
2020-03-02 11:17:11 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

如何徒步旅行并享受旅程 Step 1: Prepare for your hike First, a hike entails walking.Sometimes strenuously, other times casual.Make sure that walking for longer periods of time works for you.Commence with a treadmill until you feel comfortable with a saucy walk in the park, and then finally, graduate onto the track.Do this repeatedly until you feel your strength is adequate to withstand the duration of your desired hike.第一步:为徒步旅行做准备


Step 2: Dre appropriately Next, forget your exceptional fashion sense and make yourself comfortable for the adventure.Simple jeans and a t-shirt will be sufficient.If the weather is scorching, consider shorts.第二步:穿衣服要合适


Step 3: Wear appropriate footwear The most important aspect of your attire is the footwear.Tennis shoes, hiking boots, or even specialized sandals (for the audacious type) can be worn but make sure they are not brand new and that your feet are akin to them – or the results may be unfavorable.第三步:穿合适的鞋袜


Step 4: Know your route Next let\'s consider our two biggest predators we will encounter – the sun, and the ever alarming mosquitoes.Simply applying spf 30 or higher sunscreen and bug repellent will be sufficient to rid yourself of these pests.第四步:知道你的路线

让我们来考虑下2个我们要面对的最危险的事物:太阳和使人害怕的蚊子。让你的防晒系数达到30或是更高,买些驱虫剂足够让你拜托这些麻烦。 生活真的很奇妙(可用于诗歌) I learned to laugh inside my tear, I learned to be human in my most wretched years...I learned to feel when I wasn\'t being touched, I learned to give when I didn\'t have much. I learned to be warm when I was cold...Living real humbly,I learned to be bold.I learned to live when I thought it better to die...I learned to laugh when all I could do was cry.I learned from below what it\'s like up above...While I was hated,I learned how to love.It was on the move that I learned how to rest, While at my worst ,I learned my best.It is when I was lost that I learned that I am.I learned to be rich when I had o money...These things seem so serious,but hey...Isn\'t life funny!? 在泪水中我学会了欢笑

在最悲惨的是日了里,我学会了做真正的人 当没什么可以感动的时候,我学会了去感受 当并不富足时,我学会了给予 寒冷的时候,我学会了温暖自己 真正卑微地活着,我学会了无所畏惧 万念俱灰的时候,我学会了生存

惟一能做的就是哭泣时,我学会了欢笑 我从最低层,学会了什么叫高尚 当被憎恨时,我学会怎样去爱 颠沛流离中,我学会了怎样放松 糟糕透顶时,我学到了最好的一课 当我迷失的时候,我才了解我是谁 一文不名的时候,我学会了如何富有 这些事情似乎很严肃,然而......生活是不是真的很奇妙!? 旅行中如何用英文兑换货币

How much of the remittance do you want to convert into Japanese yen? 你要把多少汇款换成日圆?

What kind of currency do you want? 要哪种货币?

What\'s it you wish to change? 你有什么要换的?

What kind of currency do you want to change? 要换哪种货币?

In what denominations? 要什么面值的?

Please tell me what note you want.请告诉我要什么钞票。 Will seven tens be all right? 7张10元的可以吗? Is it in traveler\'s cheques? 换旅行支票吗?

I\'d like to know how I shall give it to you.我想知道如何付钱给你。 How would you like it? 你要什么面额的?

Would you kindly sign the exchange form, giving your name and addre? 请在兑换单上签字,写出你的姓名和地址,好吗? 如何在旅途中保持健康

How can you stay in shape on the road when you won’t have regular acce to a gym, bicycle, pool, even a jogging trail? Here are 5 tips for keeping fit on the road.当你没有常规的方法来实现上健身房,骑自行车,游泳,甚至是慢跑时,怎样做到在乘车旅行时保持健康呢? 这里有5点能帮助你做到。

1.Run Although there may not be a trail, there’s always some place to run if you know where to look.Large lakes are your best bet for a paved, level path, but feel free to speed through the countryside at 5 mpm (minutes per mile, you rookies) and startle those just leaving the house.A useful website (better than Google maps, I think) can help you chart as-the-crow-flies distances acro the globe: Gmaps Pedometer.Incidentally, if you don’t have room to pack a pair of running shoes and live near open fields, barefoot running is better for your bones and form.Just watch out for sharp objects.1.跑步


Gmaps Pedometer是一个很有用的网站(我认为比谷歌好),它能帮助你记录穿过地球的直线距离。


2.Play Ultimate Frisbee For some reason, ultimate clubs seem to be a global standard for expats.Naturally, there are other choices available to you, but none quite as widespread (probably because it’s a simple team sport requiring the least maive equipment).Reach out to your local expat community to inquire about meeting times.玩极限飞盘



3.Find Fitne Centers Gyms can be expensive no matter where you are, and chances are you don’t want to be tied to a six-or twelve-month membership.See if your area has a YMCA.If you’re in a small town, try to negotiate a decent per diem rate; better yet, make friends with the owner.Otherwise, it’s a better idea to save your money and effort: instead of bench prees, have someone sit on your back while you do pushups; bring a small hand weight with you for arm workouts; take advantage of your environment by rock climbing, kayaking, or doing martial arts…you get the idea.寻找一个适当的中心




4.Sample Local Flavor Cubicle life might be stable and comfortable, but now that you’ve chosen to travel, to break the mold, so should it be with how you decide to keep fit every day.Open your body to new poibilities..No one is saying you can’t return to a regular 90 minutes on the weight, 30 minutes of aquajogging, and 17.5 minutes of stretching – just seize what is available to you on the road.体验当地风情


没有人说你不能从常规的90分钟的负重,30分钟的慢跑和17.5分钟的拉伸练习中恢复过来 ——你只要抓住你乘车旅行中可用的机会就好了。

5.Stay Away From McDonalds 远离麦当劳

Bottom line Keep track of your pace while on the road.For anyone who lives an active lifestyle, traveling for long periods of time isn’t always ideal.

Once you’ve had a taste of what it means to be in shape and reach your physical peak – strength, high metabolism, stamina, speed, agility - you start to wonder how you could have lived any other way.底线












