
2020-03-01 21:59:39 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

yang lan: the generation thats remaking china the night before i was heading for scotland, i was invited to host the final of chinas got talent show in shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium.gue who was the performing guest?susan boyle.and i told her, im going to scotland the next day.she sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in chinese.[chinese]so its not like hello or thank you, that ordinary stuff.it means green onion for free.why did she say that? because it was a line from our chinese parallel susan boyle -- a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in shanghai, who loves singing western opera, but she didnt understand any english or french or italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in chinese.(laughter) and the last sentence of neun dorma that she was singing in the stadium was green onion for free.so [as] susan boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together.that was hilarious. so i gue both susan boyle and this vegetable vendor in shanghai belonged to otherne.they were the least expected to be succeful in the busine called entertainment, yet their courage and talent brought them through.and a show and a platform gave them the stage to realize their dreams.well, being different is not that difficult.we are all different from different perspectives.but i think being different is good, because you present a different point of view.you may have the chance to make a difference. my generation has been very fortunate to witne and participate in the historic transformation of china that has made so many changes in the past 20, 30 years.i remember that in the year of 1990,when i was graduating from college, i was applying for a job in the sales department of the first five-star hotel in beijing, great wall sheraton -- its still there.so after being interrogated by this japanese manager for a half an hour, he finally said, so, mi yang, do you have any questions to ask me?i summoned my courage and poise and said,yes, but could you let me know, what actually do you sell? i didnt have a clue what a sales department was about in a five-star hotel.that was the first day i set my foot in a five-star hotel. my life, and i feel proud of that.but then we are also so fortunate to witne the transformation of the whole country.i was in beijings bidding for the olympic games.i was representing the shanghai expo.i saw china embracing the world and vice versa.but then sometimes im thinking, what are todays young generation up to? how are they different, and what are the differences they are going to make to shape the future of china, or at large, the world? so making a living is not that easy for young people.college graduates are not in short supply.in urban areas, college graduates find the starting salary is about 400 u.s.dollars a month, while the average rent is above $500.so what do they do? they have to share space -- squeezed in very limited space to save money -- and they call themselves tribe of ants.and for those who are ready to get married and buy their apartment, they figured out they have to work for 30 to 40 years to afford their first apartment.that ratio in americawould only cost a couple five years to earn, but in china its 30 to 40 years with the skyrocketing real estate price. so through some of the hottest topics on microblogging, we can see what young people care most about.social justice and government accountability runs the first in what they demand.for the past decade or so, a maive urbanization and development have let us witne a lot of reports on the forced demolition of private property.and it has aroused huge anger and frustrationamong our young generation.sometimes people get killed, and sometimes people set themselves on fire to protest.so when these incidents are reported more and more frequently on the internet,people cry for the government to take actions to stop this. so the good news is that earlier this year, the state council paed a new regulation on house requisition and demolition and paed the right to order forced demolition from local governments to the court.similarly, many other iues concerning public safety is a hot topic on the internet.we heard about polluted air, polluted water, poisoned food.and gue what, we have faked beef.they have sorts of ingredients that you brush on a piece of chicken or fish, and it turns it to look like beef.and then lately, people are very concerned about cooking oil, because thousands of people have been found [refining] cooking oil from restaurant slop.so all these things have aroused a huge outcry from the internet.and fortunately, we have seen the government responding more timely and also more frequently to the public concerns. while young people seem to be very sure about their participation in public policy-making, but sometimes theyre a little bit lost in terms of what they want for their personal life.china is soon to pa the u.s.as the number one market for luxury brands -- thats not including the chinese expenditures in europe and elsewhere.but you know what, half of those consumers are earning a salary below 2,000 u.s.dollars.theyre not rich at all.theyre taking those bags and clothes as a sense of identity and social status.and this is a girl explicitly saying on a tv dating show that she would rather cry in a bmw than smile on a bicycle.but of course, we do have young people who would still prefer to smile, whether in a bmw or [on] a bicycle. so happine is the most popular word we have heard through the past two years.happine is not only related to personal experiences and personal values, but also, its about the environment.people are thinking about the following questions: are we going to sacrifice our environment further to produce higher gdp? how are we going to perform our social and political reform to keep pace with economic growth, to keep sustainability and stability? and also, how capable is the systemof self-correctne to keep more people contentwith all sorts of friction going on at the same time?i gue these are the questions people are going to answer.and our younger generation are going to transform this country while at the same time being transformed themselves. thank you very much. 杨澜ted演讲:重塑中国的一代 中文演讲稿

在来爱尔兰的前一晚,我应邀主持了中国达人秀在上海的体育场和八万现场观众。 猜猜谁是表演嘉宾?——苏珊大妈。我告诉她,“我明天要去爱尔兰了。” 她歌声犹如天籁。而且她还可以说点中文。 “送你葱。” 这不是“你好、谢谢”之类的日常用语。这组词翻译过来是免费给你青葱,为什么她要说这个呢?因为这是我们中国版的苏珊大妈很有名的一句歌词。

这位五十几岁的大妈在上海以贩卖蔬菜为生。她喜欢西方的歌剧,但是她不懂任何外语,所以她就把中文蔬菜名填做歌词。当她在体育场里 唱到今夜无人入眠的最后一句时,她唱的是“送你葱”。苏珊大妈和全场八万观众一起唱“送你葱”,多有意思的场面。 我想苏珊大妈和这位在上海做蔬菜买卖的都属于不同寻常的人。在业界所谓的娱乐圈,他们最不可能取得成功,但是他们的勇气和才华让他们成功了。一场秀,一个平台给了他们实现梦想的舞台。 与众不同不难,从不同的角度看我们都是不一样的。我认为与众不同是好的,因为你有不同的看法,这给你机会去产生不同的影响。










恩,事实上,我希望能再待久一点。我在波斯湾这边生活和教书已经超过30年了。(掌声)这段时间里,我看到了很多变化。现在这份数据是挺吓人的,而我今天要和你们说的是有关语言的消失和英语的全球化。我想和你们谈谈我的朋友,她在阿布达比教成人英语。在一个晴朗的日子里,她决定带她的学生到花园去教他们一些大自然的词汇。但最后却变成是她在学习所有当地植物在阿拉伯语中是怎么说的。还有这些植物是如何被用作药材,化妆品,烹饪,香草。这些学生是怎么得到这些知识的呢?当然是从他们的祖父母,甚至曾祖父母那里得来的。不需要我来告诉你们能够跨代沟通是多么重要。 but sadly, today, languages are dying at an unprecedented rate.a language dies every 14 days.now, at the same time, english is the undisputed global language.could there be a connection? well i dont know.but i do know that ive seen a lot of changes.when i first came out to the gulf, i came to kuwait in the days when it was still a hardship post.actually, not that long ago.that is a little bit too early.but neverthele, i was recruited by the british council along with about 25 other teachers.and we were the first non-muslims to teach in the state schools there in kuwait.we were brought to teach english because the government wanted to modernize the country and empower the citizens through education.and of course, the u.k.benefited from some of that lovely oil wealth.但遗憾的是,今天很多语言正在以前所未有的速度消失。每14天就有一种语言消失,而与此同时,英语却无庸置疑地成为全球性的语言。这其中有关联吗?我不知道。但我知道的是,我见证过许多改变。初次来到海湾地区时,我去了科威特。当时教英文仍然是个困难的工作。其实,没有那么久啦,这有点太久以前了。总之,我和其他25位老师一起被英国文化协会聘用。我们是第一批非穆斯林的老师,在科威特的国立学校任教。我们被派到那里教英语,是因为当地政府希望国家可以现代化并透过教育提升公民的水平。当然,英国也能得到些好处,产油国可是很有钱的。 okay.now this is the major change that ive seen -- how teaching english has morphed from being a mutually english-speaking nation on earth.and why not? after all, the best education -- according to the latest world university rankings -- is to be found in the universities of the u.k.and the u.s.so everybody wants to have an english education, naturally.but if youre not a native speaker, you have to pa a test. 言归正传,我见过最大的改变,就是英语教学的蜕变如何从一个互惠互利的行为变成今天这种大规模的国际产业。英语不再是学校课程里的外语学科,也不再只是英国的专利。英语(教学)已经成为所有英语系国家追逐的潮流。何乐而不为呢?毕竟,最好的教育来自于最好的大学,而根据最新的世界大学排名,那些名列前茅的都是英国和美国的大学。所以自然每个人都想接受英语教育,但如果你不是以英文为母语,你就要通过考试。 now can it be right to reject a student on linguistic ability well, i dont think so.we english teachers reject them all the time.we put a stop sign, and we stop them in their tracks.they cant pursue their dream any longer, till they get english.now let me put it this way, if i met a dutch speaker who had the cure for cancer, would i stop him from entering my british university? i dont think so.but indeed, that is exactly what we do.we english teachers are the gatekeepers.and you have to satisfy us first that your english is good enough.now it can be dangerous to give too much power to a narrow segment of society.maybe the barrier would be too universal. 但仅凭语言能力就拒绝学生这样对吗?譬如如果你碰到一位天才计算机科学家,但他会需要有和律师一样的语言能力吗?我不这么认为。但身为英语老师的我们,却总是拒绝他们。我们处处设限,将学生挡在路上,使他们无法再追求自己的梦想,直到他们通过考试。现在容我换一个方式说,如果我遇到了一位只会说荷兰话的人,而这个人能治愈癌症,我会阻止他进入我的英国大学吗?我想不会。但事实上,我们的确在做这种事。我们这些英语老师就是把关的。你必须先让我们满意,使我们认定你的英文够好。但这可能是危险的。把太多的权力交由这么小的一群人把持,也许会令这种障碍太过普及。 okay.but, i hear you say, what about the research? its all in english.so the books are in english, the journals are done in english, but that is a self-fulfilling .it feeds the english requirement.and so it goes on.i ask you, what happened to translation? if you think about the islamic golden age, there was lots of translation then.they translated from latin and greek into arabic, into persian, and then it was translated on into the germanic languages of europe and the romance languages.and so light shone upon the dark ages of europe.now dont get me wrong; i am not against teaching english, all you english teachers out there.i love it that we have a global language.we need one today more than ever.but i am against using it as a barrier.do we really want to end up with 600 languages and the main one being english, or chinese? we need more than that.where do we draw the line? this system equates intelligence with a knowledge of english which is quite . 于是,我听到你们问但是研究呢?研究报告都要用英文。”的确,研究论著和期刊都要用英文发表,但这只是一种理所当然的现象。有英语要求,自然就有英语供给,然后就这么循环下去。我倒想问问大家,为什么不用翻译呢?想想伊斯兰的黄金时代,当时翻译盛行,人们把拉丁文和希腊文翻译成阿拉伯文或波斯文,然后再由拉伯文或波斯文翻译为欧洲的日耳曼语言以及罗曼语言。于是文明照亮了欧洲的黑暗时代。但不要误会我的意思,我不是反对英语教学或是在座所有的英语老师。我很高兴我们有一个全球性的语言,这在今日尤为重要。但我反对用英语设立障碍。难道我们真希望世界上只剩下600种语言,其中又以英文或中文为主流吗?我们需要的不只如此。那么我们该如何拿捏呢?这个体制把智能和英语能力画上等号这是相当武断的。

and i want to remind you that the giants upon whose shoulders todays stand did not have to have english, they didnt have to pa an english test.case in point, einstein.he, by the way, was considered remedial at school because he was, in fact, dyslexic.but fortunately for the world, he did not have to pa an english test.because they didnt start until 1964 with toefl, the american test of english.now its exploded.there are lots and lots of tests of english.and millions and millions of students take these tests every year.now you might think, you and me, those fees arent bad, theyre okay, but they are prohibitive to so many millions of poor people.so immediately, were rejecting them. 我想要提醒你们,扶持当代知识分子的这些“巨人肩膀不必非得具有英文能力,他们不需要通过英语考试。爱因斯坦就是典型的例子。顺便说一下,他在学校还曾被认为需要课外补习,因为他其实有阅读障碍。但对整个世界来说,很幸运的当时他不需要通过英语考试,因为他们直到1964年才开始使用托福。现在英语测验太泛滥了,有太多太多的英语测验,以及成千上万的学生每年都在参加这些考试。现在你会认为,你和我都这么想,这些费用不贵,价钱满合理的。但是对数百万的穷人来说,这些费用高不可攀。所以,当下我们又拒绝了他们。 it brings to mind a headline i saw recently: education: the great divide.now i get it, i understand why people would focus on english.they want to give their children the best chance in life.and to do that, they need a western education.because, of course, the best jobs go to people out of the western universities, that i put on earlier.its a circular thing. 这使我想起最近看到的一个新闻标题:“教育:大鸿沟”现在我懂了。我了解为什么大家都重视英语,因为他们希望给孩子最好的人生机会。为了达成这目的,他们需要西方教育。毕竟,不可否认,最好的工作都留给那些西方大学毕业出来的人。就像我之前说的,这是一种循环。

okay.let me tell you a story about two scientists, two english scientists.they were doing an experiment to do with genetics and the forelimbs and the hind limbs of animals.but they couldnt get the results they wanted.they really didnt know what to do, until along came a german scientist who realized that they were using two words for forelimb and hind limb, whereas genetics does not differentiate and neither does german.so bingo, problem solved.if you cant think a thought, you are stuck.but if another language can think that thought, then, by cooperating, we can achieve and learn so much more.好,我跟你们说一个关于两位科学家的故事:有两位英国科学家在做一项实验,是关于遗传学的,以及动物的前、后肢。但他们无法得到他们想要的结果。他们真的不知道该怎么办,直到来了一位德国的科学家。他发现在英文里前肢和后肢是不同的二个字,但在遗传学上没有区别。在德语也是同一个字。所以,叮!问题解决了。如果你不能想到一个念头,你会卡在那里。但如果另一个语言能想到那念头,然后通过合作我们可以达成目的,也学到更多。

我的女儿从科威特来到英格兰,她在阿拉伯的学校学习科学和数学。那是所阿拉伯中学。在学校里,她得把这些知识翻译成英文,而她在班上却能在这些学科上拿到最好的成绩。这告诉我们,当外籍学生来找我们,我们可能无法针对他们所知道的给予赞赏,因为那是来自于他们母语的知识。当一个语言消失时,我们不知道还有什么也会一并失去。 this is -- i dont know if you saw it on cnn recently -- they gave the heroes award to a young kenyan shepherd boy who couldnt study at night in his village like all the village children,篇3:如何像ted一样做一次高大上的演讲 如何像ted一样做一次高大上的演讲?


那么如何做一个ted水平的演讲? carmine gallo在分析了500场ted演讲(总计150小时)、访谈了一些最受欢迎的ted演说家(演讲视频观看量达到近一千两百万次)、咨询了沟通交际方面的神经学家后,他找到了成功ted演讲的共同点。以下是carmine的建议: 1)分享你的激情。如果你准备的内容不能打动自己,就更别说激励他人了。深度挖掘你和话题间有深度意义的关联,不要害怕向观众表达你的热情。 2)至少分享三个故事。facebook首席运营官谢丽尔·桑德伯格说她最早在准备ted演讲时都是用的“堆积如山的事实和数据,没有一点私人故事”。一个朋友强烈建议讲讲她自己作为一个在职母亲所遇到的挑战,讲讲生活中发生在自己身边的事情和感受。桑德伯格据此调整了自己演讲内容,结果反响极好。这个建议也被体现在她的畅销书《向前一步》(leanin),引领了全球职场女性讨论。 hyeonseo lee的演讲:《my escape from north korea》一个朝鲜脱北者的经历 3)标题精简。在查阅了ted官网上所有1600个演讲的标题后,我很确定的说,没有一个演讲的标题超过140个字(这个数字很眼熟吧?)浏览次数最多的演讲:kenrobinson 《学校如何扼杀创造力》(how schools kills creativity), brene brown《脆弱的力量》(the power of vulnerability), 还有simonsinek 《出色领导如何激励行动》(how great leaders inspire action)„„这些都是简洁明晰的标题。如果你的演讲标题空泛,或者字数过多,那就再改改吧。 ken robinson爵士的演讲《学校如何扼杀创造力》是史上最受欢迎的ted演讲 4)用一点轻幽默。教育家ken robinson的演讲《学校如何扼杀创造力》是史上最受欢迎的ted演讲,观看次数超过两千万。虽然没有使用标准笑话,但是他在演讲中使用了风趣的自嘲:“我最近参加了一个聚会——而实际上,如果你属于教育领域,一般没人邀请你去晚上的聚会。”在演讲中使用幽默来让观众会心一笑。 martin jacques的演讲:《understanding the rise of china》是最受中国观众欢迎的ted演讲之一,看看一位西方学者如何看待中华民族、主权、社会等等问题。 5)创建多感官体验。要令人印象深刻?你不必刻意放一些触目惊心的图片。可以采用个人表演的方法,或者设计一两个让人意料之外的桥段。比如,比尔·盖茨有一次在他关于疟疾的演讲中,朝观众释放了一些蚊子(疟疾可通过蚊子叮咬传播)。这让人震惊的举动成为当晚头条,人们永远忘不了这场意料之外的演讲。 6)ppt中多用图片而不是文字。如果看过ted演讲,你就知道演讲者从来不会在ppt里放上密密麻麻的文字,取而代之的都是图片、折线图、动画和精心设计的几句话。少即是多。 7)坚持18分钟定律。即使比尔·盖茨或者桑德伯格站上舞台,18分钟也就是他们的所有。ted策展人chris anderson说18分钟足够了,这足够开展一个严肃的讨论,而对于吸引并保持人们的注意力来说,也几乎是极限了。 8)多加练习。有的ted演讲者为他们的18分钟演讲排练过200多遍,其中一个人在演讲过程中表现极佳,脱口秀女王欧普拉都看中了她。她现在的职业生涯都借力于奥普拉的支持和她那个出名的ted演讲。 9)不要装样子。大部分人都能分辨真假,你若装模做样,演讲像背书或朗诵,就会失去听众的好感,你应该保持真实,做自己。

也许你永远也不会被邀请去做一个ted演讲,但是如果你要做一个类似的演讲,做到以上几点,你就能更加激励你的听众,并离自己梦想更近。篇4:2016thomas suarez ted演讲稿中英文

2016thomas suarez ted演讲稿中英文 thomauarez年纪12岁的他,制作iphoneapp的他被大家称之为小乔布斯,在ted上发表精彩演讲,讲述他的童年时代那些创作故事,下面是第一公文网小编整理的thomauarezted演讲稿中英文

thomauarezted演讲稿中英文 helloeveryone,mynameisthomauarez. 我一直都对计算机与科技很入迷,我研制了一些适用于iphone,itouch以及ipad的应用。今天,我想与大家分享一些我研发出的应用。

myfirstappwasauniquefortunetellercalledearthfortunethatwoulddisplaydifferentcolorsofearthdependingonwhatyourfortunewas.myfavoriteandmostsuccefulappisbustinjieber,whichis—(laughter)—whichisajustinbieberwhac-a-mole. 我最先研制出的应用是一个叫earthfortune的运势测试器,它能根据你的运势呈现不同颜色的地球图形我个人最喜欢、也是最成功的应用叫bustinjieber它是一个---(笑声)它是一个贾斯汀·比伯攻击器(whac-a-mole原意为打地鼠游戏)

icreateditbecausealotofpeopleatschooldislikedjustinbieberalittlebit,soidecidedtomaketheapp. 在学校里,我的很多同学都不太喜欢贾斯汀·比伯,所以我决定开发这样一个应用。 soiwenttoworkprogrammingit,andireleaseditjustbeforetheholidaysin2016. 于是我就开始写这个程序,并且在2016年圣诞假期和新年来临之前发布了这个应用。 alotofpeopleaskme,howdidimakethese?alotoftimesitsbecausethepersonwhoaskedthequestionwantstomakeanappalso. 很多人都问我,是怎样开发出这些应用的?很多情况下,那些问这个问题的人,其实也想开发应用。

alotofkidsthesedaysliketoplaygames,butnowtheywanttomakethem,anditsdifficult,becausenotmanykidsknowwheretogotofindouthowtomakeaprogram. 如今,很多的孩子都喜欢玩游戏,但是,现在他们也想制作游戏。这是很困难的,因为


imean,forsoccer,youcouldgotoasoccerteam.forviolin,youcouldgetleonsforaviolin.butwhatifyouwanttomakeanapp?andtheirparents,thekidsparentsmighthavedonesomeofthesethingswhentheywereyoung,butnotmanyparentshavewrittenapps. 打个比方,你想学踢足球,那你可以加入一支足球队。想学小提琴,你可以报个小提琴班。但如果你想开发一个应用呢?父母们年轻的时候也许踢过足球、或者学习过小提琴但没有多少父母写过应用吧! (laughter) (笑声)

wheredoyougotofindouthowtomakeanapp?well,thisishowiapproachedit.thisiswhatidid.firstofall,ivebeenprogramminginmultipleotherprogramminglanguagestogetthebasicsdown,suchaspython,c,java,etc. 那么你要怎样学习写应用呢?我是这样学习的,最开始时,我学习了用好几种语言来编程,由此而掌握了编程的基础知识,例如python语言、c语言以及java语言等等。

andthenapplereleasedtheiphone,andwithit,theiphonesoftwaredevelopmentkit,andthesoftwaredevelopmentkitisasuiteoftoolsforcreatingandprogramminganiphoneapp.thisopenedupawholenewworldofpoibilitiesforme,andafterplayingwiththesoftwaredevelopmentkitalittlebit,imadeacoupleapps,imadesometestapps. 之后苹果发行了iphone,随之还发布了iphone软件开发工具,这套软件开发工具是一套工具,可用于开发与研制iphone应用。这为我开启了一个全新充满可能性的世界,在稍稍摆弄过这套软件开发工具之后,我开发出了一些应用,以及一些测试的应用。

oneofthemhappenedtobeearthfortune,andiwasreadytoputearthfortuneontheappstore,andsoipersuadedmyparentstopaythe99dollarfeetobeabletoputmyappsontheappstore. earthfortune便是其中之一。在我准备好要将这个应用放到appstore上去时,我说服我的父母为我支付了99美元的费用,这样我就能让这个应用在appstore上上线了。

theyagreed,andnowihaveappsontheappstore.ivegottenalotofinterestandencouragementfrommyfamily,friends,teachersandevenpeopleattheapplestore,andthatsbeenahugehelptome. 他们同意了,于是现在appstore上便有了我开发的应用。我的父母、朋友和老师给了我很多灵感与鼓励,甚至连appstore的用户都给了我许多鼓励,这些对于我来说都是莫大的帮助。

ivegottenalotofinspirationfromstevejobs,andivestartedanappclubatschool,andateacheratmyschooliskindlysponsoringmyappclub. 我也从乔布斯那里得到了很多的启发。在学校里,我建立一个app社团,学校里的一名老师支持着我的这个社团。


imfortunateenoughtobepartofone.abigchallengeis,howshouldtheipadsbeused,andwhatapphouldweputontheipads? 幸运的是,我所在的地方正是这些地区之一。而我们目前面临的挑战是应该怎样利用ipad,以及ipad上应该有哪些应用程序。 soweregettingfeedbackfromteachersattheschooltoseewhatkindofappstheydlike. 所以我们对学校教师进行了调研,获得了关于他们喜欢什么样应用的反馈。

whenwedesigntheappandwesellit,itwillbefreetolocaldistrictsandotherdistrictsthatwesellto,allthemoneyfromthatwillgointothelocaledfoundations. 当我们设计完这些应用并将其出售时,当地的学校可以免费使用,而从收费地区获得的收入,则会捐赠给当地的教育机构。 thesedays,studentsusuallyknowalittlebitmorethanteacherswiththetechnology. 如今,学生们所掌握的科技通常会比老师多那么一点点。 (laughter) (笑声) so-- 所以-- (laughter) (笑声) --sorry--(laughter)-- 抱歉--(笑声)

sothisisaresourcetoteachers,andeducatorhouldrecognizethisresourceandmakegooduseofit.idliketofinishupbysayingwhatidliketodointhefuture. 所以这对老师而言是一种资源,教育工作者们应该了解这些资源,并充分地利用它们最后,我想谈谈我未来的计划。

首先,我要开发出更多的应用、更多的游戏,目前我正在与一个第三方公司合作开发app,我想开始安卓系统应用的编程与开发,同时,我也要继续我的app社团,为同学们找到其他的方式,共同分享知识。 thankyou. 谢谢! thomauarezted演讲视频


ted演讲稿大全篇5:杨澜ted演讲:重塑中国的年轻一代(中英文对照) 杨澜ted演讲:重塑中国的年轻一代(中英文对照) the night before i was heading for scotland, i was invited to host the final of “china’s got talent” show in shanghai with the 80,000 live audience in the stadium.gue who was the performing guest? susan boyle.and i told her, “i’m going to scotland the next day.” she sang beautifully, and she even managed to say a few words in chinese.[chinese] so it’s not like “hello” or “thank you,” that ordinary stuff.it means “green onion for free.” why did she say that? because it was a line from our chinese parallel susan boyle — a 50-some year-old woman, a vegetable vendor in shanghai, who loves singing western opera, but she didn’t understand any english or french or italian, so she managed to fill in the lyrics with vegetable names in chinese.(laughter) and the last sentence of neun dorma that she was singing in the stadium was “green onion for free.” so [as] susan boyle was saying that, 80,000 live audience sang together.that was hilarious. 来苏格兰(做ted讲演)的前夜,我被邀请去上海做”中国达人秀“决赛的评委。在装有八万现场观众的演播厅里,在台上的表演嘉宾居然是(来自苏格兰的,因参加英国达人秀走红的)苏珊大妈(susan boyle)。我告诉她,“我明天就要启程去苏格兰。” 她唱得很动听,还对观众说了几句中文,她并没有说简单的”你好“或者”谢谢“,她说的是——“送你葱”(song ni cong)。为什么?这句话其实来源于中国版的“苏珊大妈”——一位五十岁的以卖菜为生,却对西方歌剧有出奇爱好的上海中年妇女(蔡洪平)。这位中国的苏珊大妈并不懂英文,法语或意大利文,所以她将歌剧中的词汇都换做中文中的蔬菜名,并且演唱出来。在她口中,歌剧《图兰朵》的最后一句便是“song ni cong”。当真正的英国苏珊大妈唱出这一句“中文的”《图兰朵》时,全场的八万观众也一起高声歌唱,场面的确有些滑稽(hilarious)。 so i gue both susan boyle and this vegetable vendor in shanghai belonged to otherne.they were the least expected to be succeful in the busine called entertainment, yet their courage and talent brought them through.and a show and a platform gave them the stage to realize their dreams.well, being different is not that difficult.we are all different from different perspectives.but i think being different is good, because you present a different point of view.you may have the chance to make a difference. 我想susan boyle和这位上海的买菜农妇的确属于人群中的少数。她们是最不可能在演艺界成功的,而她们的勇气和才华让她们成功了,这个节目和舞台给予了她们一个实现个人梦想的机会。这样看来,与众不同好像没有那么难。从不同的方面审视,我们每个人都是不同的。但是我想,与众不同是一件好事,因为你代表了不一样的观点,你拥有了做改变的机会。 my generation has been very fortunate to witne and participate in the historic transformation of china that has made so many changes in the past 20, 30 years.i remember that in the year of 1990, when i was graduating from college, i was applying for a job in the sales department of the first five-star hotel in beijing, great wall sheraton — it’s still there.so after being interrogated by this japanese manager for a half an hour, he finally said, “so, mi yang, do you have any questions to ask me?” i summoned my courage and poise and said, “yes, but could you let me know, what actually do you sell?” i didn’t have a clue what a sales department was about in a five-star hotel.that was the first day i set my foot in a five-star hotel. 我这一代中国人很幸运的目睹并且参与了中国在过去二三十年中经历的巨变。我记得1990年,当我刚大学毕业时,我申请了当时北京的第一家五星级酒店——长城喜来登酒店的销售部门的工作。这家酒店现在仍在北京。当我被一位日本籍经理面试了一个半小时之后,他问到,“杨小姐,你有什么想问我的吗?”,我屏住呼吸,问道“是的,你能告诉我,具体我需要销售些什么吗?” 当时的我,对五星级酒店的销售部门没有任何概念,事实上,那是我第一次进到一家五星级酒店。 我当时也在参加另一场“面试”,中国国家电视台的首次公开试镜,与我一起参与选拔的还有另外1000名大学女毕业生。节目制作人说,他们希望找到一位甜美,无辜(lol),漂亮的新鲜面孔。轮到我的时候,我问道“为什么在电视屏幕上,女性总应该表现出甜美漂亮,甚至是服从性的一面?为什么她们不能有她们自己的想法和声音?“我觉得我的问题甚至有点冒犯到了他。但实际上,他们对我的表现印象深刻。我进入了第二轮选拔,第三轮,第四轮,直至最后的第七场选拔,我是唯一一个走到最后的试镜者。我从此走上了国家电视台黄金时段的荧幕。你可能不相信,但在当时,我所主持的电视节目是中国第一个,不让主持人念已经审核过的稿件的节目(掌声)。我每周需要面对两亿到三亿左右的电视观众。 olympic games.i was representing the shanghai expo.i saw china embracing the world and vice versa.but then sometimes i’m thinking, what are today’s young generation up to? how are they different, and what are the differences they are going to make to shape the future of china, or at large, the world? government-backed institutions, which lacked transparency in the past.and also it showed us the power and the impact of social media as microblog. so making a living is not that easy for young people.college graduates are not in short supply.in urban areas, college graduates find the starting salary is about 400 u.s.dollars a month, while the average rent is above $500.so what do they do? they have to share space — squeezed in very limited space to save money — and they call themselves “tribe of ants.” and for those who are ready to get married and buy their apartment, they figured out they have to work for 30 to 40 years to afford their first apartment.that ratio in america would only cost a couple five years to earn, but in china it’s 30 to 40 years with the skyrocketing real estate price. 所以对于年轻人而言,生活并不是容易。本科毕业生也不在是紧缺资源。在城市中,本科生的月起薪通常是400美元(2500人民币),而公寓的平均月租金却是500美元。所以他们的解决方式是合租——挤在有限的空间中以节省开支,他们叫自己”蚁族。“ 对于那些准备好结婚并希望购买一套公寓的中国年轻夫妇而言,他们发现他们必须要不间断的工作30到40年才可以负担得起一套公寓。对于同样的美国年轻夫妇而言,他们只需要五年时间。 在近两亿的涌入城市的农民工中,他们中的60%都是年轻人。他们发现自己被夹在了城市和农村中,大多数人不愿意回到农村,但他们在城市也找不到归属感。他们工作更长的时间却获得更少的薪水和社会福利。他们也更容易面临失业,受到通货膨胀,银行利率,人民币升值的影响,甚至美国和欧盟对于中国制造产品的抵制也会影响到他们。去年,在中国南方的一个制造工厂里,有十三位年轻的工人选择了结束自己的生命,一个接一个,像一场传染病。他们轻生的原因各有不同,但整个事件提醒了中国社会和政府,需要更多的关注这些在精神上和生理上都与外界脱节的年轻农民工人。

对于那些回到农村的年轻人,他们所经历的城市生活,所学到的知识,技巧和建立的社会网络,让他们通常更受欢迎。特别是在互联网的帮助下,他们更有可能获得工作,提升农村的农业水平和发展新的商业机会。在过去的一些年中,一些沿海的城镇甚至出现了劳动力短缺。 these diagrams show a more general social background.the first one is the engels 这些图片展现出整体的社会背景。第一张图片是恩格斯系数(食品支出占总消费支出的比例),可以看到在过去的十年中,食物和生活必需品在家庭消费中的比例有所下降(37%),然后在过去的两年中,这项指数上升到39%,说明近两年中生活成本的攀升。


thomas suarez ted演讲稿中英文



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