
2020-03-02 08:13:59 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


It is always a pleasure to greet a sea of alumni on Commencement afternoon—even though my role is that of the warm-up act for the feature to come.Today I am especially aware of the treat we have in store as I look out on not a sea, but a veritable ocean of anticipation.很高兴能够在下午的毕业典礼上看到这么多的毕业生、校友,虽然我只是扮演为接下来出场的任务预热的角色。


But it is my customary aignment and privilege to offer each spring a report to the alumni on the year that is ending.And this was a year that for a number of reasons demands special note.在每个春天一个学年的结束时为毕业生们、校友们发表一个年终工作报告。这是我的惯例,也是一个特权。


“The world is too much with us”—the lines of Wordsworth’s well-known poem echoed in my mind as I thought about my remarks today, for the world has intruded on us this year in ways we never would have imagined.The University had not officially closed for a day since 1978.This year it closed three times.Twice it was for cases of extreme weather—first for superstorm Sandy and then for Nemo, the record-breaking February blizzard.The third was of course the day of Boston’s lockdown in the aftermath of the tragic Marathon bombings.This was a year that challenged fundamental aumptions about life’s security, stability and predictability.这个世界压得我们喘不过气,当我在思考今天的演讲主题时,我脑子里一直重复着华兹华斯这著名的诗句,因为这个世界一直在以我们无法想象的方试推动我们前进。自1978年以来,我们的学校从没有正式的关闭过。而今年就关了三次。有两次是因为极端的天气的影响,第一次是因为超级风暴桑迪,然后是二月份创记录的暴风雪尼莫。第三次的原因是波士顿马拉松大赛爆炸导致的禁闭。今年是对生命的安全保障,稳定性,可预测性的根本假设具有挑战的一年。

Yet as I reflected on these intrusions from a world so very much with us, I was struck by how we at Harvard are so actively engaged in shaping that world and indeed in addreing so many of the most important and trying questions that these recent events have posed.


Just two weeks ago, climate scientists and disaster relief workers gathered here for a two-day conference co-sponsored by the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and the Harvard University Center for the Environment.They came to explore the very iues presented by Sandy and Nemo and to consider how academic researchers and workers on the ground can collaborate more effectively.


This gathering represents just one example of the wide range of activities acro the University dedicated to addreing the challenges of climate change.How can we advance the science that helps us understand climate change—and perhaps avert it?

How can we devise solutions—from new technologies to principles of urban design—that might mitigate it? How can we envision the public policies to manage and respond to it?


Harvard is deeply engaged with the broad iues of energy and environment—offering more than 250 courses in this area, gathering 225 faculty through our environment center and its programs, enrolling 100 doctoral students from 7 Schools and many different disciplines in a graduate consortium designed to broaden their understanding of environmental iues.Our faculty are studying atmospheric composition and working to develop renewable energy sources; they are seeking to manage rising oceans and to reimagine cities for an era of increasingly threatening weather; they are helping to fashion environmental regulations and international climate agreements.












