
2020-03-02 13:21:40 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


★ 幼儿公开课模版 ★公开课前教师要提前20---30分钟到教室,和学生做一下简单的沟通。教师可以问:你叫什么呀?在哪上学?以前有没有学过英语?喜欢干什么啊?是嘛,太棒了***老师也喜欢这个??提前混个脸熟.消除陌生感。 part1- cla routine:greetings 课堂内容:t:it’s timefor our cla.hello, baby! stand up! attention!one two! when i say attention! you should say one two! ok? ok! t: attention! :one two! (我们运用全英教学,让孩子们养成用英文思维的习惯,注意老师在说这些话时要用眼神和动作来引导孩子!老师说attention , 引导孩子说onetwo.注意:这一环节要操练两到三次,让孩子养成惯性。第一遍老师要带小朋友读 one two!) t:great! you are super stars, right? when i say super star! you should say ”go go go”. t:super star! :go go go! (让小朋友说go go go的时候跳起来!) t: yes, wonderful!praise: wonderful, yeah! yeah! yeah! [practice: fasterand faster] (最后一个yeah要跳起来!) t: sit downplease! t:hello, baby! i am ***.follow me.(老师领读自己的名字,注意及时奖励.这一环节老师要用眼神和动作引导孩子们说hello ** .) :** t: ok! one more time. t: good! **,**,**,i’m **.i’m ? : **. t: hello, baby! : hello, **! t: ** will sing a song for you.lalalalala(13531). look at me, chua chua chua. t: hello, baby.i’m a little pig.let’s sing t: little pigs oink oink oink?( 老师每次在唱歌之前都要唱(13531)老师说look at me,引导孩子们说 chua chua chua.习惯的养成.教师出示小猪手偶,要求生动有趣诙谐.然后领唱《little pigs》老师在展示时一定要注意与孩子眼神的交流,并且要富有童趣,动作一定要可爱 ) t: now,stand up please,show me your hands follow me.(在教孩子做时动作要慢一些) s: learn to sing.(老师带着小朋友作分解动作连起来作两遍,第一遍速度要慢,第二遍正常速度.老师要带着小朋友一起快速的) t: praise: wonderful,yeah! yeah! yeah! t: now stand upand face to face.let’s sing it again! t: wonderful!let’s sing it quickly!part2- fresh english t: do you still remember how to sayhello to *** hello baby! : hello,***!

now, show me your hands!(挥手)let’s see who is the best one! “hello baby!” “hello!” ?? (老师一定要先和小朋友打招呼,老师可以跳起来和小朋友打招呼,比比谁跳的高,来活跃气氛。 ) : (do gestures) hello, ***! t: so good, a sticker for you.hello, baby! 注意及时奖励 : (do gestures) t sings: jeie will sing a song for you. hello baby hello baby hello hello hello.hello jeie hello jeie hellohello hello.(注意老师唱歌是与孩子眼神的交流) t:ok now show me your hands and let’s sing it together. : hello, ****! t: pretty good.let’s sing it again. : (sing it.) t: well done.now, look!(show the card or the picture of a family to the student) (关于家庭的照片老师可以从网上下载爸爸妈妈宝宝的照片,也可以下载比较有象征意义的卡通片。) t points the baby and say: look! a baby! and this is ? (mummyàdaddy) : mummy. t: yes, mummy.great! follow me do it like this. t: mummy,mummy,mummy.[game: i say u do] : mummy,mummy,mummy (do the action) t: and that is ?(daddy) t: daddy, daddy, daddy.[game: i say u do] : daddy, daddy, daddy.(do the action) t: ok, i do you say. t: praise: wonderful! yeah! yeah! yeah! t: ***will sing a song for you (13531) [sing] hello baby! à hello mummy! à hello daddy! (这一环节老师要用口形及眼神引导孩子们跳起来说。) t: [带妈妈的头饰] hello baby! : hello mummy! t: [让一个小男孩带头饰和胡子] say hello baby! : hello daddy! t shows the pictures of daddy or mummy, let practice hello daddy andmummy! t: wonderful! yeah! yeah! yeah! part3-fairy tale t: one two three : four!孩子们课堂常规的养成 t: look at me! chua chua chua! 老师放蛋糕,苹果,香蕉等食物在讲台上,并将老鼠和猫的手偶准备好!


cat:meow!mouse: cat! run!run! run! 利用手偶进行funny phonics t: aaa ccc cacaca ttt àcat t: meow meow cat (fellow me) game: i do u say àgame: hide and seek( i do u say 中老师要装很凶的猫,让孩子产生兴趣,hide and seek老师把猫的图片放到教室不同的位置,让小朋友去找,找到图片之后小朋友要指着猫说cat ) t: 带老鼠的头饰mouse s: 带上猫的头饰 cat cat: meow! mouse: run!run!run! : cat -meow! mouse: run! run! run! (请不同的小朋友扮演猫,输入run run run) run funny phonics game:wood man game:role play 1s: cat ‘meow!’

t & : mice “cat! run! run! run!”

àt: cat “meow”教师追赶孩子在教室里绕着座椅跑 : mouse “cat! run! run! run!”

t: look, i have a big hammer, you are cat.cat cat cat.老师那气锤把小朋友从中间分开,cat 1:cat cat cat. t:you are mouse.mouse mouse mouse. 2:mouse mouse mouse. 1: meow! 2: cat run run run.操练两到三遍

t: praise! wonderful wonderful yeah yeah yeah. t: now exchanged.you are cat! cat cat cat. 2: cat cat cat. t: you are mouse! mouse mouse mouse. 1: mouse mouse mouse. 1: meow! 2: cat! run run run! t: greet! clap your hands. t: now who wants to be the cat/ mouse? s1: meow! s2: cat, run run run! (老师请两到三组小朋友自己上讲台拿着手偶表演) ending:t: wonderful!yeah! yeah! yeah! let’s sing a song“walking walking walkingwalking run run run,run run run! meow meow meow ?? run run run!” attention! : one two! part4-closuret: ok, well done.篇2:幼儿英语招生课模版教案

英语招生课 教学活动 1)颜色认读: 2)数字认读:


3)培养幼儿欣赏英文律动,并能跟老师做简单的动作。1)激发幼儿对颜色的喜好, 对各种颜色产生的美的感觉。

2)激发幼儿对律动歌曲的美的旋律的欣赏。 3)通过游戏链接老师和幼儿之间的情感。

1)课堂口令:老师用英文说1, 2, 3幼儿用英文说4, 4, 4 。 小脸盆三个。邀请幼儿进行投篮。老师说red幼儿

把 red的球投进篮子。依次类推。

3)猜一猜: 神奇的香蕉里藏着小积木,请幼儿猜什么颜色。此环


4)律动/歌曲欣赏: follow me或cirle time 两首欢快的旋律,让幼

儿跟着老师动动手动动脚,全场舞动起来。 篇3:幼儿英语教案模板


课程内容:what’s this? it’s a pencil-case/ a pencil/ a pen/ an eraser/ a ruler.班级:中班


语言目标:能熟练运用句型what’s this? 提问,并用it’s „„ 回答。

情感态度目标:能主动、快乐地学习,并积极地参加游戏,使are you sleeping 和longdon bridge成为课堂热身与练习巩固的指令和通用形式。



教学重点:认识5个文具单词 pencil-case/ pencil/ pen/ eraser/ ruler。

会用what’s this? 提问,并用it’s „„ 回答。

教学难点:能根据方位的改变,在游戏中理解what’s this? 的意思,并用it’s „„ 回


教学过程: step 1 warm-up game1: are you sleeping? teacher (站在门口):please, sleep.(头侧向左边,双手左侧合十,闭上眼睛).close your eyes.are you ready? ok, sing a song with me. 歌曲:are you sleeping? 当集体唱到 morning bells are ringing.ding-dong-ding时,老师敲三下桌子,学生睁

开眼睛,当集体再次唱到morning bells are ringing.ding-dong-ding时,学


step 2 presentation 介绍 game 2: a magic bag 老师:i have a magic bag.gue, gue, gue.what’s in it? (走到一名学生面前) look, touch it and gue.what’s this? (若学生回答正确,就把文具暂时奖励给他) yes, great! here you are.(直到所有的玩具

都奖励完为止) step 3 practice练习 game 3: listen and find 老师:now, let’s listen and find who is speaking? 请一名学生背对着大家,拿文具的五个小朋友在原地一次说:i’m a pencil-case/ a pencil/ a pen/ an eraser/ a ruler. 背对着大家的学生再到教室里把五个文具和他们的主人找到。


step 4 production生产制作产品 game 4: london bridge 集体复习儿歌 london bridge 之后,老师将5种文具带在身边,和一名小朋友手拉手举过头顶当小桥,再请其他小朋友排成长队从小桥下经过。

老师:are you ready? let’s sing.london bridge is falling down„„ 音乐随时停下来,当音乐停下来时,小桥落下。

老师:ok, answer my question.(举起一样文具)what’s this? 被拦住的小朋友回答,如果没有回答正确,则替换老师下来当小桥,继续游戏。 step 5: extension扩展 game5: ring-to 摆好文具,画好投掷的起点线。小朋友的圈圈住了文具,并正确回答老师提出的问题,就可以领走该文具作为奖品。

小朋友投中后,老师(指着远处)问:what’s that? 小朋友回答正确后,老师(指着近处)问:what’s this? 小朋友回答正确后,老师发奖品予以表扬。










