
2020-03-03 01:22:04 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文






They’re our cute pumpkins, it’s so amazing! Let’s cheer for them!



Wow, a group of devils are coming, they’re energetic and adorable, today they have a same goal: ask for candies!

1.2 古灵精怪的一二班小鬼们向我们走来了,大家准备好糖果了吗?

We will welcome the lovely ghosts! Have you prepared the candies? 1.3 疯狂小鬼一三班,快乐地向我们走来了!

They are ghosts! They never lost! 1.4 看,一群神秘,邪恶的一四班小鬼们要来捣乱了!

Oh, so scary! I want to give them something good to eat! 1.5 带着我们high 翻天的一五班小精灵们来啦!

Happy Halloween! Have fun! 1.6 会跑的南瓜和一个个小巫师们有没有吓到你们呢?他们就是一六班的小鬼们!

Hi, are you afraid of these pumpkins and witches? Don’t forget to give them candies! 二年级:

2.1 万圣大狂欢,让一群可爱的鬼精灵带我们进入下一个惊悚空间!

The Halloween party, let a group of little cute ghosts take us to a horrible space! 2.2 瞧,二二班向我们走来了,小仙女,小怪兽,你们都看到了吗?

A bunch of cute devils are coming, they are so cute! 2.3 一群小魔女,僵尸,吸血鬼,蜘蛛侠正在靠近,带着你们的恐惧尖叫吧! A group of fairies, zombies, vampires and spiders are coming, Are you ready? 2.4 漫步在阴森诡异的古堡中,搜寻传说中的百世宝藏,看,二四班来了,万圣节,你hold住了吗?

Walking in the creepy castle, searching for the hundreds years treasure! Yes ,they are cla four grade two! 2.5 疯狂在十月,欢乐万圣节,让我们跟随二五班的脚步去到一个黑暗却又浪漫的国度!

Wow, so cool, they will take us to a romantic world ! let’s enjoy this moment! 2.6 这不是恐怖,也不是惊悚,更不是灵异,这是一场神秘的聚会,快看,二六班的队伍来啦!

We will be happy with them, let’s go with them! 三年级:

3.1 瞧我们三一班的同学们,他们手里都拿着一个南瓜灯,因为他们的口号是户外讨糖吧,所以,准备好你们的糖果吧!

Wow, ghosts, monsters are coming, take out of your candies! Let’s say ”Happy Halloween!”

3.2 看吧,又有一群精灵们提着南瓜灯向我们走来了,他们活泼可爱,他们搞笑古怪,让我们一起来度过这个特殊的节日吧!

Look, the pumpkin team are coming, they are lovely, funny, let’s happy together! 3.3 我们是来自三三班快乐的小葵花,此刻,我们变身为小精灵,海盗,花仙子,看我们美吗? We are happy sun flowers, we are cute monsters, beautiful angels, are we pretty? 3.4 小伙伴们,目光这里来,我们是三四班的精灵们,我们是快乐的使者,幸福小怪的代言人!

Hi, my dear friends, we stands for happine, let’s enjoy ourselves right now.

3.5 快快转移你们的目光,三五班的精灵们要来啦!紧张,激动人心的气氛也随着他们一起来啦,三 二 一 欢呼声在哪里?

Now, let’s welcome an exciting fashion show from Cla Five Grade Three! 3.6 亲爱的朋友们,这一刻,请用你们的尖叫声,高喊出来吧,让我们和三六班的小鬼们在这个有魅力的节日里狂欢起来,动起来!

Look, they are happy, excited, and almost crazy, let’s high with them ! 3.7 猜猜谁来了?我们是三七班的幽灵,拿糖不附身,你准备好了吗?

Hi, we are here, now it’s our turn, this is our stage, pay attention to us !


Hello everybody, we will show you a fashion feast! Please open your eys and get ready! 三(6):I’m happy monster, give me candy please!

三(7): Candy candy come here, monster monster go away! 三(8): Treat treat treat , happy Halloween! 四年级:

4.1 糖吃吧!快乐万圣节,我们嗨翻天!我们是四一班,我们为自己代言!

Cla one grade four is coming.look at their clothes, and hand-made headwears.Are you frightened by them? Give them some candies.Motto:Happy halloween! Give me something to eat! 4.2 这不是恐怖,也不是灵异,这是一次神秘聚会,现在就让四二班带你进入一个惊悚空间。 你能hold住吗?

They are from cla two grade four.they will give you an unforgetable experience, let’s have fun.

学生:Trick or treat! Let’s have fun!

4.3 万圣之夜鬼火点点,裹上床单做个鬼脸。现在让我们跟着四三班嗨翻天!

Look! Studens from cla three grade four are wearing Halloween costumes.They are so happy ,they are coming.

Motto:嗨起来,我们来啦!Go go go! Come on!We are coming!Go go go! 4.4 万圣节的魔幻和精彩如此吸引我们。瞧!四四班的“小鬼们”在等待着大胆的你来探索!

Cla four grade four is coming to us ,they want to scare you .Motto:疯狂在十月,欢乐万圣夜!越爱越精彩,够胆你就来! Come and join in us! 4.5 万圣惊魂夜,尖叫哈罗喂,这是我们四五班对万圣节的诠释!

Cla five grade four is a wonderful family, all of them are waiting for the happy Halloween.Motto:Fright night,screaming Halloween


Look! cla six grade four is coming to us, look at their scary costumes, are you afraid? Go and join in them.Motto: I am a ghost! I never lost!

4.7 2015万圣节,请跟随我们四七班的脚步,一起走起来!

Cla seven grade four is coming with their wonderful make-ups, they want some candies.Happy Halloween.

Motto:Halloween Night,make us joy 4.8 惊情万圣节,让我们一起跟着四八班去“捣鬼”吧!

“Give me some candy to eat!”cla eight grade four is shouting for candies.Let’s have fun with them.Motto::“捣蛋鬼”来“捣蛋”! 五年级:


They are so cute, they dre up as monsters, they want to get more candies.5.2看!五(2)班小鬼们向我们走来了。他们戴着奇特的面具,打扮成动物和鬼怪,以此赶走在四周的妖魔。

Wow, it’s amazing, so many special masks, they are all hand-made, so great! 5.3听,五三班的同学怎么说:“我们是来自五三班的精灵鬼怪,我们是讨糖的小孩们,不给糖

捣蛋哦,trick or treat!”

Let’s play with them together! Let’s share our candies with them together! Happy Halloween! 5.4来了一群可爱的万圣节精灵们,他们是来自五四班的精灵,瞧,他们那可爱的服饰

和面具多么引人瞩目!相信有了这些可爱的孩子们,一定能吓跑万圣节的鬼怪! The clothes of Cla Four are so beautiful, let’s enjoy the special dreing!

5.5 现在向我们走来的是五五班同学。看,他们身着奇怪的服装,头戴各色各样的面具,热情洋溢地迎接这个有趣的万圣节。

Halloween is also aociated with supernatural creatures like ghosts and vampires, they are coming ! 5.6 瞧,五六班一群机灵古怪的的小鬼们向我们走来了,看他们奇特的装扮,相信在这个充满诡异的万圣节里,他们一定会过得很开心!

Children love Halloween, it is a special festival, they enjoy it.Attention! so many monsters! Ending: 孩子们,你们开心吗?激动吗?我相信大家都一样,仍对今天的空前万圣大Party 意犹未尽,但是,我们要把更加精彩绝伦的盛会留在下一次,让我们一起期待下一个狂欢之夜吧!Happy Halloween! Happy every day! Good bye!










