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中国常驻联合国副代表刘振民大使在安理会关于贩毒与国际安全问题公开辩论会上的发言 2009年12月8日

Statement by Ambaador Liu Zhenmin on Drug Control and International Security at Open Debate of the Security Council 2009/12/08 主席先生, Mr.President, 我要感谢布基纳法索倡议安理会在“非洲和平与安全”议题下就贩毒问题举行公开辩论会。我要欢迎您来纽约亲自主持这次会议。我要欢迎潘基文秘书长和执行主任科斯塔出席会议并发言。

At the outset, I thank Burkina Faso for initiating the open debate in the Security Council on drug control under the agenda item “Peace and Security in Africa”.I would like to thank you for coming to New York to chair this debate and welcome the presence and statements of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Executive Director Costa.主席先生, Mr.President, 2005年世界首脑会议成果文件强调,毒品、跨国犯罪以及恐怖主义等问题对全球发展、和平、安全及人权造成负面影响,国际社会应采取集体行动加以应对。这充分说明国际社会对解决毒品问题的高度重视。

The Outcome Document of the World Summit held in 2005 emphasizes that drugs, transnational crimes and terrorism pose a negative impact on global development, peace, security and human rights, and the international community should take collective action to tackle these problems.This fully demonstrates the great importance the international community attaches to resolving the iue of drugs.当前贩毒问题在世界部分地区仍在蔓延,甚至成为困扰有关地区和平稳定的突出问题之一,这在西非地区表现得尤为突出。近年来安理会多次听取了联合国驻西非地区机构和联合国毒品及犯罪问题办公室的相关通报。今天安理会再次在“非洲和平与安全”议题下讨论西非地区贩毒问题具有重要的现实意义。

However, the drug problem is still spreading in some parts of the world, and has even become one of the acute problems threatening peace and stability of these regions.This is particularly the case in West Africa.In recent years, the Security Council has been briefed repeatedly by officials in charge of UN West African regional offices and the UNODC.Today\'s open debate in the Council on West Africa\'s efforts to counter narcotic drugs under agenda item “Peace and Security in Africa” is of particular relevance.主席先生, Mr.President, 贩毒是造成当今世界毒品泛滥的主要原因,而打击贩毒需要各国加强国际合作。联合国秘书处和联合国毒品及犯罪问题办公室向安理会的历次通报表明,国际贩毒活动已形成了从拉美经西非向西欧及北美的运送渠道。国际毒贩利用部分西非国家政府管制薄弱之机,以西非作为毒品中转地进行贩毒活动,使西非国家深受其害,不仅导致有组织犯罪活动,而且影响到这些国家的社会稳定和安全。当今世界,任何一种消费品,都是由消费制造需求,由需求形成市场并刺激生产。毒品作为一种特殊消费品也不例外。由于一些发达国家存在相对固定的毒品消费市场,使国际贩毒集团在巨额利润刺激下,不择手段地组织毒品的生产及贩运。而毒品产地和贩运途经地往往是经济欠发达地区。因此,国际禁毒斗争必须坚持国际合作和“责任共担”原则。西非国家应加强立法和执法,严厉打击国际贩毒活动。发达国家作为毒品主要消费地,其政府管制能力相对较强,理应承担起铲除毒品消费的道义责任,为国际禁毒事业取得实际进展做出具体贡献。

Drug trafficking is the main reason behind the extensive spread of drugs in today\'s world.Combating drug trafficking requires strengthened international cooperation.As indicated by the briefings to the Council over the time by the Secretariat and the UNODC, there is a drug trafficking channel spanning from Latin America to West Europe and North America via West Africa.Making use of the weak government control in some West African countries, international drug traffickers use West Africa as transit, and the countries in the region fall victim as a result.This has not only led to organized crimes, but also affected the social stability and security of the relevant countries.As is true with any consumer good, consumption gives rise to demand, and demand generates a market and stimulates production.As a special consumer good, narcotic drugs are no exception.Due to the existence of a relatively stable consumer market for drugs in some developed countries, international drug trafficking groups, prompted by huge profit, go to any lengths to organize drug production and trafficking.The areas that serve as origin of production or route are often economically underdeveloped regions.Therefore, the fight for international drug control must depend on international cooperation and adhere to the principle of “shared responsibility”.West African countries should strengthen legislation and law enforcement, and crack down hard on international drug trafficking.The developed countries, where drug consumption mainly takes place, have strong capacity for government control, and are duty-bound to shoulder the moral responsibility for eliminating drug consumption, and make concrete contribution to advancing the international fight against drugs.主席先生, Mr.President, 国际禁毒合作应充分发挥区域组织的前沿作用。近年来,安理会多次听取科斯塔先生有关西非毒品问题的通报。我们对该地区毒品问题的严峻形势深感忧虑。西非一些国家刚刚摆脱战乱,面临着经济发展困难、青年就业不足、法制建设滞后等实际困难,往往成为国际贩毒活动的重点侵袭对象。在一些情况下贩毒活动甚至加剧了有关国家战乱,对西非地区和平稳定构成严重威胁。国际社会对西非和平与安全形势的关注,理应转变为以实际举措帮助西非国家及西非经共体(ECOWAS)等地区组织不断增强反毒品能力建设,增强这些国家政府的监控能力、打击毒品犯罪的司法及军事能力等。同时,国际社会要帮助西非国家逐步发展经济,创造就业,改善民生,使当地百姓尤其是青年人提升抵御毒品诱惑的意识和能力。这是国际反毒品斗争真正取得实效的“治本”之策和必由之路。

In international cooperation on drug control, the role of regional organizations which are at the forefront should be brought to full play.In recent years, the Security Council has, on many occasions, heard Mr.Costa\'s briefings on drug problem in West Africa.We are deeply concerned about the grave situation relating to the iue.Some West African countries have just extricated themselves from wars and conflicts.They face difficulties in economic development, youth employment, rule of law capacity building, and are susceptible to inroads by international drug traffickers.In some situations, drug trafficking has even inflamed the conflicts in the countries concerned and posed a grave threat to the peace and stability of the West African region.The concern of the international community over the peace and security in this region should be translated into concrete measures to help West African countries and the regional organizations, such as ECOWAS, strengthen their anti-drug capacity building, including government monitoring and control capacities, as well as judicial and military capacities against drug crimes.The international community should help the West African countries develop their economies gradually, create job opportunities and improve the livelihood of their peoples so as to raise the awarene and capabilities of young people to say no to the temptation of drugs.This is the fundamental way and also the only way that the international drug control can make a real difference.主席先生, Mr.President, 国际禁毒斗争需要联合国发挥更强的沟通协调作用。当前,联合国大会、经社理事会、联合国毒品及犯罪问题办公室为打击全球范围内贩毒活动做了大量工作,取得明显进展。但与毒品泛滥的严峻形势相比,国际社会的努力仍很不够。毒品犯罪是人类社会肌体上的毒瘤,反毒品斗争是一项拯救生命的崇高事业。联合国作为倡导国际合作、维护世界和平的重要舞台,应在该领域发挥更大作用。我们支持联合国相关职能机构对此继续进行讨论,也希望安理会对该领域工作继续予以关注。

The international drug control endeavors call for an even stronger UN role in communication and coordination.At present, the GA, ECOSOC, and UNODC have done a great deal of work in fighting global drug trafficking and have made much progre.However, given the grave situation of the spread of drugs, the international efforts are far from adequate.Drug crimes are a malignant tumor on the body of the human society.The fight against drugs therefore is a noble life-saving cause.The United Nations, as a major forum for promoting international cooperation and safeguarding world peace, should play a bigger role in this field.We support the relevant UN functional bodies in continuing discuions on this subject and hope that the Security Council will continue to give its attention to the work in this area.谢谢主席。

Thank you, Mr.President.




口译笔记 王毅副外长在安理会的发言

中英文 刘振民报告及秘书长关于建设和平基金报告时的发言







