
2020-03-03 12:02:13 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

魔法英语-初中作文-13写景抒情.txt你站在那不要动!等我飞奔过去!雨停了 天晴了 女人你慢慢扫屋 我为你去扫天下了你是我的听说现在结婚很便宜,民政局9块钱搞定,我请你吧你个笨蛋啊遇到这种事要站在我后面!跟我走总有一天你的名字会出现在我家的户口本上。魔法英语-初中作文-1.3写景抒情





Days get longer and warmer in the spring.There are new leaves on the trees.Flowers begin to grow.Rain makes the gra green and helps the plants grow.Spring is the time of new life.Nature wears new clothes in many colours—red, yellow, blue, white, and purple.

get longer and warrner 变得更长更暖和

leaf 树叶

nature 大自然

purple 紫色

My Hometown


My hometown is a mountain village.I love my hometown very much.The village is very beautiful.It’s among three hills.The village is on a small old river.There are a lot of old houses and new buildings in our village.Around the river, there are lots of green trees and colorful flowers.There is a small old primary school near the river, but the teaching buildings are very new.There are about two hundred pupils in the school.They are hardworking.In summer, my friends and I like catching fish and swimming in the river.

a mountain village 山村


on a small old river 在一条古老的小河边

catch fish 抓鱼

in the river 在河里

The Village in Summer


We live in a small village.I like the village in summer.On fine summer mornings, my sister and I often get up very early to see the sunrise.We watch the sun rising far away.It’s like a red ball of fire.It makes everything around us look very beautiful.Sometimes we go into the forests.We climb trees, pick flowers, and pick wild fruits to eat.In the evenings, we walk along the banks of the old river.We sometimes see some boys in the river.Someone dives into the water; someone swims acro the river.We often catch fish in it, too.

on fine summer mornings


watch somebody doing something


be like 像„„

walk along 沿着„„走

dive into...潜入

Our School Campus


I am a student of a middle school.My school campus is very big and beautiful.There are many tall buildings, such as the library and teaching buildings, and there are many tall trees and beautiful flowers.There is also a playground in our school.We often play football, play basketball, play games and have PE claes on it.Our teachers are very kind and friendly to us.They work hard and take good care of us.They are our good friends.We all love them very much and love our school campus very much, too.

such as 例如

play football 踢足球

have a PE cla 上体育课

be kind and friendly to sb.对„„友好

Our School Library


This is our school library.It’s not very large.It has only two aistants and about 2,000 books.We love to go to the library, because the books are very exciting and interesting, and the workers there are very friendly to us.They are strict with us.From the library, we can borrow two books at a time, and keep them for two weeks.But we can’t lend them to others.If we lose our library book, we must pay for it.In its reading room, we can read and do our homework.

about 2,000 books

大约2000 本书

be friendly to somebody


be strict with somebody


at a time 每次

pay for 赔偿

do one’s homework


The Sun, the moon


The sun looks like a shiny plate,but it is really a big ball.It is always giving off light.Its flames are very much hotter and bigger than any fire on the earth.The sun has a family.It is the biggest member in the family.

The moon is a ball,too,like the sun and the earth.Sometimes it looks as round as a plate,sometimes it looks like half a plate,or like a thin slice of yellow melon.But whether you can see all of it or not,the moon is always round.Part of it is dark because it is always turned away from the sun.The moon has no light of its own.Moon light is only sunlight shining on the moon.

The moon is much smaller than the sun,even smaller than the stars.As the moon

is nearer to us,it looks bigger.All day the stars are in the sky,but the light from the sun is so bright that you can not see them.Stars look as tiny as pinheads,but some are even bigger than the sun.The sun looks big because it is closer thanother stars.The farther away a thing is,the smaller it looks,even if it is really very big.

give off 发出

flame 火焰

be much hotter and bigger than


slice 片melon 瓜

tiny 极小的

pinhead 针头

even if 即使

A Shop near Our School


Near our school there is a small shop.It is open after eight o’clock in the morning.It sells many kinds of things.In this shop you can buy school things, like exercise books, rulers, pens, erasers and maps.The people in the shop are very friendly.They work all day.You can often buy things from their shop on your way home.near our school 在学校附近

many kinds of 许多种类

school things 学习用品

all day 整天

buy...from 从„„买„„

Enjoying The Beauty


There are many common but nice things around us, such as a drop of water, a fallen leaf and so on.Usually we pay no attention to them, so we often mi the chance of finding beauty in our daily life.

It is a hot day.I sit on the floor in my room.After a short while, it is dark.I stand up, come near the window and have a deep breath.At night, everything turns quite.The cool wind blows through the window.I feel very cool.“ What a beautiful picture it is!” I think.Beauty is not only in the nature but also in people’s mind.Finding the beauty is also a kind of happine.

a fallen leaf


pay no attention to...


mi the chance of finding beauty


have a deep breath深呼吸

Beauty is not only in the nature but also in people’s mind.



That autumn day had a great clear sky.


They quietly welcome mother earth to wake up.


among thousands of shining stars


The thousand rays of the evening sunlight started to thin.千万缕晚霞的光线开始变细。

the sound of the wind blowing against the tree leaves


the waves gently hitting the rocks


It is getting warmer and warmer.


look like a burning ball of fire


was filled with mysterious colours


the seven-coloured rainbow hung in the sky


The golden leaves fall from the trees on the ground.


The weather is warm and sunny here.


Summer has come, with its warm Sunny days.


By the time summer arrives, the world is a very different place.夏天来临时,世界成了另一番景象。

Flowers are open everywhere.鲜花到处盛开。

The sun gets up early and goes to bed late in sunny June.在明媚的六月里,太阳早早升起,很晚才落下。



初中写景作文 (13)







