unit4 earthquake reading教案

2020-03-02 07:05:29 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Teaching Plan for Leon 2, Unit 4, Book 1(Senior 1) Earthquakes

教学内容:Leon 2 for unit 4 Earthquake 课 型:Reading 教学对象:51 students in cla 9, senior 1 授课时间:40 minutes 授课教师:Zhou zhuoling

Learning Objectives: 1.Predict the poible contents of a text through the title.2.Skimming for main idea of the text.(From the whole text to each paragraph ) 3.Sum up the main idea of a paragraph by reading the topic sentences as well as key words or phrases.4.Scan for the detail information (when, where, what and result ) by answering questions and filling in the blanks and chart.5.Understand the function of the data in reading.6.Be familiars with the key words and phrases: suffering, canal, burst, at an end, shock, rescue, million, mine, miner, shelter, usele, track, brick, extreme, survivor, trap, electricity, dig out.7.Understand the implied meaning of the text.(We can predict and prepare for the earthquake to reduce the lo, and we should never give up and be united when the disaster comes.) Teaching aids: PPT slides, blackboard Teaching Procedure Stage 1: Leading in (5 minutes) Step 1: Review last leon.(2 minutes) (T: Cla, what we have learned yesterday? T: Yesterday we have learned what may happen before an earthquake.What else? We learned how to protect ourselves in the earthquake.And we also learned what was happening during the earthquake.Step 2: Ss predict the content from the title.(3 minutes) (T: Let\'s turn to Page 26.Please look at the title of the reading, “ A night the earth didn’t sleep ” Why did the writer say so? What do you think of the title?

Step 3: T invites Ss to give their answers.(T: ** , what\' s your understanding of the title.)

Step 4: T summarizes the Ss\' opinions about their understanding of the title.(T: The earth didn\'t sleep in the night.That is to say, a big disaster may happen there.) (If Ss keep silent, T continues to say :) T: OK.It may be difficult to answer now.Please keep this question in mind.After we finish this leon, I’d like you to give me your answers.) Stage 2: Fast reading.(8 minutes) Step 1: Skimming: Ss do fast reading to find out the main idea.(5 minutes)

(T: Now please read the text quickly, and find out the main idea of this reading.Please pay more attention to the first sentence in each paragraph and the time in the text.And then do the exercises on PPT.You have 3 minutes to go.Now begin.PPT: 1) What\'s the main idea of the text? The paage mainly talks about a(n) earthquake that happened in Tangshan in 1976.2) Match each paragraph with its main idea.Para.1 A.Damage caused by the earthquake.Para.2-3 B.Rescue after the earthquake.Para.4 C.Signs (迹象) before the earthquake.) Step 2: T checks Ss\' answers and guides Ss to sum up the main idea of each paragraph by going through the topic sentences as well as the key words and phrase.(3 minutes) (T: This paage tells us an earthquake that happened in Tangshan in 1976.What\'s the topic sentence in Paragraph 1? What\'s the topic sentence in Paragraph 2? What\'s the topic sentence in Paragraph 3? What\'s the topic sentence in Paragraph 4?) Stage 3: Scanning (Careful reading).(21 minutes) Step 1: Ss read Para.1 and fill in the chart to show signs before the earthquake.(3 minutes) (T: Let\'s look at paragraph 1, what strange things happened before the earthquake? Read paragraph 1 quickly and fill in the blanks.You have 2 minutes to go.Now begin.) Chart: Time What happened?

People\'s reaction

Three days before the earthquakes

Well:_____ Nature walls:_____ crack:____

In the chicken & pig:__ countryside Animals mice:___ Fish: ____ People thought little of the quake and they were asleep as usual.

.At about 3:00 am July 28, 1976 See: _______ In the sky: Hear: _______

In the city: water pipes: ______ )

Step 2: T checks Ss’ answers.(3 minutes)

(T: From which sentence can we know that the water rose and fell? What about walls? Where can we find the answer? What happened to the cracks? Read the sentence that tells us what happened to animals? T: .At about 3:00 am July 28, 1976, what can we see in the sky? What can hear in the sky? What happened to the water pipes? T: There were many strange things that happened before the earthquake.But did the people who lived in Tangshan pay more attention to it? How do you know?)

Step 3: Ss read Para.2-3 and fill in the blanks with data from the text.(3 minutes) (T: Let’s read the paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 quickly; try to find out the data in Para.2 and 3.You have 2 minutes.Let’s do it.) PPT: Para.2-3: Fill in the blanks with data (数据) from the text.² _1/3__ of the nation felt the earthquake.² A huge crack that was __8_ kilometers long and _30_ meters wide cut acro houses.² In _15__terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.² ___2/3__of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.² The number of the people who were killed or seriously injured reached more than _400,000_ .² All the city\'s hospitals, _78%__ of its factories and buildings and _90%_ of its homes were gone.)

Step 3: Discuion: What are the functions (功能, 作用) of these data listed in the text? (2 minutes) (T: We can see that the author uses so many data in Para.2 and Para.3.Why does the author use these data? What is the function of these data listed in the text? Discu with your clamates.PPT: What are the functions (功能, 作用) of these data listed in the text?) Step 4: T invites Ss to share their opinions.(2 minutes) Step 5: T summarizes Ss’ answers.(1 minute)

(T: From the data, we can see that the earthquake happened suddenly and it caused a great damage.) Step 5: T guides Ss to pay more attention to the damage of the second earthquake.(2 minutes) (T: Was there only one earthquake in Tangshan? When did the second quake hit the city? What was the result of that? Where can you find the answer?)

Step 5: T guides Ss to know more about the rescue after the earthquake.(4 minutes) (T: Great damage caused by the earthquake, Tangshan really suffered a lot from it.Was all hope lost? Which sentence tells us? ) (T: Who came to help Tangshan first? Please read last paragraph as quickly as you can and do the exercises on the PPT.You have 2 minutes to do it.One , two, begin.) PPT: Q 1: What did the army do? ² The army sent _______ to Tangshan to help _______ .² They organized teams to _____ those who were______.² They also rescued ____ from the coal mines there.Q 2: What did the rescue workers do? ² They built ____ for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.) Q 3: What other help did the survivors get? ² ____ was taken to the city by train and plane.Step 6: T checks Ss’ answers.(1 minute)

Stage 4: Post reading: Summary and homework (6 minutes) Step 1: Free talk: What should we do when we face the disaster? ( 5 minutes) (T: Cla, when we face the disaster, what should we do? T: We should be united, we should never give up, we should help each other, we should challenge ourselves.)

Step 2: Homework: (1 minute) 1.Retell the story according to the time. 2.Underline the difficult phrases and sentences.











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unit4 earthquake reading教案