
2020-03-01 16:13:08 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

MY BACKGROUND Good morning, my dear profeors.I am very glad to be here for your interview.My name is Wu Juan,twenty-eight years old.In 2002 I was admitted by Hubei Traditional Chinese Medicine to pursue a bachelor degree in Economics.My major is Marketing.During the college, I took part in the School Literary Society, as a president, I responsibled for the daily management of organizations and periodicals published.The undergraduate education and experience gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others.The following five years working experience offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence.After graduation, I entered Ma ying-long Pharmaceutical.In 2006-2007, I worked as a sales representative to sale products of our company, In 2008-2010, I was transferred back to the customer service department of Company headquarters in charge of the management of busine and end Documents.Now, in 2011 I was transferred to the Ministry of Public Affairs responsibling for tender current stage, I am familiaring with the busine .I do believe that with my solid educational background and ample working experience, I would be an excellent student of you MBA program.MY PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENT: After I was transferred back to the customer service department of Company headquarters, My main job was the management of busine and end Documents .Through contacting with a large number of document, and analyzing the overall document situation of the sales center, I found that the present document policy was not been put into effect.Reporting document in our company is the first step in sales, But the sales center did not have a entry computer system , the document complete policy of it, from write to through many departments, each department has a set policy.because lack of seamle join, the efficiency of the document reporting is very low.affected the busine staffs to carry out the later busine seriously .I then we Communicated and consulted with reported this to my leader, other relevant departments .Finally we formulated a unified document management approach, which according to the different kind of the document, determine the responsible person, reporting time, proce and requirements, audit responsibilities and punitive measures.Through this way, Making the work of document carring out standardly, and ensuring the other aspects of sale carry on smoothly.Due to this, I was highly praised by the president of the Sales center.. Why choose your MBA program? After I have worked in busine area for five years, I feel that I need to continue my education by pursuing a Master degree in busine administration.I have practiced my profeional expertise in busine, demonstrated my leadership abilities and perfected my communication skills.But I have not yet to fully master the art of modern busine.I want to be trained more vigorously in scientific methods

of analysis and synthesis.There are a lot of opportunities and challenges in China that I do not yet fell fully confident to seize.My busine career has so far benefited mostly the company that I worked for, but a good busine education in your university will probably become a new era for me.Why choose our university Your university is well known for its excellence in China’s busine education.I am sure that, with my extensive busine experience, I can be a worthy student of yours.I am anxious to benefit from your seasoned guidance and take advantage of your research facilities. My family and hometown I was born in a small village of Xiangyang on March 15th, 1983.There are four people in my family , my father、mother and father and mother are farmers .They are very great .They always work hard in order to earn more for me and my brother go to school.Now my younger brother participate in the work too.But my parents still work hard.I learn from them very much.We love each other very much in my family.In order to reduce the burden on parents, I do my best to learn in order to gain scholarship and teched primary students during my spare time. bachelor 英音:[\'bætȓǩlǩ ] literary 英音:[\'litǩrǩri] 学士 文学 president 英音:[\'prezidǩnt] periodical 英音:[,piǩri\'Ǥdikǩl] 充分发挥 充足的工作 勤勉 期刊 undergraduate 英音:[,Ȝndǩ\'græjuit] give full play to: diligence: ample working::[\'æmpl] seamle 英音:[\'si:mlis] pharmaceutical 英音:[,fǡ:mǩ\'sju:tikl] representative 英音:[repri\'zentǩtiv] policy 英音:[\'pǤlisi] seriously 英音:[\'siriǩsli] consult 英音:[kǩn\'sȜlt] relevant 英音:[\'relivǩnt] proce 英音:[\'prǩuses] audit 英音:[\'Ǥ:dit] 审核 aspect 英音:[\'æspekt] center 英音:[\'sentǩ] expertise 英音:[,ekspǩ:\'ti:z] 专门知识;专门技术 显示,表露 英音:[\'dilidȢǩns] 与...商量 方面 smoothly 英音:[smu:ðli] demonstrate 英音:[\'demǩnstreit] entrepreneur 英音:[,Ǥntrǩprǩ\'nǩ:] 企业家;事业创办者 vigorously 英音:[\'vigǩrǩsli] 精神旺盛地;活泼地 analysis 英音:[ǩ\'nælǩsis] 分析 synthesis 英音:[\'sinθisis] 综合体;综合 challenge 英音:[\'tȓælindȢ] seize 英音:[si:z] career 英音:[kǩ\'riǩ] era 英音:[\'iǩrǩ] 时代 extensive 英音:[iks\'tensiv] 广大的;广阔的;广泛的;大规模的 season 英音:[\'si:zn] guidance 英音:[\'gaidǩns] facilities 设施;设备 primary 英音:[\'praimǩri] 2002: 1983 two thousand and two nineteen eighty-three 在我们公司申报档案是销售工作的第一步, 但是公司还没有一套完整的档案政策, 档案从填 写到最终的录入电脑系统,经过很多部门,每个部门都制定一套本部门的政策,由于缺乏无 缝衔接,导致档案申报工作效率底下,严重影响办事处人员后期业务的开展。我把这个问题 向我的领导反馈后, 我

我们一起跟其他相关部门进行沟通和协商, 最终制定了一个统一的档案 管理办法,根据档案的不同性质确定档案相关责任人、申报时间、申报流程、填报要求、审 核职责以及惩罚措施。使档案工作规范有序的开展,确保了销售其他环节顺利进行。










MBA 提前面试 英文自我介绍
