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第五章 即兴演讲Impromptu Speech 演讲者能不能和听众之间建立和谐的关系,是决定演讲成功与否的关键。如果没有这种和谐的关系,真正的沟通就不可能实现。 要想成功的发表即席演讲,事先进行一定的练习大有必要。如果这种练习越多,那么当你临时上台演讲时,就越能轻车熟路的应对可能出现的任何情况。 向一大群人发表即席演讲,其实就像在自己的客厅里和朋友聊天一样,只不过谈话的对象和范围有所扩大而已。你所需要做的,就是对自己谈论的话题充满信心。 ---------卡耐基



即兴演讲(impromptu speech),又称即席演讲,是指在事先没有准备或准备时间极短的情况下就某一话题进行一定时间的演讲。这是各种英语演讲比赛、口语测试、竞赛中常见的一种方式,它不仅能考查演讲者和应试者的英语语言基础、语言驾驭能力、思维反应速度,而且要求他们举止得体,具有一定的表演艺术。因此即兴演讲学生甚至求职人员基本综合素质的有效途径之一。











1、时间上的紧迫性 urgency

2、情境上的被动性 paivity

3、内容上的多样性 diversity

4、表达上的即时性 instantaneity



1、告知性演讲(informative speeches)


2、劝诱性演讲(persuasive speeches)


3、特殊场合下的演讲 (special occasion speeches) 特殊场合下的演讲与告知性演讲和劝诱性演讲有许多相似之处,前两种演讲中涉及到的基本概念、方法等都使用。但既然是特殊场合下的演讲,必然有其特别的因素和特点。特殊场合演讲的目的多为娱乐、庆祝、纪念和激励等„„

五、即兴演讲的评分标准 (Grading)

一般说来,即兴演讲的评分标准与命题演讲的评分标准大致相同,在此不作赘述。 练习题:







日常积累又可以分为经验的积累和素材的积累。 1.1、经验的积累

要想成为一个优秀的即兴演讲者,反复的操练自是不可缺少。随便一个话题,都可以成为我们练习的题目。我们可以一个人对着一间空屋子大大声的练习,也可以和自己的好友结成对子或三五成群,一起练习。练习的时候,镜子和录音机都是你最好的帮手。可以对着镜子练习,观察自己的面部表情和肢体语言;也可以把自己的声音录下来,方便自己纠正发音、及时总结优缺点。通过这样反复不停的操练,我们的材料组织能力和语言表达能力都会得到有效的提高,从而为真正的即兴演讲铺平道路。 1.2、素材的积累




正确理解题目意图,是准备即兴演讲的第一步,也是最重要的一步。正确理解题目意图,关键是要找到题眼,以2005年CCTV杯英语演讲大赛中的一个题目“The greatest invention in my eyes”为例,在这一题目中,题眼应该是单词“invention”,即make or design ( something that did not exist before), created by thought,因此,那些自古就有的事物就不能列入发明之列了,例如,我们可以发明电灯,却不可以发明电;此外,诸如ancient culture, education, water等,都不在这个题目的要求范围之内。确定题眼之后,接下来要注意的就是题眼的修饰词。仍以这个题目为例,invention的修饰词是greatest,这就意味着,演讲内容的唯一性,即不能出现两个或多个invention。

破题的另一个关键是要明确思路。如果你拿到的题目是一个问题,那么首先你要做出回答,例如,如果遇到这样一个题目:“Should the historical buildings in Beijing be replaced by modern sky scriptures?”你首先要明确自己的观点,要,还是不要;如果你拿到的题目是一句话或是一个观点,那么首先你要明确,自己对这句话或是这个观点是支持还是反对,例如,如果遇到这样一个题目:“marriage on campus?”你要首先确定你是支持还是反对这一做法。 2.2、搜集素材

正确理解题目,确定个人观点之后,就要从脑海中积累的素材库中搜索相应的内容,即brainstorming。具体做法就是迅速在纸上列出所有你能想到的与你的观点有关的内容,可能是一件事、一句话、一个数字,甚至一个词,例如,如果见到这样一个题目:My View on the Internet,那么映入脑海的会有什么呢?information, amusement, convenient, QQ, e-mail, on-line games, 等等。这一过程大概需要一到两分钟。 2.3、选择素材

在纸上罗列出所有想到的素材之后,很重要的一步就是要从中做出选择,内容相近的可 3

以合并。仍以上述题目为例,在列出所有观点之后,可以进一步进行整理:其中的QQ, e-mail可以归为“communication”,而information, amusement和communication又可归为“convenience”,而on-line games和一些false information又可归为“disadvantages”。即兴演讲中最常见的问题就是把演讲弄成“流水账”,即把演讲做成事例或观点的罗列。要避免这一问题,就要在罗列的素材中做出取舍,选择两到三个比较典型的观点展开,即“贵精不贵多”。 2.4、谋篇



最常用的是 Ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用 Fellow students, Distinguished guests, Mr.,Chairman, Honorable Judges(评委)等等。








结尾要简洁,不要拉拉扯扯,说个没完。特别是不要受汉语影响,说些类似“准备不足,请谅解”,“请批评指正”这样的废话。最普通的结尾就是:Thank you very much for your attention.

一般说来, 称呼和结尾这两部分都大同小异,而第


三、四部分是演讲的主要内容,是我们要根据不同题目进行构思的。这种三段式的框架模式,即开头或引子,论证和结论,可以广泛的运用到各类演讲中去。 例一:My View on the Internet.1) 引子 (introduction)

(1) 因特网已将越来越普及了; (2)提出问题:因特网的利弊。 2)论证(supporting evidence) (1)因特网的作用。

①一种方便快捷的交流工具; ②方便获取各类最新消息; ③提供多种娱乐。 (2)因特网的弊端。 ①虚假、恶意消息;

②许多青少年沉迷于网络游戏; ③人们缺少面对面的沟通。 3)结论(conclusion) (1)我对因特网的看法;

(2)提出使因特网更好的为人们生活服务的建议。 例二:Marriage on Campus 1) 引子 (introduction)

(1) 描述现状或事例:一些在校大学生走进婚姻的殿堂; (2)亮明观点,大学生最好不要结婚。 2)论证(supporting evidence)

(1)大学生应珍惜宝贵的学习机会,不断提高自己; (2)不成熟的爱情难以经受毕业的考验;

(3)婚后的生育问题: 不能把大学校园变成托儿所。 3)结论(conclusion) (1)重申我的观点;

(2)奉劝有此想法的大学生三思而后行。 例二:Don’t Hesitate to Say “No” 1) 引子 (introduction)

(1) 描述现状或事例:中国人不喜欢说“不”; (2)亮明观点,要学会拒绝。 2)论证(supporting evidence)


(2)道德层面----对于那些违反道德的请求要勇于拒绝; (3)法律层面----对于那些违反法律的请求必须拒绝。 3)结论(conclusion) (1)重申我的观点;




从本章附录中选择2到3个题目,依照本节2.1 到2.4中所提方法列出提纲,注意将时间控制在三分钟左右。




仍以上节中的例一为例:My View on the Internet 关键词


Communication Internet is a new way of communication, which is cheaper and faster.Information We can get the latest information all over the world through the internet.Amusement Internet provides us with various kinds of entertainment.On-line games many youngsters are addicted to the on-line games.演讲者若能再拿到题目后迅速想到两三点进行阐述的话,演讲的成功就获得了最基本的保证,否则,势必会导致演讲时层次不清,说话颠三倒四。


一篇演讲光凭几个关键词和主题句,无论是从内容还是时间上来说都是远远不够的,还需要对各主题句进行适当的扩展,即段落的展开。展开段落的方法有很多,常用的有:时间顺序法、空间顺序法、列举法、举例法、对比法、定义法、因果法、分类法、综合法等。 2.1、时间法

在叙述一个故事或者一系列事件时,通常按事件发生的先后顺序排列句子。在说明文中叙述一件事应该遵循的程序或步骤时,也常用时间顺序法。遇到:A Day to Remember, My Plan for Vocation, A Wonderful Trip, The First Time I„这类的话题,经常可以用到这种展开方式。看下面的例子:

A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。

After lunch, while the other girls were sunbathing, Pat and I returned to the water.Soon cramps spread from my stomach to my legs.Immobilized by pain and fear, I yelled for help.My friend thought I was joking: so she ignored me.However, Sister Theresa came to my rescue when she noticed my plight.She pulled me out of the water and administered resuscitation.When regaining consciousne, I realized how close I had come to death.My experience with near death reminds me every day how close we all are to death in our daily lives.在这个段落里,作者用了after lunch, while..., soon, when...等时间连接语按时间的先后顺序记叙了一件发生在午饭后的事。

There are four separate stages in making bread.The first stage begins by mixing yeast with warm water.This mixture is then added to half the amount of flour.The resultant batter mixture is then left for an hour.At the next stage the rest of the flour is added to the risen batter mixture, along with salt and oil.The main step in the second stage is a thorough kneading of the dough, after which it is left to rise.The third stage involves shaping the dough into loaves; the shaped loaves are then put into bread tins and left to ‘prove’(rise).In the final stage the bread is cooked in a hot oven.The whole proce of bread-making finishes when the bread is taken from the oven and left to cool on wire racks.这个段落采用时间顺序法描述了做面包的的过程。作者用了The first stage begins by..., At the next stage..., The third stage involves...和In the final stage...等连贯性词语详细地按照先后顺序介绍了四个步骤。 2.2、空间法


It is a beautiful and quiet night.the moon is like a disc hanging on the dark sky,which casts its light on everything.Around the lake are some trees,their slender leaves billowing in the gentle wind.There must be some frogs in the middle of the lake,whose endle singing can be heard clearly.What an attractive night 2.3、列举法

列举法是通过列举具体的细节来进一步说明主题句所表达的主导思想,展开段落。列举法如果使用得当,能增强文章的说服力,使文章显得条理清楚。用列举法发展段落时,主题句常包含表示数量的词,如:several, many, some, four 等。列举细节时,可以根据各种内容的相对重要性,按一定的逻辑顺序排列。请看下面的例子:

Social activities benefit us in many ways.To begin with, these activities can widen our knowledge, because we can learn what we can’t from our books.Second, these activities can serve as a bridge between theory and practice, because we can learn how to put our book knowledge into practice.Lastly, these activities can enrich our experience, in that we can get to know the society well so that we can adapt to it easily when we graduate.本段的第一句是段落主题句,in many ways在这里为下面的列举作好了铺垫。之后用了to begin with, second和lastly作为连接语,条理清楚地列举了社会活动有益的三个方面。 2.4、举例法


Many old buildings in cities are still being found useful.In several cities, old buildings that were no longer being used have been converted to a variety of useful structures.For example, one school building was changed into ninety-nine rental units for elderly and low-income residents.In Baltimore, Maryland, six schools were converted into 132 units with the help of a four million dollar city bond financing arrangement.“School House 77” in Boston utilizes three recycled elementary schools and an abandoned instrument factory.All these examples show how cities are using unneeded schools, police stations, libraries, and boarded up factories that are structurally sound and even architecturally interesting buildings.本段的第一句是段落主题句,指出在城市里有许多旧楼还在发挥着作用。这里的“作用”是比较抽象的,不容易说得很充分。但是作者用一些实例(如将旧校舍改建成住房提供给低收入人群等)来加以说明,主题思想就较为容易和直观地表达出来了。

It is very difficult to evaluate another person’s performance objectively.For example, Linda recently wrote irresponsible remarks about her instructor because she was failing the course.Her friend Jack wrote a marvelous description of the same instructor because he was receiving an A in the course.Both Linda and Jack were not fairly evaluating the instructor.They were influenced by the grades they were earning and were biased in their judgment.这个段落的第一句是主题句,说明人们很难做到客观地评价另一个人的作为。接着用Linda和Jack两个例子来支持这一观点,展开段落。例子使用贴切典型,恰如其分。 2.5、对比法

对比法是指通过叙述或描述两种或两种以上的相关事物之间的相同(相似)的地方或不同之处来表达主题。采用对比法展开段落主要通过两种途径:一是先叙述对比双方的一个方 7


Why do so many graduates gravitate into busine instead of into teaching? Part of the reason is the ever-widening pay gap between these two profeions.A secretary, an office clerk or a bank employee can earn monthly income as high as RMB 2,000, and when one is promoted to the position of a busine executive or manager, the salary is even higher.But a college graduate with a master’ s degree can only get a salary of RMB 1,000 per month for his teaching job.No wonder, college graduates are attracted into more lucrative(赚钱的,有利润的)fields.本段的主题是为什么那么多的大学毕业生从商,而不从事教学工作。作者运用对比法,说明由于两种职业之间存在着越来越大的收入差异,所以有好多学生毕业后选择从商,而不选择从教。

There are striking similarities between two of the most popular U.S.presidents, Abraham Lincoln and John F.Kennedy.Both men had their elections legally challenged.Lincoln and Kennedy are both remembered for their sense of humor, as well as for their interest in civil rights.Lincoln’s secretary was Mrs.Kennedy; Kennedy’s secretary was Mrs.Lincoln.Neither man took the advice of his secretary not to make a public appearance on the day on which he was aainated.Lincoln and Kennedy were both killed on Friday in the presence of their wives.And finally, the same caion(弹药车) carried the bodies of both men in their funeral proceions.本段采用对比法通过第一种途径展开段落。这里,作者将美国历史上两位伟大的总统林肯与肯尼迪从六个方面作了比较,描述他们的相似之处。 2.6、分类法


There are two kinds of sports: “amateur” and “profeional”.Amateur athletes do not receive money for competing in sports.Olympic athletes, for example, are amateurs.They do not receive money.Profeional athletes, on the other hand, do earn money.Some profeional athletes earn a million dollars or more a year.They need this money to support themselves and they can save some for their future.本段的主题句也在段落开头,指出运动有两种形式:业余的和专业的。然后,作者采用分类法发展段落,分门别类地对业余类(amateur athletes)和专业类(profeional athletes)进行解释说明,使段落主题更明确地展示在读者面前,段落层次清楚,中心思想统一明了。

Examinations fall into three kinds.One is the machine scored “objective” type.In an objective test, the students answer questions by deciding on best choice among a number of alternatives given.Another is the “completion” type.This kind of examination requires the students to add a word or phrase to complete a sentence.And the third type is the eay examination, in which the students are asked to write a composition on a given topic.All these kinds of examinations are designed to reveal what a student may have learned in any particular course.本段采用分类法来展开段落。主题句在段落开头,指出“考试可分三种类型”。然后,作者运用One is the machine scored “objective type”, Another is the “completion type”“,And the third type is the eay examination” 来清楚地将考试分类阐述,段落脉络一目了然,层次十分分明。 2.7、定义法

定义法是通过简单易懂而且准确的语言阐明某事物的性质和特征来发展段落,使读者对 8


Love is a very general term.It refers to a strong feeling of fondne for another person.It can happen between people of the opposite sex or between members of a family.No matter where it happens, love can always bring happine to people.这也是采用定义法发展段落的好例子。段落一开始,作者先指出,爱是一个常见的字眼,意义很泛。紧接着用It refers to ...来对爱(love)进行定义解释,清楚简单,意思明白。

Is Formal Examination the Best Aement of Ability? Examination refers to a test of a student’s knowledge or skill in a particular subject, which results in a qualification if the student is succeful.Here the “knowledge or skill in a particular subject” can be understood as “ability”, and a formal examination is an examination from authority, which can surely be the best aement of ability.本段首先通过下定义的方法说明什么是“Examination”和“Formal Examination”,然后将定义中的“knowledge or skill in a particular subject”与题目中的“ability”等同起来,从而引出自己的观点。 2.8、因果法


Homes that are improperly insulated may cause problems for their habitants.First of all, it will cost more to heat such a house than one that is well insulated.Second, it will waste energy.Third, it will make the house uncomfortable to live in because drafts or cold air is able penetrate the poorly insulated walls.Also, the poorly insulated walls could cause the inhabitants to have more colds, a health problem that results in higher expenses for doctors and medicine.本段第一句是主题句,指出导致problem for their habitants的是homes that are improperly insulated。然后集中阐明结果,在这里即problems。

So why do manufacturers keep on designing and producing VCRs that are awkward to use if the problems are so obvious? First, the problems we notice are not obvious to technically minded designers with years of experience and trained to understand how appliances work.Secondly, designers tend to add one or two features at a time to each model, whereas you and I face all of a machine’s features at once.Thirdly, although finding problems in a finished product is easy, it is too late by then to do anything about the design.Finally, if manufacturers can get away with selling products that are difficult to use, it is not worth the effort of any one of them to make improvements.段落以问句开始——为什么生产厂家继续设计和生产那些难用的录像机?问句之后,作者列出了四个原因。 2.9、综合法



过渡词在文章中发挥着连接上下文的作用,恰当的使用过度性词语不仅能使演讲内容层 9



3.1、常用于文章开始的过渡词语和句子 (1)To begin with首先

例:To begin with, smoking should be banned in public areas.首先,公共场所禁止吸烟。 (2)Generally speaking一般地说,总体上说

例:Generally speaking, it is the best policy to spend more money on libraries.总的说来,加大图书馆的投资是良策。 (3)First of all第一,首先

例:First of all, many people in remote areas still live in poverty.第一,居住在边远地区的许多人仍生活在贫困之中。

(4)With (the development/progre/growth) of(economy/society)„随着(经济、社会)的(发展、进步、增长)„

例: With the development of society, women’s role has become more important than ever before in daily life.随着社会的发展,妇女在社会生活中比以往发挥着更加重要的作用。 (5)Recently近来

例:Recently,the problem (conflict, production) of grain shortage has become the world focus.近来粮食短缺问题已成为全球关注的焦点。 3.2、常用于文章结尾的过渡词和句子 (1)In conclusion最后,在结束时

例:In conclusion, the international agreement should be made to prevent the world from war.最后,应达成国际协定使世界避免战争。 (2)In brief简言之

例:In brief, family planning is of vital importance in China.简言之,计划生育对中国具有重要意义。

(3)In a word总之

例:In a word, without mutual understanding, true friendship does not exist.总之,没有相互理解,真正的友谊是不存在的。 (4)It is high time that„到„时候了

例:It is high time that the iue were to be solved so as to promote the economic development.为了促进经济发展到该解决问题的时候了。 (5)It is only when„that„只有当„才„

例:It is only when people become the masters of the country that science can serve the people.只有当人民成为国家的主人,科学才能为人民服务。 3.3、常用于表示先后次序的过渡词语及句子 (1)first, second, third„第一,第二,第三

例:First, she had studied chemistry during her sophomore and junior years.Second, she never mied a cla.Third, she performed every required experiment in all her chemistry courses.Fourth, she always worked hard.Her clamates were sure that she would win top award in Chemistry during her senior year at the university.首先,她在一二年级时就选修了化学课程。其次,她从不误课。再有,她认真完成每一次化学试验。还有,她学习非常刻苦。因而同学们 确信她在高年级时会获得学校化学大奖。

(2)To begin with„,moreover„,finally„,首先„,此外„,最后„

例:There are a few reasons for his decision of studying law.To begin with, he is very interested in social affairs and it seems the best way to enable him to engage in these activities.Moreover, his father is a lawyer.He has always encouraged him to do something similar.Finally, he is sure he can get a job after graduation.他决定学法律有几方面的原因:首先,他对社会事物感兴趣,学习法律有助于他参与这些活动。此外,他父亲是个律师,一直鼓励他从事 同样的职业。最后,他确信毕业后能找到工作。 (3)Meanwhile同时

例:Meanwhile, the better skills and knowledge children poe, the more opportunities they will be ensured.

同时,孩子们的技艺与知识掌握得越好,今后的机会就越多。 (4)since then自此之后

例:Since then, the Olympics turned out to be an instrument of peace and freedom for small nations.自此之后,奥林匹克运动成为小国争取和平和自由的工具。 3.4、常用于表示因果关系及分析原因的过渡词语与句子 (1)As a result由于„结果

例:Her performance in college was excellent.As a result, she has got a satisfactory job.由于她在大学成绩优异,她找到一份令人满意的工作。 (2)Due to由于

例:My trip to Guangdong and Shenzhen has to be cancelled due to the financial problem.由于财务问题,我去广州和深圳的旅行取消了。 (3)consequently结果,因此

例:The government was unwilling to risk a conflict with that neighboring country, and consequently, promised to sign the treaty.该国政府不愿冒险与邻国发生冲突,因此答应签署条约。

(4)One may criticize„„for„„,but the real cause of„lies deeper人们可以因为„批评„,但是„的真正原因在更深层次

例:One may criticize the school authorities for the fire accident, but the real reason of the accident lies deeper.人们可以就火灾事故批评校领导,但事故还有更深的原因。 (5)Therefore因而

例:Therefore, if this is included in good education that parents are seeking now, their children will be definitely ensured a bright future.因而,如果父母们在其为孩子们寻求的良好教育中加入这一点,他们的子女肯定会有一个光辉灿烂的未来。

(6)Among„reasons, one should be emphasized that„在众多的原因中,其中一点给予强调„

例:Among the most important reasons, one reason should be emphasized that large pieces of cultivated land have been occupied, which results in the grain shortage.在许多重要的原因中,其中一点应强调的是造成粮食减产是因为大量的可耕地被占用。 3.5、常用于比较和对比的过渡词 (1)unlike„与„不同

例:Unlike oral English, written English is comparatively formal.与口头英语不同,笔头英语比较正规。

(2)In contrast„与之相比

例:In contrast with Tom, Mario seldom studies harder.与汤姆比,玛里奥很少努力学习。 (3)On the other hand„另一方面

例:The life expectancy in developing countries has increased during the past thirty years.On 11

the other hand, the infant mortality has decreased from twenty percent to ten percent in the same period.发展中国家的期望寿命在过去的30年间都增长了。另一方面婴儿死亡率同期由20%下降到10%。 (4)Likewise同样

例:Plenty of food must be packed for the journey;likewise, warm clothes will also be needed.要带上旅行中吃的食品,同样也需要带上御寒保暖的衣服。 (5)similarly同样

例:If only one can make his audience understood, it seems insignificant if one makes some mistakes in his oral English; similarly, as to the audience, they are only interested in grasping the meaning, not actually mind or even hardly notice the speakers mistakes.只要能使听众听明白,在口头英语中出一些错误是无关紧要的,同样作为听众也只对讲话者的意思感兴趣,根本不介意或几乎注意不到讲话者 所犯的口语错误。


4.1、对某种现象发表评论 (1).今昔对照

①While „ was only known to a small number of people, „ has been widely accepted. ②While „ used to be a luxury, „ has become a household name.

③Contrary to the traditional idea that „ is always „ , now an increasing number of „ believe that „.


①According to a recent opinion poll, „ quite a number of ②Statistics show that „ double every 6 months.

③According to a recent survey, 3 „ out of 10 „.

④As a recent investigation indicates, the percentage of „ is surprisingly high.


①It’s hard to imagine what the world would be like if „.

②Without „

③It’s hard to find „ who „.


①It’s indeed the case that „ have witneed „.

②„ is gaining increasing popularity with „.

③Recent years have seen a boom in the number of „.

④People take it for granted that „.

⑤Many a person admires(the policy)that „.


①„ is one of the controversial iues of our times among „.

②There is always some controversy over whether „.

③A much debated iue these days is whether „ or not. ④There has sprung up a heated discuion as to whether „.

⑤Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern that „.

⑥A hot topic discued today is whether or not „.


⑴„ plays a key/vital role in „.

⑵„ is of vital importance to „.

⑶There’s no denying the fact that „ is indispensable to „ in various ways.

⑷„,as in the case of many iues, has both positive and negative aspects.

⑸The importance of „ cannot be overstated.

⑹„ has a profound influence on „.

⑺„ has found wide application in various fields.

⑻Now great importance has been attached to „.

⑼The merit of „ lies in many ways.

(10)金字塔型:①First/In the first place/Fist of all/To begin with

②Besides/Moreover/Furthermore/In addition/What’s more

③Most important of all (11)倒金字塔型:①Above all


③Last but not least

(12)平行法∶①For one thing „ .For another „.

②On the one hand „, one the other hand „.


⑴„ poses a tremendous threat to „.

⑵„ the disadvantages „ cannot be ignored.

⑶„ may create a sequence of problems to „.

⑷„ may cause some side-effects.

⑸Every coin has 2 sides, so does the matter of „.Its negative sides/aspects cannot be overlooked.

⑹The negative aspects of „ are also obvious.

⑺One major disadvantage of „ is that „.Another disadvantage is „. A further disadvantage is „.


⑴When it comes to „/Faced with „, quite a few people claim/argue that „,but other people view it differently.

⑵As far as „ is concerned, opinions vary widely.

⑶People’s attitudes toward „ vary from individual to individual.Some maintain that „.They aume that „.However, others think of „ as „.They criticize„.

⑷Some people believe „.Others claim „.Still others argue„.

⑸Quite a few people, who strongly advocate „ argue „.On the other hand, an increasing number of people, who believe „ maintain „.

⑹Those who object to it claim „.But those who support it argue „.

⑺Quite a few people claim „.More and more people, however, come to realize that „. 4.5、解释原因

⑴The phenomenon is due to a couple of factors. One major factor is „.A further fact is„.

⑵Two main factors contribute to the „.On one hand „.On the other hand „.

⑶A number of factors, both individual and social, can account for/explain result in the phenomenon.For one thing, „.For another „.A third contributing factor is „.

⑷There are many reasons for „ but generally they can come down to 3.One reason for this is „.Another reason is „.One strong reason for my argument is „.

⑸One major reason is „.The fact that „ can be another reason.A further reason is that

⑹„ is frequently connected to „.„ may also have led to „.It’s generally true to say that „.

⑺Reasons for „ are numerous.The chief reason is that „.A second good reason is that „.Still another reason is that „.

⑻One may attribute/ascribe/owe to „.

⑼One may trace the phenomenon back to „.

4.6、比较 ⑴Like „

⑵Similarly/Likewise/In the same way „

⑶Just as „

⑷Compared with „

⑸„ differs from „ in several ways.

⑹The advantages of „ outweigh those of „.

⑺It’s hard to say whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa.

⑻Another important difference is „ while „.

⑼„ outshine „


⑴History/Life is filled with examples.A good case in point is „.Another good illustration is „.

⑵Take „ as an example.

⑶To take a random example, „.

⑷Just suppose what would be like/happen if „. ⑸A case in point is „.Another case in point is „.

⑹A good case in point is „.It\'s the same case with „.This is also true of „.


⑴There is an old saying/proverb, „ , which suggest/indicates that „.

⑵As a famous saying/philosopher once put it, “ „ ”,it’s clear that „.


⑴At first sight, „ appears to be entirely positive/beneficial.However, further analysis reveals drawbacks to the way of thinking.

⑵It’s true that „ , but it doesn’t mean/follow/say that „.On the contrary, we should „.

⑶It’s understandable that „.However, this is not to say „.

⑷The main problem with the view is „.

⑸Admittedly „ but this is not to say „.

⑹There is no denying/doubt/question that „ but it doesn’t follow „.


⑴Measures/Actions should be taken to cope with the problem.To begin with „.Next „.Last but not least „.

⑵One suggestion to this problem is to „.Another suggestion „.A further suggestion is that „.

⑶One major solution to „ is to „.The fact that „ can be another solution.Still another solution is that „.

⑷Now it’s high time something was done to cope with „.On the one/other hand „.Only in this way shall we „.

⑸Several poible solutions have been put forward.One is „.Another is „.Undoubtedly there’s a long way before „. 4.

11、个人观点 ⑴.观点:

①I quite agree with the statement that „.

②Personally, I’m in favor of the former/the latter „.

③To my mind, I’m on the side of „.

④For my part, I side with „ as the result of the following considerations.

⑤As I see it, „.

⑥In my opinion/view,

⑦It seems to me that „.

⑧As far as I am concerned,„


①It can be safety predicted that „.

②It’s clear that/It goes without saying that „.

③It is anticipated that this upward/downward trend will continue/persist.






由于时间较短,演讲者当然应使听众尽早进入主题,对开头的要求便是既要开门见山、一针见血,又要有逻辑上的悬念和起伏。美国演讲专家理查德总结了一个即兴演讲的“四步曲”,其中对于第一步的概括是“喂,喂!”便是呼唤起听众的兴趣。理查德以《保障行人生命安全,减少交通事故》这一主题的即兴演讲的两种构思方式比较为例,认为不要平铺直叙地开始演讲:“今天,我要讲的内容是保障行人生命安全,减少交通事故。”而应该用耸人听闻的悬念做开头,引起听众的注意:“上星期四,特地购买的450具晶莹闪亮的棺材已运到了我们的城市⋯⋯ 。”理查德设计的这一开头,虽然不符合我们中国人的忌讳心理,但它无疑具有一种先声夺人的气势,它能激起听众质疑,使他们很想弄清事情的究竟。他接下去讲到:“不讲交通安全,那订购的450具棺材也许在等待着我,等待着你,等待着我们的亲人。”

例如当题目为:“Carelene and Carefulne(细心与粗心)”时,如果以一件事故的发生谈起,说到“It was a breezy spring night,everything was at rest.Suddenly a terrible noise broke this peace(那是一个微风习习的春天的夜晚,一切都在沉睡之中,突然一个可怕的声音打破了寂静)”,配合以不同的语速和面部表情,无疑先声夺人,能激起听众的兴趣。又如在“My Favorite Hobby (我最大的嗜好)” 中,为了介绍集邮这一嗜好,有位学生这样开头:“Can you imagine that I can have 2000 friends and talk to them at the same time? Maybe you do not believe it, but this is really true, because I consider stamps as my friends and collecting stamps is my

favorite hobby.(你们能想象我拥有两千位朋友并同时与他们进行交流吗?有的人也许不相信,然而这可是事实,因为我的这么多朋友都是邮票,而我最大的嗜好便是集邮。)” 幽默而不乏新意,当然能吸引人们注意。


1)To tell a story (about yourself);讲个(自己的)故事;

2)To acknowledge the occasion of the gathering;对大家能够聚在一起表示感谢;

3)To pay the listeners a compliment;称赞一下听众;

4)To quote;引用名人名言;

5)To use unusual statistics;使用一些不平常的数据;

6)To ask the audience a challenging question;问观众一个挑战性的问题;


俗话说,“编筐编篓,贵在收口”,一个好的结尾往往会起到加深听众印象、深化主题的作用,同时也能反映演讲者的综合素质,包括对演讲时间的掌握情况,如果以各种生动手段开始演讲,在全场听众的注意力中平铺直叙地结尾,总是给人意犹未尽甚至不知所云的感觉。理查德总结的第四步称为“怎么办”,就是在演讲最后点出应对办法,配以或幽默或激昂的表达方式,与开头相呼应,效果会很好。理查德要求演讲者在这一步一定要告诉听众,你谈了老半天是想让人家做些什么,最好能讲得生动一点、具体一点、实际一点。从根本上说,“怎么办”是演讲者的目的所在。如果演讲者忘记了这一步,或者这一步处理不好,就会给听众留下无的放矢或不知所云的感觉。演讲者应当明确告诉听众:“下面我想告诉大家,当⋯⋯时,应当⋯⋯ ;当⋯⋯时,应当⋯ ⋯ ;当⋯⋯ ,应当⋯⋯。”,如在“Science:A Bleing or a Curse(科学究竟是福还是祸)”中,结尾时可说:“Do you want to go back to the primitive age? Do you like to live in a stone hut and go everywhere on foot? If not,remember that science benefits us all!”“(你想回到原始社会生活吗?你想住在石头小屋里,想去哪里都依靠步行吗?如果你不愿意,那么请记住,科学造福了我们所有人!)”。在题目为“Pollution (污染)” 时,有的学生以Michael Jackson的一首歌曲结尾: “Heal the world,make it a better place for you and for me (拯救这个世界,让它成为一个更好的地方,为你,为我)”亦能达到极富感召力的效果。


1)To repeat your opening;重复你的开头;

2)To summarize your presentation;概括你的演讲;

3)To close with an anecdote;以趣事结尾;

4)To end with a call to action;以号召行动结尾; 5)To ask a rhetorical question;以反问结尾; 6)To make a statement;以一个陈述句结尾;






在英语演讲中,and, but, so, then 等虚词要尽量少用,that, which等词引导的定语从句也只会使句子结构变得复杂,而使听众难以跟上演讲者的思路,从而影响演讲的效果。相反,多使用实词,短句,可使得演讲内容更清晰,气势更磅礴。



That government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.(排比) 这个民有、民治、民享的国家将不会从地球上消失。

United, there is little we can not do; divided, there is little we can do.(对照) 团结,我们便将无所不能;分裂,我们则会一事无成。

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to aure the survival and the succe of liberty. (对照和渐进) 让世界各国都知道,无论对我们怀有好感与敌意,我们将付出任何代价,肩负任何重任,面对任何艰辛,支持任何朋友,反对任何敌人,以确保自由的生存与成功。

What we should fear most is the fear itself.(警句) 我们最应恐惧的是恐惧本身。

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.(对照) 不要问你们的国家能为你们做些什么,而要问你们能为你们的国家做些什么。 设想一下,假如在我们的演讲中能融入上述这样运用得当的修辞手段,那我们的演讲将会变得多么有力与动人。



用英语演讲,不要用太多I feel, I think,老是用I,显得十分主观,狭隘。如果通篇全是I feel, I think 的内容,会给人觉得缺乏说服力。另外,perhaps, maybe这样的词语,虽然有“客气,谦虚”的成分,但太多会让人觉得你演讲的内容有不可靠之处。还有,在演讲中,要少用you,多用we。用you等于把自己与听众对立起来,而用we则拉近了与听众的距离。比如:You should not smoke.听上去像教训人,而Let\'s not smoke听起来是一个不错的建议。





(1)、How to dre 如何穿着得体

1)Dark colored suits or drees;穿深色西装或

2)Plain white shirt or blouse;朴素的白衬衫或上衣; 3)Red ties or scarves;戴红色的领带或丝巾;

4)Black shoes, freshly polished;穿刚刚擦亮的黑色鞋子;

5)Very little jewelry -worn discreetly;尽量不戴首饰,要戴的话要非常小心;

6)Calm, slow gestures and slow movements;沉稳的举止;

7)Shoulders back, chin up;挺胸抬头。

(2)、How to use gestures 如何使用手势

1)Make sure all your gestures are smooth and natural;所有的动作都应该流畅自然; 2)Don\'t put your hands in your pockets;不要把手插在口袋里;

3)Let your hands and arms drop naturally to your side ,gently fold both index fingers together, without wringing or gripping your hands in any way;将手和手臂自然地在身体两侧下垂,轻微屈起食指,不要扭在一起或紧握拳头; 4)Let your hands do what they want to do as long as they don\'t go back into your pockets or make obscene gestures;手想要怎样就让它怎样,直到它不再回到你的口袋或在听众面前做一些惹人讨厌的手势。

5)Point at imaginary objects and don\'t point at others with your index finger;手可以指点着假想的物体,不要用食指指着别人;

6)Size or quantity can also easily be shown by expanding or contracting the hands;尺寸的大小和数量的多少也可以通过两手的扩张和收缩来演示; 7)Gracefully show your audience the appropriate number of fingers by holding your hands at a 45 degree angle from your head;手抬起并与头成四十五度角,优雅地用手势表示出数字;

8)To emphasize physical size such as length, width, hold your hands out in front you widely apart to move them up and down;如果想要强调长度尺寸的大小,将两手伸向前方,尽量分开,并上下移动。

(3)、Eye contact 眼神交流

1)Move your eyes slowly from person to person, and pause two or three seconds with each listener;眼睛慢慢地从一个移动到另一个人,在每一个人身上停留两到三秒钟时间;

2)Look at people straight or look at the bridge of their noses or chins;眼睛直视听众,或看着他们的鼻梁或下巴

3)Look for the friendlier faces and smile at them one by one, then move on to the more skeptical members and smile at them one by one also;找到那些看起来比较友善的听众,逐次朝他们微笑;然后目标转向那些有些怀疑的听众,也逐渐朝他们微笑;

4)Imagine the audience in bathrobes in case you are nervous;如果你感到紧张,不妨想象听众都穿着浴衣的样子。




成功的将军是由失败和失误的经验造就出来的,同理,成熟的演讲者在被人们肯定之前,也要经历许多失败和失误。已经造成的失败是没有办法挽回的,但是汲取教训之后可以避免 18











1)化错为正, 自圆其说 由于太过紧张,演讲者甚至可能在下午走上讲台,然后说道:“Good morning,ladies and gentlemen(女士们,先生们,上午好)”全场哗然哄笑之中,演讲者立即意识到便可说道:“I mean,I know it is in the afternoon,but I hope everyone of you can have a clear mind to listen to my speech just like in the early morning.(我的意思是,我知道这是下午,但我希望大家像在上午的时候一样、头脑清醒地听我的演讲)。”听众们听了他入情人理的言辞,也不会责怪他语言上的差错了。


有时候演讲者会说出一句错话,随后马上就意识到了,这时采用调整语意或改换语气等续接方式予以补救,只要反应敏捷,应变及时,就可以收到不露痕迹的效果。如在“Is Man C1everer Than Woman? (男人比女人更聪明吗?)”中,学生分析了男、女智力水平相当,只是思维方式有所区别之后得出结论:“Now we come to realize that man is cleverer than woman.Is that really the case? Do you really agree to it? I believe that the answer is definite in your mind:No!(现在我们可以得出结论了:男人比女人更聪明,这是正确的吗?大家真的同意这一观点吗?我想在座各位都会斩钉截铁地说不!)”虽然说出了相反的结论,但补上这样的反问句不仅不露破绽,甚至可增强演讲的启发性和感召力。 3)以正改错。巧作辨析

由于紧张或激动而造成一时的口误,最好的办法是按正确的讲法再讲一遍,也就是把错误改正过来,如能有针对性地对照正误,巧作辨析,给听众的印象可能反而更深刻。许多英语演讲者经常在各种场合下用过去时时态,如“There are only three people in my family.My father was a worker.(我家一共有三口人。我父亲是原来的工人。)”这个句子说出来不免让听众有错误的反应,认为他父亲已经谢世,这种反应可能让演讲者马上发现自己的错误,然后改正到:“No,I should say,my father is a worker.He was the best worker in his factory and he retired last year.But I think he still thinks of himself as a worker.(不,我应该说我父亲原来是工人,他曾是他们工厂最优秀的工人,去年退休了,但我相信他还把自己看成一位工人。)”经过巧妙的辨析之后,语言失误的尴尬也避免了。由于英语是学生的第二语言,在即兴演讲中大学生可能犯一些语法错误。例如漏掉三人称单数动词后该加的“s”或“es”,以及误用人称代词等,如果试图在每次错误后都马上停下来去研究语法问题,势必影响演讲的继续,而由于这些失误都属于形成系统后的语言错误,学生既能解释又能自行改正,因此只需找更多的语境多加练习便可养成正确的语言习惯从而避免这类错误,这一点属于口语范畴,在讨 19



演讲者经常会在演讲,特别是即兴演讲之前感觉到紧张不安,其实这是一个很正常的现象,适度的紧张,可以使你用更加严谨的态度来面对演讲。因此,我们要学会控制自己的紧张感,让紧张感成为我们的动力,而不是障碍。不要一味放任自己刻意去想:“观众会怎样看我?”“他们会不会嘲笑我?”“我的领带打得怎么样?”“我的裙子皱了吗?”等等,这样只会让你愈加的紧张,从而影响你的思维,最终导致演讲的失误。  Typical signals of nervousne;紧张的典型特征

 Hands in pockets;手放在口袋里

 Increased blinking of the eyes;眨眼次数过多;

 Failure to make eye contact;害怕眼神的接触;  Licking and biting of the lips;舔嘴唇和咬嘴唇;  Finger tapping;敲叩手指;

 Fast, jerky gestures;手势又急又快;  Cracking voices;粗哑的声音

 Increased rate of speech;讲话速度加快;  Clearing of the throat;清嗓子;

 Buttocks clamped tightly together;臀部崩得紧紧的;










有效的利用时间,关键在于演讲前的准备。仍以“CCTV”杯全国英语演讲大赛复赛为例,15分钟的准备时间,可以这样分配:用1分钟来“破题”,找准题眼; 2分钟做“brainstorming”,收集素材;再用1分钟决定取舍,确定从哪几方面论述;然后用8到10分钟按前几节提供的方法展开段落,准备好开头和结尾,这时应注意内容详略的分配,一般演讲的语速为每分钟100到130个单词,三分钟就是300到400个单词,按每句话10到15个词计算,三分钟一般需要35句话左右,这35句话,应该合理的分配在演讲的各个部分;最后,也是最重要的一步,要在准备时间结束的至少前2分钟停止构思,这时你要做的是整理一下自己的思维,再一次确定已经准备好的内容。演讲的过程中,要注意时间的提示,如果规定的时间快到了还没有讲完,那么马上转到结尾。


1)Talking too rapidly;语速太快;

2)Speaking in a monotone;声音单调;

3)Using too high a vocal pitch;声音尖细;

4)Talking down to the audience;对观众采取一种居高临下的姿态; 5)Using too many \"big\" words;夸张的词语使用得太多;

6)Using abstractions without giving concrete examples;使用抽象概念而不给出事例加以说明;

7)Using unfamiliar technical jargon;使用别人不熟悉的技术术语; 8)Using slang or profanity;使用俚语或粗俗语;

9)Disorganized and rambling performance;演讲无组织,散乱无序;

10)Indirect communication i.e.beating around the bush;说话绕弯子,不切中主题;




第一标准步骤 Opening Remarks

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! (女士们,先生们,上午好) Hello everyone and welcome.(各位,你们好,欢迎你们)


It’s my great honor to be here.(我来到这里,倍感荣幸)

It’s very happy to see you all.(我很高兴见到大家) Thank you for being here.(感谢大家光临) 【提示】:千万别小看上面的这些句子,就算是美国的专业主持人在演讲开始前,都要到洗手间反复操练。

第二标准步骤 Preparing the Audience What I am going to talking about today is„ (我今天要谈论的是„)

First I’d like to talk about „ (首先,我想谈一谈„)(开门见山,观点明确) My topic today is very interesting.(我今天谈论的话题很有趣)

I hope I can share my experiences with you.(我希望能和大家分享我的经历)

I’ll start with„and then move on to „Finally, I’m going to „/I’ll begin by describing„then go on to „and I’ll end with„.(我将以„„开始,然后转向„„最后,以„„作为结束)(先总后分,条理清晰)

I think, if you don’t mind, we’ll leave questions to the end./If you have any questions I’ll be glad to answer them.(我想如果你们不介意的话,我们将把问题留到最后来解决。/如果你们有问题,我很高兴为大家解答。)(主次分明 以“礼”服人。)

Please hold/save any questions until the end.(请把所有的问题留到最后) Remember this important point.(请记住这个重点)

第三标准步骤 Delivering the Meage Firstly„.Secondly„/First of all„Next„.(首先„„其次„„.) This Brings me to my next point „/Feel free to interrupt if you have any questions.(这正引出了我下面要讲的一个„„./如果你们有问题请尽管打断我。) I must emphasize/stre /make clear/I’d like to turn to/I’d like to stre„.(我必须强调/重点指明/我要转向/强调„„.)

At this point we must consider„/At this point we have to bear in mind„ (在这一点上我们必须考虑„„.)

Now, to digre for a moment„/Now to change the subject for a moment„ (现在,我们暂时撇开这个话题/现在我们临时换一个话题„„.)

To go back to my earlier point„/To return to the point I made earlier„ (还回到我先前的话题„)

Finally„/In conclusion„(最后„) (最后„)

第四标准步骤 Winding-up Before finishing/closing I’d like to summarize the main points again/ Before I finish, I’d like to run through the main points again.(在结束之前我要将我的要点再总结一下) That’s all I’d like to run through the main points again./That’s all I have to say for the moment/now/today./ That brings me to the end of my presentation.(这些就是今天/刚才要讲的一切)

Thank you for listening/coming/being here/Thank you for your attention.(谢谢大家前来听我的演讲)

Now if there are any questions.I’ll be happy to answer them./I’ll be glad to take any questions./If you have any questions, I’d be glad to answer them.(如果有任何问题,我将非常乐意为大家解答/我很高兴为大家解答。)

Finally I’d like to summarize the mail point.(最后我想总结一下要点) I hope you all enjoy yourself today.(我希望大家过得很开心)


Thank you for listening.(感谢你们前来听讲) Thank you for your time.(感谢你们的光临) Thank you very much.(非常感谢)


American High School Students 1.

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning.It’s my great honor to be here and I am very happy to see you all.Thank you for what I am going to talk about today is American education.2.

Firstly, I’d like to talk about American high school students.My topic today is very interesting because American high school students are very different from Chinese high school students.I was a teacher in an American high school and I hope I can share my experiences with you.3.

Remember this important point, American students care about their social activities and activities outside school more than anything else.Chinese students care about their schoolwork and exams more than anything else.American students are very independent.They drive their own cars, work at part time jobs and often have their own money.American high school students are often involved in relationships with boyfriends or girlfriends.Students in America must learn how to schedule their time among work, school, friends, sports and of course, fun! This type of responsibility is challenging for young people and often their education suffers.This is just a brief introduction to one of the many aspects of American education.Thank you all for listening and I hope you all enjoy yourselves today.








Happine My favorite color Practice makes perfect.On the use of humor


5.The negative effect on keeping pets.6.I am proud of being Chinese 7.My view on e-marriage 8.Noise pollution in big cities 9.Failure is the mother of succe.10.How to solve housing problems? 11.Showing respect to elders 12.On the Chinese marriage ritual 13.A good medicine tastes bitter.14.Don\'t hesitate to say “No”.15.How to make our college life meaningful? 16.How to fight against disasters/ 17.A friend is easier lost than found.18.How to behave in applying for a job? 19.Money can’t buy everything.20.On animal rights 21.On spitting in public 22.To be punctual











