study, work)

Actually, my study isn’t very good in my colleague life.for example I have been Hanging Branch(挂科),the match.I’m very depreed at that time.it means I have to pay another year to study my match.Althongt finally I paed the exam,it really make me understand “Don’t loosen my study ”.Now I want to taik about my working experience .i didn’t have rich experience .i work in the student uion of technology department for one year and the most importan thing I have learn is that how to communicate with other effective.Also,it’s the common dream of my and my best friend .i very appreciate that my instructor(辅导员) FEIFEISHEN AND CHAOYELI give me the chance.

Thanks again!










