
2020-03-03 04:08:38 来源:范文大全收藏下载本文

Learn Self-propaganda from Charlotte’s web

Eayist and early New Yorker writer E.B.White (1899-1985) also wrote the children’s claics Stuart Little, Charlotte’s web and The Trumpet of the Swan, and updated The Elements of Style.It is beyond doubt that Charlotte’s web is one of the most famous works of E.B.White.As a children’s book, Charlotte’s web is easy to understand.Many people can experience all kinds of things from this book, such as friendship and the attitude about life.After I have finished it, I see self-propaganda from Charlotte’s behavior.I think all of us should learn it and show ourselves before people’s eyes.

I.Charlotte’s way to handle matters

When he had knowed that he would be killed soon, Wilbur hysterically screamed and cried.Other animals showed their sympathy for him, but nothing to help him.Charlotte said she was going to save Wilbur voluntarily.She had the power and tried her best to work on a plan.At last, Charlotte had the idea about propagandizing Wilbur by her web.The next day, in the center of the web, neatly woven in block letters, was a meage.It said: SOME PIG.Everybody who was in farm and many people around were surprised and began to pay attention to Wilbur.In following days, Charlotte wove “TERRIFIC”, “RADIANT” and “HUMBLE”.Wilbur got a quite good propaganda, and everybody considered him as a succe.He no longer worried about being killed, for he knew that Mr.Zuckerman would keep him as long as he lived.Just through Charlotte’s propaganda, Wilbur could be saved.

II.The difference between Charlotte’s thoughts and Chinese traditional thoughts

In our traditional thoughts, Charlotte’s propaganda almost is swindler’s propaganda.It isn’t worth advocating.Because we don’t like to propagandize ourselves or others, we just like to teach and admonish.We think that if it is nice, the wine isn’t afraid of the deep alley.Similarly, we don’t need to speak too much if the man is good.However, Charlotte’s action is different for us.Wilbur perhaps doesn’t good enough, and maybe he can’t match these words for him, such as “some pig”, “terrific”, “radiant” and “humble”.But just through Charlotte’s propaganda, Wilbur is saved.“Even since the spider had befriended him, he had done his best to live up to his reputation.When Charlotte’s web said SOME PIG, Wilbur had tried hard to look like some pig.When Charlotte’s web said TERRIFIC, Wilbur had tried to look terrific.And now that the web said RADIANT, he did everything poible to make himself glow.”(①) Doesn’t it help Wilbur?

What’s more, our worthies in history are usually staying at home and waiting for other’s invitations.And in general, they refuse several times in gentle words to show their modesty.In our traditional eyes, Charlotte’s initiative is an action of showing off and individualism.Charlotte is a worthy and has ability, but she doesn’t wait Wilbur’s invitation.She promises to help him voluntarily, because she doesn’t think it is a hypocritical action.Charlotte have the courage to show herself before everybody’s eyes, and she tries her best to achieve her promise.

III.Learn Self-propaganda in the present age

In the present age, we have huge population in the world.If you want to get some achievement, your initiative is neceary.We should repect and approve of Charlotte’s action.In my opinion, in the aim of kindheart and harmle to others, we can do things “by any kinds of means”.Because as for the person who is helped by others, the final reasult is the most important.In addition, when you show your or other’s advantages or virtues before people’s eyes, it will encourage yourself or him to make perfect.Improving ourselves is good for helping us to deal with troubles.And we should go out to take action without scruple when you think it is the right time.We don’t need to speak any general principles or do any hypocritical things.Just stand out and do what we should do.We make great efforts to help others, show ourselves and do what we want to.Just through these, we don’t have eternal regret when we are dying.

Though Charlotte’s web is a children’s book, we still learn many useful things from it.We can be affected by the noble and glorious emotions and are moved by them.At the same time, we can also learn Charlotte’s self-confidence and learn how to self-propagandize in our actual life.It is more suitable for the present age.


(①):Charlotte’s webE.B.White著 任溶溶译中英双语精装 上海译文出版社 2009.9










