
2020-03-02 16:48:45 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


1.With regard to futurist poetry, however, the case is rather difficult, for whatever futurist poetry may be—even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right—it can hardly be claed as literature.

2.For the sociologist, interest in residential mobility has two sources: one stemming from the study of human ecology and the other, from a concern with the peculiar of urban life.

3.However, as communications improved and elections were won by closer and closer margins, newspapers and journals tried desperately to satisfy their readers’ curiosity in more reliable ways.

4.People will be alert and receptive if they are faced with information that gets them to think about things they are interested in.

5.Gene Cohen, acting director of the same institute, suggests that people in their old age should engage in mental and physical activities individually as well as in groups.

1.She could not poibly have seen that the camera was trained on her because it is completely hidden, but she must have had a feeling that I was looking at her.

2.There is no doubt, however, that it is the increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in the proce of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae.

3.Economic theory predicts the results of economic decisions such as decisions about farm production, rent control, and the minimum wage.

4.When, eventually, they retire it will be on pensions far lower in real terms than those of their immediate forebears.

1.______ [只要你喝了那个牌子的酒], you will never want to drink any other.

2._________[假如没有你的帮助], I would not have succeeded.

3.This novel_______________[据说已经被翻译成二十多种外语].

4.The students all felt very happy _________________[校长来看他们].

5.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, ______________[这一点人人都清楚].

6.The little girl went home, _______________[在母亲的陪同下].

7.Please show us _________________[你刚才所买的东西].

8.The employees of this company work very hard,_______________[其中百分之八十来自贫困地区].

9._____________[这个学生出版了两本小说] before he went to university.

10.When she heard the news, _________________[她与其说是感到惊讶还不如说是高兴].

1. The entire group of entrepreneurs trying to corner the space-tourism market have between them “just enough money to blow up one rocket”.

2.Although all fats are high in calories, certain fats, like the omega-3 fatty acids commonly found in fish, are actually good for us, provided we consume them in moderation.

3.The bottom line is that folks who eat 6 to 8 0z.of fatty fish a week experience significantly fewer heart attacks and strokes

4.Car crashes are the leading cause of injury and death among U.S.children, and though most of us now think of car seats as standard baby equipment, about half of all children under the age of four who died in vehicle accidents last year were not restrained

5.In other cases, the damage could occur continuously or on a random basis.Of the 11,000 known viruses present today, more than 2000 have been diagnosed as being data destructive.

1.A lot of people nowadays have muscular problems in the neck, the shoulders and the back _____________(主要是由于工作中的压力和紧张造成的).

2.More than 3 million children have health insurance now, and _____________________ (超过250万的家庭已经摆脱贫困).

3.___________________________ (除主席之外的所有董事会成员都投票赞成我的建议)to set up a branch office in the suburbs.

4.The emergence of e-commerce and the fast-growing Internet economy are ______ (为中国的国内外贸易提供了新的增长机遇).

5.The population of elderly people is increasing rapidly because people are living longer thanbefore._________________________________(发达国家尤为如此).

1.She___________________(对我们的警告充耳不闻) and got lost.

2.That Canadian speaks Chinese_____________(和他说英语一样流利).

3.__________________(Tony 是否来) doesn’t matter much.We can rely on ourselves.

4.On hearing the news,____________(忍不住笑起来)and spread it among the cla.

5.Not until Alice had a baby of her own__(她才了解)how hard it was for her mother to have brought up her sister and her on her own.

1.The beauty of the West Lake in Hangzhou is ____________(我无法用言语来描述).

2.Last week, Tom and his friends celebrated his twentieth birthday,____________(尽情地唱歌跳舞).

3.Why is she looking at me____________(像是她认识我似的)? I’ve never seen her before in my life.

4.Mr.Johnson made full preparation for the experiment ____________(以便实验能顺利进行).

5.I avoided mentioning the sensitive subject lest________________ (触犯他).

1.Jinling Hotel, where I stayed during my first visit to Nanjing,____________________(座落在)on Hanzhong Road.

2.I am sure we can solve the problem if we all____________________(集思广益).

3.Mary constantly____________________(挑剔) her husband, which annoys him.

4.It is no good waiting for the bus,____________________(我们不妨走回家吧).

1.___________________(任何国家无论在什么情况下都不可以) have the right to use nuclear weapons.

2.It’s eential that___________________(他把一切准备好) before the examination .

3.Thepopulation of America is not large________________ (与中国相比).

4.The beggar accepted the one-dollar note______________(甚至连一声谢谢都没说).

5 Life is full of risks___________________(不论你是否喜欢).

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic College Students: No Longer Free.You should write no le than 120 words and you should base your composition on the outlines (given in Chinese) below.Remember to write it neatly.

1.大学教育改革有两项新的举措:交学费和不包分配。2.两项措施的可取之处。 3.两项措施带来的新问题。


托福写作 翻译句子练习








