会议主持词 串词与会议主持词 英文

2020-03-02 13:55:58 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

会议主持词 串词



“做,就要做到最好,我们只做 们更会是世界胶黏剂行业的领导者!












【互动完毕】忙碌了一上午,大家也该犒劳一下我们的胃了, 业运营做好充分的准备工作。

首先请允许我介绍今天到会的领导,他们是: 让我们用热烈的掌声对光临大会的领导表示欢迎! 今天上午的会议共有三项议程:

大会 样串词就容易围绕主题进行;如果节目是拼凑的,(即不是围绕主题编排的)那么串词根本就无法以节目为蓝本来进行,这个时候,串词作者就只能把握住主题进行串词创作,而不能去照顾个别与主题无关的节目。在照顾整体的情况下,与主题无关的则另行考虑,在乡镇、街道文化站组织的节目,往往不能按主题编排节目,这样的节目就可以采用“随波逐流”的方法来进行串词创作。即在整体上不考虑文艺节目的宣传主题,只在个别与主题有关的节目串词才考虑主题宣传,串词更多的是只考虑上下节目之间的联系,或者承上,或者启下。串词是单点聚焦,就是只顾一点,不及其余。单点聚集是最次的一种方法,即串词只针对每个节目进行考虑。虽然,这会使一台节目难以形成一个整体,这应该是没有办法的办法。



天为什么这样蓝? 只因战争远离了我们。 地为什么这样绿? 那是和平人们的辛苦。

有时候,也有使用两个女性主持 的,这样,阴阳搭配的特征便不复存在。三人的,不常用,只有在一些大型的演出上才使用。这种搭配,其优点在于齐诵,两人,可以是一问一答,而三人则可以一人

问两人答。在群众性的节目主持中,使用三个节目主持人是很少见的,但是随着群众文艺演出的发展,逐渐增多应该是可能的。三人主持,可以是一人为主,两人配合;也可以是两人为主一人配合,或者是一人综合既这一个人的语言总是在总是在总评的位置上。三人主持,最好不要平均分配串词,不然能以突出中心主持 人。仅让每个 人上台后,无话说,或者少话说。三人主持最大的优势可能还在于朗诵,两人诵,一人总结。主要分问答式、呼应式和聊天式。聊天式,又可称为对讲式聊天式的串词,其实用不着刻意写,只是拟一个提纲即可,因为,这样的串词,是口语,说得不太流畅、甚至有点结巴也是许可的,因为它的不刻意,观众也反倒有一种轻松感,例如:

男:小王,最近你到哪里去了? 女:我呀,到井冈山去了一趟。 男:人多吗? 女:哎呀 ,还真不少。我去的时候正是十六大召开前夕,那里真是人山人海^





对于串词作者来说, 广,接受能力强。















丙:珠江旖旎绿平洲 甲:二中迈步向前走 乙:今天我们明德博学同求索 丙:明天我们素质教育更上一层楼 甲:自强不息,人比天高,志在神州! 乙:团结奋进,脚比路长,丹心长留!



甲:今天,我们相聚在这里,敞开你的心扉,释放你的激情; 乙:今天,我们相聚在这里,这里将成为欢乐的海洋,让快乐响彻云霄!

超越梦想,青春的律动,催人奋进,如万里长河奔腾不息; 超越梦想,年轻的我们,投身滚滚潮流,把握时代脉搏; 踏着激昂的节拍,把握四季的旋律,让我们用心来点燃希望

插上歌声的翅膀,挥洒青春的激情,让我们的心灵自由翱翔 超越梦想,炽热的激情、跳动的脉搏都在昭示我们的曾经的誓言 超越梦想,奔涌的热血、咸涩的汗水都在印证我们曾经的坦荡 甲:多么动人的夜晚,多么难忘的时光。虽然我们无法阻拦时间的流逝,但是我们可以主宰自己的心情;乙:今天的联欢会更加体现出职教处是一个充满活力,面向未来的集体;


乙:在这里,有默默耕耘的辛勤园丁,有孜孜以求的莘莘学子; 甲:在这里,散发着油墨的清香,跳动着青春的脉搏; 乙:在这里,有我们对生活的激情,更有我们对未来的渴望; 合:因为,我们始终相信:明天会更好! 相声是大家喜闻乐见的节目

幽默的语言、夸张的表情会把我们带进开心世界。 请出由xxx为您合说相声《~~~~》




舞蹈是我们对家乡、对学校繁荣的衷心祝愿。让我们举起这欢乐的酒杯共同祝福新年的来临,迎接新年的曙光!请欣赏歌伴舞《~~~》演唱者:xxx xxxx 青春是那么的火热,那么充满激情,犹如夏日的天空,总是高远而明丽。我们是那样的年轻,那样的朝气蓬勃,欢乐是今晚的主题,我们将用欢乐来尽情演绎。请您欣赏xx的舞蹈《~~~~》


请欣赏xx带来的《~~~》 结束语:《~~~~~》背景音乐起














这就是你,青春!你飒飒的风姿,在白天黑夜不断地催促 ,穿山越岭,恣意游走,放浪不羁。




现在我们拼搏,梦想的花朵已次 美妙,我们的设想多么迷人,如果离开了今天脚踏实地的努力,一切都只会是飘渺的海市蜃楼;无论我们遇到什么样的磨难,咬紧牙,走过去前面就会是另一片蓝天。成功,在于你今天的努力和拼搏,不然,葡萄再甜,个矮的狐狸也还是吃不到的。唱响今天,正是把握人生的最好方式。昨天的骄傲与屈辱,只能留在记忆中品味,而明天的绚丽多彩,还需今天的不懈努力。只有今天的分分秒秒,清晰地提醒着你我——人生最大的幸福,就是在今天,用心血、汗水和智慧,浇铸出属于自己无愧于时代的风景。同学们,别再让光阴虚度,唱响今天,为自己明天的辉煌而努力吧。

希望~~ 希望是什么?希望是失败者对成功的一种渴求;希望是死对生的一种企盼;希望是寒冬对春的一种向往。希望是什么?希望是人生的钟摆,须臾停止不得;希望是太阳升起的地方,光芒四射。


接下来我介绍一下本次会议的议程,共有七项内容, 大家掌声欢迎。





今年以来,也有一些优秀的伙伴不断脱颖而出,部门也专门为他们设置了每月服务明星奖和优秀小组奖,表示鼓励,今天借此机会为他们颁奖。首先有请一月和二月的服务明星奖获得者上台领奖,分别一月份咨询 ( 客服的工作更需要大家一起分担,XX年又是一个新的起点,梦想启航、希望扬帆,希望大家在新的一年里再接再厉,不断进取。今天的会议到此结束,让我们再次感谢张总的莅临,谢谢大家!

推荐相关范文: 工作会议串词 会议主持人串词 营销会议串词 会议串词2篇 销售会议主持人串词

会议主持词 英文


9,it is my pleasure to wele you all here to day.今天我很高兴欢迎各位。

10.it is my pleasure to wele mr.smith to our pany.很高兴欢迎史密斯先生到我们公司来。

11.wele to our pany from all the members of this section, mr.smith.史密斯先生,本课所有同仁欢迎你到本公司来。

12.i take great pleasure in bidding you all a hearty wele to our pany.很高兴能够衷心的欢迎您来我们公司。

13.it is my great pleasure to say a few s of hearty wele to mr.smith.很荣幸能说几句话表示对史密斯先生衷心欢迎。

14.the first thing that i would like to say to mr.smith is a hearty “ wele home!”我最先想对史密斯先生说的心底话是:欢迎回国! 15.i want to aure mr.smith that we will all give him our support in his efforts.我想向史密斯先保证,我们每个人对他的努力将给予支持。

16.it is my pleasure and honor to wele back mr.smith who has been in canada for the past three years.过去三年史密斯先生都在加拿大,我很高兴也很荣幸来欢迎他回。

17.please go ahead before it gets cold.趁热吃。 18.thank you for your kindne.谢谢你的一番盛情。

19.i’m very happy that i’ve e back to taiwan.我很高兴我回到台湾了。

20.i had long been looking forward to ing back.我老早就期待着回来。

21.i’m very grateful to you for all your kindne.你的厚意我非常感激。

22.i have no s with which to thank you for holding this wele party for me.我不知要用什么话来感谢你们为我办这个欢迎会。

23.i don’t know how i can thank you sufficiently for holding this wele party for me.你们为我办这个聚会,我不知道要如何才足以表示我的谢意。

24.on behalf of all my fellow students from taiwan i wish to say a of hearty thank 13.exit 会议厅出口 会议各种名称:

1.汇报会(status meeting):领导组织(leader-led),单向交流(one-way munication)的汇报(reporting)。

2.工作会(work meeting):产生一个结果,例如做出一个决定。 3.员工会(staff meeting):经理(manager)与下属的会议。 4.碰头会(team meeting):分工合作的同事一起开的会。 5.非例行会议(ad-hoc meeting):为了一个专门的目的开的会。 6.管理层会议(management meeting):经理们开的会。 7.董事会会议(board meeting):董事会(board of directors)开的会。

8.一对一会议(one-on-one meeting):两个人开的会。

9.外出静思会/退修会(off-site meeting/offsite retreat):在英国叫awayday meeting,指不在工作场所开的会。一般在度假胜地等举办。

10.项目启动会(kick-off meeting):项目组(project team)以及项目雇主(client)的首次会议,讨论分工等。

11.标前会(pre-bid meeting):指招标前与所有竞争者开的情况介绍会。

12.学术会议(academic conference) 12.业务会(busine conference) 12.研讨会(seminar/workshop) 13.新闻发布会(news conference)

14.和解会议(settlement conference):诉讼案件(lawsuit)中原被

告(plaintiff and respondent)之间的和解会。




2、reviewing past busine(对前段工作小结)

3、beginning the meetingintroducing the agenda (开始会议议程)

4、discuing items(讨论具体事项)

5、finishing the meeting(做结束语)

6、closing the meeting(会议结束) officiator: are there any here who have legitimate cause to oppose this marriage? [pause] the groom\'s vows officiator: , do you take to be your lawfully wedded wife? groom: i do.officiator: do you pledge to love, cherish and honor her, through all your time in dereth? groom: i do.officiator: do you promise to remain faithful unto her, to support her, to be her finest friend, through all trials and tribulations, joys and victories? groom: i do.officiator: what seal do you place upon your vows? groom: the seal of [my own honor/the name of a higher authority].the bride\'s vows officiator: , do you take to be your lawfully wedded husband? bride: i do.officiator: do you pledge to love, cherish, and honor him, through all your time in dereth? bride: i do.officiator: do you promise to remain faithful unto him, to support him,

to be his finest friend, through all trials and tribulations, joys and victories? bride: i do.officiator: what seal do you place upon your vows? bride: the seal of [my own honor/the name of a higher authority].the intentions officiator: , please share with us your loving intentions toward .bride: [speak about how you will love and cherish the groom.it helps to have this prepared beforehand.] officiator: , please share with use [sic] your loving intentions toward .groom: [speak about how you will love and cherish the groom.it helps to have this prepared beforehand.] friends and family officiator: you who stand here as witnees are the friends and family of the bride and groom.you are charged with the task of helping them in their new role as wife and husband, to support them in their times of need, and to do all that you can to make their marriage a bleed and happy union.the rings officiator: please exchange the rings.groom: with this ring, i thee wed.bride: with this ring, i thee wed.the pronouncement

officiator: you have made your vows under the seals of that which you hold important.officiator: before the witnees of your friends and family, you are now pronounced husband and wife.may your marriage bring you great happine.[guests may now congratulate the married couple.emote freely.save celebratory gems for use outside.] minister: we are gathered here today to witne the ing together of two people, ____________ and ____________, whose hearts and spirits are entwined as one.they now desire to profe before all the world their intention henceforth to walk the road of life together.to these two young people, this marriage signifies the birth of a new spirit, a spirit which is a part of each of us, yet not of any one of us alone.this \"birth of spirit\" reminds us of spring, the season when all life is reborn and looms again.it is appropriate, therefore, that this wedding of ____________ and ____________ be in the spring, and that it be under the open sky, where we are close to the earth and to the unity of life, the totality of living things of which we are part.the beliefs and thoughts about love which motivate these two people are perhaps best expreed in the s of poet kahlil gibran: \"you were born to be together, and together you shall be forevermore.you shall be together when the wings of death scatter your

days.ay, you shall be together even in your silent memory.but let there be spaces in your togetherne, and let the winds of the heaven dance between you.love one another, but make not a bondage of love.let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.fill each other\'s cup, but drink not from one cup.give one another of your bread, but eat not of the same loaf.sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each of you be alone, even as the strings of a lute are alone, though they quiver with the same music.give your hearts, but not into each other\'s keeping, for only the hand of life can contain your hearts.and stand together, yet not too near together, for the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the oak tree and the cypre grow not in shadow.\" minister to bride: do you ____________, knowing this man\'s love for you and returning it, realizing his strengths and learning from them, recognizing his weaknees and helping him to overe them, take ____________ to be your lawfully wedded husband? bride: i do.minister:

place the ring on his finger.minister to groom: do you ____________, knowing this woman\'s love for you and returning it, realizing her strengths and learning form them, recognizing her weaknees and helping her to overe them, take ____________ to be your lawfully wedded wife? groom: i do.minister: place the ring on her finger.let these rings serve as locks–not binding you together–but as keys, unlocking the secrets of your hearts for each other to know, and thus bringing you closer together forever.and now ____________ and ____________, seeking the fulfillment of love and marriage, find again that the poet gibran speaks for them: \"love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.to wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks to another day of loving.to rest at the noon hour and meditate love\'s ecstasy; to return home eventide with gratitude, and then sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.\" i now pronounce you husband and wife. 晚上好,亲爱的女士们和先生们!欢迎来到我们的圣诞晚会 coyo: with the snow flakes falling from the sky, coyo:随着雪花从天上掉下来, 李耘: with the christmas carols resounding around our ears 李耘:圣诞颂歌在我们耳旁萦绕。

coyo: with the christmas presents paing through our friends and ourselves coyo:圣诞情节在你我之间传递

李耘: with the kindest santa christ in red walking towards us 李耘:圣诞老人带着礼物朝我们走来

合: let\'s shout, “christmas is ing! merry christmas!!!

让我们大声叫喊:“圣诞节来了。圣诞快乐! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 李耘:coyo(男主持人姓名),at this special moment, i can\'t be more excited.how about you? coyo: of course, 李耘(女主持人姓名), me too.and i dare say that i\'ve never been so happy in my life.i bet you do, yeah? 李耘: sure, you are right.so why are we still waiting? i gue our audience can\'t wait to enjoy our exciting performance.do you think so? coyo: it\'s just the truth.so now, let\'s enjoy!!!让我们一起来享受吧! ! ! 陈宇:where’s music, there’s joy!

李耘:where’s music, there’s hope!



陈宇:是的,虽然大奖只有几个,但是希望他们都可以展现出最好的一面。so,trust yourself !you’re the brightest star on this stage!现在,有我替大家介绍今晚卡拉ok大赛的评委

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 李耘:let’s warmly (请你收藏好 范 文,请便下次访问:..)wele them .and now , the final of english song’s karaoke petition stars! 结束:

李耘: thanks for the great performance.coyo: hope everybody dream e true! 合: today we gather here to celebrate our christmas, let\'s look forward to our next gathering! merry christmas again! see you....... to witne this grand petition all the way.女:that?s right! and all the contestants have given us impreive performances during the past years.and today, all winners of the preliminaries, which mean the 10 finalists, are going to give us a feast.男:definitely, we all know that today will be a very rigorous petition.so first, please allow me to have the great privilege of presenting today\'s judges.and they are: mr.1 2 3 4 5 6 (女单 男双)

男:and also we?d like to give our sincere wele to all the teachers and students who are sitting in the audience.女:ladies and gentlemen, now please wele all our contestants up on the stage! they are contestant no.1***2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.(男单 女双)

男:now please let me introduce the regulations for today?s show.there are two parts including the prepared speech, impromptu speech, and responses to questions.女:yes, in the first section each of the contestants will have 3 minutes to deliver their prepared speeches.and the topic is ?a has changed the world ?or “cultural diversity vs.cultural integration”.

男:and then they will give their impromptu speeches with only 10 minutes preparation.finally, they will answer the challengeable questions raised by the judges.and the judges will mark the scores from aspects of content, language and deliver.and the total score will be 10pts and the starting point is 8pts.女:so, time for busine.now, let?s wele contestant no.1...up to the

stage.男:thank you contestant no.1, now, please wele contestant no.2......contestant.女:thank the last contestant?s wonderful performance.you really did a good job.next let?s wele------give some ments on our contestants? performance.男:thank you.thanks for your wonderful remarks.now, we?ve already get all the final rankings here.first, let me announce the list of the winning prize.女:and then the third prize, and they are__________ 男:ladies and gentlemen, there?re only there contestants left.and one of them is the chion.and let?s reveal the result step by step.first, let?s announce the first second prize winner-------.ok.who will gain the first prize? let?s hold our breath, ------- the luckiest person tonight is------ congratulations! 女:congratulations to all you again.wow, what a great day.and now, the speaking petition is ending.thank you.thanks for all the contestants? hard work and the distinguished judges, together with all the audience.男:ladies and gentlemen, now i have to announce that this year?s english speaking petition is over.thanks you your time.see you next year.向您推荐: 英文主持词

英文主持词 主持词英文 会议主持词 会议主持词











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会议主持词 串词与会议主持词 英文