英语 每日一句

2020-03-02 10:11:23 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Day1:Empty your mind.Beshapele, formle, like water.You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup.You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle.You put water into a teapot, it becomes the teapot.Water can flow or it can crash.Be water, my friend.净空心灵,无形,无状,像水一样。你把水倒进杯中,它变成杯子;你把水倒进瓶中,它变成瓶子;你把水倒进茶壶,它变成茶壶。水能细流,亦能洪流。像水一样亦刚亦柔吧,我的朋友。 人之无念,若水无形;入杯为杯,进瓶成瓶;亦刚亦柔,君始功成。

Day2:China’sterritorial sovereigntydoes notneed to bearbitrated by other people.This is our home country- not one bit of it can be lost.Fight for every inch of soil, do not give up even one inch of it.Weadvocate peace but would notcompromiseon the subjectof national sovereignty.中国的领土主权不需要别人仲裁。这是我们的祖国,一点儿都不能少。寸土必争,寸土不让!我们拥护和平,但在国家主权问题上决不妥协!

Day3:SongJoong-Ki played his role so attractively, which even made my heartflutter.He is known for his sincerity and manners.Although there were difficult scenes including the earthquake, Song was the same all the time.He is younger than me, but I thought I found many things to learn from him.宋仲基在这部电视剧中扮演的角色非常迷人,甚至让我的心也砰砰直跳。他待人真诚,举止优雅。在拍戏的时候,有很多非常困难的场景,如地震,宋仲基却可以保持一贯的镇静。虽然他比我年轻,但我从他身上学到了很多。

Day4:You can cry out loud if feeling painful.You go one running if done sobbing.It is not important where you get stuck, but where you get going.Walk through the fire, and you\'ll be an ironman.如果感觉痛苦就大声哭喊出来。抽泣发泄结束后,继续前行吧。你被困在哪里并不重要,重要的是你前行的远方。经历烈火的焚烧,才可涅磐重生,成为钢铁般的勇士。

Day5:It doesn’t matter what others are doing.It matterswhat YOU are doing.Anything you do will either pull you closer to your dream or push you further away from your goal.You are what you do, constantly.其他人在做什么并不重要,重要的是你在做什么。你做的任何事情或将你与梦想拉近,或将你推离目标。你的坚持塑就了你。

Day6:There is something we say to make people feel better: “You may have le than those who are up above; yet more than thosedown below.” But it\'s not so comforting at al.As long as you are trying to keep up with the Joneses, you\'ll never be truly happy.有一句安慰人的话是:比上不足,比下有余。但这句话其实安慰不了人,只要常常存着跟人比较的心,就永远不会快乐。

Day7:It’s not about perfection.It’s about purpose.We have to care about our bodies and what we put in them.Women have to take the time to focus on our mental health-take time for self, for the spiritual, without feeling guilty or selfish.The world will see you the way you see yourself, and treat you the way you treat yourself.


Day8:When you rocket to fame, make sure people can benefit from it.Cultivate yourself even when you hit bottom.As an underachiever, you turn yourself to a righteous person; as an overachiever, you shape the world to a better place. 《孟子.尽心上》:得志,泽加于民;不得志,修身见于世。穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下。

Day9:Don\'t you ever call a strange man “husband”, regardle of his fame and fortune.You\'ll start miing a school from the moment you start packing.You can be careful and cautious for a hundred times but at least for once just stand tall and fight.You can indulge yourself for a hundred times but at least for once just love with all you have.You can play by the book for a hundred times but at least for once just take a step of courage.厦大教授的毕业赠言:不要随便叫陌生的男人老公,不论他多有名多有钱。对一所学校的眷恋,从收拾行李开始!人生有一百次谨小慎微,你要有一次拍案而起;人生有一百次放浪形骸,也要认真的爱一次;人生有一百次不越雷池一步,你也要潇洒走一回。 Day10:I think Beijing is also unlucky because thepitch is very bad.The pitch and the conditions of my players are more important than results in preseason.So if you ask me my objective for the match tomorrwi only have one: take the players home safely without any kind of injury.We cannot just run away and disappear and not play, so we have to play and try to be lucky.我以为北京也很不走运,场地实在太糟糕了。场地和队员的状况比季前赛的结果更重要。所以如果你问我明天比赛的目标,只有一个:把队员安安全全地带回家,没有任何伤病。我们不能跑路消失、不上场,所以我们必须上场,希望有好运。

Day11:Slow and steady, walk on your chosen path and don\'t pick the easy way out, then you can become your ideal self.There\'s no such thing in this world as sheer pleasure but it always comes along with concerns and worries.Plus never say never.走好选择的路,别选择好走的路,你才能拥有真正的自己。人间不会有单纯的快乐,快乐总夹杂着烦恼和忧虑,人间也没有永远。


Day12:We are living in a world of crises, mistrust and uncertainty.Here is our Olympic answer: The 10,000 best athletes in the world, competing with each other at the same time living peacefully together in one Olympic Village, sharing their meals and their emotions.We are all equal.



Day13:The more you trust your intuition, the more empowered you become, the stronger you become, and the happier you become.I’m not afraid of working hard at anything, whatever it is.I just always want to be the best that I can.Our imperfections are what make us unique and beautiful.你越相信自己的直觉,就会越认可自己,你就会变得越强大、越快乐。做任何事我都不怕辛苦,无论是什么,我只是想做到最好。我们的不完美使我们独特而美丽。 世纪第一名模吉赛尔.邦辰

Day14:I’ve seen some interesting marriages and I’ve seen some not-interesting marriages.I want to get married and have children, but six months of being on location or someplace like that is not the best thing for a relationship.The truth is, it’sgonna happen when it’s gonna happen.I’m just gonna let it happen naturally.I really am… That’s the way to do it, I feel.And when it’s right, it’s gonna be right.I want a woman with humility, a sense of humor and not a lot of drama.我见过很多有意思的婚姻,也见过一些没意思的婚姻。我渴望结婚生子,组建家庭,但一年中有六个月的时间我都在片场拍戏,无法全身心地投入感情中,这对于恋爱或婚姻都不是最好的。事实上,爱情爱来的时候总会来的。我只想顺其自然,这是我的切身想法…..我感觉爱情就应该是这样随缘的。时机成熟时,一切水到渠成。我喜欢谦虚幽默的女人,不喜欢每天都带着面具作戏的话题女王。 李奥纳多(吉赛尔邦辰前任) Day15:We know that our words and actions matter, not just to our girls, but the children acro this country, kids who tell us I saw you on TV, I wrote a report on you for school.Kids like the little black boy who looked up at my husband, his eyes wide with hope and he wondered, is my hair like yours? 我们知道,我们的言行举止,不仅对我们的两个女儿重要,对全国家的孩子也一样重要。小朋友会说,“我在电视上看过你”,“我写过关于你的作业”。曾经有一位黑人小孩两眼圆睁,满含希望地仰起脸问我的丈夫:“我的头发跟你一样吗?”-------美国第一夫人米歇尔











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