
2020-03-02 06:57:26 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文









4、不懂就问, 虚心向实习指导教师学习,努力提高自己的业务水平,为在短时间内上岗打下基础,培养良好的工作作风,






(1) 实习学生通过直接参加旅游相关企事业单位实际业务的定岗工作,

(2) 初步获得旅游专业操作技能和实际工作经验,

(3) 巩固在校所学理论知识,

(4) 培养独立工作的能力;

(5) 实习学生通过参加与未来就业有关的社会实践活动,

(6) 锻炼社会交往能力,

(7) 获得实际旅游业务知识和管理知识,

(8) 培养学生综合运用知识的能力,

(9) 进一步提高学生的综合素质;

(10) 根据实习学生本人的爱好,

(11) 选择适当的实习场所,

(12) 找到并发挥自己的特长;

(13) 为撰写毕业论文进行必要的调查研究并搜集所需资料。

实习一 麦积山景区导游 (6学时)
























Maiji Mountain Grottoes

Dear my friends:

Welcome to Tianshui!

The climate of Tianshui is suitable for the survival of mankind.That makes it become a cradle of the Chinese nation.As we know, Fuxi and Nuwa who are the Chinese ancestors lived here.They created the early period of Chinese culture.For the suitable climate, there are many wonderful attractions.This time we will go to Maiji Mountain, and visit Maiji Mountain Grottoes.

Maiji Mountain is located 50 km far from Tianshui just to the south of Maiji Village.It is only 142 meters above the ground, but the altitude of about 2,000 meters above the sea level.It is a single and distinct peak of the xiaolong Mountain of Western Qinling Range.Since it looks like a huge wheat straw pile from afar, it is called Maiji Mountain (the Wheat Straw pile Mountain).The flouring various plants with clouds wrapping them in a blanket of mist create one of nature’s most majestic sights.In the late of the Western Hang Dynasty, it became the palace of Kui Xiao (傀魈) who is a famous general of Tianshui.The Maiji Mountain Scenic Area was listed as a famous resort under the state protection by the State Council in 1982.And Maiji Mountain Grottoes are the most important area of it, which rank the second in the four well-known grottoes in Gansu province.(The four well-known grottoes are Mogao Grottoes, Maiji Mountain Grottoes, Bingling Temple Grottoes and Mati Temple Grottoes.)

The grottoes of Maiji Mountain are caved in the cliffs, which are in rows 20 to 30 meters or 70 to 80 meters above the foot of mountain.That makes them look like a huge honeycomb in the distance.The wide of those grottoes which are linked by some dangerous ways is from 3 meters to about 1 meter.

Maiji Mountain Grottoes were first dug in the Qin Dynasty of the Sixteen States period (about 384 to 417 AD).And the grottoes were cut and repaired in the succeive dynasties of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Western Wei Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty.An earthquake which occurred in Tianshui during the Tang Dynasty (734 AD) resulted in collapse of the cliff, and the grottoes were subsequently divided into tow sections: the Eastern and the Western with 54 and 140 grottoes respectively, which were called the Eastern

pavilion and the Western pavilion during the Five Dynasties.

In the Eastern, there is the Thousands of Buddhism Corridor, the Throwing Flowers Building, the Upper Seven-Buddhism pavilion, and the Middle Seven-Buddhism pavilion, and so on.In the Western, there are 3 grottoes which are the most famous.In them, the biggest is the Thousands of Buddhism pavilion, the second is the Heavenly Cave, and the smallest is the Cave NO.127, which were all cut in 6 AD.

There is a legend aociated with the Throwing Flowers Building.It is said that Sakyamuni appeared here to preach.During the first time, there were tens of thousands of disciples in the valley which was under the Throwing Flowers Building.In order to know whether all of them understand the Buddhist thoughts and tenets, the 28 flying aspara threw different kinds of petals to them.If the disciples understood, the petals would not fall, but fall; if not, the petals would fall.It was surprised that all of the petals rose.Now you can throw some pieces of paper, you will find the pieces rise.Do you know why? Because there is an air current which can make some light things rise.

Though Maiji Mountain Grottoes are suffered many earthquakes and fires, now there are 194 grottoes, more than 7,200 statues and over 1,300 square meters murals.As the stone of Maiji Mountain is unfit for caving, most statues are clay sculptures, but they are quite exquisite.The sculptures are mainly images of Buddha and his disciples, Bodhisattvas, the Heavenly Kings and Vajras.It is surprised that the sculptures have been preserved well, even though the climate is wet in Maiji Mountain.

Like the earliest sculpture of Mogao Grottoes, the grottoes of Maiji Mountain were obviously influenced by the Indian style in 30 caves during the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Western Wei Dynasty and the Northern Zhou Dynasty.By the time of the Song Dynasty, the style was changed greatly due to mixing the Indian culture and the Central Chinese culture.The sculptures wear diverse countenance looking vivid.And the dre of them is soft and

natural.In the late period, the style was continuously improved on the basis of the Chinese current culture.So the sculptures are more vivid than before and full of the interest of worldly life.However, since the Northern Wei Dynasty, almost the sculptures bowed their heads, as if they were looking this world.They are the gods, but they look like the human beings.

The grottoes of Maiji Mountain are of high values for the study on politic, economy and culture in ancient China, even though they are the Buddhist arts.The grottoes embody the Chinese national tradition and consciousne, and also have the characteristic of making the form show the spirit.Especially the sculptures of the Sui and Tang Dynasty are full and rounded, and in the Song Dynasty, they are thin, delicate and pretty.Maiji Mountain Grottoes reflect the evolution of the clay sculptures art in China.They are referred to as “the treasure houses of oriental sculptures”.


UponThe Call of Maijishan Mounaint

实习二 仙人崖景区导游(6学时)


























仙人崖石窟位于天水市市区东南65公里,天水市北道镇东南45公里的朱家后川,距麦积山景区东北方向15公里,实习报告《旅游英语实习报告(英文)》。相传此处过去常有高人隐居于此修行,点灯指路, 故名仙人崖。仙人崖景区由三崖、五莲山、六大寺组成,翠峰林立,岩石万仞,松桧成林,鸟语花香。寺观修建于峰顶或飞崖之下,融汇了儒释道三教合一的宗教文化,现为一佛、道合一的石窟寺庙,有明清殿宇27座,房屋54间,及北魏、宋、明清各代塑像197尊,壁画83平方米,永乐年间的珍贵铜佛像5尊。仙人崖三崖中,以西崖面积和佛殿数量为最,14座殿宇内有唐、宋、明、清各代佛像100多尊,艺术价值极高。“仙人送灯”、“净土松涛”、“仙水湖光”、“十八罗汉朝玉帝”,仙境意趣,景景相连。仙人崖景区在麦积山景区的正北方,处于秦岭的西翼。因其地处南北方交界,所以在北方的雄山旁常伴南方的秀水淙淙。南北方景色相比相衬,浑然一体。景色极为诱人。仙人崖地势险要,以石岩洞、献珠峰、南天门、宝盖山、千佛崖最为典型,奇山、秀水、绿树、野花相映,涉足其间,确有身临仙境之感。

Immortal Cliff

Immortal Cliff Cave is located 65 kilometers southeast of Tianshui City, and 45 kilometers southeast of the Zhujiahouchuan Village of Beidao Town.Legend has it that in the past immortals often lived here for the practice, lighting the way, so it is named the Immortal Cliff.Immortal Cliff Scenic Spots is composed of three cliffs, Mount Wulian, six temples.With the peak forest, rugged rocks, pine and cypre forest, nature forms an idyllic scene for huaman beings here.The temple was built over the peaks or under the flying cliffs, integrated the religious cultures of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhalism It is now a cave temple with the mixture of Buddha and Tao as well, which has 27 temples from Ming and Qing Dynasties, 54 houses, and 197 statues and 83 square meters of murals from the Northern Wei, Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties.The site also has 5 Copper Buddha statues from the Yongle Years, Ming Dynasty.Among the three cliffs, the Western Cliff holds the most temples and cliff area, with 14 temples which holds over 100 Buhhda statues from the Tang, Song, Ming, Qing Dynasties.It has a very precious artistic value.“The Immortal Send the Lamp”, “pines Sound-waves over the Wonderland”, “Fairy Lake”, “Eighteen Arhats Meet the Jade Emperor”, nature shows us wonderland charm, site by site.Immortal Cliff Scenic Spots, just north of Maijishan Scenic Area,of the western wing of Qinling Mountains, there are northern sylish hill side with southern way of silk-like waterfall features since it lies in the north and south junction, all blending into one harmonious whole.The scenery is very attractive.Immortal Cliff has a rugged terrain, with Rock Cave, Mount Jewels-showing, Southern Gate, and Baogai Hill.Thousand-Buddha Cliff is most typical, mountains, water, trees, flowers interconnected in a natural but specific way, when setting foot there, you sure will have the feeling of walking into the Wonderland.

实习三 伏羲庙景点导游(6学时)






















伏羲庙位于天水市秦城区。占地面积 1.3万平方米,建于明正德年间,庙堂为一座两进三门的建筑群,自南向北有牌坊、庙宇、月台、碑亭、主殿、古柏等,特别是古柏按六十四卦排列。“先天殿”内有伏羲塑像、屋顶有六十四卦图,大殿通高26.7米,纵深13.5米,面宽7间,通长26.4 米,是一座典型的明代风格建筑。


伏羲,炎黄儿女共同敬卯的仙祖,中华民族悠久历史的先明,正是由于耸开天名道,诏起文明,才有了我们这个在世界文明史山占据举足轻重地位的古老而伟大的民族。伏羲庙,又名太吴官,俗称人宗庙,是目前我国规模最宏大,气势最雄伟,保存最完整地伏羲氏礼祭祀庙宇。1963年被列为甘肃省重点文物保护单位,今天已成为海内外炎黄子孙寻根祭祖地重要地点。走进伏羲庙,但见庭院疏阔,古树森森,相传院内原有64株古柏,是按照伏羲先天64卦方位排列种成,遗憾的是现在只剩37 棵,这些古柏苍劲挺拨,冠盖参天,自然得到园林专家的称赞,喻为国内罕见的古木殂品,明静清雅的环境衬抚出伏羲庙的周易,堪称一部世界性经著作,它不仅对哲学、宗教、军事学产生过重大影响,而且对数学、物理、天文、地理遗传不科领域也起到了推动作用,近代和现代一些重要科学技术的进展,都与周易的思想有着密切关系,正是由于伏羲以上古文明的伟大贡献,所以我国祭祀伏羲之礼世代绵延,经久不衰,每年春秋两次,每年正月十六为伏羲诞辰,实为春祭,农历七月十九,为伏羲祭日,举行秋祭,昔皇故里天水对这位人文使祖的祭祀更加重视,每年春秋二季都在伏羲庙隆重举行,在这里多次举办伏羲文化节,吸引海内外各界人士前来旅游观光,寻幽访古,唱着我的中国人,迎着月是故乡明怀着浓浓的乡情,与深深的敬意,海峡两岸的专家学者,侨居异国的炎黄子孙一批批越过万水千山,轻轻地步入伏羲庙寻根祭庙,,显示了优秀的传统文化在华夏儿女中产的强大凝聚力和向心力。


Fuxi Temple

Fuxi temple is located in Qincheng District ,Tianshui City.It covers an area of 13,000 square meters, built in the Zhengde years of Ming Dynasty, the temple is a two-into-three building.From the south to the north gate, there are temples, platforms, stele pavilions, the main palaces and Hector Cupers, etc.Hector Cupers, especially, is formed in a sixty-four hexagrams order.“ The Congenital Temple, whose roof is a sixty-four-trigram diagram, a hall 26.7 meters high, 13.5 meters in depth, 7 wide, 26.4 meters long, is typically an architecture of Ming style.Since the beginning of 1988, Tianshui government holds a grand scale memorial ceremony, Fuxi Birthday Ceremony in lunar May 13th every year (Dragon ‘s Birthday in the legend ), attracting many at home and abroad come to pay homage to all the descendants of the Yellow Emperor.

As our common ancestor and inaugurator for our civilisation , Fuxi created the principles and Chinese civilisation.For him, Chinese civilisation holds a very decisive status in the world civilisation.Fuxi temple, also known as Taiwu Guan, commonly known as the Human Ancestral Temple, is currently of the most ambitious scale, magnificent momentum, and of the most completene among the national Fu Xi sacrificial temple.In 1963, it is listed as the key protection unit in Gansu province,nowadays, an important place for Chinese home and abroad to worship their ancestor Fuxi.Walking into the temple, you’ll see broad yard and old trees.Legend has it that the yard is in accordance with the original 64 Hector Cupers, which is programmed by the Fuxi congenital 64 hexagrams azimuthal alignment, it has now only 37 of them, what a pity.Being appraised by the landscape engineers, these vigorous Hector Cupers, high in clouds, are quite rare in our nation.Bright yet elegant environment lined Fu Xi temple with Zhou Yi or Changes, which can be a worldwide work.It is not only of importance to the philosophy, religion, military science, but also to mathematics, physics, astronomy, geographical genetics.Many recent studies have some sort of relationship with the Changes.Due to Fuxi ‘s great contribution, so we hold the memorial ceremonies twice a year, that is , the spring ceremony and the autumn ceremony.The spring ceremony, which is his birthday, lies in the lunar Jan.16th while the antumn ceremony, his fete-day.

实习四 写3条天水景点旅游路线、旅游欢迎词、欢送词






Welcome speech

Good afternoon !

Dear friends ! First on behalf of shanxi international travel service and myself welcome everyone come to shanxi province I’m very pleased to be your tour guide during your stay in shanxi province ,if you have just come to here I can show you around now please allow me introduce myself my name is li shicheng ,very interesting thing my name as similar a china famous emperor li shiming in tang dynasty ,if you afraid of forgetting my name ,I have a english name

Kevin lee ,your can call me Kevin ,sitting beside me is our driver Mr li ,he has more than ten year’s experience in driving so he will makes our trip a safe and pleasant one ,an old Chinese saying may expre our hospitality:”

Isn’t it a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar “.Mr li and I will do as much as we can to make your tour pleasant and enjoyable ,I hope that your visit to this ancient province will be a happy and memorable experience in your life .三、旅游欢送词

farewell speech

Ladies and gentlemen :

times fly so quickly and your visit to shanxi province is drawing a close before we part ,I would like to say a few words .first I thanks everybody everybody in the group has been very co-operative ,friendly ,understanding and punctual.as your tour

guide ,I was much appreciated .China is a developing country ,and tourism is a new born thing ,the problems you have met on the trip were know to everyone , the point is that we should treasure our friendship and experience .However this is the beginning of our friendship we believe that this friendship will continue to grow in the future ,parting is such sweet sorrow , happy to meet ,sorry to depart ,and happy to meet again.

Welcome come to shanxi province again

Bon voyage!

Bye- bye !


Dialogue 1

Reserve a room


C:Reservations.Good afternoon.May I help you?

L:I want to reserve a room in you hotel.

C:what kind of room would you like?

L:I\'d like a double room from 30 September to 4 October.

C:Could you please hold the line?I\'ll see if there is room available for those days.


C:Soory to have kept you waiting.We have rooms available for that period.

L:Do you have a room with a front view?

C:A double room with a front is 150 dollars per night,one with a rear view is 110 dollars per night.

L:I think I\'ll take the one with a front view then.

C:Could I have your name,please?

L:It is lin Rong.

C:And your addre,please?

L:It is 58 Mapaoquan Road,Tianshui.

C:Yes.What time will you be arrving,Mi.lin?

L:Around 6:00 pm.Doyou have a pick up service?

C:Yes.Wehave an airport repersentative our guests there.


C:So,Mi.Lin,a double room with a front view for five niguts.Am I correct?

L:Rigut.Thank you very much.

C:Thanks for calling,and we look forword to seeing you.Good-bye.


Dialogue 2

A: Hi, how are you? Do you need any help?

B: Hi, do you have a t-shirt with stripes?

A: Oh yes we do.Give me a second, let me go grab it for it.

B: Ok.

A: Here is your t-shirt.

B: Thank you.

A: Do you want to try it on?

B: Yeah, sure.

A: Ok come with me, I’ll take you to the changing room.

B: Ok, thank you.

A: So, did it fit you?

B: Yes, it did.Can i pay for it now?

A: Yeah, of course.This t-shirt is 30 dollars.

B: Here.

A: Ok, here is your 20 dollars change.Thank you very much.Have a good time!











