
2020-03-02 05:06:26 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文



● 此材料中所有句式及词语都是灵活的,可根据自身情况适量添加,更改。 ● 练习方法:每天通读材料(大声朗读)30分钟,直到流利为止:



● 建议将自己的个人陈述内容删减,翻译成英文,可作为自己的brief introduction.

★ I always believe that one will easily lag behind (落后)unle he keeps on learning.So I choose MBA! ★ if I am given a chance to study MBA in this famous University, I will spare no effort to master a good command of communication and management skill. (不遗余力 / 熟练掌握)

个人信息介绍 My name is ……

I’m from …..我是…的人

my birthplace / hometown is …..我的家乡是…..my native place is ….我的籍贯是…..I’m a native here.我是本地人。

★ I believe my academic record proves that I am a steady, diligent, imaginative and thorough worker.



I obtained / received my bachelor degree from ….university. I majored in Chemistry.我是学化学专业的。

I graduated from the Department of Busine Administration at People’s University of China.


I’ve learned Economics there for four years.我在那里学了4年经济学。

I paed college English Test Band-4/6, with good skill in listening, speaking, reading and writing.



I manage my time well 我很懂得分配时间

I suppose a strong point is that I like developing new things and ideas.我想我有一个优点就是喜欢创新。 When I think something is right, I will stick to that.若我认为某件事是对的,我会坚持到底。 I stick to my principles and keep to the rules.我会坚持原则,谨守规则。 I know effective ways of doing sth.我知道….的有效方法。 I am experienced / proficient in doing sth.熟练掌握某事 I feel capable of doing sth.我有能力做某事

I’m pretty good at /proficient in / quite efficient in sth.我在….方面很出色。

I have a clear idea of how the international trade works.我对国际贸易如何运作了如指掌。 I think I can manage.我认为我能行。

★I developed an energetic sales program, extending the existing sales desk, and opening five additional sales points.Also I developed a mailorder sales program, in five years with this department store; sales have increased by 200%.Now I supervise directly 30 employees in the sales section.


竹子 务。在这家百货公司工作的5年内,销售额增加了200%。现在我直接领导销售科的30名职员。 Other useful words:

Find solutions 需求解决方案

plan 策划,计划

stimulate sales / growth 促进销售/增长 Insistence 坚持,执着

constructive 建设性的

observation power 观察力

Pull one’s weight 努力做好分内的工作


★In the past years, I’ve worked at IBM as a software engineer.In my work, I found communication and management is very important.

I established busine ties with several firms.我为该公司建立了几个业务关系。 I worked for a foreign company as a manager.我在一家外企担任经理。

★I started as an office clerk, and became a department manager three years later.About two years ago, I was appointed as an aistant to the general manager.

我从办公室职员做起,3年后成了一名部门经理,大约在两年前,我被任命为总经理助理。 ★ As I am personnel director, my work involves recruitment, training new employees, making plans for all kinds of insurance, and drawing up policies for the employees’ benefits.

作为人事主管,我的工作涉及招聘人员、培训新员工、在人事管理方面做出决策、制定各种保险计划和人员福利政策。 Other useful words:

Employment history/record 工作经历

guide 指导,操纵

motivate 促进,激发

supervise 监督,管理

Strengthen 加强,巩固

well-trained 训练有素的


As a marketing manager, I managed to rise our products’ share from 30% to 40% in Southwest China.

作为销售经理,我成功的把我们的产品在西南地区所占的市场份额从30%提高到40%。 I succeeded in increasing the annual turnover.我成功地增加了年营业额。 I have reduced our administration cost by 15%.我把管理成本减少了15%。 I succeeded in promoting our products to America and Canada.



I am a curious person, and I like to learn new things.我是一个充满好奇心的人,而且喜欢学习新的事物。 I’d like to be thought of as someone who can be trusted.我喜欢被当作可以信赖的人来看待。 I think I’m reasonably cheerful by nature.我认为我的性格相当开朗。

Frankly speaking, I think I’m honest and reliable.坦率的讲,我认为我诚实可靠。

I think I’m initiative and responsible in doing things.我认为我做事主动,富于责任心。

I feel I can think independently and work cooperatively.我认为我能独立思考并能与人合作。 I think I’m easy to approach and friendly to everyone.我认为我很容易接近,对人也很友好。 I think I have an inquiring mind, and I like to ask why.我认为我爱思考,总爱问为什么。

★I approach things very paionately, and I can take on jobs that trouble others and work at them slowly until they get down.我做事很热心,能承担烦人的工作,然后慢慢研究,直到解决问题。

Time is money and efficiency is life.Whatever I do, I always seize the day and attach importance to efficiency.时间就是金钱,效率就是生命。不管我做什么,我总是抓紧时间,注重效率。

★I keep on learning from others in my work.Because I think if you don’t renew your mind, you will fall behind and be superseded by others.我一直不断地在工作中向他学习。因为我知道如果不及时更新观念,就会落后于时代,从而被他人取代。

竹子 Be creative and aggreive and never dare to meet frustrations.开拓进取,勇于创新,不怕挫折。 ★ I think that I am a disciplined person…I think every succeful salesperson must be disciplined.Also, I’m very organized.I like to break problems down into manageable parts and accomplish each part in a step-by-step way.我认为我是一个训练有素的人…..我认为一个成功的销售员必须受过训练。还有,我做事非常有条理。我喜欢把问题分成若干个小部分,逐步地解决。

I’m very responsible, I can make fast decisions, ….I enjoy completing challenging tasks. 我是一个责任心很强的人,我做事果断,….我乐于完成有挑战性的任务。 I am a boy of great sense of responsibility.我是一个很有责任感的人。

I feel that my enthusiasm, diligence, and adaptability could compensate for the lack of experience. 我觉得我的工作热情、勤奋精神和适应能力能弥补我在经验上的不足。

I think my biggest merit is that I am responsible for my work.我想我最大的优点是我对工作认真负责。

★I am a steady and thoughtful person.I treat everything seriously.Routine and strict study in university has cultivated me to a highly self disciplined person, and I treat this discipline as the guide of my life.On the other hand, I am energetic in thinking and action, because it is neceary for a succeful marketing manager.


★I enjoy my life very much.Life contains not only sweet succe but also bitter failure and suffering.I accept it as a formula that “no pain, no gain”.Suffering is a good teacher for one’ growth.No matter what difficulty confronts me, I will treat it with all my enthusiasm as well as my smile.Of course, I am not capable to do all things perfectly, but I try my best.If I failed, I will quest myself, make clear what my problems are and try to avoid them next time.


I know how to let some things go and concentrate on the most important part of my job. 我会分清轻重缓急,把最重要的工作放在首位。

★Just like my father, I am open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of history.Frequently I exchange ideas with my family during super.In addition, during my college years, I was once the chairman of the Student Union.These work have urged me develop active and responsible characters.

Other useful words: Ability to do multiple tasks 能承担多项任务的能力 Energetic 精力充沛的 Adaptable 适应性强的 Forceful (性格)坚强的 Aggreive 具有挑战性的 Good communication skills 很好的沟通交际能力 Ambitious 有雄心壮志的 Imaginative 富有想象力的 Analytical 善于分析的 Ingenious 有独创性的 Creative 富于创造力的 Painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的 Curious 求知欲强的 Responsible 负责任的 Devoted 有献身精神的 Well-organized 效率高的 Diplomatic 有策略的 Work well under preure 承受力强的 Dutiful 尽职尽责的 Industrious 勤奋的



My hobby is …../ …..is my favorite hobby.

I’ m not profeional; I play just for the fun of it.我不是专业的,搞这个不过是玩玩而已。 It is fun to do…..做…很有趣 I have a paion for sth.对…有热情

竹子 I really quite like / enjoy / love …… I find ….very interesting.I prefer / enjoy …..I …..in my spare time










