
2020-03-02 17:54:23 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

U5 A2 Let’s learn

一、教材内容:四下U5A2 Let’s learn Let’s do


本单元学习的主题是衣物,本课是本单元的第二课时,主要学习单词clothes ,hat, skirt, dre , pants.并围绕着我喜欢什么衣物I like that green skirt.I like those pants.这两个重点句型来表达,同时增添了与颜色连用的表达方式。先前学生已经学会了颜色的单词,通过复习颜色展开教学,借助“六一儿童节”的到来,Zhangpeng、Chen Jie、Amy 和 John收到各自的礼物以及分别带来礼物给同学们的情景,感知单词的音、义、形以及句型的描述。




1.能听、说、认读单词:clothes ,hat, skirt, dre , pants.2.能够熟练运用句型I like that green skirt /I like those pants以及表达自己对某件衣服的喜好。

3.能够听懂Let’s do 的指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作。


五、教学重难点 教学重点:

1.能够听说认读单词clothes hat skirt dre pants.2.能够熟练运用句型I like that green skirt /I like those pants以及表达自己对某件衣服的喜好。 教学难点:

1.pants 的意义,用法和读音;

2.服装名词和颜色形容词的连用及其用法; 3.Those的读音。



2.通过合作学习达成目标2 3.通过Practice 环节对Let’ do 的处理达成教学目标3 4.通过新授环节达成目标4


PPT, 图卡(衣物图片)、单词卡片、四组教学图版

八、教学过程 Step1:Preparation 1.Greetings T: Hello,boys and girls. Ss: Hello ,teacher 2.分组评价

T:Today I’m your new teacher.This cla we have four groups.Where is Group 1?Hello Group 1; Where is Group 2?Hello Group 2; Where is Group 3?Hello Group 3; Where is Group 4?Hello,Group 4.If you do well,you can get a gift from the box.Let’s have a competition and see who is the winner? Are you ready ?

Ss: ready.

T: Ok,Let’s go! First, Let’s sing.

sing 之后紧接着提问:What colour do you like?提问2-3人。


(一)单词导呈 1.教授单词hat

T:Children’s Day is coming.Do you like it?


T:And they like it too.This is Zhangpeng.This is Amy.This is Chen Jie.This is Tianian.They are very happy,because they have gifts for the Children’s day.Let’s see what are they?Gue what’s in it? oh, a hat,a blue hat.

听音跟读,师领读hat hat hat hat hat T:Take off your hat师生同做.( 此环节两遍).T:hat(用开火车的方式,一个人读,其他人跟读).It’s Zhangpeng’s gift.Zhangpeng says:I like that blue hat.And Zhangpeng gives you some gifts.Look a red hat ,a green hat ,and a yellow hat.I like that

green hat.Which one do you like?提问2-3名同学回答。 2.教授单词skirt

T:Look,this is Amy’s gift.Gue,what’s in it?(提问2名同学回答),出示ppt.Wow,so beautiful skirt.Listen and read.

教师领读skirt,skirt,skirt,skirt,skirt.wash your skirt!师生同做 (此环节三遍).T:skirt(提问用开火车的方式,一个人读,其他人跟读). It’s Amy’s gift.Amy says:I like that green skirt.And Amy also gives you some gifts.Look,a red skirt,a white skirt and a yellow skirt.I like that white skirt.Which one do you like?提问2人回答。 3.教授单词dre

T:Chen Jie’s gift is good too.Gue what’s in it?提问2人。出示ppt,Wow a red dre.(Let’s read after the tape).生读。(师教读)dre,dre,dre,dre,dre, Hang up your dre.师生同做,(此环节两遍).T:dre(用开火车的方式,一个人读,其他人跟读)Chen Jie says:I like that red dre!And Chen Jie also gives you some gifts.Look,a red dre,a pink dre,and a white dre.I like that pink dre.How about you?提问2人。 4.教授单词pants

T:Now,Let’s see John’s gift.Gue,what’s in it?提问2人。Oh,a pair of pants.Listen and repeat.师领读 Pants pants pants pants pants.put away your pants.(师生同做)(此环节三遍)。 T:pants(用开火车的方式,一个人读,其他人跟读).

John says:I like those pants.And John also gives you some gifts.Look,a pair of pants.two pairs of pants.师:Do you like those pants?生:Yes.师:Me too.Let’s say together.I like those pants.

In our life,we should put away our pants,hat, skirt, and dre.we should not put our clothes everywhere.(我们应该整理好自己的长裤、帽子、短裙和连衣裙,而不能将我们的衣服丢的到处都是) 5.教授单词 clothes

From now, we have four gifts.They are hat,skirt,dre,and pants.They are called clothes.先跟录音读,再由教师教读,Clothes分割读,让生两边竞争读:( clo , thes).this part:( clo,) this part ( thes).(Ok, Let’s change.This part!clo....This part thes.).(Let’s read together....)

One love can change a whole life.So we can do something for the others.

This cla,our friends have given us many gifts.Let’s say“Thank you”

to them.In our life ,we will get a lot of gifts ,we should know how to Thanksgiving,to thank our friends bring us gifts,we should learn to gratitude.6.连线并板书

T:Look ,What’s this?出图片说单词。How do you know skirt?引导生说,同时教师板书教读。How do you know pants?同时板书教读。 (二)听音正因

(1).You have did a very good job.Let’s listen to the tape and repeat.教授句子板书,突破难点those读音。

(2).Great,Now,Let’s read the dialogue with your partner.and act like Sarah and Amy.

(三)Pair work

Read the words in your groups,and act like Amy and Sarah.Step3:practice

1.看图片说单词Look at this picture,what’s it?.....

2.火眼金睛Well done,Look at the ppt,what’s it?


4.Let’s do Step4:Production


用你得到的奖品,装饰自己的房间,并用I like that/those ……句型,和你的小伙伴们一起交流,描述出你自己喜欢的衣服。 Step5:观看时装秀。

Step6:人文教育 把穿不合适的衣物洗干净,向山区的孩子捐一片爱心。

Now,Let’s do some excises.Read and choose (1)I like that blue ____.A.dre


C.Pants (2)Put away your _____.A.skirt


C.Pants (3)I like that green _____ .A.dre


C.pants (4)Look,the _____ is beautiful.A.skirt


C.Dre Now,let’s see what we have learned this cla.we have learned ......Ok,stand up小律动。And show me your gifts. Homework

(1)Listen and read the text (2)tell your friend about the clothes you like.










