
2020-03-02 07:53:14 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


 牙膏 [toothpaste]:Colgate 高露洁Crest 佳洁士Zhong Hua 中华…

 香皂/香波类 [soap/shampoo]:OLAY 玉兰油,LUX 力士 Safeguard 舒肤佳 Johnson’s baby强

生[婴儿]Rejoice 飘柔 ManTing 满婷 Pantene 潘婷Sifone 诗芬Clairol 伊卡路 SASSOON 沙宣…

 化妆品 [cosmetics]:L’OREAL 欧莱雅 AVON 雅芳 POND’S 旁氏 Maybelline 美宝莲 Dabao

大宝, NIVEA 妮维雅…

 食品类[food]: Mr.Kon 康师傅, Wang Wang 旺旺 Nestle Coffee 雀巢[咖啡]Danone 达能 [饼

干] Pringles 品客[薯片]Wrigley’s 绿箭[口香糖]Dove 德芙[巧克力]…

 洗衣粉 [laundry]:OMO奥妙, TIDE汰渍, ARIEL 碧浪…

 奶制品[dairy ]:雅士利, 三鹿,Heinz亨氏, 光明,蒙牛,伊利, 乐百氏…

 软饮料[soft drinks]: Coca Cola 可口可乐, Pespi 百事可乐…

 袋装茶[tea bag]: Lipton立顿


 Product category产品种类 (如COKE可乐属于软饮料…), product aortment 产品款型 (如空调

挂机,柜机; 牛奶/酸奶/奶粉).

 Core Product [核心价值:功能用途], Tangible (actual) Product (including content) [可见部分:如,外

观设计].Augmented Product and Benefits[附加产品和好处:如保险/保修,售后服务,心理满足感 ]。 Example: BENEFIT:Colgate toothpaste gives you cavity-free, whiter and harder teeth, and

refreshing mouth.LUX 力士,NIKE,Dove 德芙[巧克力],OMO奥妙….

 :Product line 产品线:Length 长度: total number of product items 产品总数,

Width 宽度: number of different product lines the company carries 产品种类 Depth深度: number of products / versions in each line [ brands and specifications 规格]薄荷/水果不同香型的牙膏)

1This document explains how to do the aignment / marketing report for the course of “Marketing: An Introduction” and also gives the disclaimer and notes.Write a marketing report on one brand/product.Describe and analyze its 4Ps (product, price, promotion and place [distribution]) and brand strategy, and give your recommendations to have a better marketing of it.The product is preferably Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sold in supermarkets, and shall not be any kind of service.If you have any choice beyond the FMCG, please talk to your teacher as soon as poible.The brand/product is expected to be a famous one so that the information about this brand/product is easily acceible.本文件就如何完成市场营销课大作业/营销报告作出说明,并附有免责声明及注意事项。 就某一个品牌/产品写一市场营销报告,对其产品, 价格, 分销和促销的策略 (4Ps)和品牌策略进行描述和分析,并给出你的建议,使其营销能做的更好。此品牌/产品不应是服务,宜为超市中的快速消费品,如果你想就超市外的品牌/产品做市场报告,请尽快与教师商谈。此品牌宜为知名品牌,这样有关此品牌的信息则易取得。 本要求说明仅对你的营销报告起提示作用,极其有限,绝对不限于此。你可以涉及、探讨市场营销4Ps和品牌策略的任何内容,请参照图书馆有关市场营销的书籍和互联网市场营销的专业网站。

Reliability可靠性 –Durability持久性– –Pricing德芙[巧克力]

 Taste and Style品位与风格 Adidas vs.L’OREAL范伟/赵本山代言的产品和某些女明星代言的产

品品牌形象的区别;–Logo / Corporate Identity [CI] 徽标/商标, 企业形象识别–User Images品牌消费者形象 –Brand Characters品牌性格 –Brand Affinity品牌亲和度–Brand Image Conflict or Convergence 品牌形象冲突或提升

品牌亲和度-哪个品牌和你是零距离,为什么[如牙膏/香皂/香波], 想象一下你和该品牌的关系 – 一般/亲密朋友, 偶尔/经常遇见的同事, boyfriend & girlfriend, parents?

 Consumer Judgement 消费者对品牌之看法/态度

1.Consumer Feelings消费者对品牌的情感 例: 神秘, 异域风情[喜力]/ 专业, 不会出错[高露洁], 青春, 清新[过去]vs.喧闹, 浮躁[现在] – 可口可乐.甜蜜舒心[雀巢咖啡]fun, excitement, social approval, and self-respect.

 Consumer-Brand Resonance 消费者与品牌的互动

Loyalty / Disloyalty 对品牌的忠诚度

Attitudes on User Images and Merchandises对品牌消费者形象与CI标识物的态度

 concept, size, shape, colour, style…外包装,内包装 (如盒体[香波]/瓶体[饮料]/筒体[牙膏]外观设计,

形态, 包装创意,主题, 大小,色彩,风格,形象,图案,商标, 附送品,文字说明 – 农夫山泉 – 航天员专用+饮水思源感恩帖 [cause-related marketing]

product information and description of the selling point(s) 产品信息及卖点陈述[力士清润柔肤香皂], use/warnings 警戒语, list of ingredients 成分/配料表。Product positioning 产品定位 Quality vs.Value for money

 Product Position价格定位: Cheap and Cheerful , Average, High Value….如价廉物美或高质高价 Your

feeling towards the price(s).

 Are substitutes 替代品 widely available? What are competitors‟ prices? 相同/相近产品价格. Any legal restrictions in its sales (销售有无法律限制).

 Price range for its different product 系列产品中间不同款式型号的不同价格.

 Price difference in different sales outlets 不同卖场价格的差异 : 超市,百货商场,专卖店…

 Does the company have various products occupying different positions within one market? 此公司是否


 Does the product charge different customers different prices but offer almost the same product? 此产品/


 What is the promotional price and Psychological pricing? 促销价格[活动打折]和心理价位

 Where is the product sold? 在何处出售? 如:超市,百货商场,专卖店, Convenience store 便利店,

Discount stores 折扣商店, personal selling 人员促销, Vending machines 自动售货机.[请想全面]

 Advertising广告: TV, print, radio, Internet, 在何种媒体出现?

 广告主题, 创意, 文案, 艺术效果及传播效果 - 如色彩,意境,气势,音乐, 声音,意蕴,

卖点突出程度,语言美感及声线,形象代言人及演员美感表现,叙事模式 [完整故事或片刻氛围等],布景 [请自己找报纸和杂志广告,或者广告教材]

 文字及tagline[广告口号语:如麦当劳:我就喜欢 I am loving it]呈现,创意与回忆是否冲突,

营造的情境与产品特性/好处的关联和融合度, 等等….

 促销方式:如Sales Promotion 销售促进:discount折扣促销, samples 样品试用, free item 免费附

送, multi-packs 多件实惠装….

例子Promotion for imported natural mineral water 进口天然矿泉水

 The promotions are to be conducted in print advertisements, promotional pricing, promotional flyers,

and donation to hospitals.

 Advertising is to be featured in newspapers and magazines.The newspaper ad is to be carried 3 times

per month in widely-circulated evening post.The magazine ad is featured monthly with the readers of students and white-collar workers.

 Promotional prices are to be implemented in (a) 8% monthly in-store promotion and (b) bulk carton

purchase with 10% discount.

 One-page promotional flyer is distributed in university campuses and office towers.

 Some donations to hospitals will be conducted, hopefully to attract favourable publicity. Public Relations – PR公关: media reports, Sponsorship 赞助….

请写出你对此品牌/产品的产品, 价格, 分销和促销的策略 (4Ps)和品牌策略的建议。

Disclaimer and Notes免责声明及注意事项

1.The presence of all the brands / products in each teaching seion (including the PowerPoint

presentations and any other teaching materials) is ONLY for the purpose of teaching and learning marketing.It does NOT in any way indicates the lecturer‟s encouragement and recommendation of the purchase and consumption of these brands / products (including services, celebrities, places, and ideas) for the students.在教学过程中出现的所有品牌/产品(包括PowerPoint教案和其他任何教学材料中)仅用于市场营销教学之目的,不以任何形式含有教师鼓励、推荐学生购买及使用这些品牌/产品(包括服务,名人明星,地点及想法)的意图。

2.For their aignment(s), exam and study of this course, students are asked to obtain any relevant information about the brands / products from publicly available and legal sources.Any busine secrets of any brands / products and related companies shall NOT be acquired in any way.为完成此大作业(报告),准备本课程考试和学习本课程, 学生被要求从公开合法之渠道获取有关品牌/产品的任何信息。学生不应以任何方式获取任何品牌/产品及其公司的商业机密。

3.In this course, students are asked only to seek, analyze and present any information and contents that are

directly relevant to the completion of this aignment and preparation for exam, which shall be obtained from publicly available and legal sources.


4.In order to safeguard the privacy of an individual, please note the following if you conduct interview with somebody or ask someone to fill in a questionnaire:

 Before the interview or questionnaire, this document – Aignment Sheet for „Marketing: An

Introduction‟ should be presented and explained to anyone who is to be interviewed by you [ hereafter „interviewee‟] or is asked to fill in a questionnaire [hereafter „questionnaired‟].

 You must inform the interviewee or questionnaired that s/he has the right to [a] either accept or reject

your interview or questionnaire and asked not be named or identified if accepted, [b] terminate the

interview or questionnaire proce if s/he feels it involves his/her privacy during the interview or questionnaire-filling, [c] withdraw from your interview or questionnaire being conducted without giving a reason [d] withdraw any information that s/he gives to you and ask you to destroy the said information after the interview or questionnaire, e.g.in the form of your interview notes etc.

 The person who is interviewed by you or is asked to fill a questionnaire has the rights as indicated above

in [a], [b], [c] and [d].

 You must ensure that all information acquired by you from the interviewee or questionnaired is properly

stored and not revealed to any irrelevant party.


 在进行采访或要求人填写问卷调查前,本文件-市场营销课程大作业(报告)要求须向对方出示并


 你必须告知对方, 对方有如下权利 [A] 有权接受或者拒绝你的采访或问卷调查,如接受你的采

访或问卷调查,有权要求不公开其姓名及身份, [B] 在采访或问卷调查进行过程中,如果感到有任何涉及其个人隐私的情形, 有权终止受访或填写问卷, [C] 有权退出正在进行的采访或问卷调查而无需给出任何理由,[D] 在采访或问卷调查进行之后,有权要求收回他/她给予你的任何信息, 并要求你销毁有关对方采访或问卷调查的任何信息.

 受访方或填写问卷调查者具有如上[A] [B] [C] [D] 所示的权利。

 你必须保证妥善保管从受访方或填写问卷调查者处得到的信息,并不向不相关的人泄露。

5.All the things mentioned above are also applied to the observation of the consumer behaviour of any consumer.以上所有各条均适用于对任何消费者的消费行为的观察。

1.Discu the points that you think are important and/or interesting in this writing guide with your

examples and reflections.

2.Write you own personal experience and story about your brand/product or several brands/products that

you are interested in.











《 市场营销课程报告要求.doc》