
2020-03-01 21:04:46 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文




事务信函(busine letter)和私人信函(personal letter)


便条(病假条,事假条,邀友来访,借物,订票,留言),请柬,单据,启示,海报,通知 (凌茜p110)


 常考查的图:餠型图,曲线图,条形图,数据图

 图表作文常用的展开模式

 图表作文常用的表达方式

 图表作文常用的句型

 范文分析



 个人陈述Personal Statements

 推荐信 Letters of Recommendation

 简历resumes

 与外国大学的联系信及自述信和签证申诉信


 写作要求,命题规律及评分标准

 主题句

 段落展开:列举法,对照法,因果推理法,分类法,举例法,综合法

 语篇:结构模式和衔接方法

 CET4,CET6作文分类讲解及范文分析:





 SCI 写作规范

 Research report and eay








一. 语段


Developing Sentence 1(扩展句)

Topic sentence (主题句) ----Developing Sentence 2(扩展句) ---- Terminator(结论句)Developing Sentence 3(扩展句)



 高度的概括性

 主题思想表达明确

 能使读者预测其段落的发展方式

 一般应该是一个观点,想法或意见等


1)It is very neceary to be a good university students.(议论主题句)

2)There are several respects of neceities to be a good university student.(说明体


3)What I will do in the future is the following.(描述体的主题句)


1)Please write about Study Habits

2)Please write about College Life

3)Please write about Your hobby


例如这样的一篇作文:Good Health

a.Importance of good health

b.Ways to keep fit

c.My own practice(是P59)


主题句是陈述段落的中心思想。因此,段落的展开(paragraph development)也就是主题句的展开。展开的方式有多种,如:列举法,对照法,因果推理法,分类法,举例法,综合法等。

列举法常用词语:first/second/third/last; firstly/secondly/finally; to begin with/to start with/inthefirstplace/then/next/in addition to/besides/also/moreover/furthermore/what’s more

以下有3篇短文的题目,请用顺序排列法的发展方式完成,每篇要求80字左右: a.Many people now prefer to live in the countryside.The main reasons are… b.Watching TV at home is better than going out to a movie

c.Chatting on line has brought many problems into people’s life

Making a good impreion at an American dinner party is not difficult if you

Follow these instructions.First, you should buy a small gift, such as flowers, candy, or wine for your host or hoste.Second, arrive on time.If the dinner engagement is for 7:00, don’t arrive after 7:00 without telephone.Next, during dinner, be sure to thank your host orhoste on the meal.After you finishing eating, you should not stay more than a few hours.Finally, thank your host or hoste for the dinner when you leave.

比较对照法常用连接词 (transitions for Comparison and Contrast)

Similar to; like; different from; compared with; unlike; more… than…

以下有2篇短文的题目,请用比较对照法的发展方式完成,每篇要求80字左右: a.Advantages and disavantages of living on your own and living with your family b.Life in the city is quite different from life in the suburbs


表结果的连接词:as a result; thus; hence; accordingly; therefore; consequently; then; so;

表原因的连接词:because; for; as; since ; owing to

以下有2篇短文的题目,请用因果推理法的发展方式完成,每篇要求80字左右: a.Migrant workers enter big cities

b.Land shortage in China


常用的分类表达形式有:divide A into… claify A into… group A into… There are…kinds (groups, categories, sorts, types, claes, sections)


Write about the different kinds of universities and colleges in China.

Suggested words:

Leading university, provincial key university, local college, comprehensive, science and engineering, foreign language, humanities, public, private.


常用的引出例证的词有:for example, for instance, for another example, one example is … another example is… to illustrate.

以下有2篇短文的题目,请用举例法的发展方式完成,每篇要求80字左右: a.Give one or two examples to show the conveniences the modern communication

means have brought to us.

b.Give some examples to prove the saying “Haste makes waste” in English language learning.




Synonyms, words that have the same basic meaning, do not always have the same emotional meaning, For example, the words “stingy” and “frugal” both mean “careful with money.” However, to call a person stingy is an insult, while the word

frugal has a much more positive connotation.Similarly, a person wants to be slender but not skinny, and aggreive but not puy.Therefore, you should careful in choosing words because many so-called synonyms are not really synonymous at all.


a.Computer are playing an important role in modern education.

b.People in different cultures can communicate with each other.

c.I don’t think that examination can determine everything.

4.扩展段的承启方式(ling P8)



Laying-off also bring us some advantages.For example, when a company lays off a number of people, it means that the company will get more profits than ever.As another instance, if a laid-off worker wants to get a newjob, he ought to learn some kind of skill for future use.This action will pave the way for succe in another.


There are two major reason for the change in people’s diet.For one thing, with the improvement in the living standard, people can afford to buy much more expensive food with better nutrition.For another, people now pay more attention to the quality of diet, because they know it is of great benefit to their health to diet in a scientific way.Therefore, they try their best to improve the structure their food.


I don’t teach because teaching is not easy for me.Teaching is the most difficult of the various ways.Nor do I teach bebecause I have knowledge I feel compelled to share.In the first place, I teach because I like the pace of the acdemic calendar, which offers an opportunity for reflection, research and writing.Besides, I teach because teaching is a profeion built on change.Moreover, I teach because I can ask questions that students struggle to answer.What’s more, I teach because I can find ways of getting myself and students out of the ivory tower into the real society.


Traveling benefits us in many ways.First, it is instructive.People can learn a lot about the culture and history of the place they visit.Second, it offers fun.Career people are tired of preures brought by the quickening pace of modern life.By seeing the beautiful landscape of our motherland and our countries, we get relaxed.Third, traveling offers challenge and opportunities of cultivating good character, such as independence, courage and strong-mindene.So more and morepeople are going out to visit the world.




The Effects of Exercise on Our Health(分析建议类)

 1分析体育锻炼给我们带来的益处。

 2.分析体育锻炼给我们带来的坏处。

 3.给出如何参加体育锻炼的建议。

1) As is known to all, exercise does bring a lot of benefits to our health.

2) First, it can greatly strengthen our hearts, lungs, bones and muscles,

thereby changing our whole health for the better.3) Besides, it can make

our brains better able to react to what is going on around us.4) And best

of all, it can help us breed optimism about our tough life

5) But all the above does not mean that we can turn a blind eye to the

negative effects exercise brings about.6) If you are normally inactive and then, contrary to your usual habit, start a program of undue exercise, as a succeion of scientific

studies reveals, there are more chances that you have yourself injured.

7) In addition, the more exercise those on a fat-reducing diet take, the more

lo of iron they will suffer and the worse their health will get.8) And

worst of all, continual as well as exceive exercise can result in sudden death.

9) Therefore, a scientific approach must be adopted to the problem of exercise.

10) On the one hand, our physical exercise must be based on both progreivene and regularity.11) On the other, we must go in for physical exercise according to local as well as health conditions of our own.12) In sum, exercise can do us good or harm, all depending on how we make use of it.

With the rapid improvement of people’s living standard, in cities, many people tend to raise pets.Some people claim that pets such as dogs are dirty and dangerous.They say that raising pets should be banned in urban areas.However, personally I think the merits of raising pets outweigh its demerits.

Firstly, pets like dogs can be a guard for us.As we know, dogs have the natural ability to keep the house of its owners safe.They can send out warning to those burglars who attempt to break into the house, and sometimes even fight against them.Dogs are people’s honest friends.Secondly, pets like dogs are good fellows of people.Accompanied by a dog, old people do not feel lonely.Also children are pleased while playing with pets.They can learn how to look after others by raising pets.

To sum up, Pets give us much happine.I would say that the benefits of raising pets carry more weight than the harms of it.I also wish to suggest that the owners should take much care of their pets.

With the rapid improvement of people’s living standard, in cities, many people tend to raise pets.Some people claim that pets such as dogs are dirty and dangerous.

They say that raising pets should be banned in urban areas.However, personally I think the merits of raising pets outweigh its demerits.

Firstly, pets like dogs can be a guard for us.As we know, dogs have the natural ability to keep the house of its owners safe.They can send out warning to those burglars who attempt to break into the house, and sometimes even fight against them.Dogs are people’s honest friends.Secondly, pets like dogs are good fellows of people.Accompanied by a dog, old people do not feel lonely.Moreover,some young women usually keep their favorite pets to show off their wealth.Also children are pleased while playing with pets.They can learn how to look after others by raising pets.

On the other hand, the critics decry that pets like dogs are dangerous to people, especially to children.They point out that many people have the experience of being bitten by dogs.But I believe that it is not the responsibility of dogs.Indeed, it is the duty of their owners who deliberately train their dogs to attack people.As for the dirtine of the dogs, the owners should also take the responsibily, because they are too lazy to give baths to the dogs.

To sum up, Pets give us much happine.I would say that the benefits of raising pets carry more weight than the harms of it.I also wish to suggest that the owners should take much care of their pets.










