
2020-03-03 05:41:33 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


1.这场考试让我知道自己的英语有多差。The exam made me know how poor my English was.2.他们的日子过得红红火火。Their life is as happy as red fire.3.宁德地区第二医院 The Second Hospital of Ningde District 4.他经常花几个小时在那家快乐酒吧喝酒聊天。He often spent hours drinking and chatting in the gay bar.5.我把那整本书看了一遍。I’ve read through the whole book.6.老张老爱发火。Lao Zhang always likes to lose temper.7.盐在热水中很容易溶化。Salt is easy to melt in hot water.8.他的行为跟他的职位不符。His behavior does not suit his position.9.我知道自己的英语还很不够。I know my English is far from enough.10.我有健康,他有财富。I have a good health and he has great wealth.11.当地人有些怪习俗。The local people have strange habits.12.他们为食堂种菜。They plant vegetables for the canteen.13.周末没有座位。There were no seats at the weekends.14.山区农民希望学文化。Mountain villagers hope to learn culture.15.那个醉汉的讲话很有趣。The drunken man’s words were very interesting.16.他家有三个病人。There are three patients in his family.17.我早上7点吃早餐。I had my breakfast at 7 a.m.18.我喜欢高雅艺术。I like noble art.19.他的鼻子很高。He has a high nose.20.李先生上个月生了一个男孩。Mr.Li bore a son last month.(Or: Mr.Li gave birth to a son last month.) 21.这是一块恐龙化石。This is a dinosaur foil.22.我爸爸是个工人。My father is a worker.23.科尔顿结婚了,有三个孩子。Colton has married and he has three children now.24.有些年轻人喜欢留长发。Some young people like to keep long hair.25.我喜欢喝浓茶和奶油咖啡。I prefer thick tea and coffee with butter.26.我经常翻各种词典。I often read various dictionaries.27.他正在发高烧。He is having a high fever.28.一只猫从大树背后跳出来。A cat leapt out from the back of the tree.29.这个东西英语如何说?How do you call this in English? 30.先喝点蘑菇汤吧。Let’s drink some mushroom soup first.31.他们经常在蓝天下唱歌。They often sing in the blue heaven.32.他们有一个孩子,但却有三座房子。They have a child but three houses.33.他们在沉思。They are in deep thought.34.我22岁大学毕业。I graduated from university at 22 years old.35.这是约翰先生。This is Mr.John.36.她是个醋劲十足的女人。She is a woman full of vinegar.37.昨晚生日晚会上你穿生日礼服了吗?Were you in your birthday suit at the birthday party last night? 38.我是福建师大毕业的。I am a graduate from Fujian Normal University.39.今年秋天我们的学院就要升格为大学了。This autumn our college will transform into a university.40.你知道考试结果了吗?Do you know the result of the examination? 41.那时,我没地方可去。I had no place to go then.42.让我们随着乐曲跳舞吧。Let’s dance with the music.43.他是独眼。He is one-eyed.44.吸烟对我们的健康有害。Smoking is bad to our health.45.我不怕冷。I’m not afraid of coldne.(Or: I don’t fear coldne.)

46.那座教堂的大门向所有人开放。The gate of that church is open to all the people.47.请大家坐好,上课了。Please sit well.Cla begins.48.很抱歉就此止笔,再次谢谢您对我的鼓励。I’m sorry to stop here.Thank you again for your encouragement.49.我以最便宜的价格买下房子。I bought the house at the cheapest price.50.他昨天有个好心情。He had a good mood yesterday.51.我闻了闻蛋糕,并没有吃。I smelled the cake, but didn’t eat it.

52.他自杀过两次,但还活着。He committed suicide twice but is still alive.53.他经常穿一件厚厚的棉衣。He often wears a thick padded coat.54.过去十年他一直住在这儿。He has been living here in the past 10 years.55.在中国,《人民日报》读者最多。People’s Daily has the most readers in China.56.你姐姐上午全身都穿红色的。Your sister was all over in the red this morning.57.太阳每天早晨从东方升起。The sun rises from the east every morning.58.他的钱比我多。His money is more than mine.59.陈老师,您说得对。Mr.Chen, what you say is right.60.这简直是儿戏。This is simply a child’s play.

61.在董事会上他大发雷霆。On the board of directors, he broke into a furious rage.62.这个房间比那个房间更大、更明亮。This room is bigger and lighter than that one.63.他的话令人发指。His words made my hair stand on end.64.你的英语水平比我高。Your English level is higher than mine.65.他昨天成为了一名正式党员。He became a formal member of the CPC yesterday.66.她正在照镜子。She is looking at the mirror.67.他拼命敲门。He knocked the door violently.68.我被要求为来访者开一次公开课。I was asked to conduct an opening leon for the visitors.69.她是计算机系的老师。She is a teacher of Department of Computer.70.我的职业是律师。My profeion is a lawyer.71.萨达姆以铁腕统治他的国家。Saddam Huein used to rule his country with an iron wrist.72.让我们为埃文的健康干杯。Let’s drink for Evan’s health.

73.他经常拆东墙补西墙。He always tears down the east wall to repair the west wall.74.我的经济状况正在改善。My economic situation is changing for the better.75.城乡人民的生活水平继续提高。Living standards for the people in both urban and rural areas continued to rise.76.他是个所谓的“医生”。He is a so-called “doctor”.

77.这台先进设备系从国外进口。This sophisticated equipment is imported from abroad.78.小林想报名参加比赛。Xiao Lin wanted to sign her name for the contest.79.他断然拒绝接受我的提议。He rejected to accept my proposal flatly.80.他开枪打死妻子,然后饮弹自尽。He shot his wife to death and then shot to kill himself.81.我将期待着您给我的节日问候。I will look forward to the holiday greetings from you.82.刘先生从事研究工作。Mr.Liu is engaged in research work.83.因故停用。Stop Using because of some reason.84.现在是几点?What time is it now? 85.这种钢材价钱相对更便宜些。This kind of steel is relatively cheaper.86.我晚上常常很晚睡觉。I always sleep late at night.87.护士量了我的体温。The nurse measured my temperature.88.请勿乱扔果皮纸屑。Please don’t throw peels and scraps of paper.89.要扩大词汇量,就应该多读多记。To enlarge our vocabulary, we must read more and remember more.90.他去年成的家。He started a family last year.91.那是从收音机里听到的。That was heard from the radio.92.你身上带钱了吗?Do you carry any money with you? 93.我们在树荫下乘凉。We relaxed under the shadow of a tree.94.我将考考你的判断力。I’ll examine your judgment.

95.我们是否能够写出一部小说呢?Whether can we write a novel? 96.从年初以来,我们的经济持续增长。Our economy has increased steadily since the beginning of the year.97.他脚底朝天跌下楼梯。He dropped headlong down the flight of stairs.98.我能感受得到深山中的宁静。I can feel the calmne of the remote mountains.99.希望您能介绍一下您的语言教学经验。I hope you’ll introduce your experience in language teaching.100.你是什么时候认识吴教授的?When did you know Profeor Wu? 101.他的文化水平有限。His cultural level is quite limited.102.这座桥的质量不好。The quality of this bridge is poor.103.你知道老刘每个月有多少黑色收入吗?Do you know how large black income Lao Liu receives each month? 104.你被清华大学录取真幸运。It’s lucky of you to be admitted to Qinghua University.105.我看到一个溺水女子在水中挣扎。I saw a drowned woman struggling in the water.106.教师休息室 Teachers’ Restroom 107.近来,我的胃经常有问题。Recently I often had problems with my stomach.108.克林顿先生为那些椰子产品做广告。Mr.Clinton advertised for the coconut products.109.我怒不可遏,打了他一记耳光。I could not contain myself for anger and slapped his ear.110.南海石油蕴藏丰富。The South China Sea has rich oil.111.寒冷的气候影响了庄稼。Cold weather influenced the crops.112.我赞同口头表决。I’m for an oral vote.

113.夜晚变得越来越短。The night gets shorter and shorter.114.无论如何,我们必须为人民谋利益。At any event, we must work for the interests of the people.115.他久病的母亲已经恢复健康。His long-sick mother has been healthy.116.在彼得的自传中,他写到他在非洲的冒险。In Peter’s autobiography, he wrote of his adventures in Africa.117.当心触电!Be careful of power! 118.两国的关系时好时坏。The relationship between the two countries is sometimes good, sometimes bad.119.他的两个儿子可谓天壤之别:一个是龙,一个是虫。

There’s a world of difference between his two sons: one is like a dragon, while the other a worm.120.听着,彼得,字典上是这么说的。Look here, Peter.It is said by the dictionary.










