
2020-03-04 00:01:48 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


Safety Precautions During The Spring Festival 2014年春节即将来临,在您和您的家人即将团圆的时候,运营部EHS提醒您放假不忘安全,过一个平平安安,快快乐乐的祥和中国年!

2014 Spring Festival is coming! It is time for you and your family to be reunited.The matters needing attention which comes from EHS of Operation Department to remind you not to forget holiday safety.Only in this case can you celebrate a safe, happy and peaceful Chinese new year!

一.办公室Office Safety 1.放假前夕,各部门要督促所属员工休假前关好办公室的门、窗。窗户锁扣要扣紧。

On the eve of the holiday, each department must urge the employees to close the office doors, windows with the windows’ lock fastened.2.离开办公室需关闭电脑及空调等相关用电设备,关闭电源插排,并拔下电源插排的插头。每个部门负责人或指定代表督促检查,避免消防安全隐患。 Shut down the computer and related electrical equipment such as air condition, shut off the power strip, unplug the power plugs.Each departments’ managers or representatives supervise in order to avoid fire.3.离开办公室前要锁好文件柜,特别是带有保密性的文件一定要及时锁好,以防丢失、泄露。

Lock the office filing cabinets in time before leaving, especially secret file in case of lo and betraying.4.休假前,请各位员工整理自己的办公桌,使之整洁有序。

Please tidy your desk to make it neat and orderly before our holiday.

二.车间及仓库Workshop and Warehouse Safety 1.离开车间前车间主管或其指定代表切断各类设备、配电柜、行车电源。


Cut off all kinds of equipment, power distribution cabinets and electric hoists

Before leaving the workshop.Workshop supervisor or representative to ensure all above has been done.


Close all the Windows with the windows’ lock fastened in workshop and warehouse.3.焊工离开车间前关闭氧气瓶和乙炔瓶。

Welders close oxygen and acetylene cylinder before leaving.4. 清理车间及仓库杂物,保持安全通道畅通。

Clean up the workshop and warehouse sundry, keep safe paage clear.

三. 交通出行安全Transportation Safety


Abide by the traffic safety laws and regulations, do not drink driving, not speeding, not fatigue driving.It’s dangerous to answer the call while driving .Children must be far away from copilot seat and everyone getting on the car should wear a seatbelt.2.非自驾车出行时,要乘坐正规运营的车辆,不要乘坐“黑出租”“黑摩的”等非法运营的车辆。

Take legal operating vehicles, do not believe \"black taxi\" \"black motorcycle \"and other illegal operation of the vehicles.3.单人乘坐出租车时(尤其在晚上),请记住车牌号,一旦发现异常,马上打电话联系家人或朋友,并告诉对方您所乘车辆的车牌号和目的地。

Please remember the license number when taking a taxi alone (particularly at night).If there is any abnormality, you’d better make a phone call immediately to contact families and friends, tell them the vehicle\'s license number and



If you encounter rob unfortunately, please keep in mind the \"personal safety is the most important\", don\'t struggle against with the criminals including clinging to your own things.5.出行遭遇道路交通事故,不要惊慌失措,要保持冷静,赶快拨打“110”、“122(部


If you encounter road traffic accident, calm down firstly, than dial the number \"110\", \"122\" (some districts effectively), \"12122\"(on the highway ) and \"120\" (emergency call) to get help from police and hospital ASAP.

四. 饮食安全Food Safety 1.春节之际,天伦共享,放怀吃喝,乃人之常情,温馨提醒您要适量饮酒、决不酗酒;喜庆之余,健康为本的信念万万不可动摇。

Moderate drinking, never get drunk.Refuse any things that go against Health.

五.烟花燃放安全Set off Fireworks and Firecrackers Safely 1.燃放烟花爆竹,应远离工厂、仓库、公共场所、易燃区、粮囤、加油站及其他重要场所,也不要在窗口、阳台、室内和人员密集点燃放。

Stay away from the factory, warehouse, public places, inflammable area, gas stations and other important places when set off fireworks and firecrackers, as well as nor at the windows, balcony , indoor area and crowded conditions.



Check the embers, fragmentation, tatter carefully and clean up in time after setting off fireworks and firecrackers.3.不要购买无商标厂家、无燃放说明书的产品。存放时应特别注意要远离火源。

Refuse products without trademark and instruction.Storage should be pay much

attention to stay away from fire.4.小孩燃放烟花爆竹时,应有大人在旁看管。同时应加强对孩子的管理教育,防止私自燃放烟花爆竹时自伤、伤到别人或引发火灾等。

A child who is creating fireworks should be in the custody of adults.It’s eential for families to give safety education to your children at the same time in case of fire and hurt.

六. 居家安全Home Safety

1.离家出行前before go out of your house, you must:


Ensure valves on the gas tank,gas main and your stove have been shut up. 一旦发现浓烈气味,要尽快关闭燃气阀门,快速打开窗户,不要触动电灯开关,不要打手机、座机和手电筒等。

Once a terrible smell, close the gas valve ASAP, than open the windows quickly, don\'t touch the light switch, don\'t play land-line phone, flashlight and so on.2.出门时检查室内各种电源插头是否拔掉,最好拉闸;检查门窗是否关好,插销是否插牢。发现被盗,立即拨打“110”报警。

Check all sorts of power plug indoor are pulled out or not.It’s better to have a power cut; Check the door is closed or not, even the bolt is stuck or not.If there is a steal in your house, dial \"110\" immediately.3.熟悉居住区域的逃生通道和灭火设备,万一发生火灾,要马上利用周围可用工具对



Be Familiar with escape routes and fire extinguishing equipment of your living area.Once a fire, take advantage of available tools around to put out fires, dial \"119\" alarm at the same time.最后,祝大家春节愉快,合家幸福! Best wishes to you and happy new year!


EHS Engineer of Operation Department 2014年1月20日 Jan 20, 2014






春节放假及注意事项 2




