
2020-03-03 12:09:27 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

保护主义 protectionism 重商主义 mercantilism 证券投资 portfolio investment调节性关税 regulatory tariff 政府采购 government procurement 增值税 value added tax 出口信贷 export credit

原产地原则 principal of the place of origin 自由贸易区 free trade zone

普惠制 generalized system of preference 无形资产 intangible aets 质地考究 superior quality 名牌产品 famous-brand products 公量 conditional weight 法定公量 legal weight 价格波动 price fluctuation 理论公量 theoretical weight 消费品味 consumer taste 便携式包装 portable packing 透明式包装 transparent packing 多式联运 multi-modal transportation 单据买卖 documentary transactions 象征性交货 symbolic delivery 滞期费 demurrage 速遣费 dispatch money 货币贬值附加费currency adjustment factor

港口拥挤附加费 port congestion surcharge 燃油附加费 bunker adjustment factor 集装箱站 container yard

集装箱货运站 container freight station 推定全损 constructive total lo 施救费用 sue and labor charges 共同海损 general average 单独海损 particular average 索赔清单 statement of claim 检查报告 survey report 流通票据 negotiable documents 即期汇票 sight bill

远期汇票 time bill 票面价值 face value 划线支票 croed check 保兑支票 certified check 受益人 beneficiary 承兑交单 D/A

跟单托收 documentary collection 货款余额 balance of the payment 预付货款 payment in advance 银行信用 bank credit

不可撤销信用证 irrevocable L/C 可转让信用证 transferable L/C 投标保证函 tender guarantee 信用额度 credit limit 预期利润 anticipated profit 商品交易会 commodity fair

一般交易条件 general terms and conditions 国际型 global orientation 经营形式 operational form 纵向一体化公司

vertically integrated company 起步时间 start-up time 面向世界 global orientation 挂靠出口 piggyback export 生产能力production capacity 切入方式 entry mode

Absolute advantage theory 绝对优势理论 Comparative advantage 比较优势学说 International division of labor国际劳动分工

Labor-intensive products 劳动密集型产品 Acquired advantage 获得优势 MTO:multilateral trading organization 多边贸易组织

WTO:world trade organization世界贸易组织

MFN:most favored nation 最惠国 GATT:general agreement on tariff and trade关税与贸易总协定

Intrinsic attribute固有/内在属性 Marketability 适销性 Social attributes 社会属性 Serviceability 适用性 Sales by inspection 检查销售 Duplicate sample 复样 Counter sample 对等样品 Allowed deviations 允许误差 Quality tolerance 质量公差 UPC通用产品代码 Specified brand指定品牌 OCP 陆路共同点 ASEAN:

Aociation of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟 Consulting firm 咨询公司 Export declaration 出口报关 Bonded warehouse 保税仓库









国际贸易实务 名词中英文对照

