
2020-03-02 13:14:52 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

四.我的论文生活 本人现在5篇SCI,两篇IEEE TRANSACTION/JOURNAL (regular) paper,两篇IF=1.2*,一篇IF=0.8*.一个专利,两个应用证明。还有5篇SCI在审,IF分别为2.3*,0.5*,0.5*,0.4*,0.4*。所以我自认为在博士期间做的还可以,再加上博士期间做了太多的秘书工作,同时接手的项目自己独立完成,还是我以前没有接触的领域,也是实验室没有接触过的领域,所以我自己对自己还是比较满意的。当然在理工同窗面前我是非常普通,甚至不入流的学生之一,不过我希望把我一点经验分享大家,如果对于学弟学妹有一点帮助,我就非常开心了,如果没有帮助也请各位大牛不要见笑。下面我介绍一下我写论文的经验。






Dear and respected Prof.*** I am very sorry for troubling you, but can I ask you a question relevant to your paper? My name is **, a scholar of ** of Beijing Institute of Technology, China.My research field is ***. As studying about this topic, I found your research paper \"********\", Journey name, volume, number and pages, being very interesting and meaningful for my study, but I faced many difficulties when I tried to solving (the question) using your algorithm.The question is …….

I am very sorry for troubling you, and I feel very ashamed due to my ignorance.I hope you can understand my mean and being a leading scientist will guide me with proper guidance.Thank you very much! ***** Waiting for your email.Seeking Regards Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, P.R.China.



First of all, I apologize for my very late answer: my time was all sold-out, because I was editing a book on Homeland Security (I also authored 2 out of the 11 chapters of the book).Please forgive me, and let\'s go now to your mail.Geologists agree that the effect of natural forces, as wind, rain, solar illumination, cold and hot weather, etc., over the planets is to shape their surfaces according to the **.This is true on the planets of the solar system, and also over the Earth, provided that the effect of human activity is negligible compared to the natural forces.As a matter of fact, describing the shape of a city with a ** distibution is nonsense.If the shape of natural surfaces is gauian, and according to geologists it is true, why using other probability distributions, mainly the gauian one? My answer is two-fold, first of all, because it is represented by exponential functions, easy to manage analytically and also because the ** is not easy to swallow.Conclusion.Your question makes sense, but the answer is that there is no connection between gauian and ** distributions.Choice of the latter seems to be physically appropriate; choice of the former is convenient to generate papers, that nobody reads, but their number may play a role in the career of the person.If you want to improve your background on **, I suggest you to give a glance to the book: ****** Best wishes for your studies, and kindest regards ******




Dear Editor: We would like to submit our manuscript entitled “***(paper name)”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “*****(Journey name)”. In this work, we first propose …..(Mainly from abstract).

We hope this paper is suitable for publication in “**** Journey name”.We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely yours, A and B

Coverletter(大修或者其他意见以后投稿) Dear Editor: We want to thank you from the depth of our heart for your work.The comments and suggestions on our paper entitled “******(paper name)” (ID: ******) given by you, aociate editor and reviewers are very helpful and encouraging for us.

According to the comments and suggestions we have corrected our manuscript which we hope meets with your approval.We truly appreciate the considerable effort you’ve spent on reviewing our manuscript.If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely yours, A and B

Responseletter Please accept our deepest gratitude for aociate editor and reviewers for their useful suggestions and constructive comments, which are more valuable and helpful for substantial improvement of our manuscript quality, as well as the important guiding significance to our research.This report summarizes our detailed responses to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions being written in italic, while our answers begin with “Response” and end with a black square.Comment 1:*** Response:****


We sincerely thank the reviewer #1 from the depth of our hearts for accepting and recognizing our work.下面我们给出经常用到的回复审稿人的语言:


Thank you very much for your carefully reading of the manuscript.


We very much appreciate your valuable suggestions and kind advice.The manuscript has been improved according to the suggestions of reviewer: 3.

Thank you very much for your useful comments.4.

We thank the reviewer for raising this iue.5.

Thank you for this comment.6.

Thanks for raising this important point.Per your suggestion, we have added a new relational REF.13 in the manuscript.7.

We greatly thank for your suggestions.8.

Thank you for this valuable comment.9.

Thank you very much for pointing out my mistake.We have modified it accordingly.10.

We greatly thank for your suggestions.As your important suggestion, we have rewritten the description on…


Thank you very much for your kind advice.12.

Thank you very much for pointing that out.13.

According to your kind suggestion we have deleted the word “**”.The word “**” is exce in fact.


Thank you very much for your kind advice.15.

Thank you very much for your kind advice and we have corrected it.16.

Thank you very much for your kind advice and we have corrected it.17.

As your kind suggestion we have deleted the word \"**\" 18.

Thank you very much and we have corrected the word according the kind advice.…



首先我们确定我们需要写什么东西,这个是最基本的。我首先挑一篇我觉得写的最精彩的,而和我思路比较接近的论文开始改句子,特别是引言的部分,大部分内容保留着,但是全部将句子改掉,然后加入自己的少量研究内容,就成为了一篇自己论文的引言,这里不涉及到抄袭问题,因为即使论文查重也不会有问题,其实只要把问题说清楚,说对。引言本来就是问题的发展脉络,不可能有发展进程描述方面的创新的。老外也不会在意你引言和摘要部分有些生硬和脱节的。但是改句子和增加句子也成了主要矛盾了,怎么改句子呢?英语不会写啊,肚子里一肚子话说不出来啊。我也想出了办法。我将几个关键词放到google scholar 中搜索,看看别人是怎么阐述类似观点的,别人使用了哪些句型和词语,然后在换掉一些关键词,自己在增加一些关键词,再搜索,就这样一点点的查就把一个个别人论文中凑出来的句子应用在自己的论文中。而需要强调的是关键在于论文中要有自己的观点和看法,可以借鉴思路,但是不能没有自己的灵魂,千万不能抄袭。

例如:最常用的 A plays an important role in B field。 这样将 play a role 带入google scalar 中我选出了 C plays an increasingly significant role in D field.一点一点做,别嫌麻烦,就能做出一篇精彩的论文。












