
2020-03-02 21:36:41 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

ⅠPart OneReading Comprehension

Questions1 to 5are based on the following paage.

Each summer, no matter how preing my work schedule, I take off one day exclusively for my son.We call it dad-son day.This year our third stop was the amusement park, where he discovered that he was tall enough to ride one of the fastest roller coasters(过山车) in the world.We blasted through face-stretching turns and loops for ninety seconds.Then, as we stepped off the ride, he shrugged and, in a distreingly calm voice, remarked that it was not as exciting as other rides he’d been on.As I listened, I began to sense something seriously out of balance.

Throughout the season, I noticed similar events all around me.Parents seemed hard preed to find new thrills for indifferent kids.Surrounded by ever-greater stimulation, their young faces wore looking disappointed and bored.

Facing their children’s complaints of “nothing to do”.Parents were shelling out large numbers of dollars for various forms of entertainment.In many cases the money seemed to do little more than buy transient relief from the terrible moans of their bored children.This set me pondering the obvious question: “How can it be so hard for kids to find something to do when there’s never been such a range of stimulating entertainment available to them?”

Why do children immersed in this much excitement seem starved for more? That was, I realized, the point.I discovered during my own reckle adolescence that what creates excitement is not going fast, but going faster.Thrills have le to do with speed than changes in speed.

I’m concerned about the cumulative effect of years at these levels of feverish activity.It is no mystery to me why many teenagers appear apathetic (麻木的) and burned out, with a “been there, done that” air of indifference toward much of life.As increasing numbers of friends’ children are prescribed medications-stimulants to deal with inattentivene at school or anti-depreants to help with the lo of interest and joy in their lives-l question the role of kids boredom in some of the diagnoses.

My own work is focused on the chemical imbalances and biological factors related to behavioral and emotional disorders.These are complex problems.Yet I’ve been reflecting more and more on how the pace of life and the intensity of stimulation may be contributing to the rising rates of psychiatric problems among children and adolescents in our society.

1.The author felt surprised in the amusement park at the face that________.

A) his son was not as thrilled by the roller coaster ride as expected

B) his son blasted through the turns and loops with his face stretched

C) his son appeared distreed but calm while riding the roller coaster

D) his son could keep his balance so well on the fast-moving roller coaster

2.According to the author, children are bored _________.

A) unle their parents can find new thrills for them

B) when they don’t have any acce to stimulating fun games

C) when they are left alone at weekends by their working parents

D) even if they are exposed to more and more kinds of entertainment

3.From his own experience.the author came to the conclusion that children seem to expect ________.

A) a much wider variety of sports facilities

B) activities that require sophisticated

C) ever-changing thrilling forms of recreation

D) physical exercises that are more challenging

4.In Para.6 .the author exprees his doubt about the effectivene of trying to change children indifference toward much of life by ________.

A) diverting their interest from electronic visual games

B) prescribing medications for their temporary relief

C) creating more stimulating activities for them

D) spending more money on their entertainment

5.In order to alleviate children’s boredom, the author would probably suggest ____ .

A) adjusting the pace of life and intensity of stimulation

B) promoting the practice of dad-son days

C) consulting a specialist in child psychology

D) balancing school work with extracurricular activities

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following paage.

It used to be that people were proud to work for the same company for the whole of their working lives.They’d get a gold watch at the end of their productive years and a dinner featuring speeches by their boes praising their loyalty/But today’s rich capitalists have regreed (倒退) to the “survival of the fittest” ideas and their loyalty extends not to their workers or even to their stockholders but only to themselves.Instead of giving out gold watches worth a hundred or so dollars for forty or so years of work, they grab tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars as they sell for their own profit the company they may have been with for only a few years.

The new rich selfishly act on their own to unfairly grab the wealth that the country as a whole has produced.The top l percent of the population now has wealth equal to the whole bottom 95 percent and they want more.Their selfishne is most shamelely expreed in downsizing and outsourcing (将产品包给外公司做) because these busine maneuvers don’t act to create new jobs as the founders of new industries used to do, but only to cut out jobs while keeping the money value of what those jobs produced for themselves.

To keep the money machine working smoothly the rich have bought all the politicians from the top down.The president himself is constantly leaving.Washington and the busine of the nation because he is summoned to “fundraising dinners” where fat cats pay a thousand or so dollars a plate to worm their way into government not through service but through donations of vast amounts of money.Once on the inside they have both political parties busily tearing up all the regulations that protect the rest of us from the greed of the rich.

The middle cla used to be loyal to the free enterprise system.In the past, the people of the middle cla mostly thought they’d be rich themselves someday or have a good shot at becoming rich.But nowadays income is being distributed more and more unevenly and corporate loyalty is a thing of the past.The middle cla may also wake up to forget its loyalty to the so-called free enterprise system altogether and the government which governs only the rest of us while letting the corporations do what they please with our jobs.As things stand.if somebody doesn’t wake up, the middle cla is on a path to being downsized all the way to the bottom of society.

6.It can be inferred form the first paragraph that people used to place a high value on _________ .

A) job security

B) boes’ praise

C) corporate loyalty

D) retirement benefits

7.The author is strongly critical of today’s rich capitalists for _________.

A) not giving neceary aistance to laid-off workers

B) maximizing their profits at the expense of workers

C) not setting up long-term goals for their companies

D) rewarding only those who are considered the fittest

8.The immediate consequence of the new capitalists’ practice is ________ .

A) lo of corporate reputation

B) lower pay for the employees

C) a higher rate of unemployment

D) a decline in busine transactions

9.The rich try to sway the policy of the government by ________ .

A) occupying important positions in both political parties

B) making monetary contributions to decision-makers

C) pleasing the public with generous donations

D) constantly hosting fundraising dinners

10.What is the author’s purpose in writing this paage?

A) To call on the middle cla to remain loyal to the free enterprise system.

B) To warn the government of the shrinking of the American middle cla.

C) To persuade the government to change its current economic policies.

D) To urge the middle cla to wake up and protect their own interests.

Ⅱ Vocabulary

11.Grey whales have long been _______ in the north Atlantic and hunting was an important cause for that.

A) extinctB) extinguishedC) detainedD) deprived

12.He was given major responsibility for operating the remote manipulator to ______ the newly launched satellite.

A) retreatB) retrieveC) embodyD) embrace

13.Foreign students are facing unprecedented delays, as visa applications receive closer _________ than ever.

A) irrigateB) intrigueC) irritateD) intimidate

14.If you are late for the appointment, you might _______ the interviewer and lose your chance of being accepted.

A) irrigateB) intrigueC) irritateD) intimidate

15.Children’s idea of a magic kingdom is often dancers in animal ______ as they have often seen in Disneyland.

A) cushionsB) costumesC)skeletonsD) ornaments

16.Ever since the first nuclear power stations were built, doubts have _____ about their safety.

A) preservedB) tracesC) tracksD) trails

17.This clearly shows that crops and weeds have quite a number of ________ in common.

A) traitsB) tracesC)tracksD) trails

18.From science to Shakespeare.Excellent television and video programs are available ________to teachers.

A) in stockB) in storeC) in operationD) in abundance

19.When the Italian poet Dante was ________ from his home in Florence, he decided to walk form Italy to Paris to search for the real meaning of life.

A) exertedB) expiredC) exiledD) exempted

20.Habits acquired in youth-notably smoking and drinking-may increase the risk of ________diseases in a person’s later life.

A) consecutiveB) chronicC) criticalD) cyclical

21.F.W.Woolworth was the first busineman to erect a true skyscraper to _______ himself, and in 1929, Al Smith, a former governor of New York, sought to outreach him.

A) portrayB) proclaimC) exaggerateD) commemorate

22.To label their produce as organic, farmers have to obtain a certificate showing that no _______ chemicals have been used to kill pests on the farm for two years.

A) toxicB) tragicC) nominalD) notorious

23.Ancient Greek gymnastics training programs were considered to be an _______ part of the children’s education.

A) intactB) integralC) inclusiveD) infinite

24.Researchers have found that happine doesn’t appear to be anyone’s ______ ; the capacity for joy is a talent you develop largely for yourself.

A) disposalB) excelledC) exceededD) enriched

25.We want our children to have more than job skills; we want their lives to be _____ and their perspectives to be broadened.

A) envisagedB) excelledC) exceededD) enriched

26.Online schools, which ________ the needs of different people, have emerged as an increase-ingly popular education alternative.

A) stir upB) switch onC) cater toD) consent to

27.This kind of songbird sleeps much le during its annual ______.But that doesn’t seem to affect its flying.

A) migrationB) emigrationC) conveyanceD) transference

28.The developing nations want rich countries to help shoulder the cost of _____ forests.

A) updatingB) upgradingC) conservingD) constructing

29.In the study, researchers succeeded in determining how coffee ______ different areas of the brain in 15volunteers.

A) integratedB) motivatedC) illuminatedD) activated

30.They are trying to ______ the risk as much as they can by making a more thorough investigation of the market.

A) minimizeB) harmonizeC) summarizeD) jeopardize

31.The cycles of the sun and moon are simple but ______ forces which have shaped human lives since the beginning.

A) franticB) giganticC) sensationalD) maximum

32.An effort was launched recently to create the first computer ______ of the entire human brain.

A) repetitionB) repreionC) saturationD) simulation

33.In the face of the disaster, the world has united to aid millions of ______ people trying to piece their lives back together.

A) fragileB)primitiveC) vulnerableD) susceptible

34.AIDS is a global problem that demands a unified, worldwide solution, which is not only the

responsibility of nations in which AIDS is most _______.

A) relevantB) prevalentC) vigorousD) rigorous

35.After the earthquake, a world divided by _______ and religious disputes suddenly faced its common humanity in this shocking disaster.

A) ethnicB) epidemicC) strategicD) pathetic

36.Psychologists suggest that children who are shy are more _______ to develop depreion and anxiety later in life.

A) eligibleB) engagedC) proneD) prospective

37.Initially, the scientists and engineers seemed _______ by the variety of responses people can make to a poem.

A)reinforcedB)embarraedC) depreedD) bewildered

38.Is it poible to stop drug _______ in the country within a very short time?

A) adoptionB) addictionC) contemplationD) compulsion

39.The parents of Lindsay, 13, an _______ tennis player who spends eight hours a day on the court, admit that a regular school is not an option their daughter.

A) exoticB) equivalentC) eliteD) esthetic

40.Our research confirmed the ______ that when children have many different caregiver important aspects of their development are liable to be overlooked.

A) hypothesisB) hierarchyC) synthesisD) syndrome

Part Ⅲ Translation(5 minutes)

42.But for mobile phone, ___________________(我们的通信就不可能如此迅速和方便)。

43.In handling an embarraing situation, _____________(没有什么比幽默感更有帮助的了).

44.The Foreign Minister said he was resigning , ______________(但他拒绝进一步解释这样做的原因).

45.Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, _________________(而动物的行为主要依靠本能).

46.The witne was told that under no circumstances _____________________(他都不应该对法庭说慌).


1.A) his son was not as thrilled by the roller coaster rider as expected

2.D) even if they are exposed to more kinds of entertainment

3.C) ever-changing thrilling forms of recreation

4.B) prescribing medications for their temporary relief.

5.A) adjusting the pace of life and intensity of stimulation

6.C) corporate loyalty

7.B) maximizing their profits at the expense of workers

8.C) a higher rate of unemployment

9.B) making monetary contributions to decision-makers

10.D) To urge the middle cla to wake up and protect their own interest

41.A)extinct12.B)retrieve13.D)scrutiny14.C)irritate15.B)costumes 16.D)lingered

17.A)traits18.D)in abundance19.C)exiled20.B)chronic 21.D)commemorate

22.A)toxic23.B)integral24.C)heritage25.D)enriched26.C)cater to27.A)migration


33.C)vulnerable 34.B)prevalent 35.A)ethnic36.C)prone37.D)bewildered 38.B)addiction


Part VI Translation

43.noting can be more helpful than a sense of humor

44.but he refused to give further explanation for doing so

45.while animal behavior depends mainly on instinct

46.should he lie /tell lies to the court










