great scientists教案(优秀)

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Unit1 Module 5 Great Scientists 本单元教学内容分析: 本单元主要话题是“科学家如何以探索、钻研、无畏的科研精神验证未知的科学原理。”通过本单元的学习,了解科学家们对人类所做出的贡献及其成果。 本单元所涉及的要点是: (1)了解著名医生John Snow、钱学森、哥白尼等科学家以及他们的作为和故事。 (2)学习表示意愿、希望和建议的句型。 (3)学习过去分词作定语和表语的结构。

(4)学习写好“persuasive writing”,以训练学生的逻辑思维及写作能力.学情分析: 课时分配:8课时

The 1st Period warming up and pre-reading The 2nd and 3rd Periods Reading The 4th and 5th Periods Grammar The 6th Period Reading and writing The 7th and 8th periods Main Revision

The 1stPeriod warming up and pre-reading Teaching Aims: 1.Learn some new words and expreions.2.Know some great scientists and their achievements.3.Know some important qualities a scientist should have and the stages in examining a new scientific idea.Difficult and Important Points: 1.Word study 2.Discu in groups the stages in examining a new scientific idea.Teaching Methods: 1.Inductive method 2.Pair work & group work 3.Word Study according to the situations given (Do exercises) Teaching Procedures: Step1.Warming-up 1.There are some great scientific achievements that have changed the world.Can you name some of them? What kind of role do they play in the field of science? Do these achievements have anything in common? Match the inventions with their inventors below before you answer all these questions.Alexander Bell electricity Thomas Edison the First telephone Laity Brothers the electric Lamp Madame Curie black holes in Universe Franklin Theory of Gravity Steven Hawking the First Plane Elbert Einstein Radium Isaac Newton the Theory of Relativity \\ 2.Who found the cure for SARS? (钟南山) Why is SARS so horrible? What kind of disease is SARS? ----infectious disease 3.Can you name any other infectious disease? ----SARS, AIDS, bird flu(2005), choleraH1N1,HFMD(手足口病) Step 2.Pre-reading 1.Cholera may be rare nowadays except in some poor areas, but back in the 1830s-1840s, it was probably No.1 killer in the world.There were four outbreaks of cholera in the 1830s and 1840s, which killed many thousands of people in the industrial cities of England.In 1854 on August 31st “the most terrible outbreak of cholera which ever occurred in the kingdom” began.It was so violent and sudden that 127 people around Broad Street died in the first three days.And then a famous physician John Snow discovered the source of the disease and since then Cholera was finally brought under control.2.How did he solve the problem of cholera? Actually, he followed a scientific procedure to carry out his scientific research.The whole procedure is made up of 7 steps.Can you put them in a right order? Draw a conclusion Think of a method Collect results Make up a question Find a problem Analyze the results Repeat if neceary Step 3 Summary Step 4 Homework Aignment 1.Read the paage John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”.

2.Learn the new words by heart and prepare for tomorrow’s dictation.课后反思:

The 2nd and 3rd Periods Reading Teaching aims: 1.Learn some new words and expreions.2.Improve the students’ reading skills.3.Know how to prove a new idea in scientific research.Difficult and Important Points: (1)Reading comprehension (2)What did John Snow do to prove a new idea in scientific research? Teaching Methods: 1.Group work 2.Competition 3.Illustration 4.Deductive Method Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Lead in Background introduction to John Snow John Snow (1813-1858) was born and worked as a doctor in Great Britain.He was originally an anesthetist(麻醉师).He was so famous that he became the doctor for Queen Victoria at the births of her many children.Four outbreaks of cholera in the 1830s and 1840s killed many people in England.In 1854, “the most terrible outbreak of cholera which ever occurred in the kingdom” began.It was so violent and sudden that 127 people died in the first three days.Step 2 Skimming and Scanning More questions are given to get the general ideas of this paage and some obvious facts.Who defeats “King Cholera“? John Snow What happened in 1854? Cholera outbreak hit London.How many people died in 10 days? 500 Why is there no death at No.20 and 21 Broad Street as well as at No.8 and 9 Cambridge Street? These families had not drunk the water from the Broad Street pump.Step 3 Reading for details 1.Why couldn’t the cholera be under control at first? Neither its cause, not its cure was understood.2.Which theory did John Snow believe in? People absorbed cholera into their bodies with their meals.3.John Snow finally proved the theory he believed by ________.gathering information with the help of a map looking into the source of the water for Broad Street and Cambridge Street Separating those who suffered cholera from those who didn’t Both A and B (right choice) 4.To prevent the cholera from spreading again, what did John Snow do? Suggested that the source of all water supplies be examine.Suggested that new methods of dealing with polluted water be found.Instructed the water companies not to expose people to the polluted water anymore.Step 4 Summing up: Read the paage silently and quickly and match the stages of an experiment with the paragraphs, you’ll be given 5 minutes.paragraph Stages in an experiment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Key: (见课文和教师用书) The same with above: Find a problem draw a conclusion Think of a method Collect results

Make up a question Analyze the results Repeat if neceary Paragraph 1: Introduction of John Snow and Cholera Paragraph 2: Two theory Paragraph 3-5: Study of the breakout in 1854 Paragraph 3: Think of a method: Test two theory Collect the result: Mark the death

Analyze the result: Reason for death and no death Paragraph 4: Analyze the result: Find the resource of the water Paragraph 5: Repeat if neceary: Find more evidence.Draw a conclusion: Cholera was spread by germ Polluted water carried cholera Paragraph 6: Prevention of Cholera Step 5 Retell the paage (文章缩写仅供参考)

Provide with a summary with some blanks. Let them retell the paage as well as pay attention to some important words.Read the paage again and fill in the blanks: John Snow was a well-known ____ in London in the ___ century.He wanted to find the ______ of cholera in order to ______ it.In 1854 when a cholera ____ out, he began to gather information.He _____ on a map where all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had drunk the dirty water from the ______ died.So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera.He suggested that the _____ of all water supply be _______ and new methods of ________ with polluted water be found.Finally, “King Cholera” was defeated.Key: (见课文和教师用书) Step 6 Language learning 1.So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.每当(疾病)突发时,总有成千的人死去 【句型剖析】 1)本句是一个复合句,every time引导的是一个时间状语从句,意思是“每 当„„”,相当于“when”。 另外,此状语从句中还有一个“there be”结构。 2)So many thousands of terrified people died是主句。 【归纳拓展】 类似的时间状语归纳:

1)each time 每次;每当 2)at the time 在„„时候 3)any/next/the first/the last time 意为“任何/下一次/第一次/最后一次” 4) the moment, the minute, the second, the instant, immediately, directly, instantly等都可以引导时间状语从句。意为“一„„就” 【即学即用】同义句转换 I gave Mary the money when I saw her. I gave Mary the money __________ ____________ I saw her.(答案:the minute/the moment) 2.He became interested in two theories that poibly explained how cholera killed people.他对两个可能解释关于霍乱为什么能致人于死地的理论感兴趣 【句型剖析】 1)how 引导的特殊疑问句是宾语从句。

2)he became interested in two theories explaining是主句。 3)主句是“主系表”结构: become在此处为系动词,意为“变得;成为”,表示的是动态过程,become ill表示“患病;得病”。通常

be+形容词意为“病了;病着”,则表示静态。 除此之外,常见的系表结构还有:get tired意思是“感觉累,感觉疲惫”;get happy, get angry;get lost(迷路);get married(结婚);get used to(习惯于);get tired(累了);get dreed(穿好衣服);get angry(发怒) 。 “turn+形容词”,“become+形容词”, “keep+形容词”。如:turn white(变白), become fatter and fatter(变得越来越胖), keep open(保持开着) 等等

【归纳拓展】1)在英语中,陈述句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句都可以在宾语从句中充当宾 语,但一定要用陈述语气如:I don’t know what will happen in future.(由特殊疑问词引导) I wonder whether he lives here.(由whether或if引导)

He told that he was very sad at that moment.(由that引导,that可以省略) 2)和系动词get组成的常见搭配有:

【高考链接】Cleaning women in big cities usually get _____ by the hour.(NMET 1998) B.paying C.paid pay (答案:C)

3. The first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air.Suggest此处表示“暗示”。Suggest用法如下: suggest vt.建议,提议(所接从句用虚拟语气)。 ① suggest + doing 建议„„。例如:

May I suggest doing it in another way? 我建议换一种方式做这件事如何? ② suggest sb.向某人提议„„。例如: 5 They suggested another shop to us.他们向我们建议了另一家商店。 ③ suggest (to sb.) that-clause (向某人)建议。例如:

She suggested that we should have lunch at the new restaurant.她建议我们在那家新开的餐馆吃午餐。

suggest vt.暗示,表明(所接从句不用虚拟语气)。 ① suggest sth.暗示、表明„„。例如: That girl\'s sun-tanned face suggests excellent health.那个姑娘被太阳晒黑了的脸表明她身体非常健康。 ② suggest + that-clause 暗示、表明„„。例如:

Her expreion suggested that he had told a lie 她的表情表明撒了慌。 ③ suggest sb.使某人想起„„。例如: An idea suggests itself to me.我想到一个主意。

[思维拓展] suggestion, advice, proposal均作“建议”讲,所接同位语从句和表语从句也要用虚拟语气。例如:

My suggestion is that we (should) go to the cinema together.我建议我们一块儿去看电影。 My advice is that you (should) stay here for another week.我建议你在这儿再待一个星期。 [典例]1)The parents suggested ___ in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip.(2006上海春招)

A.sleep sleep C.sleeping D.having slept [解析] suggest doing sth.建议干某事。答案为C。

4.Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.只有把太阳作为(太阳系)的中心,其他星球的运动才讲得通 【句型剖析】 1)if 引导状语从句表“只有”。

2)only 放在句首用来加强语气。


Only by working hard can we succeed.只有通过努力工作,我们才能取得成功 【归纳拓展】 1)only 后如果后续的不是状语时句子不倒装,切忌!如:

Only with him, she can do it well.她只有和他合作,才能把它做得好。 2)倒装分为全部倒装和部分倒装两种:全部倒装是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前;部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分,如助动词或情态动词放在主语之前。如: Then came the chairman.(全部倒装)

Never have I seen such a performance.(部分倒装) 【即学即用】翻译


____________________________________________________________ (答案:Only in this way can you improve your pronunciation.) 【高考链接】

1)Only when I left my parents for Italy __ how much I loved them.(2008重庆,26) A.I realized B.I had realized C.had I realized D.did I realize (答案:D) 2).______ you eat the correct foods ______ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.2008江苏,32) A.only if; will you B.Only if; you will C.Unle; will you D.Unle; you will (答案:A) 5.It seemed the water was to blame.[要点导航] “be十不定式”的用法

1)主语为 dream, wish, idea, job,work, duty ,plan等名词时,“be to do”是系表结构,表示主语是什么。不定式表示的动作在渭语动词之后发生。如:His wish was to be a teacher.他的愿望是当一名老师。

Their plan is to finish building the house within a week.他们的计划是在一周内完成这房子。 2)主语是“人”时,“be to do”表示主语(计划、意图、安排)干什么。如: I\'m to meet him at the station.我将到火车站接他。 They are to be married.他们将要结婚。 3)注定要发生的事。

He was later to be a great inventor.他后来注定要成为一名伟大的发明家。 [要点导航] blame vt.n.谴责;归咎 take the blame for 为„„承担责任 They blamed the failure of the action on George.他们把此次行动失败归咎于乔治。

The company____________________________________________________.公司准备对已发生的事情承担责任。

The car driver took the blame for the accident.小汽车的司机承担了事故的责任。 be to blame 应受谴责

The children were not to blame.孩子们不应受到谴责。

____________________________________________________________________.那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。 I am to blame.是我不好。 Step 7 Homework aignment 1.Finish Ex.1 on P42.2.Retell the story.3.Prepare for tomorrow’s dictation.课后反思:

The 4th and 5th Periods Grammar Teaching Aims: 1.Teach grammar (The Past Participle as the Predicative & Attribute) 2.Improve the students’ listening skills.Difficult and Important Points: 1.Learn the grammar (The Past Participle as the Predicative & Attribute) 2.Have the Ss sum up the function of the past participle using inductive method.Teaching Methods: 1.Inductive Method 2.Group work Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Dictation Step 2 Grammar1.Please look at the sentences carefully.Pick out the attribute& predicative of the sentences.(1)I was angry with him for keeping me waiting so long. (2) She is a beautiful young lady.(3) He got worried about losing the money.(4) Sally was so excited at the good news.(5) So many thousands of terrified people died.2.Please claify the words that you identify into groups and explain why you divide them into these groups.Angry beautiful young worried excited terrified 3.Now use a different past participle/adjective in each sentence to change the mood of the sentence.4.Discovering Useful Structures P4 (1)Find more examples in the reading paage where the past participle is used as attribute and predicative.(2) Complete the table with phrases that have the same meaning 5.Practice Finish Ex.2 on P42.(Translation) Finish Ex.1&2 on P44.(Using structures) Step 3 Summary 过去分词作定语和表语

(The Past Participle as the Attribute and the Predicative) 分词是动词的一种非谓语形式,主要起形容词和副词的作用,可以作定语、表语或是状语等。分词有两种,一种是现在分词,一种是过去分词。这两种分词在句子中能担任的成分大体相同,主要是在“意思”上有主动和被动之分。过去分词一般有被动和完成两大特征。

过去分词的定语和表语功能 定 语 表“完成”或“被动” boiled water开水 fallen leaves落叶 the risen sun升起的太阳 selected apples 精选苹果 spoken English英语口语 iced beer冰镇啤酒

cooked food熟食 fried chips炸土豆条

单个的过去分词作定语时, 一般放在被修饰词语之前 (如上例),也可以放在所修饰词语的后面 Hurry up,there is only a little time left.快点,时间不多了。 If you wish everything changed,please say so.你如果希望改变一切,请说明。 过去分词短语作定语时,须将分词放在被修饰的词语之后,功能相当于一个定语从句。 Near the window,there is a bookshelf filled with many books(=which is filled with many books).靠近窗户,有一个装满书的书架。 Her daughter,brought up by me(=who was brought up by me)has begun to work now.由我带大的她的女儿现在已经参加工作了。

表语当“人”作主语时用过去分词作表语,表示主语的状态或思想感情等。 When we heard of it,we were deeply moved.当我们听到这件事时,被深深地感动了。 He seemed quite delighted at the idea.听到这个想法,他似乎很高兴。

过去分词作表语不要My glaes are broken.我的眼镜碎了。(状态) 与被动语态混为一体。分词作表语表示主语的状态,而被动语态则表示被动的动作

My glaes were broken by my son.我的眼镜被我儿子摔碎了。(动作) On the earth,70% of the surface is covered with water.地球表面70%是被水覆盖的。(状态) I was greatly surprised by a knock at the door.敲门声使我大为吃惊。(动作)

Step 4 Homework aignment 课时作业P9 课后反思:

The 6th Period Reading and writing Teaching Aims: 1.Improve the students reading skills.2.Learn something about Copernicus and his Revolutionary Theory 3.Learn how to accomplish a persuasive writing.Difficult and Important Points: 1.Reading Comprehension 2.Persuasive writing.Teaching Methods: Comparative method Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming up 1.Do you know what the center of the solar system is? 2.Can you name the nine planets in the solar system? Mnemonics (记忆术) Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Can you use a good method to memorize them? My Very Easy Method: Just Set Up Nine Planets.Step 2 Reading Title of the paage: Copernicus’ Revolutionary Theory Fast reading Find out the answers to the questions.1.What did Copernicus think was the center of the solar system? 2.When did Copernicus publish his theory? Careful reading Why didn’t Copernicus publish his theory before he died? Step 3 Reading comprehension P7.1.Use the reading to help you draw the two theories of the universe.Before Copernicus’ theory A diagram showing the solar system with the earth at its centre Showing Copernicus’ theory A diagram showing the solar system with the sun at its centre Step 4 Persuasive writing (Please refer to P8 Learning Tip) Writing Task: Now writing a short letter asking Copernicus to publish his ideas so everyone can read them.First you need to collect your ideas.For example: •He believes his new theory is true.•There are problems with the present theory.•He has done many years of observations to prove his new theory is true.•Science can’t develop unle people publish their ideas.•Time will show if his theory is true or not.Here is a plan: Beginning: Tell Copernicus who you are and why you want him to publish his ideas.Paragraph 1: Reason 1 and evidence.Paragraph 2: Reason 2 and evidence.Summing up: ask him to think again about publishing his ideas.One poible version: Dear Nicklaus Copernicus, I am a student studying astronomy and I would very much like to read your new theory about the solar system.I hope you will publish it for several reasons.I understand the problems with the present theory.The way the planets move is not what you would expect if the earth was the centre of the universe.It is also odd that the brightne of some stars seems to change.So I agree with you that we need a new theory.I know your observations have been very carefully carried out over many years.Now you must have the courage to publish them.Science can never advance unle people have the courage of their beliefs.I know you worry about what will happen if you publish your new theory.No matter how people oppose it, time will show if your ideas are right or wrong. So I hope you will feel you can publish your new theory.Yours sincerely, Zhang Hua Step 5 Language Learning He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it and only the moon still going round the earth.他把太阳固定在太阳系的中心位置上,而行星则围绕着太阳转,只有月球仍然绕着地球转

【句型剖析】 with the planets going round it是with + 宾语 + 宾语补足语的结构,在句中作状语。这一结构在句中常作定语或状语,作宾补的可以是介词短语、过去分词、形容词、副词或动词不定式等。 【归纳拓展】 (1)With + n./p ron.+ 介词短语

He sat there with a smile on his face.(2) With + n./pron.+ 副词

With Mr Smith away, we’ve got more room.(3) With + n./pron.+ 不定式

With so much work to do, he could not go home.(4) With + n./pron.+ 现在分词 The street was quiet with no buses running.(5) With + n./pron.+ 过去分词 In came a man with his hands tied back.(6) With + n./pron.+ 形容词

He wrote a shirt, with the neck open, showing his bare chest.注意:with的复合结构可以译为“随着„„”,因此可以转换为以as引导的状语从句 【即学即用】句型转换

(1)With the sun rising, the day gets hotter. _________________________, the day gets hotter.(答案:As the sun rises) 2)________our food ________, we had to walk to a village for help.(成都毕业班第一次诊断试题) A.Since; runs out B.Because; run out C.With; running out D.For; running out (答案:C) (3) ---You should have prepared your speech for the meeting , Mrs Smith .---Yes, I know .But how could I ______the meeting date fixed so soon .(2005 东北三校联考)

A.while C.after D.with (答案:D) (4)________ more and more forests damaged ,some animals and plants are facing the danger of dying out .(2005石家庄市高三调研试题) A.As B.For C.With D.By (答案:C ) 【高考链接】 1.(NMET.2000) _________ production up by 60 % , the company has had another excellent year.A.As B.For C.With D.Through 【答案】C。 2.(Beijing.2004) ________two exams to worry about , I have to work really hard this weekend. A.Besides B.With C.As for D.Because of 【答案】B。 3.(全国I卷35.2009)Now that we’ve discued out problem, are people happy with the decisions taken ? A.taking B.take C.taken take【答案】C。

【解析】考查with +宾语+宾语补足语的用法。句意为:现在,我们已经讨论了问题,是人们最满意的决定? take 与the decisions之间存在的关系是动宾关系,故用过去分词表示被动。 Step 6 Homework aignment Finish writing the composition.课后反思:

The 7th and 8th periods Main Revision Teaching aims: Review important words, expreions and grammar items of unit 1.Practice and have a test.

一、重点单词用法精解再现 1.characteristic n.特征,特性

The chief characteristic of human being is that they can think.人类主要的特征是他们会思考。 2.expose vt.暴露,揭发,曝光(摄影)

Don’t expose the baby to the burning sun.切勿将小孩曝晒。 注:expose sb/sth to„中的to为介词。 3.defeat vt.& n.击败;战胜;

The army defeated the enemy in the end.军队最终战胜了敌军。

Tom suffered the defeat in the English examination.汤姆英语考试失败了。 辨析:win的宾语是game, prize等物(不是人);beat和defeat的宾语是人;hit“打一下”; beat“(连续地)打”;strike “重击”。 4.cure vt.& n.治愈,治疗法 There is no known cure for AIDS.还无治疗艾滋病之法。

It is poible to cure the sickne.治愈这种疾病还是可能的。 辨析:cure“治愈”,强调结果;treat“治疗”,强调动作过程;说cure sb of sth.但说treat sb for sth.5.blame vt.责备,归咎 The teacher blamed me for my being late for school again.老师因我又迟到批评了我。

注:blame sb for sth=blame sth on sb.6.backward adj.& adv.向后 We turn backward(s) then rightward(s).我们向后转然后向右转。 搭配:a backward turn 向后转

7.conclude vt.& vi.结束,总结

The teacher concluded the cla by one sentence.老师以一句话总结了这节课。

二、重要词组句型再现 addition 此外

In addition, the speaker gave us more information about the topic.另外,这个演讲者就主题给了我一些信息。

注:in addition to(=besides)是短语介词,后接名词、代词和动名词。

I visited many places in addition to the Great Wall.我参观了许多地方,除了长城以外。 2.apart from除„„以外(except for);除„„外,还有(besides) Apart from being short, Tom is smart.除了个子矮了点,Tom还是挺帅气的。 Apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time.除了花费钱以外,它还需要不少时间。 strict with sb.对某人严格

Father is always strict with his sons.父亲对子女经常要求严格。 比较:be strict in sth.对某事物要求严格

Teachers are strict in students’ homework.老师对学生的作业要求严格。 4.lead to 导致,通向(to为介词)

Hard work leads to succe.努力通向成功。 All roads lead to Rome.条条道路通罗马。„to„ 将„„和„„连接起来

Can you link the clues to the criminals? 你能把线索和罪犯联系起来吗? 6.keep sb /sth +doing /done /adj.让某人或事物做„„

I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long.对不起,让你久等了。 You must keep your jewels locked up.你得把珠宝饰物锁好。 Keep the claroom clean.要保持教室清洁。(adj.作宾补) 注:用doing强调与sb/sth是主动关系且与谓语动词是同时或一直进行的;用done强调与sb/sth是被动关系且业已完成;用adj.强调sb/sth的状态。


1.In addition, he found two other deaths in another part of London that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak. 剖析:句中的that引导一个定语从句,修饰先行词two other deaths;先行词与定语从句之间被介词短语in another part of London所分隔。

译文:除此之外,他发现在伦敦的另一个地方有两个与the Broad Street爆发的霍乱有关的死亡病例。

2.To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all water supplies be examined and new methods of dealing with polluted water be found. 剖析:To prevent为表示目的的不定式短语;prevent„(from) doing sth 意为“阻止„„做某事”,其中prevent可与stop, keep互换;suggest表示“建议”的,其宾语从句的谓语用“should +动词原形”,句中的should被省略了。

译文:为了防止这种情况的再次发生,John Snow建议所有的水源都要经过检测,而且5.blame vt.责备,归咎

The teacher blamed me for my being late for school again.老师因我又迟到批评了我。

注:blame sb for sth=blame sth on sb.6.backward adj.& adv.向后

We turn backward(s) then rightward(s).我们向后转然后向右转。 搭配:a backward turn 向后转

7.conclude vt.& vi.结束,总结

The teacher concluded the cla by one sentence.老师以一句话总结了这节课。

二、重要词组句型再现 addition 此外

In addition, the speaker gave us more information about the topic.另外,这个演讲者就主题给了我一些信息。

注:in addition to(=besides)是短语介词,后接名词、代词和动名词。

I visited many places in addition to the Great Wall.我参观了许多地方,除了长城以外。 2.apart from除„„以外(except for);除„„外,还有(besides) Apart from being short, Tom is smart.除了个子矮了点,Tom还是挺帅气的。 Apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time.除了花费钱以外,它还需要不少时间。 strict with sb.对某人严格

Father is always strict with his sons.父亲对子女经常要求严格。 比较:be strict in sth.对某事物要求严格

Teachers are strict in students’ homework.老师对学生的作业要求严格。 4.lead to 导致,通向(to为介词)

Hard work leads to succe.努力通向成功。 All roads lead to Rome.条条道路通罗马。„to„ 将„„和„„连接起来

Can you link the clues to the criminals? 你能把线索和罪犯联系起来吗? 6.keep sb /sth +doing /done /adj.让某人或事物做„„

I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long.对不起,让你久等了。 You must keep your jewels locked up.你得把珠宝饰物锁好。 Keep the claroom clean.要保持教室清洁。(adj.作宾补) 注:用doing强调与sb/sth是主动关系且与谓语动词是同时或一直进行的;用done强调与sb/sth是被动关系且业已完成;用adj.强调sb/sth的状态。


1.In addition, he found two other deaths in another part of London that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak. 剖析:句中的that引导一个定语从句,修饰先行词two other deaths;先行词与定语从句之间被介词短语in another part of London所分隔。

译文:除此之外,他发现在伦敦的另一个地方有两个与the Broad Street爆发的霍乱有关的死亡病例。

2.To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all water supplies be examined and new methods of dealing with polluted water be found. 剖析:To prevent为表示目的的不定式短语;prevent„(from) doing sth 意为“阻止„„做某事”,其中prevent可与stop, keep互换;suggest表示“建议”的,其宾语从句的谓语用“should +动词原形”,句中的should被省略了。

译文:为了防止这种情况的再次发生,John Snow建议所有的水源都要经过检测,而且要寻找处理污水的新方法。


1.构成:done(规则动词的过去分词与过去式变化相同,都是在动词原形后加ed, 如:print—printed—printed; follow—followed—followed; 不规则动词的过去分词需要记忆, 如:begin—began—begun;ea—tate—eaten) 2.意义:完成、被动 (1)不及物动词的过去分词表示完成的状态,不表被动意义,如:fallen leaves(落叶),fall为不及物动词,此处只表示落叶的状态;

(2)及物动词的过去分词表示被动和完成,如:polluted water(污水),pollute为及物动词,water 和pollute之间是被动关系且动作业已完成。 3.语法功用



Many terrified people died in turmoil.很多受惊的人死于荒乱之中。 真题:Don’t use words, expreions, or phrases____ only to people with specific knowledge.(上海) A being known B having been known C to be known D known 解析: words, expreions, phrases与know在逻辑上是被动关系,要用过去分词短语作定语,故选D。


I am interested in reading English novels.我对阅读英国小说感兴趣。

My teacher got annoyed when I was late for school again.我上学又迟到,老师为此很恼怒。 (3)作宾语补足语:用在宾语后面。如:

I had my dre washed already.我已经把衣服洗了。

注:能带过去分词作宾语补足语的动词还有:get, hear, see, make, keep, find等。如: I found the door broken.我发现门坏了。

真题:Laws that punish parents for their children’s against the laws get parents_____.(重庆) A worried B to worry C worrying D worry 解析:“使得家长们感到担心”,用过去分词作宾语补足语,选A。 (4)作状语:一般置于句首或句末。

The teacher came into the claroom, followed by some students.老师和几位同学走进教室。(the teacher与follow是被动关系)













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