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Module 5 Unit 1 一课教学设计

Module 5 Unit 1 一课教学设计



英语组 李 昕


邮编:110014 E-mail: xinli0125@sina.com muzi0125@163.com

Module 5 Unit 1 一课教学设计

Module 5 Unit 1 一课教学设计


教材分析:Module 5 Unit 1一课是在第

二、四模块的基础上,理解新的语言项目“What are they? They are …”并在课文所设计情景的基础上,重点学习句型“Where are they? They are in the lounge/dining room/bedroom/bathroom.”

教学重点:能理解并掌握句型“Where are they? They are in the lounge/dining room/bedroom/bathroom.”并能运用于实际生活中。

教学难点:对房间名称lounge/dining room/bedroom/bathroom的记忆与运用。




S=Student (A) Warming up .a.Listen and do .Teacher say some phrases of verb, students do actions.

Module 5 Unit 1 一课教学设计

b.Sing an English song .Sing the song “Where is Betty? She is in the ….” (B) Teaching Steps.a.T : Boys and girls, I have a beautiful home .And I love my home very much .Do you want to visit my home ? S: Yes.T : But now, you can’t visit my home .Don’t be nervous ,I have a good idea , I will draw a picture of my house for you, through the picture you can visit my home .(教师用学生比较感兴趣的话题——教师的家来引出本课学习内容,在这时学生的注意力很集中,学习效果很好。) b.T : (教师边说边在黑板上画出房间图)Look, this is the entrance , this is the door .When you go into the door , you will see the dining room.(教师用手势说明这一房间的用途, 讲dining room 教师做出吃饭的动作,使学生理解)

On your right hand , this is my lounge, I always watch TV at here .On your left hand , this is my kitchen , I always cook at here .( 讲lounge,做出坐着看电视的动作,kitchen做出炒菜做饭的动作,同时教师多说几遍kitchen和lounge,以强化学生的记忆)

Module 5 Unit 1 一课教学设计

Look , this is my bedroom , and this is my parents’ bedroom .(教师做出睡觉的动作,让学生理解bedroom的意思) Between two bedrooms, this is my bathroom.

(教师做出洗澡的动作加以说明) (在这时学生已经理解了教师家的房间图,并已初步了解了各个房间的名称)

c.在这时教师出示各个房间的图片,带领学生朗读单词。为了进一步促进学生对单词的掌握,教师设计了这样几项活动。 ①Look and Say .First, teacher do actions, students gue the word of the rooms.Then , practice the words in pairs.One student do action, other students say the words .②Listen and point .Teacher stick the pictures of the room on the blackboard .Each group choose one student take part in the game .Teacher say the words , students point the picture as quickly as they can .Let’s look who is the fastest.This game play two or three groups .③ Find the words home .

Module 5 Unit 1 一课教学设计

On the blackboard , teacher write the words ,teacher give Students the pictures .All the groups of the students come to the front , when teacher say begin ,all the students put the pictures in the correct place as quickly as they can .Teacher hold a watch and add the time ,at last ,look which group is the fastest .d.Ask students to draw a picture of their house on the paper .

Each part use different color .(在学生动手画之前,我对学生没有什么信心,只想让学生把在课堂上学到的知识运用到实际生活中。可实际上学生却给了我一个很大的惊喜,每一个学生都能将自己家的房子画在纸上,还有的学生画出了家具和装饰品,有小设计师的风范呢!在画后,每个学生都流露出自豪骄傲的神情。) When students finished their pictures, ask them to introduce their home to others, using the drill “This is …”

(学生在互相介绍时能够互相取长补短,同时能增进同学间的感情) e .Teacher show the photo of herself .Put the photo in the bedroom .(为了降低学习的难度,教师先讲授句型:Where am I ? Where are you ? Where is he/she ?)

Module 5 Unit 1 一课教学设计

T : Where am I ? Look , I am in the bedroom .Now , where am I ?I am in the lounge .And I am in the kitchen . Teacher take a photo of a student .T:Where is * * * ? He’s/She’s in the …

Give students some time to practice the drill in pairs.


f .教师拿几名学生的照片,放在黑板的房间图上并且说:

Where are they ? They are in the bedroom .Where are they ? They are in the bathroom . 教师将句型出示在黑板上,并领读几遍。

学生分组与同学用画好的房间图进行练习句型,“Where are they ?They are in the …?”

在这一环节,教师设计了Gueing Game .这一活动可以在小组间进行。一名同学将同学们的照片放在任意房间中,同组的其它同学将眼睛闭上,用句型来猜测。 (C)Homework .用自己的照片和画的画与父母进行交流,同时使用本课所学句型。











