
2020-03-03 09:34:53 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

1.Ten years, what can be used to do?

2.Can let a small seed into a great tree

3.Can let a lovely baby into a daring young 4.Can make an ancient city become a busy city

5.So, for a dog, what dose ten tears mean?

6.If he uses two-thirds of his life to do the same

thing---waiting, what we call it?

7.Loyalty, persistence, gratitude, or love…

Next, let us walk into such a moving story, between

parker, a college profeor and a lovely dog, hachi.

8.One day, Parker came acro a lost dog and took it

home.He found the dog tag with characters.Then,he ask his good friend what the meaning of the character.In fact, it means eight in Japanese.Japanese pronounce it “hachi”.So, Parker named him “hachi”.

9.At first, his wife opposed strongly.But then she saw that her husband and her daughter loved the puppy so much and finally admit him into the family.

10.They have a happy time.Parker liked Hachi very much.He took him to his college.They watched TV and eat popcorn together.They play games in the yard.

11.Hachi accompanied the Parker entire family to grow together.In daily life, Parker was patience even lay in ground and picked the ball with the mouth to set an

example for Hachi, but it unable to teach Hachi to do it.During leisure time, parker also made the maage for Hachi.

12.Every day, Hachi accompanied Parker to work on.

That was the time only for them! And at 5:00 in the evening Hatchi appeared at the station entrance to wait Parker.

13.One day morning, as usual, Parker and Hatchi went to station.However, Hatchi suddenly went home.Shortly after, hatchi picked a ball with his mouth.Parker was so exited that it is the first time hatchi picking up that ball.

After playing with hatchi for a while, Parker hurried to leave to work.

14.In the afternoon,Hachi waited at the train station on time, but the profeor did not come out from the

station on time.

14*Late at night, Hachi did not want to leave, still waiting for Parker.This is an agreement between them.

15.In fact, on that day, Parker suddenly fell in the

university lecture, he died of the heart disease.

16.Each day, Hachi would come to the same place on time, waiting for Parker.

Behind him the leaves turned from green to yellow, yellow to green, as such is ten years.

17.Ten years later, Parker’s wife came back to grave for her husband, surprised to find that old Hachi was still here waiting for his owner back

18.At one stormy night, the elderly Hachi felt that life was about to end, So with exhausted body, step by

step,he slowly moved to the train station ......

19.In the old place, Hachi bent over, with the last breath of power, and insisted to open his eyes, looking at the exit on the opposite......

20.In Hachi’s dreams, Parker was back.They dance in the snow again.Never separate.










