
2020-03-02 16:14:15 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

At the time of great wealth, have hidden this evil

---------------Something about This book was written by Mario Puzo.He is a native of Americans.And long-term living in the heart of capitalism--- New York.

He was a Columbia University study on the various aspects of American based society.was the thirth book he writied and was the most succeful one.

A major feature of is:The protagonist,Corleone family, did all bad And Sharenruma.But I do not hate them after I close the book.Because I think Corleone is a righteous family.What they have done everything to help the weak and to maintain social justice.

As mentioned in the book: Don Vito Corleone will take their troubles in mind.No matter how much wealth they have and the level of identity they are.He will use the best way to sold the truobles.”

Started a book about a person called Asian Lige.Bonasela.He He complian/ce with United States law.He beliebve that police and judge will protece his family.But when his daughter was bullied he found that law was protact the perpetrators.

Don Vito Corleone help this poor owner of the funeral parlours.What Don requirements the return with all he had only helped people like: One day, perhaps not the day, this owner of the funeral parlours help him.Many people believe that the United States is the perfect place hearts.But

told the ture that : Money is the god in United States.Here is the legal protection of the rich.It is a place full of crime.At the time of great wealth, have hidden this evil

In this damned American society, only corleone familly can help you.Finally, let us in the claic phrase to the end of this article:

1.Don\'t hate your enemy.or you will make wrong judgement.

2.Don\'t let an one know what you think.

3.Don\'t tell me you are innocent,because it insults my intelligence.

4.My father made him an offer that he couldn\'t refuse.

5.Lawyers can steal more money with a suitcase than a thousand men with

6.Every man has one destiny.

7.Revenge is a dish that tastes best when it is cold.

8.Don’t insult my intelligence.

9.I\'ll make him an offer he can\'t refuse

I think this is one of the most brilliant movies I have seen.It is quite scary.There is one quote that Miranda (Streep) has later in the movie and I think it is dead on 100% correct: \"everybody wants to be like us\".

The movie sends a strong meage, more than just a quest for self-knowledge.It tells us more than fame isn\'t everything.It tells us that in order to truly be happy as yourself, you must experience what you want to be.Everybody wants to be famous.Everybody wants to be skinny.Everybody wants to be sexy.Only when you are famous, skinny, sexy, famous can you be satisfied of it.

And from this movie,we can learn sth about the job of the Secretary

First, she /he is expected to relieve the executive of various administrative details.

Second, she / he required to maintain effective office procedures.Third, she/he must be able to implement policies and procedures

Forth, a secretary should be able to establish and maintain harmonious relationships with people.

Besides we can know as a secretary we should have these quality

1, Physical: good health should be an important prerequisite for any work.

2, psychological: to keep a good attitude, mental state to normal, do not

be swayed by emotions.Every day should have a calm state of mind in their work.A temperamental person is not poible to do secretarial work.3, Ideology: This is a higher demand for senior management in modern society.As a Secretary should have a hard working, pioneering and innovative spirit and the spirit of seeking truth from facts, in addition, should also have a broad mind, broad vision and a good social responsibility.

There is a quote a friend of mine used a while back; \"You can\'t be taught what bitter tastes like.No matter how many people tell you that you won\'t like something bitter, you will want it.

Go see it!














