
2020-03-01 19:34:55 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文


PPT制作黄金法则1.Magic Seven原则(7士2=5~9)。每张幻灯片传达5个概念效果最好。 7个概念人脑恰恰好可以处理。 超过9个概念负担太重了,请重新组织。

2.KISS (Keep It Simple and Stupid)原则。因为我们做PPT针对的是大众,不是小众。我们的目的是把自己的理解灌输给听众。深入浅出才代表你对知识的真正掌握。

3.10/20/30法则。演示文件不超过10页,演讲时间不超过20分钟,演示使用的字体不小于30点(30 point)


















有关形象的问题我以前说过一些。英格丽·张在她的书中举过很多例子,为什么很多有才华的人失去他们本应该从VC那里得到的投资,只因为他们糟糕的形象。蓬乱的头发,落满灰尘没有光泽的皮鞋...人们普遍不相信形象糟糕的人,又怎么会把钱给这样的人。我总在告诫自己不能以貌取人,但有时候这些事情源于自然。我有的同事头发没梳就来上班,甚至去做PPT 的报告。有的人在做演讲的时候精神疲惫,说话有气无力。他们的形象一上来就在告诉我,他是一个不注重细节的人,他是一个身心疲惫的人,他是一个没有激情的人...同时我们也会把这些感情色彩无情的凌驾到他的演讲上。那时他将很难翻身。这些多么无情,但很真实。另一种糟糕的形象发生在以下这样的情况。有的演讲在结束后你根本不知道演讲者的相貌,因为整个演讲过程中他总是用臀部对着观众,演讲结束后人们只认识到了他“伟大”的背影。





1.内容:演讲的骨架 多使用图形 少用术语PPT的内容应简洁而突出重点,在10/20/30法则中强调使用30号字体。


大标题 44 点 粗体

标题一 32点 粗体

标题二 28点 粗体

标题三 24点 粗体



2.花样:正式场合不使用任何PPT动作非要使用最多不超过三种如果在非常正式的场合下进行PPT演讲,在PPT制作中我建议不使用任何“花样”,包括自定义动作,幻灯片切换样式等。一个朴素的,中规中矩的 PPT是不会引起非议的。这时你可能得不到别人对你PPT的夸奖,但决不会有人说你做的不好。当然如果在非正式场合你可以加上一些效果。但我建议最多不要超过三种。这样你的PPT还是简洁的,不至于落入“杂”的境地。

3.形象:穿着正装 目光接触 保持微笑



1.Magic Seven原则(7士2=5~9)。每张幻灯片传达5个概念效果最好。 7个概念人脑恰恰好可以处理。 超过9个概念负担太重了,请重新组织。

2.KISS (Keep It Simple and Stupid)原则。因为我们做PPT针对的是大众,不是小众。我们的目的是把自己的理解灌输给听众。深入浅出才代表你对知识的真正掌握。


1 保持简单

PowerPoint从水平或横向使用幻灯片。该软件可方便地显示图形信息,并支持解说与附录功能。幻灯片本身从来不是演示的主角。(当然,观众才是主角。)人们来倾听、感受或接受您传达的信息(或二者兼而有之)。不要让幻灯片喧宾夺主,所以它们不必过于繁杂或充满Edward Tufte所谓的\"图表垃圾\";您的幻灯片应力求简洁。


2 限制要点与文本数量 演示的对象是观众。但用一条又一条的要点令观众生厌可没有好处。应用文本也要遵循这一原则。最优秀的幻灯片可能根本没有文本。由于今天人们过于依赖文本型幻灯片,这听起来可能有些荒唐,但没有解说(由您来做),最优秀的PowerPoint幻灯片就几乎没有什么意义。记住,幻灯片的目的在于支持解说者的叙述,而不是使解说者成为多余的人。








3 限制过渡与动画



4 使用高质量的图片


避免使用PowerPoint剪贴画或其它卡通式的艺术线条。而且,如果软件中包含这些内容,观众以前就看过无数次。在1993年使用这些内容可能会让人感兴趣,但如今还应用剪贴画则会降低制作人的专业水准。当然也有例外情况,并不是所有的PowerPoint剪贴画都让人生厌,但还是小心谨慎地使用它们为好。 我经常在幻灯片中使用人物图片,因为人物照片有助于增加观众与幻灯片之间的情感联系。如果相片处于次要地位,我就降低不透明性,并在Photoshop中增加一个高斯模糊或动态滤镜;如果相片位于主要区域,我希望观众注意它(例如产品图片),那么图片可以变得更为显著,且不必要多少(或根本不需要)文字说明。





5 建立一个视觉主题,但避免使用PowerPoint模板




6 应用适当的图表








7 使用好色彩





   PresentationPro.com网站拥有一些优秀的Flash教程,包括一个颜色教程。


Dummies.com网站有一篇短文介绍在PowerPoint中如何使用颜色方案。 8 选择适当的字体

字体可传递微妙的信息,所以我们要仔细选择字体。在整个幻灯片演示中使用相同的字体,补充字体不要超过两个(如Arial和Arial粗体)。确信自己了解serif字体(如Times New Roman)和sans-serif字体(如Helvetica或Arial)之间的差异。


sans-serif字体一般用来制作PowerPoint演示,但应尽量避免使用千篇1律的Helvetica字体。我经常使用Gill Sans字体,因为它界于serif字体与sans-serif字体之间,看起来专业而友好,并具有\"交谈效果\"。不管使用哪个字体,都必须保证在房间后面看得清文字。


Arial黑体;Arial #9 应用视频或音频



10 花时间对幻灯片进行细分 根据多媒体学习理论的细分原则,当信息以小块或小片段的形式呈现时,更易于人们理解。离开幻灯片视图进入幻灯片细分视图,您可以查看演示播放的逻辑流程。在这个视图中,您可以将一个幻灯片分割成二个或三个幻灯片,这样幻灯片就具有更加自然与逻辑化的流程或进程。您还可以从观众的角度了解幻灯片的总体效果。并且发现更多可以被删除的无关紧要的视觉数据,增加幻灯片的视觉清晰度,提高信息传达效果。


Garr Reynolds当前在关西外国语大学任管理学副教授,她在那里讲授营销学、全球营销与多媒体演示设计。Garr是日本社区的活跃成员,并经常主持与设计、品牌和高效企业沟通有关的主题。除网站外,他还有一个博客--演示经典--为专业演示设计提供启示。

10 slide design tips for producing powerful and effective presentations Takeaway: You can\'t build a compelling presentation that communicates your meage if your slides are cluttered, text-heavy, or ugly.These tips from design pro Garr Reynolds will help you develop presentations that are profeional and inviting.

By Garr Reynolds #1: Keep it simple

PowerPoint uses slides with a horizontal, or Landscape, orientation.The software was designed as a convenient way to display graphical information that would support the speaker and supplement the presentation.The slides themselves were never meant to be the star of the show.(The star, of course, is your audience.) People came to hear you and be moved or informed (or both) by you and your meage.Don\'t let your meage and your ability to tell a story get derailed by slides that are unnecearily complicated, busy, or full of what Edward Tufte calls \"chart junk.\" Nothing in your slide should be superfluous, ever.Your slides should have plenty of white space, or negative space.Do not feel compelled to fill empty areas on your slide with your logo or other unneceary graphics or text boxes that do not contribute to better understanding.The le clutter you have on your slide, the more powerful your visual meage will become.#2 Limit bullet points and text

Your presentation is for the benefit of the audience.But boring an audience with bullet point after bullet point is of little benefit to them.Which brings us to the iue of text.The best slides may have no text at all.This may sound insane given the dependency of text slides today, but the best PowerPoint slides will be virtually meaningle without the narration (that is you).Remember, the slides are meant to support the narration of the speaker, not make the speaker superfluous.Many people often say something like this: \"Sorry I mied your presentation.I hear it was great.Can you just send me your PowerPoint slides?\" But if they are good slides, they will be of little use without you.Instead of a copy of your PowerPoint slides, it is far better to prepare a written document that highlights your content from the presentation and expands on that content.Audiences are much better served receiving a detailed, written handout as a takeaway from the presentation, rather than a mere copy of your PowerPoint slides.If you have a detailed handout or publication for the audience to be paed out after your talk, you need not feel compelled to fill your PowerPoint slides with a great deal of text.We\'ll talk more about this in the delivery section below, but as long as we are talking about text, please remember to never, ever turn your back on the audience and read text from the slide word for word.

This slide is not unusual, but it is not a visual aid, it is more like an eye chart.

Try to avoid text-heavy (and sleep inducing) slides like this one.

Aim for something like this simple slide above.

And this is even better.

#3: Limit transitions and builds (animation) Use object builds and slide transitions judiciously.Object builds (also called animations), such as bullet points, should not be animated on every slide.Some animation is a good thing, but stick to the most subtle and profeional (similar to what you might see on the evening TV news broadcast).A simple Wipe Left-to-Right (from the Animations menu) is good for a bullet point, but a Move or Fly, for example, is too tedious and slow (and yet, is used in many presentations today).Listeners will get bored quickly if they are asked to endure slide after slide of animation.For transitions between slides, use no more than two or three types of transition effects and do not place transition effects between all slides.#4: Use high quality graphics

Use high quality graphics, including photographs.You can take your own high quality photographs with your digital camera, purchase profeional stock photography, or use the plethora of high quality images available online.(But be cautious of copyright iues.) Never simply stretch a small, low-resolution photo to make it fit your layout--doing so will degrade the resolution even further.Avoid using PowerPoint Clip Art or other cartoonish line art.Again, if it is included in the software, your audience has seen it a million times before.It may have been interesting in 1993, but today the inclusion of such clip art often undermines the profeionalism of the presenter.There are exceptions, of course, and not all PowerPoint art is dreadful, but use it carefully and judiciously.I often use images of people in my slides, as photography of people tends to help the audience connect with the slide on a more emotional level.If the photographic image is secondary in importance, then I decrease the opacity and add a Gauian Blur or motion filter in Photoshop.If the photographic image is the primary area I want the audience to notice (such as a picture of a product), then the image can be more pronounced and little (or no) text is needed.

Try to avoid cheesy clip art like this.

This edited stock photograph is more effective and profeional.

In this title slide, the image is primary.

In this slide from the same presentation, the image is secondary and pushed to the back by editing it

first in Photoshop.#5: Have a visual theme but avoid using PowerPoint templates

You clearly need a consistent visual theme throughout your presentation, but most templates included in PowerPoint have been seen by your audience countle times (and besides, the templates are not all that great to begin with).Your audience expects a unique presentation with new (at least to them) content; otherwise, why would they be attending your talk? No audience will be excited about a cookie-cutter presentation, and we must therefore shy away from any supporting visuals, such as the ubiquitous PowerPoint Design Template, that suggests your presentation is formulaic or prepackaged.You can make your own background templates, which will be more tailored to your needs.You can then save the PowerPoint file as a Design Template (.pot) and the new template will appear among your standard Microsoft templates for your future use.You can also purchase profeional templates online.#6: Use appropriate charts

Always be asking yourself, \"How much detail do I need?\" Presenters are usually guilty of including too much data in their onscreen charts.There are several ways to display your data in graphic form; here are a few things to keep in mind: Pie charts.Used to show percentages.Limit the slices to 4-6 and contrast the most important slice either with color or by exploding the slice.

Vertical bar charts.Used to show changes in quantity over time.Best if you limit the bars to 4-8.

Horizontal bar charts.Used to compare quantities.For example, comparing sales figures among the four regions of the company.

Line charts.Used to demonstrate trends.For example, here is a simple line chart showing that our sales have gone up every year.The trend is good.The arrow comes in later to underscore the point: Our future looks good!

In general, tables are well suited for side-by-side comparisons of quantitative data.

However, tables can lack impact on a visceral level.If you want to show how your contributions are significantly higher than two other parties, for example, it would be best to show that in the form of a bar chart (below).But if you\'re trying to downplay the fact that your contributions are lower than others, a table will display that information in a le dramatic or emotional way.

#7: Use color well

Color evokes feelings.Color is emotional.The right color can help persuade and motivate.Studies show that color usage can increase interest and improve learning comprehension and retention.You do not need to be an expert in color theory, but it\'s good for busine profeionals to know at least a bit on the subject.Colors can be divided into two general categories: cool (such as blue and green) and warm (such as orange and red).Cool colors work best for backgrounds, as they appear to recede away from us into the background.Warm colors generally work best for objects in the foreground (such as text) because they appear to be coming at us.It is no surprise, then, that the most ubiquitous PowerPoint slide color scheme includes a blue background with yellow text.You do not need to feel compelled to use this color scheme, although you may choose to use a variation of those colors.If you will be presenting in a dark room (such as a large hall), a dark background (dark blue, gray, etc.) with white or light text will work fine.But if you plan to keep most of the lights on (which is highly advisable), a white background with black or dark text works much better.In rooms with a good deal of ambient light, a screen image with a dark background and light text tends to washout, but dark text on a light background will maintain its visual intensity a bit better.Learn more:

   PresentationPro.com has some great Flash tutorials, including one on color.

Go to the CreativePro.com to learn more about color.

Dummies.com has a good short article on how to use the Color Schemes in PowerPoint.#8: Choose your fonts well

Fonts communicate subtle meages in and of themselves, which is why you should choose fonts deliberately.Use the same font set throughout your entire slide presentation and use no more than two complementary fonts (e.g., Arial and Arial Bold).Make sure you know the difference between a serif font (e.g., Times New Roman) and a sans-serif font (e.g., Helvetica or Arial).Serif fonts were designed to be used in documents filled with lots of text.They\'re said to be easier to read at small point sizes, but for onscreen presentations, the serifs tend to get lost due to the relatively low resolution of projectors.Sans- serif fonts are generally best for PowerPoint presentations, but try to avoid the ubiquitous Helvetica.I often choose to use Gill Sans, as it is somewhere in between a serif and a sans-serif font and is profeional yet friendly and \"conversational.\" Regardle of what font you choose, make sure the text can be read from the back of the room.


Arial black; Arial

#9: Use video or audio

Use video and audio when appropriate.Using video clips to show concrete examples promotes active cognitive proceing, which is the natural way people learn.You can use video clips within PowerPoint without ever leaving the application or tuning on a VCR.Using a video clip not only will illustrate your point better, it will also serve as a change of pace, thereby increasing the interest of your audience.You can use audio clips (such as interviews) as well.But avoid using the cheesy sound effects that are included in PowerPoint (such as the sound of a horn or applause when transitioning slides).The use of superfluous sound effects attached to animations is a sure way to lose credibility with your audience.#10: Spend time in the slider sorter

According to the Segmentation Principle of multimedia learning theory, people comprehend better when information is presented in small chunks or segments.By getting out of the Slide view and into the Slide Sorter view, you can see how the logical flow of your presentation is progreing.In this view, you may decide to break up one slide into, say, two or three slides so that your presentation has a more natural and logical flow or proce.You\'ll also be able to capture more of the gestalt of your entire presentation from the point of view of your audience.You will be able to notice more extraneous pieces of visual data that can be removed to increase visual clarity and improve communication.

The Slide Sorter view in PowerPoint

Garr Reynolds is currently Aociate Profeor of Management at Kansai Gaidai University, where he teaches Marketing, Global Marketing, and Multimedia Presentation Design.Garr is active in the Japanese community and can often be found presenting on subjects concerning design, branding, and effective corporate communications.In addition to his Web site, he maintains a blog, Presentation Zen, which offers insights into profeional presentation design.





怎样制作PPT制作多媒体课件 幻灯片





